How Locus of Control Orientations Affects Individual Nutritional
Status: A Literature Review
Meliana Chandra
and Lailatul Muniroh
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Research Group Center for Health & Nutrition Education, Counseling and Empowerment, Indonesia
Keywords: Locus of Control Orientation, Obesity, Health Behaviours.
Abstract: Obesity is a health problem which is determined by the accumulation of fat, leading to weight gain. The study
of obesity involves various disciplines, including psychology. Locus of control is a psychosocial concept that
refers to an individual’s belief in things that control events in their life; by their own control or external factors.
This study aimed to review literature examining the relationship between locus of control orientation and
individual’s nutritional status. This article was a narrative literature review comprising up to 50 relevant
sources about locus of control, health behaviors, and nutritional status issues, such as obesity, from various
regions. This review concluded that locus of control orientation is likely influences an individual’s
overnutrition status indirectly by influencing their health behaviours. Some studies also found that locus of
control orientation can impact food consumption, with individuals having an internal locus of control more
likely to consume healthier food such. In summary, locus of control orientation can be considered as one of
the crucial factors to regard in designing programs to reduce nutritional status problems in the future. Further
research is also required to improve the understanding of how psychosocial factors, such as locus of control
orientation, can influence nutritional status.
The Report of a World Health Organization
Consultation in 2000 named obesity as a global
epidemic. Obesity is a health problem involving
excessive fat accumulation in an individual’s body
caused by an imbalance of energy intake and
expenditure. Obesity can be considered a risk factor
for non-communicable degenerative diseases, which
are the most significant cause of death in humans
(Sofa, 2018).
The growth of the obesity epidemic can be
associated with many risk factors. Psychosocial is one
of the factors that can influence an individual’s eating
habits. The locus of control orientation is one of the
psychosocial factors referred to (Adnyani et al.,
2015). A person’s behavior executions can be
predicted due to locus of control. In the early
development of the theory, the locus of control
orientation was divided into two dimensions: internal
and external (Haskas, 2019). Individuals with internal
locus of control orientation believe that the
consequences of every action they do, no matter good
or bad, happen because of the factors within
themselves. In contrast, those with external locus of
control orientations assume that the factors outside of
their control significantly affect the results they get
(Nainggolan et al., 2018).
The development and severity of obesity are even
considered an epidemic in many developed countries,
and it is also starting to proliferate in many
developing countries such as Indonesia (Sahoo et al.,
2015). Obesity will have a significant impact on
humanity in the future. Hence, actions must be taken
to reduce and control the risk of health problems to
maintain and improve the global public health status.
This paper was written to conclude the relation
between locus of control orientation and an
individual’s nutritional status problem, such as
obesity, based on previous studies.
This article was a narrative literature review
comprising up to 50 relevant sources about locus of
control, health behaviors, and nutritional status
issues, such as obesity, from various regions.
Chandra, M. and Muniroh, L.
How Locus of Control Orientations Affects Individual Nutritional Status: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012898900004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 70-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
3.1 Overnutrition
Overnutrition is a condition in which an individual’s
Body Mass Index (BMI) value, as the measure of
nutritional status, exceeds the normal range. One of
the overnutrition status characteristics is the
increasing body fat levels. An Indonesian person can
be classified as overnutrition if their BMI is 25.0
(Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia,
2014). Overnutrition is divided into two classes,
namely overweight and obesity. A person can be
classified as obese if their BMI value is 27 kg/m2.
Generally, the causes of obesity relate to food intake,
metabolism, energy expenditure, and physical
activity. Socio-cultural factors, lack of knowledge,
peer pressure, uncontrolled eating habits, hunger,
emotional eating, snack consumption, sleep
deprivation, and impacts of drug therapy can cause
excessive food intake. Meanwhile, aging processes,
gender, and heredity can affect the slow mechanisms
of metabolism and low energy expenditure. Low
physical activity can be caused by muscle and joint
pain, the types of jobs a person occupies, chronic
fatigue, and emotional limitations (Blüher, 2019).
Obesity is a problem that occurs due to various
factors. Genetics is one of the factors that can cause
obesity. After the first single-gene defect that causes
monogenic obesity was found in 1997, researchers
found that more than 20 single-gene defects can lead
to autosomal obesity (O’Rahilly, 2009). The
mutations in these genes eventually cause the
leptin/melanocortin pathway in the central nervous
system to play a critical part in the regulation of an
individual’s energy balance, so the obesity resulting
from this appears to be caused by the increasing
appetite and reduced satiety (Herrera and Lindgren,
2010). The prediction from the Non-Communicable
Disease Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
institution also showed that the probability of obesity
based on gender is more significant in females, which
is 21% compared to 18% in males (Chooi et al.,
2019). This incidence can be associated with maternal
obesity in women during pregnancy (Huda et al.,
2010), changes in fat distribution in women
experiencing menopause, and the twofold
acceleration of lipoprotein metabolism compared to
men due to estrogen stimulation (Kanter and
Caballero, 2012).
Cultural factors can also lead to obesity by
influencing an individual’s view of their body image.
On an individual level, their views and preferences
toward their body shape can be the reason behind
weight gain occurrence. In some regions, such as the
Pacific Islands, plus-size people are considered more
attractive than those who are not (McCabe et al.,
2011). Social and environmental factors also have a
role in promoting the incidence of obesity. Lifestyle
changes caused by the increasing income in society,
especially those living in urban areas, along with the
growing influence of foreign culture due to the
development of information technology, have also led
to an increase in low-carbohydrates, low-fibers, and
high-fat diets (Aini, 2014). Together with the
decreasing intensity of physical activity due to
economic improvement, this can escalate energy
intake and reduce energy expenditure, thus leading to
a positive energy balance. When an individual’s
positive energy balance occurs for a long time,
excessive fat accumulation as an energy reserve can
occur, which leads to obesity (Selassie and Sinha,
3.2 Locus of Control
Locus of control is a psychosocial concept that refers
to an individual’s belief in things that control events
in their life (Morowatisharifabad et al., 2010). In the
theory’s early development, Julian Rotter proposed
this concept as a component of social learning theory.
The concept of locus of control is categorized into
two dimensions of orientation: internal and external
(Rotter, 2011). A person with an internal locus of
control orientation believes that the behavior they
perform determines the reinforcement or results they
obtain. In contrast, people with an external locus of
control orientation assume that the reinforcement or
results they receive are beyond their control, namely
by other people who are more powerful than them or
by accidental events (Malhotra, 2017). In other
words, people with an internal locus of control
orientation are confident that the environment around
them is responsive to their relatively permanent
characteristics. In contrast, people with an external
locus of control orientation are convinced that the
environment and external things they get seem out of
their control.
After Rotter proposed the concept, locus of
control has been studied on a broader scale in various
sub-disciplines of psychology (Zeigler-Hill and
Shackelford, 2020). The concept’s development
continues, proven by the development of different
domain-specific measurements with multiple uses of
locus of control, including the Multidimensional
Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale developed by
Kenneth A. Wallston and Barbara S. Wallston with
Gordon D. Kaplan and Shirley A. Maides in 1976
How Locus of Control Orientations Affects Individual Nutritional Status: A Literature Review
(Masters and Wallston, 2005). The development of
this MHLC instrument is used as a behavior predictor
related to individual health status after Hanna
Levenson in 1974 argued that locus of control is not
a unidimensional construct but multidimensional.
The concept of locus of control claimed by Levenson
categorizes the dimensions of locus of control into
three, namely internal control, powerful others, and
chances (Ross et al., 2015).
Differences in the locus of control orientation tend
to be affected by various aspects, such as
socioeconomic factors, childhood background,
education received, financial difficulties, and social
integration (Wardle, 2003). Each individual can have
different orientations with the varieties in the
underlying locus of control orientation tendencies.
These orientation differences ultimately promote the
execution of health behaviors, leading to diverse
outcomes of an individual’s health indicators,
including nutritional status.
The escalating incidence of overnutrition can be
linked to various risk factors. H.L. Blum’s Classical
Theory classifies the factors affecting health status
into behaviors, environment, health services, and
heredity (Saraswati et al., 2021). Behavioral factors
conducted by an individual can also be influenced by
their locus of control orientation. Locus of control
orientation is considered a measurable psychosocial
factor related to the performance of an individual’s
health behaviors (Adhanty et al., 2021). Locus of
control orientation is a critical characteristic whose
relation with the incidence of overnutrition should be
observed since it can indicate whether a person is
confident that the environment and their life choices
are within control (Neymotin and Nemzer, 2014).
In general, internal locus of control orientation
can be associated with positive outcomes, such as
more outstanding academic achievement (Findley
and Cooper, 1983), better mental health (Gallagher et
al., 2014), and improved physical condition. This can
happen since individuals with an internal locus of
control orientation consider that their every action is
vital to the realization of events in their life, so they
are more likely to manifest positive behaviors such as
exercising, not smoking, and maintaining healthy
eating habits (Wallston and Wallston, 1978).
The theory is supported by the research results
from Cobb-Clark et al. (2014) on household members
in Australia from 2003 to 2010, demonstrating that
individuals with an internal locus of control tend to
pay more attention to their health by doing more
exercise and consuming healthier foods, such as by
ingesting more various types of vegetables, fruits, and
low-fat milk in men and regularly eating vegetables
and avoiding fatty foods in women. In addition, a
study conducted by Bellini et al., (2011) on children
and adolescents with celiac disease in Italy also
showed that individuals with an internal locus of
control orientation tend to be more compliant with a
gluten-free diet than those with an external
orientation. This study proved that locus of control is
a beneficial early warning system to identify which
individuals are most likely to disobey the
predetermined diet related to their health problems.
Aside from influencing individual health-related
behaviors, locus of control orientation can also affect
stress levels (Paranjpe, 2014). This can be related to
a person’s ability to deal with the stressors they
receive. A previous study on groups of workers
proved that people with an internal locus of control
orientation helped reduce the adverse effects of their
workload (Gray-Stanley et al., 2010).
Stress can be defined as a non-specific response
the body gives to a command (Selye, 1956). The
characteristic of stress is that it causes individuals to
feel uncomfortable since there is an imbalance
between orders, both from within and from outside of
themselves, which are obtained by the limits of the
ability they think when they have to carry out these
orders. Stress can cause various changes in an
individual’s behavior, including eating patterns
(Choi, 2020). A report claimed that individuals with
higher stress levels tend to have the urge to adopt
unhealthy eating patterns, such as consuming lots of
snacks (Sogari et al., 2018).
This can be associated with an increasing appetite
due to fluctuations in hormonal changes when an
individual experiences stress since stress can affect
glucocorticoid secretion. Glucocorticoids stimulate
appetite and the production of insulin, a hormone that
can affect nutrient intake (Dallman, 2010). This
theory is proved by the research conducted by
Mouchacca et al. (2013) on 1,382 women aged 18 to
46 years in Victoria, Australia, which concluded that
stress levels are associated with intensified fast food
consumption. Furthermore, the research conducted
by Al Jaber et al. (2019) on students of the Medical
Study Program at the Islamic University of Al-Imam
Muhammed Ibnu Saud revealed that when the
students’ stress levels increase, their execution of bad
eating habits will also escalate, as evidenced by the
high consumption of unhealthy foods such as fast
foods which are high in calories.
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Previous studies have proven that locus of control
orientation can indirectly affect an individual’s
nutritional status, including the execution of
overnutrition prevention, by encouraging the person
to perform healthy behaviors. In addition, locus of
control orientation can also affect stress levels related
to regulating appetite-affecting hormones. Based on
this, locus of control orientation can be considered as
one of the crucial factors to regard in designing
programs to reduce nutritional status problems in the
future. Further research is also required to improve
the understanding of how psychosocial factors, such
as locus of control orientation, can influence
nutritional status.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health