Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Food Intake, Nutritional
Knowledge, and Family Income with the Incidence of Anemia
, Lintang Purwara Dewanti
and Imawati Eka Putri
Faculty of Health Science, Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Health Science, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Anemia, Food Intake, Family Income, Nutritional Knowledge.
Abstract: The impact of anemia on adolescent girls includes decreased academic school grades, difficulty concentrating,
lack of passion for learning so that it affects the learning achievement of adolescent girls. This study aimed
to determine a relationship between nutritional status, food intake, nutritional knowledge and family income
with the incidence of anemia in high school students of Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta. A cross-sectional design
was used. This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta in February 2023. Primary data
will be collected by checking hemoglobin, measure nutritional status, conducting food intake interviews using
SQ-FFQ, measuring student knowledge related to nutrition and informed consent along with characteristic
data. The results showed that a nutritional status (p=0.048), protein intake (p=0.000), iron intake (p=0.003),
nutritional knowledge (p=0.009) and family income (p=0.019) have a correlation with the incidence of anemia
in adolescent girls.This study shows that more than half of young women experience anemia so that it is
expected that young women will add insight regarding nutritional anemia by participating in counseling both
online through social media and offline through internal or external school activities, routinely consuming
blood supplement tablets given by the school and checking hemoglobin levels regularly and maintaining
adequate intake.
Anemia is a condition in which the amount of
hemoglobin in the body is less than normal (<12
mg/dl) for young women (WHO, 2011). Young
women are vulnerable to anemia because young
women experience menstruation every month,
especially during their teenage years where there is an
increase in nutritional needs (Eka, 2019). The impact
is that young women will get sick more easily due to
decreased immunity, lack of motivation to carry out
daily activities, lack of interest in learning so that
academic achievement decreases. In the long term,
the incidence of anemia in young women is at risk of
giving birth to babies with low birth weight (LBW),
asphyxia, experiencing bleeding during childbirth, to
death of the mother or baby (Anggoro, 2020).
The world prevalence of anemia reaches 50-80%
(WHO, 2015). According to RISKESDAS 2018 data,
anemia has increased by 48.9% (RISKESDAS,
2018). Adolescent girls who experience anemia in the
West Jakarta area with an age range of 10-19 years
account for 6.55% of anemia cases in 2018,
experienced an increase in 2019, namely 19.10% of
anemia cases, and increased again in 2020 to 49.27 %
cases (Delima, 2020).
One of the main causes of anemia is nutritional
status. This condition is more likely to occur in young
women who tend to pay attention to their appearance
so they apply an inappropriate diet in order to have a
slim body shape, are used to consuming less
nutritious food and instant food and often skip
breakfast. If this goes on for too long it will affect the
nutritional status of young women and the body will
continue to lose hemoglobin levels until they become
anemic due to a lack of the diversity of nutrients
needed to form hemoglobin (Parliani, 2018). In line
with that, young women who have a thin nutritional
status have a 1.4 times higher risk of developing
anemia than young women who have normal
nutritional status (Anjaya & Rohmah, 2020).
Inadequate nutritional intake is a major factor in
the problem of anemia, lack of nutritional intake can
be affected by food intake that is consumed not
according to needs. Adolescent girls who do not
eat a variety of foods, especially foods that help the
Nurwana, , Dewanti, L. P. and Putri, I. E.
Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Food Intake, Nutritional Knowledge, and Family Income with the Incidence of Anemia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012901400004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 104-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
process of forming hemoglobin, namely foods that
are rich in protein and iron, can be at risk of
developing anemia. A study by Niematush Sholihah
explains that young women intake of protein and iron
has a high chance of experiencing anemia, namely 33
times and 8.7 times (Ni’matush Sholihah et al., 2019).
Nutritional knowledge of young women plays an
important role in anemia, lack of knowledge of
adolescents will certainly affect eating behavior,
lifestyle and eating habits of young women
(Hamdani, 2019). Lack of knowledge of anemia
related to nutrition will result in young girls
consuming foods containing little iron so that iron in
young girls cannot be fulfilled, this is in line with
research conducted by Misroh Mulianingsih obtained
statistical test results with a p value of 0.000 (<0.05)
indicating there is the relationship between
knowledge and the incidence of anemia in young
women (Misroh mulianingsih, 2021). Other research
is also in line with this, namely research conducted by
Nurhayati found that around 75.6% of students who
had less knowledge experienced anemia with a p
value of 0.000 (<0.05) which means there is a
relationship between this knowledge and the
incidence of anemia young women of MAN 1
Banjarmasin class of 2020 (Nurhayati et al., 2020).
Adolescent girls who have low-income families
affect the availability of food both in terms of quality
and quantity and low family income also affects
access to health services to prevent and treat anemia
in female adolescents (Devinia, 2020). in line with
Theresia's research and concluded that there is a
relationship between parental income and the
incidence of anemia in young women. (Theresia &
Putri, 2021).
This research is quantitative research with
observational analytic design with a cross sectional
approach. This study aims to see the relationship
between the dependent variable, namely the incidence
of anemia and the independent variables, namely
nutritional status, food intake, nutritional knowledge,
and family income which was conducted at SMA
Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta in February 2023. The
sample technique used was purposive sampling with
a sample of 65 respondents. This study used the chi
square and fisher's exact tests. Primary data was
collected by checking hemoglobin using a digital
hemoglobin tool with the easy touch brand to check
hemoglobin levels, taking anthropometric
measurements (weight and height) using digital
scales and microtoise to determine nutritional status,
conducting food intake interviews to determine food
intake (source protein, and iron) using the SQ-FFQ
form, filling out a questionnaire related to nutritional
knowledge filled out by female students to measure
the student's knowledge and filling out the consent
form along with characteristic data which includes
age, number of family dependents and family income.
3.1 Univariat
Table 3.1: Univariate Result.
The results of this study indicate that more than half
of female adolescent experience anemia, namely as
many as 52.3% with a hemoglobin level of at most
11.9/dL. teenage girls who have more nutritional
status as much as 27.7% and less nutritional status as
much as 9.2% with an average normal nutritional
Variable n %
15 years old
11 16.9
16 years old
32 49.2
17 years ol
22 33.8
Incidence of Anemia
34 52.3
Not Anemic
31 47.7
Nutritional Status
6 9.2
41 63.1
18 27.7
Protein Intake
Inadequate intake
32 49.2
sufficient intake
28 43.1
More Intake
5 7.7
Iron Intake
Inadequate intake
51 78.5
sufficient intake
10 15.4
More Intake
4 6.2
Nutritional Knowledge
Less nutritional knowledge
42 64.6
Enough nutritional knowledge
13 20.0
Good nutritional knowledge
10 15.4
Family Income
Less family income
40 61.5
Enough family income
25 38.5
Amount 65 100
Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Food Intake, Nutritional Knowledge, and Family Income with the Incidence of Anemia
status of young women (0.056 SD). Almost a small
proportion of young women lack protein intake,
namely as much as 49.2% with an average protein
intake of 58.3 g/day. Most young women lack iron
intake, namely as much as 78.5% with an average iron
intake of 9.3 g/day. More than half of young women
have less knowledge, namely as many as 64.6% with
the highest score of 50 points. young women who
have a low family per capita income of 61.5% with a
maximum per capita income of IDR 950,000.
3.2 Bivariate
Table 3.2: Bivariate Result.
3.2.1 Incidence of Anemia
Based on table 3.1 as many as 52.3% of young women
at SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta experienced
anemia and obtained a median value of 11.9 g/dL
with the lowest hemoglobin level being 8.6 g/dL
where this category is included in the category of
moderate anemia (WHO, 2011). From the results of
these it can be concluded that the incidence of anemia
in young women at SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta
is quite high compared to the prevalence in the East
Jakarta area in 2021, which is 25.6% Warda &
Fayasari (2021) and in 2022 in the South Jakarta area
with the prevalence of anemia in young women,
namely 50.6% (Mahardika et al., 2022).
The main factor in the occurrence of anemia is
influenced by the food intake consumed by young
women, namely the lack of consumption of
hemoglobin-forming substances such as protein and
iron. The protein requirement for female adolescents
aged 13-18 years is 65 grams/day and the iron
requirement is 15 mg/day. If female adolescents
experience menstruation, the iron requirement
increases to 26 mg/day (Agustina & Fridayanti,
2017). Based on the results of the interviews, young
women who are anemic often skip breakfast, eat their
main meal every day with iced tea, like to consume
coffee, rarely consume vegetables and fruit, and are
disobedient in taking iron tablets. In addition, the high
prevalence of anemia in SMA Muhammadiyah 15
Jakarta can occur due to young girls who do not
consume iron tablets given by the school where SMA
Muhammadiyah 15 West Jakarta already has a
program for giving blood tablets to teenage girls by
regional health centers. Aligned research by Nirmala
et al (2021), it was stated that the results of interviews
with the West Jakarta Health Center for young
women were 98.6% disobedient in taking iron tablets
(Nirmala et al., 2021).
3.2.2 Nutritional Status
Based on table 3.1, as many as 63.1% of female
adolescents had normal nutritional status, 27.7% of
female adolescents had excess nutritional status and
9.2% of female adolescents had underweight
nutritional status. From these results, the average
Incidence of Anemia
(95% Confident Inteval)
P Value Anemia Not Anemic
n % n % n %
Nutritional Status
Thinnes 6 100 0 0.0 6 100 - 0.048
Normal 19 46.3 22 53.7 41 100
ht 9 50 9 50 18 100
Protein Intake
uate 25 78.1 7 21.9 32 100 - 0.000
Sufficient 6 21.4 22 78.6 28 100
more 3 60 2 40 5 100
Iron Intake
uate 32 62.7 19 37.3 51 100 - 0.003
Sufficient 2 20.0 8 4.8 10 100
more 0 0.0 4 100 4 100
Nutritional Knowledge
Less 27 64.3 15 35.7 42 100 4.114
(1.384 - 12.232)
Enough 7 30.4 16 69.6 23 100
Less 23 65.7 12 34.3 35 100 3.311
1.196 -9.173
h 11 36.7 19 63.3 30 100
Amount 34 52.3 31 47.7 65 100
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
nutritional status of young women was obtained,
namely nutritional status in the normal category
(0.056 SD). Based on the interview results, this can
occur due to young women who prefer snacks rather
than eating home-cooked meals where young women
tend to consume snack foods such as batagor,
dumplings, cilok, fried foods, the majority of which
are foods high in fat and carbohydrates. in addition,
lack of consumption of vegetables and fruit, tend to
consume tea and coffee drinks as a companion to
meals, and disobedience in taking iron tablets. In line
with research conducted by Anjaya et al (2020) which
states that anemia can occur as a result of an
unhealthy diet.
Based on table 3.2, young women who have a
nutritional status of less than 100% have anemia,
while young women with more than 50% nutritional
status have anemia, so it can be concluded that there
is a significant relationship between nutritional status
and the incidence of anemia in young women at SMA
Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta with p-value 0.048. One
of the risk factors for anemia is young women with
poor nutritional status. Research conducted by
Indrawatiningsih (2021) states that young women
with poor nutritional status have a 15,000 times
chance of developing anemia compared to young
women with good nutritional status. His research
concluded that there was a significant relationship
between nutritional status and anemia in young
women (Indrawatiningsih et al., 2021). Other
research states that undernutrition in young women
results in an increase in glycolytic enzymes such as
hexokinase, pyruvate kinase and G6PD (glucose 6-
phosphate dehydrogenase) changing membrane
permeability resulting in the breakdown of red blood
cells which is characterized by low serum ferritin
levels (Arima et al., 2019). This research is in line
with research conducted by Muhayati & Ratnawati
(2019) which found that the results of a study of
young women with a thin BMI as much as 67.7%
experienced anemia, so it was concluded that there
was a significant relationship between nutritional
status and the incidence of anemia in young women
at SMA Negeri 97 Jakarta (Muhayati & Ratnawati,
2019). Other research states that this can occur
because young women who have a thin nutritional
status can experience anemia due to overly adjusting
their diet to maintain body shape (body image)
resulting in malnutrition (Sari, 2019).
3.2.3 Protein Intake
Based on table 3.1, 49.2% of female adolescents
lacked protein intake, 43.1% of female adolescents
had sufficient protein intake and 7.7% of female
adolescents had excess protein intake. From these
results, it was found that the average protein intake
for young women was 58.3 grams/day, which could
meet around 89.6% of the needs of young women.
Based on the results of the Semi Quantitative Food
Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) interview, the
type of protein most often consumed by young
women is animal protein, namely chicken, eggs and
fish. Adolescent girls with less protein intake most
often consume vegetable protein sources compared to
animal protein sources because the price is relatively
cheaper. In addition, the lack of protein intake is
because young women often consume inhibitory
substances such as iced tea and coffee at mealtimes
and rarely eat fruits and vegetables which can help
absorb protein, this causes the total protein needs of
young women cannot be met. In line with this, the
results of a study conducted by Marlenywati et al
(2020) stated that as many as 73.3% of female
students lacked protein intake because protein
consumption was dominated by vegetable protein
rather than animal protein, which should be balanced.
Other studies have suggested that protein intake is not
fulfilled, possibly due to the poor quality and quality
of the protein consumed, where the quality of the
protein is determined by the composition and number
of essential amino acids (Pratama et al., 2020).
Based on table 3.2, 78.1% of female adolescents
who lacked protein intake experienced anemia, while
female adolescents who had excess protein intake of
60% experienced anemia, so it can be concluded that
there was a significant relationship between protein
intake and the incidence of anemia in female
adolescents at SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta with
p-value 0.000. This research is in line with research
conducted by Solichah et al (2019) which stated that
the lower the protein intake, the lower the hemoglobin
level. The results of his research concluded that there
was a significant relationship between protein intake
and hemoglobin levels in female adolescents
(Sholicha & Muniroh, 2019). Another study stated
that as many as 68.3% of the proportion of young
women in the protein-deficient category experienced
anemia, meaning that there was a significant
relationship between protein intake and the incidence
of anemia in young women at SMU 98 Jakarta
(Junengsih & Yuliasari, 2017).
Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Food Intake, Nutritional Knowledge, and Family Income with the Incidence of Anemia
3.2.4 Iron Intake
Based on 3.1, 78.5% of female adolescents lacked
iron intake, 15.4% of female adolescents had
sufficient iron intake and 6.2% of female adolescents
had excess iron intake. From these results the average
intake of iron in female adolescents was 9.3 mg/day.
Based on the results of the Semi Quantitative Food
Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) interview,
female adolescents tend to consume foods high in
protein but low in iron, such as vegetable protein. In
addition, this is evidenced by the decreased
absorption of iron consumed by the high iron needs
of young women who are not balanced. Young
women tend to consume light snacks, sweetened and
carbonated drinks, consume coffee and tea as a
companion to the main meal, and low fruit and
vegetable consumption causes low iron intake in
female adolescents, causing female adolescents to
experience anemia. For this reason, female
adolescents are provided with iron supplements given
by the school to help meet their iron needs. However,
female adolescents do not adhere to taking iron
tablets. In line with this, a study conducted by Warda
et al (2021) stated that young women with low iron
bioavailability have 9,927 times the risk of
experiencing anemia. Her research concluded that
young women with low iron consumption had a
15,812 chance of experiencing anemia (Warda &
Fayasari, 2021). Other research states that lack of iron
intake in female adolescents is influenced by the type,
amount and frequency of intake of heme iron
consumed in small amounts (Arima et al., 2019).
Based on table 3.2, as many as 62.7% of female
adolescents who lack iron intake experience anemia,
while female adolescents who have an excess of
100% iron intake do not experience anemia, so it can
be interpreted that there is a significant relationship
between iron intake and the incidence of anemia in
female adolescents in SMA Muhammadiyah 15
Jakarta with a p value of 0.003. In line with this, a
study conducted by Marlenywati et al (2020) stated
that a lack of iron intake could result in a decrease in
the number of erythrocytes resulting in iron
deficiency anemia. His research concluded that there
was a significant relationship between respondents'
iron intake and hemoglobin levels (Marlenywati &
Kurniasih, 2020). Another study conducted by Akib
& Sumarmi (2017) states that the main cause of iron
deficiency is reduced iron absorption, female
adolescents prefer to consume vegetable protein
compared to animal protein which has a higher iron
content and is more physiological for the body (Akib
& Sumarmi, 2017). The same study stated that the
occurrence of anemia is influenced by the level of
absorption and bioavailability of iron so that
sufficient iron intake may not necessarily be able to
meet the needs of iron in the body (Arima et al.,
3.2.5 Nutritional Knowledge
Based on table 3.1, 64.6% of female adolescents had
insufficient nutritional knowledge, 20% of female
adolescents had adequate nutritional knowledge and
15.4% of female adolescents had good nutritional
knowledge. From these results a knowledge score
was obtained with a median value of 50 with the
lowest knowledge score being 20 and the highest
knowledge score being 100. Based on the results of
the interviews the lack of knowledge of nutrition in
young women was due to the fact that most young
women had never received special education or
counseling regarding anemia. In addition, most of the
health information obtained by young women
through social media such as tiktok, YouTube,
Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. However, the truth
of health information circulating on social media
cannot be validated, this causes misinformation by
young women. In line with this, according research
by Rusdi et al (2021) states that social media is a place
that is often accessed by adolescents to seek
information, especially health information and
platforms that can reach many targets that are not
limited in space and time. In his research, he stated
that education through social media had an impact on
increasing knowledge and changing behavior so that
it could be concluded that misinformation caused
inappropriate behavior changes (Rusdi et al., 2021).
Other research states that the level of knowledge
affects the tendency of young women to choose foods
with good nutritional value, so it can be concluded
that if young women have good nutritional
knowledge they can avoid consuming foods that
hinder the absorption of nutrients (Anggoro, 2020).
In the bivariate analysis, nutritional knowledge
was divided into two categories, namely knowledge
of poor nutrition and knowledge of adequate nutrition
(knowledge of adequate nutrition and knowledge of
good nutrition). Based on table 3.2, as many as 64.6%
of female adolescents at SMA Muhammadiyah 15
Jakarta have poor nutritional knowledge. In addition,
as many as 64.3% of young women who have poor
nutritional knowledge experience anemia, so it can be
concluded that there is a significant relationship
between nutritional knowledge and the incidence of
anemia in SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta students
with a p value of 0.009. Adolescent girls with poor
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
nutritional knowledge are at risk of experiencing
anemia 4 times compared to female adolescents with
sufficient nutritional knowledge. In line with this,
research conducted by Anggoro (2020) states that the
higher the level of knowledge of young women, the
lower the risk of young women experiencing anemia,
the results of his research show that there is a
significant relationship between knowledge and the
incidence of anemia in young women (Anggoro,
2020). Other research states that young women who
have less knowledge of nutrition lead to a lack of
intake of hemoglobin-forming nutrients such as
sources of protein and iron so that hemoglobin levels
become low (Suryani et al., 2020).
3.2.6 Family Income
Based on table 3.1 as many as 61.5% of young women
with low per capita family income and as many as
38.5% of young women with sufficient per capita
family income. From these results obtained a median
value of Rp. 950,000 per capita income for a family
of young women with the lowest per capita income of
Rp. 300,000 and the highest per capita income is Rp.
5,000,000. Based on the results of the interview, the
low family income was due to the young women's
family economy which had not fully recovered after
the outbreak of COVID-19. The low per capita
income of the family of young women is influenced
by the number of family members, meaning that the
more the number of family members, the lower the
per capita income of the family, this causes the
nutritional adequacy of young women to prevent
anemia. In line with this, research conducted by
Alexander (2020) states that the greater the income
the family earns, the more nutritional adequacy of
adolescent girls is fulfilled (Alexander, 2020).
Based on table 3.2 as many as 65.7% of young
women who have low family income experience
anemia, it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between family income and the incidence
of anemia in SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta
students with a p value of 0.019. The category of
family income can be seen from the size of per capita
income in the household. Young women with low
family income are 3 times at risk of experiencing
anemia compared to young women with sufficient
family income. Based on the results of interviews
with young women with low family income, they tend
to eat cheap and tasty food, such as instant noodles,
fried dumplings, batagor, cilok, and so on, compared
to nutritious foods. This situation causes low
consumption of quality food resulting in nutritional
deficiencies such as anemia. This research is in line
with research conducted by Anggoro (2020) which
states that young women with sufficient family
income can influence the diversity of nutrients
prepared by their parents. The low intake of iron in
young women is obtained from the food consumed
daily (Anggoro, 2020). Other research states that the
higher the level of family income affects the type of
food consumed so that someone with a high income
will change their diet from traditional to practical
food, this has an impact on the anemia status of young
women (Warda & Fayasari, 2021). Other research
also states that family income can affect access to
meet nutritional needs. his research concluded that
there was a significant relationship between family
income and the incidence of anemia in young women
(Misroh mulianingsih, 2021).
Based on the results of research on the relationship
between nutritional status, protein intake, iron intake,
nutritional knowledge and family income with the
incidence of anemia in female adolescents at SMA
Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta, it can be concluded that
most young women are 16 years old, namely 49.2%,
more than half of female adolescent experience
anemia, namely as many as 52.3%, teenage girls who
have more nutritional status as much as 27.7% and
less nutritional status as much as 9.2%, almost a small
proportion of young women lack protein intake,
namely as much as 49.2%, most young women lack
iron intake, namely as much as 78.5%, more than half
of young women have less knowledge, namely as
many as 64.6%, young women who have a low family
per capita income of 61.5%.
the results of the study showed that there was a
relationship between nutritional status, food intake
including protein and iron intake, nutritional
knowledge and family income with the incidence of
anemia in SMA Muhammadiyah 15 Jakarta students.
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