the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.142
which is obtained, meaning that the effect of the
independent variable (halal perception) on the
variable health is 14.2 %.
Table 6: Model Summary.
Model R
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
.142 .133
Whether a food product consumed by humans is halal
or not will determine the mechanism of its
physiological processes. When a person consumes
alcohol at a certain level, he will lose rationality,
intellectuality and the noble function of brain cells,
resulting in uncontrollable behavioral changes that
lead to personality disorders with various excesses.
And, in the next stage it will cause certain
complications, both physical and psychological, such
as the appearance of mutagens in digestive cells
which end in malignancy, fatty liver, stomach ulcers,
and so on (Kholishudin, 2021).
The concept of halal products can be used as a
standard for a product.Not only Muslim consumers,
consumers from other religions have also startedmake
halal products the standard for the products they will
consume.Halal products are used as a reference or
standard for quality assurance, cleanliness,health and
safety from what they consumes (Ambali and Bakar,
Halal knowledge and tourist income influence
the interest in consuming halal food, even when it is
not labelled halal (Rahman, 2022). Nowadays, many
Muslim in any stable situation are more aware of
selecting halal food products that have halal
certificates. Halal certification is very important for
Muslim because food products with said certification
are guarantee to be safe and not to contain anything
harmful to the body (Ishardini et al., 2019).
Food safety has a significant and positive
influence on health. Food safety has several
indicators, including expiration date, safety guarantee
labels, product condition, and product origin. Food
safety is a factor that encourages consumers to be
wary of their health in choosing halal food. The more
consumers believe that halal food products are safe
for consumption, the more convinced they will be that
those halal food products are healthy (Nurhasanah,
Moreover, the subject of halal food and health
are not only important to Muslim, but are also
fascinating to non-Muslim. In Malaysia, non-Muslim
Consumers have been known to be interested in halal
food products, due to food safety assurance (lee et al.,
2018). In Semarang, Indonesia, the non-Muslim
community believes that halal food products assured
the quality of the product’s hygiene and sanitation
(Ishardini et el., 2019). According to Salsabila (2021),
halal food influences to food safety, food safety
influences to quality and quality influences to
purchasing decisions of consumers.
In conclusions, the respondents’ characteristics based
on education and income provided a satisfying
perception of halal food for health. The tourists’of
halal food productswas determined to be good
because most tourists had knowledge of what halal
food products were. Further studies on halal food
need to be conducted by the government in
cooperation with all related institutions. These parties
should conduct socialization regarding the status of
halal food to make tourists who visit Berastagi not
find it difficult to locate good halal and tayyib food.
The authors want to express their gratitude to The
Institution of Research and Community Service at
Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED) who funding
this study.
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