Effects of Midnight Eating Habits and Sleep Duration on the
Incidence of Overnutrition in Adolescents in Medan City
Yatty Destani Sandy
, Erni Rukmana
, Kanaya Yori Damanik
and Tyas Permatasari
Nutrition Study Program, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Midnight Eating, Sleep Duration, Overnutrition.
College students constitute a cohort of late adolescents undergoing a phase of rapid growth and development,
necessitating adequate food intake, sufficient sleep, and the cultivation of sound dietary practices. The purpose
of this study was to analyze the relationship between night eating patterns and sleep duration on the incidence
of overnutrition among college students in Medan City. The research adopts a cross-sectional design,
encompassing active students aged 18 to 25 years. Data collection involves interviews, anthropometric
measurements, and questionnaire completion. The research instrument used The Night Eating Diagnostic
Questionnaire (NEDQ) and The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Overnutrition is determined by body
weight divided by height in meters squared. Data analysis used the chi-square test. The study encompasses
138 participants, wherein 64.5% exhibit a penchant for midnight eating and 69.6% report suboptimal sleep
durations. Outcomes manifest a discernible correlation between midnight eating habits (p = 0.017) and sleep
duration (p = 0.022) with the incidence of overnutrition. Students partaking in late-night eating rituals and
enduring inadequate sleep are predisposed to the risk of being overweight or obese.
The state of being overweight and obese exerts a
considerable impact on the well-being of adolescents
in Indonesia, with direct repercussions on both health
and psychosocial development. Furthermore, this
condition elevates the risk of non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) (Unicef, 2020). Adolescence,
marked by significant changes in various life
domains, encompasses a period characterized by
rapid growth in both weight and height. College
students, comprising a late adolescent demographic
aged between 18 and 25 years, find themselves within
a crucial phase of growth and development. To
navigate this phase successfully, they necessitate
adequate nutrition, engagement in physical activity,
and sufficient sleep duration (Mufidah & Soeyono,
2021). The profound transformations inherent in late
adolescence are influenced by several factors
including customary values of culture, family,
friendship, and socio-economy. These dynamics
render adolescents particularly vulnerable to health
issues associated with their nutritional status
(Laurson et al., 2015).
The prevalence of nutritional challenges escalates
consistently from late adolescence into adulthood.
The 2018 Riskesdas findings underscore this trend,
revealing an upswing in the prevalence of obesity
from 14.8% at 18 years to 21.8%. Concurrently,
central obesity has witnessed an increase from 26.6%
to 31% in 2018 (Riskesdas, 2018). Notably, research
conducted in Bosnia indicates that nutritional issues
extend to students, with 18.09% of adolescents
grappling with overnutrition (Delvarianzadeh et al.,
2016). Within the Indonesian context, nutrition-
related problems are also evident among final-year
students. In Medan City, 40.8% of adolescents are
classified as obese, while 56.9% fall within the
overweight category. Similarly, in Semarang, the
prevalence of obesity is reported at 41.3% (Irfan &
Ayu, 2022; Sandy et al., 2023; Wijayanti et al., 2019).
This collective evidence underscores a persistent
Sandy, Y. D., Rukmana, E., Damanik, K. Y. and Permatasari, T.
Effects of Midnight Eating Habits and Sleep Duration on the Incidence of Overnutrition in Adolescents in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0012901100004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 87-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
upward trajectory in the prevalence of obesity issues
among late adolescents.
Overnutrition status observed in adolescents is
attributable an imbalance between dietary
consumption and physical activity levels. The
primary contributors to overnutrition encompass the
selection of calorie-dense, low-fiber foods coupled
with insufficient physical activity. Research
conducted on college students or late adolescents
substantiates this phenomenon, revealing eating
behaviour characterized by diminished vegetable
consumption and heightened intake of energy-dense
foods (Roy et al., 2019).
Student commonly find themselves immersed in
both academic and non-academic commitments,
contending with numerous demanding assignments,
stringent Grade Point Average (GPA) expectations,
and challenges within student organizations. The
exigencies of these multifaceted responsibilities can
influence their eating habits. Particularly, college
students in big cities usually engage in activities
extending late into the night, leading to delayed sleep
onset and, consequently, an extended period of
wakefulness. This prolonged wakefulness tends to
prompt increased food consumption. Notably, the
practice of consuming food in close proximity to
bedtime can have adverse health effects, including an
elevated susceptibility to degenerative diseases,
diabetes, obesity, and alterations in body composition
(Kinsey & Ormsbee, 2015). Research findings further
indicate a heightened risk of metabolic disorders,
such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM), among
individuals with late meal times attributed to impaired
glucose tolerance linked to elevated melatonin
concentrations (Lopez-Minguez et al., 2018).
The imposition of deadlines for academic
assignments and external engagements within student
organizations is concomitant within reduced sleep
duration. This abbreviated period of rest is intricately
linked to heightened consumption of deleterious
foods, including sugary beverages, fast food, and
instant noodles, while concurrently contributing to
diminished intake of vegetables, fruits, and milk (Min
et al., 2018). According to data from the Sleep
Foundation in 2020, chronic sleep disorders afflict
15-30% of adults (Suni & Debanto, 2022). Another
study reported that inadequate sleep duration is
associated with unhealthy eating patterns. Prior
investigations have consistently demonstrated a
robust association between sleep duration and the
regulation of appetite-regulating hormones, thereby
influencing food choices (Anindiba et al., 2022;
Jansen et al., 2019).
This study employed a cross sectional study design
and was conducted in June 2023. The research
targeted active students residing in Medan City, with
the subject selection method based on the average
estimation formula, resulting in a sample size of 138
students chosen through purposive sampling.
Inclusion criteria encompassed students who
willingly consented to participate, were illness free,
and fell within the age range of 18-25 years.
Conversely, exclusion criteria were applied to
subjects who declined participation or were currently
Primary data served as the basis for data
collection, encompassing subject characteristics
(name, gender, date of birth, age, address, ethnic
origin) family socio-economic status (parental
education, parental income, and amount of pocket
money), body mass index (height and weight), night
eating habits, and sleep duration.
The acquisition of body weight data involved
measurements using a digital scale with an accuracy
of 0.1 kg, while body height data was obtained
through measurements using a microtoise with an
accuracy of 0.1 cm.
The nutritional status of subjects was assessed
based on the Body Mass Index (Kemenkes, 2020).
The assessment of eating habits questionnaire utilized
the night eating diagnostic questionnaire (NEDQ)
(Nolan & Geliebter, 2017), while sleep duration was
evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
(PSQI) questionnaire (Winer et al., 2021).
Data collected from the study underwent both
univariate and bivariate analyses. Univariate analysis
was employed to elucidate the data characteristics of
the subject, while bivariate analysis utilized the chi-
square test to examine the relationship between
midnight eating habits, sleep duration and Body Mass
This research obtained approval from the
Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Kristen Maranatha. The
approval was granted through Decision Letter No:
130/KEP/VI/2023 on June 7, 2023.
The characteristic data shows that the study
encompassed a total of 138 people, as depicted in
Table 1. The female subjects predominated,
comprising 74.6% of the total cohort. All participants
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
were in their late teens, falling within the age range of
19-24 years old.
Table 1 further illustrates that the majority of the
subjects were in semesters IV and V, constituting
55.8% of the total. A notable proportion, accounting
for 60.1% of resided with their parents, as opposed to
those residing in boarding houses or with relatives.
Concerning family income, more than half of the
subjects (58.7%) fell within the category equal to or
greater than the Average Minimum Wage (UMR). In
terms of parental education, a significant portion of
parents had completed high school, representing a
range of 55-58%. Conversely, parents with a college
degree comprised a percentage ranging from 22-
25.4% of the total subjects.
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents.
Variable Category N (%)
Male 35 25.4
Female 103 74.6
e Middle adolescent 0 0
Late adolescent 138 100
Early (II) 17 12.3
77 55.8
44 31.9
Residence Boardin
house 47 34.1
With parents 83 60.1
With relatives 8 5.8
Family Income < UMR 57 41.3
UMR 81 58.7
Fathers Last
No school 3 2.2
Elementary School 9 6.5
Junior Hi
h School 15 10.9
Senior Hi
h School 80 58
31 22.5
Mothers Last
No school 1 7
School 9 6.5
Junior High School 16 11.6
Senior High School 77 55.8
35 25.4
Midnight Eating
Not often 49 35.5
Often 89 64.5
Duration Normal 42 30.4
Abnormal 96 69.6
Overnutrition Not overnutrition 89 64.5
Overnutrition 49 35.5
The findings presented in Table 1 indicate that
64.5% of students frequently engage in the midnight
eating habits, encompassing the consumption of both
snacks and substantial meals. Moreover, 69,6% of
students exhibit abnormal nigh sleep hours,
comprising both insufficient and excessive sleep
durations, while only 30.4% maintain a normal night
sleep duration of 7-9 hours. Furthermore, 35.5% of
students experience overnutrition, encompassing
both overweight and obesity.
Examining the data in Table 2, it is evident that
27.5% of subjects frequently indulge in midnight
eating habits and concurrently experience excess
nutrition. Additionally, 29% of subjects with
abnormal night sleep durations exhibit a higher
prevalence of overnutrition. This prevalence
surpasses that observed in subjects who infrequently
engage in midnight eating and maintain normal night
sleep durations.
Table 2. Bivariate Test Results.
Overnutrition Occurrences
Not over
N % N % N %
38 27.5 11 8 49 35.5
Often 51 37 38 27.5 89 64.5
Total 89 64.5 49 35.5 138 100
Overnutrition Occurrences
Not over
N % N % N %
Normal 33 23.9 9 6.5 42 30.4
56 40.6 40 29 96 69.6
Total 89 64.5 49 35.5 138 100
Table 2 presents the outcomes of the bivariate
analysis utilizing the chi-square test. The results of
the chi square test indicate a statistically significant
association between midnight eating habits and the
incidence of overnutrition among adolescents in the
city of Medan (p-value 0.017). Furthermore, the
results of the bivariate analysis reveal a significant
relationship between sleep duration and the incidence
of overnutrition in adolescents in Medan City (p-
value 0.002).
Contemporary research has extensively explored the
correlation between eating habits and obesity. The
body's metabolism at night tends to decelerate,
requiring less energy compared to the morning and
daytime. Therefore, individuals who frequently
consume substantial amounts of food at night may
experience an energy imbalance, particularly
considering the reduced physical activity during
night-time (Evan et al., 2017).
Effects of Midnight Eating Habits and Sleep Duration on the Incidence of Overnutrition in Adolescents in Medan City
The study findings indicate a discernible
association between the habit of eating late at night
and the incidence of overnutrition in adolescents. In
terms of proportion, the prevalence of overnutrition is
notably higher among adolescents who frequently
engage in midnight eating. Specifically, out of 49
adolescents with overnutrition, 38 exhibits a tendency
to consume food late at night, while the remaining 11
fall into the category of rare midnight eating. The
results of the bivariate analysis corroborate this
observation, revealing a statistically significant
relationship between midnight eating habits and. the
incidence of overnutrition in adolescents in the city of
Medan (p-value 0.017).
The consumption of meals during late-night hours
has been associated with diminished energy
expenditure, a consequence of reduced leptin levels,
heightened hunger, increased appetite, and
subsequent weight gain (Vujović et al., 2022).
Additionally, eating at night has been found to
significantly elevate glucose, insulin, and triglyceride
levels, resulting in diminished insulin sensitivity
(Kessler & Pivovarova-Ramich, 2019). Further
studies, such as the one conducted by Firmanurochim
et al., (2021) have reinforced the existence of a
significant relationship between dinner habits and the
incidence of obesity in young women.
Obese individuals classified under the Metabolic
Unhealthy Obese type often exhibit night eating
syndrome, a pattern characterized by the omission of
breakfast, the consumption of large dinner portions
after 7 pm, and compromised sleep patterns. To
mitigate the risk of metabolic disorder, Leksono et al.,
(2022) propose reduction in the frequency and
duration of dinner.
The results of the bivariate analysis further reveal
a statistically significant relationship between sleep
duration and the incidence of overnutrition (p=0.022).
A noteworthy 81.6% adolescents with overnutrition
exhibit abnormal sleep duration. According to age-
based recommendations, adolescents typically
require approximately 7-8 hours of sleep per day, as
stipulated by the Ministry of Health guidelines
(Kemenkes, 2021). Insufficient sleep can lead to
various disorders, including disruption in the
regulation of hormones such as leptin and ghrelin,
which play crucial roles in appetite regulation and
food intake (Leksono et al., 2022).
Sleep duration has been identified as a factor
contributing to overweight and obesity. Over the past
century, a reduction in sleep duration by 1.5 hours per
day has been observed, attributed to factors such as
work schedules, insufficient sleep, and exposure to
artificial light at night. This reduction in sleep
duration has been associated with an increased
prevalence of obesity, correlating with a weight gain
of approximately 5 kg and a 10% or more rise in
Body Mass Index (Y.-M. M. Park et al., 2019).
Numerous studies conducted in Korea affirm the
elevated risk of obesity in individuals with a sleep
duration of less than 7 hours per day. Additional
research indicates that adolescents with lower BMI
tend to have prolonged sleep duration (>9 hours/day),
while those with higher BMI have shorter sleep
duration (<9 hours/day) (Grandner et al., 2015; S. K.
Park et al., 2018).
Insufficient sleep duration has been identified as a
contributing factor to the incidence of obesity,
influencing weight-related behaviours. Specifically,
inadequate sleep is associated with diminished
vegetable consumption, reduced frequency of
breakfast consumption, decreased physical activity,
and elevated sugar-sweetened beverages (Widome et
al., 2019). The physiological mechanism underlying
increased food intake at night involve heightened
levels of the ghrelin hormone and diminished levels
of the leptin hormone, culminating in heightened
appetite and hunger, particularly for foods rich in
calories, carbohydrates and fat (Dashti et al., 2015;
Silva et al., 2018; Sutanto et al., 2020).
Additional investigations have highlighted the
relationship between inadequate sleep duration and
obesity through food intake, with statistically
significant correlation (p = 0.000). Rachmawati et al.,
(2021) observed that students with short sleep
duration were more likely to fall into the obese
category and exhibited increased energy intake.
Conversely, a study by Vania (2022) reported no
discernible relationship between sleep duration and
students’ nutritional status (p=0.600). Despite
relatively short sleep durations, the distribution of
nutritional status in Vania's study remained
predominantly normal (Vania & Kumala, 2022).
It is essential to acknowledge a limitation of this
study, namely, the omission of an examination of
macronutrient intake in adolescents.
The study findings showed a noteworthy association
between midnight eating habits, sleep duration, and
the prevalence of overnutrition among adolescents in
Medan city. Students who frequently engage
midnight eating habits coupled with aberrant sleep
durations are more susceptible to experience
overnutrition compared to their counterparts who
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
infrequently indulge in midnight and maintain normal
sleep durations.
The research team expresses gratitude to all
respondents who willingly participated in this study.
Special appreciation is extended to LPPM UNIMED
for generously providing the necessary funds, thereby
facilitating the smooth and systematic execution of
the research in accordance with the planned
objectives. Sincere thanks are conveyed to all
individuals who contributed to the successful
implementation of this research.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health