Stress Level, Restrained Eating Behaviour, and Nutritional Status of
University Students During the Hybrid Learning Condition
Nila Reswari Haryana
, Edy Marjuang Purba
and Risti Rosmiati
Human Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Body Mass Index, Eating Behavior, Impulsive Eating, Malnutrition, Pressure.
Abstract: Students will suffer from extreme stress due to unclear learning methods. A restrained eating to control food
intake is related to impulsive eating behaviour under stress. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the stress
level, restricted eating behaviour, and nutritional status of university students during the hybrid learning
condition. This study used a cross-sectional survey of 78 active students from Universitas Negeri Medan in
July 2023. Data were collected using a questionnaire with KoboToolbox software. Variables observed in this
study were composed of students’ characteristics stress score, restrained eating behaviour score, and BMI
score. Data were analysed using the Pearson’s test and linear regression. From the results, most students are
in a moderate stress level (75.6%) and more than 30% of the students are in malnutrition condition (under and
over nutritional intake). According to the restrained eating behaviour scores, the three behaviours related to
restrained eating behavior are ensuring what to eat (2.86 ± 1.24), associating the body weight with the food
consumed (2.50 ± 1.41), and consuming less food when the weight gains (2.36 ± 1.18). In the linear regression
results, the BMI score is positively correlated with the restrained eating score (p<0.05). As the restrained
eating score levels up to 1 point, the BMI score elevates by 2.51. So, the more students perform a restrained
eating behavior to lose or maintain weight, the higher BMI score of the students can gain.
The hybrid learning policy has ever been enforced in
Indonesia due to the low effectiveness of online
learning and practical sessions that should be
conducted directly. These drawbacks emerge due to
several problems, such as unaffordable internet quota,
unevenly distributed internet access, and less
conducive learning. Hybrid learning is a learning
method that combines conventional learning methods
through face-to-face meetings and asynchronous
learning methods through electronic devices (Fauzan,
Every learning method has its advantages and
disadvantages, including hybrid learning. Changes in
the learning system that alternates asynchronous and
synchronous learning can increase students’ stress
(Noviana & Khoirunnisa, 2020). Previously, Resubun
(2021) reported that students who joined hybrid or
blended learning courses experienced mild stress
(8%), moderate stress (26%), and severe stress (66%).
Stress is more at risk for university students because
they have many activities to do, that can finally make
the students feel pressured and stressed (Andiarna &
Kusumawati, 2020).
Among the body's balances, the body's
physiology can be disrupted by stress and is highly
related to food intake (Miliandani & Meilita, 2021).
When the body is stressed, the hypothalamus orders
the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol
hormones. The cortisol hormone influences food
appetite regulation. Whereas, decreasing appetite is
caused by the adrenal glands that release more
epinephrine, which triggers the body's response to
delay eating. (Rahmawati, 2020). The imbalance
between the intake of nutritional needs and adequacy
will lead to nutritional problems, both in overnutrition
and undernutrition conditions.
Controlling food consumption following the
eating behaviour to maintain weight and avoid
Haryana, N. R., Purba, E. M. and Rosmiati, R.
Stress Level, Restrained Eating Behaviour, and Nutritional Status of University Students During the Hybrid Learning Condition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012901200004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 93-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
nutritional problems is highly important in stress
conditions. Eating behaviours that tend to limit food
intake and prevent weight gain or weight loss are
commonly called restrained eating (Adams et al.,
2019). Surprisingly, some studies found that
restrained eating behaviour was associated with
impulsive eating behaviour on food or eating habits.
Restrained eating is a good behaviour when applied
to overweight individuals. However, restrained eating
is commonly associated with the reverse regulation,
when an individual consumes more frequent calories
as palatable (non-satiated) foods in small amounts
(Adams et al., 2019; Herman & Mack, 1975; Polivy
et al., 2020).
Polivy et al., (2020) mentioned that individuals
who refrained from eating are more likely to
experience episodes of overeating under stress,
compulsion, or exposure to tempting foods.
Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the
relationship between stress, restrained eating
behaviour, and nutritional status of students who are
studying through a hybrid-learning system.
This study used a cross-sectional design and was
conducted in July, 2023 on 78 students who attended
the hybrid lectures from Universitas Negeri Medan.
Data were composed of students’ characteristics,
body mass index (BMI), stress score, and restrained
eating score. Data on students’ characteristics
included gender (male and female), age, ethnicity
(Sumatran and other ethnicities), and faculty
affiliation (engineering, sciences, education,
languages and arts, economy, social). The BMI data
included body height and weight, while restrained
eating data were part of the eating behaviour aspects.
Data on characteristics, stress levels and
restrained eating were taken using a questionnaire
through KoboToolbox software, that was filled
independently by the students accompanied by
trained enumerators. The body height data were
collected with a mechanical measuring tape (GEA
SH-2A) at 0.1 cm scale and the body weight data were
collected with a digital scale (Karada Scan OMRON
Stress levels were measured using the Perceived
Stress Scale (PSS-10) questionnaire, which
categorized stress level into three conditions, i.e. mild
stress (0 to 13 score), moderate stress (14 to 26 score),
and severe stress (27 to 40 score) (Cohen et al., 1983).
Restrained eating aspect variable was constructed
following the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire,
which consists of 10 questions answered using a
Likert scale of never (1), seldom (2), sometimes (3),
often (4), and very often (5). Then, the assessment
was carried out by summing the score divided by the
number of questions on the restrained eating aspects
(Snoek et al., 2013). Furthermore, the body mass
index (BMI) was generated using formula, whereas
the body weight (kg) was divided with the square of
body height (m). From these data,
the individuals
were then classified as mildly thin (BMI <17.0),
severely thin (BMI 17.0 to <18.5), normal (BMI 18.5
to <25.0), mildly overweight (BMI >25 to 27.0), and
severely overweight (BMI >27.0) (Kemenkes, 2014).
The univariate analysis was conducted to
determine the characteristics of students based on the
sociodemographic, stress level, mean score of
restrained eating and nutritional status. Meanwhile,
the bivariate analysis was carried out by the Pearson’s
correlation test which used the data ratio from stress
score, restrained eating score, and BMI score
variables. This study has been ethically approved by
the Commission of Research Ethics, Faculty of
Medicine, Maranatha Christian University with
approval number: 127/KEP/V/2023.
The univariate analysis results present that most
students were female (61.5%) with an average of 20
years old. Most students participate in this study are
originated from Sumatran ethnic groups (64.1%),
such as Toba, Nias, Mandailing, Simalungun, Karo,
Pakpak, and Minang, while the rest are originated
from Javanese, Malay, and Banjar ethnic groups. The
students involved are mostly studying at the Faculty
of Engineering (51.3%) (Table 1).
The present study research involving students
from Universitas Negeri Medan showed the number
of students from Sumatran ethnic groups to be higher.
In addition, with an average age of 20 years old, most
students are currently entering their 3rd year or equal
to the 6th semester this year.
Table 1. Students’ Characteristics.
Characteristics n %
Women 48 61.5
Men 30 38.5
s ol
20 39 50
23 39 50
Mean ± SD 20.4 ± 1.2
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Characteristics n %
Sumatran 50 64.1
Others 28 36.9
Engineering 40 51.3
Science 11 14.1
Language and Arts 10 12.8
8 10.3
Education 7 9
Social 2 2.6
The nutritional status of the students was
dominantly categorized by normal nutritional status
(62.8%), but the number of students with severe
overweight status was higher than mild overweight
status, whereas 12.8% to 6.4% (Table 2). The mean
of BMI score was 22.3 ± 4.1 kg/m
with the minimum
and maximum BMI score of 16.2 kg/m
and 33.7
, respectively. Table 2 also shows that most
students are in a moderate stress level (75.6%),
although there are 9% of the students who perceive a
severe stress level.
Table 2. Students’ distribution on nutritional status
and stress level.
n %
Nutritional Status
Severely thin
2 2.6
thin 12 15.4
Normal 49 62.8
ht 5 6.4
overweight 10 12.8
BMI score
Mean ± SD 22.1 ± 3.8
Stress Level
12 15.4
Moderate 59 75.6
Severe 7 9
Table 3 indicates the restrained eating behaviour
aspect with the mean score. There are three most
behaviour aspects regarding the restrained eating,
namely always ensuring what to eat, (2.86 ± 1.24),
associating the body weight with the food consumed
(2.50 ± 1.41), and consuming less food when the
weight gains (2.36 ± 1.18). The results of this study
are similar to Nurdiani et al., (2023) which showed
three behaviours from the same aspect, but with a
higher mean score.
Table 3. Mean score of restrained eating aspect.
No. Aspect Mean SD
Consuming less food, when the
2.36 1.18
Trying to eat less at mealtimes
than intende
2.32 1.11
Frequently refusing food or drinks
offered because of worrying about
the weight
1.88 0.97
4 Ensuring what to eat 2.86 1.24
Consuming foods that can
maintain the slim
1.82 1.07
Eating less food than usual, when
eating too much from the previous
1.96 1.05
Deliberately eating less to not gai
1.99 1.12
Frequently trying not to eat
between meals due to weight
1.96 1.11
Frequently trying not to eat meals
at night because of weight
2.05 1.13
Associating the body weight with
the food consume
2.50 1.41
The Pearson’s test results showed that no
significant correlation occurs between the BMI score
and stress score (p>0.05). Meanwhile, a significant
positive correlation between the BMI score and the
restrained eating behaviour score (p<0.05). This
condition implies that the higher BMI score, the
higher restrained eating score, the more frequent for
students to maintain what to eat.
Table 4. Correlation test between BMI score, stress
score, and restrained eating score.
Mean ±
Min -
BMI Score
Stress Score 18.5 ± 5.5 0 - 33 0.332
2.2 ± 0.7 1 - 3.8 0.001*
To determine the effect between the restrained
eating score and BMI score, multivariate analysis was
applied. According to the linear regression test, the p
value = 0.000 (p <0.05), which means that it has a
significant effect on the BMI score. Meanwhile, the
value of the analysis results is 22.7%, which means
that the BMI score is explained by the Restrained
eating score by 22.7%. The regression equation is Y
= 16.64 + 2.51 X, which means that when
restrained eating score levels up to 1 point, the BMI score
will elevate by 2.51.
Stress Level, Restrained Eating Behaviour, and Nutritional Status of University Students During the Hybrid Learning Condition
The prevalence of malnutrition, both undernutrition
and overnutrition, was lower than the national
prevalence for nutritional status of adults over 18
years old, whereas 10.8% of whom are thin,
overweight are 12.1%, and suffering obesity are
14.5% (Kemenkes RI, 2019). However, the one-third
of the total students are issued with abnormal
nutritional status. In addition, the maximum value of
the BMI score is 33.7 kg/m
, so this needs more
attention from the institution that conducts the study.
The stress category experienced by the students is
academic stress, as the students perceive academic
demands as a disturbance that cannot be handled
(Barseli et al., 2017) Different students' preferences
for learning can also cause stress. Some students are
comfortable with online learning due to more
practical and flexible, while others choosing offline
learning because they can focus more on their studies
(Fitriansyah, 2022).
Previously, the various studies using the DEBQ
mentioned that only restrained eating was used to
examine the correlation between DEBQ and other
variables, such as age, gender, socioeconomic status,
nutritional status, psychology, and family
socioeconomics (Ohara et al., 2014; Poínhos et al.,
2015; Snoek et al., 2013; van Strien et al., 2020).
Restrained eating indicates the person’s condition
who maintains the food consumed to deliberately
limit the food intake and prevent the weight gain or
lose weight (Meule, 2016; Polivy et al., 2020).
Wijayanti et al., (2019) stated that stress is related
to emotional overeating, but not relating to BMI
values. The results also show that the emotional
overeating has no effect on the nutritional intake, so
it has no effect on the nutritional status. The
nutritional status is also caused by other factors, such
as energy and macronutrient intake, physical activity,
nutritional knowledge, peer and parental influence,
etc (Deliens et al., 2014; Nawaz et al., 2016).
The results of this study indicate that no
correlation is occurred between the restrained eating
score and BMI score, which is in line with the
restrained eating, as someone who skips meals can
cause an irregular eating pattern. A counter regulation
occurs when someone is no longer urged to restrain
eating, which causes a weight gain due to eating as
much as possible to compensate the restrained eating.
(Nurdiani et al., 2023; Polivy et al., 2020).
Restrained eating is expected to lead weight gain
rather than weight loss over time, although restrained
eaters perceive that they are deprived of food, even if
they do not eat less than the unrestrained eaters
(Timmerman & Gregg, 2003). Indeed, perceived
restrained eating is less likely to lead weight loss and
is even associated with the weight gain over time in a
number of prospective studies on diet populations
(Konttinen et al., 2018; Lowe et al., 2013). The
restrained eating practices are often easily disrupted,
that lead to overeating. In the end, the people tend to
be unsuccessful in losing or even maintaining their
weight (Polivy et al., 2020).
Students as samples were mostly female with an
average of 20 years old. Most of them are originated
from Sumatra and study at the Faculty of
Engineering. More than 30% of the students are
having malnutrition problems (over and under
nutrition). The minimum BMI value is at 15.7 kg/m
and the maximum value is at 33.7 kg/m
. Stress level
is dominated by moderate stress levels, although
some students are in severe stress level. The
correlation test results showed that no correlation is
described between the BMI and stress scores, but a
positive correlation occurs between the BMI and
restrained eating behaviour scores, which means that
the more participants perform the restrained eating
behaviour to lose or maintain weight, the higher BMI
score obtained. This condition should be a concern,
when students are under the stressful conditions that
can lead to overeating.
We would like to thank the Research and Community
Service Institute of Universitas Negeri Medan for
funding for our research project. We also thank the
human nutrition study program for the assistance in
data collection.
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Stress Level, Restrained Eating Behaviour, and Nutritional Status of University Students During the Hybrid Learning Condition