Association Between Food Insecurity and Obesity Among Indonesian
Hardi Firmansyah
, Rasita Purba
, Edy Marjuang Purba
and Risti Rosmiati
Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr V, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Adolescents, Food Composition Score, Food Insecurity, Obesity.
Abstract: The emergence of food insecurity and obesity as significant public health challenges, particularly concerning
Indonesian adolescents, has garnered global attention. In the face of distinctive socioeconomic complexities,
Indonesia is confronting a simultaneous surge in the prevalence of food insecurity and obesity. This study
examined the interrelation between food insecurity and obesity within the cohort of Indonesian adolescents.
Data were meticulously collected from participants within the 2014 Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS)
purview. A comprehensive evaluation of food insecurity based on the conceptual framework outlined by the
World Food Program (WFP) was conducted utilizing the 17-item Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ).
Furthermore, the assessment of Body Mass Index (BMI)-for-age z-scores was facilitated by the meticulous
height and weight measurements recording. A multinomial logistic regression model was subsequently
deployed to scrutinize the test hypothesis. The study encompassed a cohort of 4883 adolescents aged between
10 and 18 years old. Notably, an augmented proportion of overweight and obese individuals was recorded
among those grappling with food insecurity in comparison to their food-secure counterparts. The results
obtained from the multinomial logistic regression models unequivocally underscored the heightened
probability of being overweight and obese among those grappling with moderate and severe food insecurity.
Additionally, an explicit correlation between household food insecurity and an elevated predisposition to
obesity was conclusively established.
In recent decades, the coexistence of food insecurity
and obesity has emerged as a consequential global
public health problem (Huizar et al., 2021). The
discernible convergence of these complex issues,
which has transpired amid the rapid socioeconomic
transformations and shifts in dietary norms within
societies, has evoked extensive research and policy
deliberations worldwide (Frongillo & Bernal, 2014).
Indonesia, characterized by a rich tapestry of cultural
diversity, intricate economic dynamics, and notable
demographic transformations, is an intriguing case
study within this multifaceted landscape. Within this
context, the exploration of the correlation between
food insecurity and obesity among the cohort of
Indonesian adolescents assumes profound
significance, offering an invaluable vantage point to
comprehend the broader implications for local and
global health comprehensively (Carvajal-Aldaz et al.,
2022; Dewi et al., 2020).
Indonesia, an expansive archipelagic nation
characterized by its cultural diversity, has achieved
significant milestones in pursuing economic
advancement in recent years. Nevertheless, this
trajectory of progress has been concomitantly marred
by a host of intricate socioeconomic impediments,
notably encompassing disparities in equitable access
to adequate, uncontaminated, and nourishing
sustenance (Amrullah et al., 2019). Simultaneously,
the transformative shifts in dietary predilections and
consumption behaviors, fostered by the forces of
urbanization and globalization, have engendered a
novel spectrum of nutritional complexities, most
Firmansyah, H., Purba, R., Purba, E. M. and Rosmiati, R.
Association Between Food Insecurity and Obesity Among Indonesian Adolescents.
DOI: 10.5220/0012901000004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 82-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
notably evidenced by the surging prevalence of
obesity within the adolescent demographic
(Maruapula et al., 2011; Ogden et al., 2018; Pirgon &
Aslan, 2015). The coexistence of these intricate
predicaments, namely food insecurity and obesity,
incites an intriguing discourse surrounding the
intricate interplay between these phenomena,
shedding light on their potential shared determinants
and underlying drivers (Carvajal-Aldaz et al., 2022).
This comprehensive study rigorously investigates
the intricate correlation between food insecurity and
obesity within the demographic of Indonesian
adolescents. By meticulously examining diverse
factors encompassing both economic and behavioral
dimensions, this research unveils the nuanced
interconnections linking insufficient access to
essential food resources with the escalating incidence
of obesity. By delving into this complex
interrelationship, the study aspires to furnish
invaluable insights into the global discourse
surrounding mitigating the dual challenges posed by
the coexistence of malnutrition and overnutrition,
thereby deciphering the potential pathways at the
nexus of these multifaceted predicaments. This
study's focal point centers on analyzing the interplay
between food insecurity and obesity among
Indonesian adolescents.
2.1 Data Source and Participants
The methodology employed in this study entailed
using secondary data sourced from the fifth wave
(2014) of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS).
The datasets incorporated within the ambit of the
IFLS were accessed in compliance with the
established RAND Corporation guidelines, ensuring
the anonymity and confidentiality of the data
accessible to researchers. The study specifically
focused on adolescent respondents within the age
bracket of 10 to 18 years old. Subsequently, a
comprehensive analysis was conducted solely on
those respondents who had provided substantive data
concerning their nutritional status, anthropometric
measurements, and pertinent sociodemographic
information. Upon applying the stipulated inclusion
criteria, a total of 4883 participants were deemed
eligible for incorporation within the scope of this
2.2 Measurement of Food Insecurity,
Nutritional Status, and Covariates
The assessment of food insecurity in this study was
conducted in adherence to the conceptual framework
outlined by the World Food Program (WFP).
Analyzing food consumption patterns was
instrumental in deriving the Food Consumption
Scores (FCS). The computation of the FCS was
predicated upon the comprehensive evaluation of
dietary patterns using the 17 distinct items collated
from the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ).
Precisely, the study ascertained the frequency of
consumption for each of the 17 food items over a
period of seven days immediately preceding the
interview. Subsequently, all food items were
categorized into nine distinct food groups, as
stipulated by the guidelines outlined by the United
Nations and the World Food Program (UN-WFP,
2015). Based on the cumulative scores derived from
each food group, the Food Consumption Scores
(FCS) were subsequently categorized into three
distinct Food Consumption Groups (FCGs) cut-offs.
Finally, within the purview of this study, the
classification of adolescents as severely food
insecure, moderately food insecure, or food secure
was contingent upon their respective placements
within the designated FCG categories. Specifically,
individuals falling within the "poor" (<21) group of
FCGs were classified as severely food insecure, and
those within the "borderline" (21 to 35) group were
identified as moderately food insecure. In
comparison, those within the "acceptable" (>35)
group were categorized as food secure, drawing from
the guidelines established by the United Nations and
the World Food Program (UN-WFP, 2015; WFP,
This study's categorization of nutritional status
encompassed distinct classifications, namely severely
underweight, underweight, normal, overweight, and
obese. The determination of these classifications was
predicated upon the computation of the BMI (Body
Mass Index) for age z-score (Kemenkes, 2020). The
analysis incorporated several covariates, including
age, sex, household income, and the parents'
nutritional status and educational attainment.
2.3 Statistical Analysis
The descriptive statistics were meticulously outlined,
featuring frequencies and means alongside their
corresponding standard deviations (SDs). A
multifaceted multinomial logistic regression
methodology was undertaken to comprehensively
Association Between Food Insecurity and Obesity Among Indonesian Adolescents
explore the correlation between food insecurity and
nutritional status. Notably, the analytical model
incorporated meticulous adjustments for various
covariates, including age, sex, household income, and
the parents' nutritional status and educational
attainment. The entire statistical analysis was carried
out using SPSS V.26.0.
A total of 4883 adolescents, aged between 10 and 18
years old, actively participated in the study. The
demographic characteristic of the participants is
presented comprehensively in Table 1.
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of participants.
Characteristics n %
e, mean
Household income, mean
Parent's educational level
Primary school
Junior high school
Senior high school
Parent's nutritional status
Severely underweight
Food security
Severely food insecure
Moderately food insecure
Food secure
On average, the adolescents were 13.4 years old.
Most of the adolescent population consisted of boys.
Roughly 33.5% of the parents had attained education
up to the senior high school level, while more than
half were classified as overweight or obese.
Additionally, approximately 33.6% of the
adolescents lived in households characterized by food
As depicted in Table 2, the adjusted multinomial
logistic regression models distinctly revealed a
statistically significant correlation between severe
and moderate food insecurity and the prevalence of
adolescent overweight and obesity. Relative to the
group classified as food-secure, individuals classified
as severely food insecure exhibited a 2.94-fold and
5.11-fold heightened risk of being overweight and
obese, respectively. Similarly, a parallel association
was observed for individuals classified as moderately
food insecure, indicating elevated odds of
experiencing overweight and obesity within this
Table 2: Multinomial logistic regression analysis on the
relationship between food insecurity and nutritional status.
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
Severely food insecure 2.94**
Moderately food
OR indicates odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; ** p <
0.001. Multinomial logistic included severely underweight,
underweight, overweight, and obese with reference to
normal-weight groups. Table only listed the results of
overweight and obesity group. All the regression analyses
were adjusted for age, sex, household income, parent's
educational level, and parent's nutritional status.
Food insecurity, characterized by the persistent
insufficiency in accessing an adequate, safe, and
nourishing food supply, can significantly influence
individuals' dietary choices and overall weight status.
Individuals grappling with food insecurity often
encounter obstacles in acquiring a well-rounded and
varied diet, thereby consuming energy-dense,
nutrient-depleted food items (Landry et al., 2019;
Leung et al., 2014). This prevalent phenomenon
contributes to developing detrimental dietary patterns
and amplifies the susceptibility to weight-related
complications, including the onset of overweight and
obesity (Dhurandhar, 2016).
Under circumstances of food insecurity,
individuals may be compelled to prioritize food
quantity over its nutritional quality. Resource
constraints often prompt individuals to opt for more
economical, high-calorie alternatives that frequently
exhibit high concentrations of detrimental fats and
added sugars while concurrently being deficient in
vital vitamins and minerals. Such dietary preferences
can yield an imbalanced nutritional intake lacking the
essential elements for fostering optimal health
(Bocquier et al., 2015).
"Junk foods" or "empty calories" often describe
energy-dense, nutrient-poor food items. These
products possess a high caloric value relative to their
nutritional composition and commonly encompass
sugary snacks, fast food, sugary beverages, and
heavily processed foodstuffs. Their consumption can
lead to excessive intake of calories devoid of essential
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients,
consequently fostering weight gain and triggering
adverse health implications (Bhaskar, 2012; Payab et
al., 2015; Singh et al., 2021). The consumption of
energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods, arising from
circumstances of food insecurity, can significantly
contribute to the onset of weight gain and obesity.
These food items typically boast a high caloric
content and a low satiety quotient, prompting
individuals to consume bigger portions to attain
satiation. Over time, this consumption pattern can
culminate in an excessive calorie intake, thereby
fostering subsequent weight gain (Stelmach-Mardas
et al., 2016).
The issue of food insecurity is intricately
intertwined with various socioeconomic
determinants, notably income and educational
disparities. Due to financial constraints, individuals
of lower socioeconomic status frequently encounter
impediments in accessing wholesome food options.
The elevated costs associated with procuring fresh
fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources, and whole
grains can prove prohibitive for families grappling
with food insecurity, compelling them to resort to
comparatively more economical yet less nutrient-
dense alternatives (Bocquier et al., 2015).
The intricate interplay between food insecurity
and its profound impact on the development of
unhealthy dietary patterns can instigate a self-
perpetuating cycle. Diets lacking in essential
nutrients can foster weight gain and give rise to
interconnected health complications, thereby
exacerbating individuals' challenges in obtaining and
affording nutritious food options. Complications
arising from compromised nutrition may escalate
healthcare expenditures and curtail economic
prospects, thereby perpetuating the cycle of food
insecurity (Shinwell et al., 2022). The nexus between
food insecurity, detrimental dietary patterns, and
weight status represents a multifaceted and intricate
relationship. The persistent struggle to secure
sufficient and wholesome sustenance often
precipitates a reliance on energy-dense, yet nutrient-
sparse alternatives, contributing to the emergence of
weight gain and associated health adversities. This
underscores the critical imperative for comprehensive
interventions targeting the holistic spectrum of food
insecurity alongside the broader socioeconomic
determinants of health. By addressing challenges
pertinent to food accessibility, affordability, nutrition
education, and social support, we can strive to
interrupt the cycle of unhealthy dietary patterns and
enhance the overall welfare of populations grappling
with food insecurity (Dhurandhar, 2016).
In comparison to individuals with food security, a
notable proportion of those grappling with food
insecurity reported a higher incidence of being
overweight and obese. Notably, moderate and severe
food insecurity were significantly linked to
heightened odds of being overweight and obesity.
Furthermore, household food insecurity was
identified as a contributing factor amplifying the
likelihood of being overweight and obese.
We would like to thank the Research and Community
Service Institute of Universitas Negeri Medan (LPPM
UNIMED) for providing funding for our research.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health