Diet Diversity Assessment Among Under Two Children in
Srikamulyan Village Tirtajaya District Karawang
Arindah Nur Sartika, Guntari Prasetya, Nadia Puspita, Amelia Lityasusanti and Arrifah Nurrobiah
Nutrition Bachelor Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Keluarga, Bekasi, Indonesia
Keywords: Complementary Feeding, Dietary Diversity, Under Two Children.
Abstract: Breastmilk is the best food for babies. However, when babies reach 6 months of age, breastmilk alone is
insufficient to meet their nutritional needs. To address these requirements, breastmilk feeding should be
supplemented with appropriate complementary feeding. The more diverse the food provided, the better it can
reduce the risk of undernutrition. Hence, this study aims to assess the dietary diversity of complementary
feeding in an area designated as a priority for reducing stunting. The study is conducted in Srikamulyan
Village, Tirtajaya Sub-district, Karawang, using a cross-sectional design. Dietary diversity is evaluated using
9 food groups based on repeated 24-hour food recalls. Approximately 100 children under the age of two,
ranging from 6 to 23 months old, participated in the study. The study's findings reveal that 52% of the subjects
consume diverse foods (4 food groups). All of the children include staple foods in their diet. The most
commonly consumed foods after staple foods are meat and fish (71%) and green leafy vegetables (63%). The
highest proportion of children achieved a dietary diversity score of 6. However, the study did not find a
significant relationship between dietary diversity and nutritional status (weight for age and length for age),
with a p-value >0.05. Based on the study, it is clear that there are caregivers who do not provide varied meals
to children. Although a significant relationship is not established, offering a variety of food groups can
establish a strong foundation for the food habits of children in the future. The foods provided as
complementary feeding can help children become familiar with different tastes and nutritious options.
The first thousand days of life, starting from the
womb until the child turns two years old, are a crucial
phase. This period presents both potential benefits
and vulnerabilities as it can significantly affect the
growth and development of children. Providing good
nutrition and care during this time can promote
healthy growth and development, which can have a
lasting impact on their future lives.(FHI Solutions,
To achieve good nutrition and care, infants must
be fed exclusively with breastmilk from birth until
they reach six months of age, followed by the
introduction of complementary feeding starting at six
months. While breastfeeding can continue after six
months, it is essential to provide high-quality meals
to meet the baby's nutritional requirements, as breast
milk alone is insufficient. According to UNICEF's
complementary feeding guidance, a proper diet for
young children should include breastmilk, animal-
source foods, vegetables, fruits, and promote dietary
diversity (United Nations Children’s Fund, 2020).
A variety of foods can contribute to a variety of
nutrients metabolized in the body. The body needs not
only macronutrients, but also micronutrients. A
variety of foods can contribute to a range of nutrients
metabolized in the body. The body requires not only
macronutrients but also micronutrients. Micro-
nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, play a
crucial role in metabolism. The adequacy of nutrients
can be achieved by consuming a wide variety of food
groups (Alyssa L. Morris; Shamim S. Mohiuddin,
2023). In cases where a baby cannot obtain sufficient
nutrients, the risk of inadequacy increases, which in
turn raises the risk of undernutrition (Ermawati et al.,
2020; Ernawati et al., 2021). Underweight reflects
acute conditions, while stunting represents chronic
nutrient deficiency. Stunting is the most common
nutrition problem as it has both short-term and long-
term implications (De Sanctis et al., 2021).
Short-term consequences of stunting become
evident as affected children grow. They may be more
likely to exhibit lower intelligence levels during their
school years. Additionally, children with a history of
stunting may experience reduced immunity compared
Sartika, A. N., Prasetya, G., Puspita, N., Lityasusanti, A. and Nurrobiah, A.
Diet Diversity Assessment Among Under Two Children in Srikamulyan Village Tirtajaya District Karawang.
DOI: 10.5220/0012901500004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 111-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to their peers who have not faced stunting. This
reduced immunity can result in higher rates of school
absenteeism, often due to infections such as diarrhea
and respiratory illnesses (Stewart et al., 2013).
Besides its short-term impact, stunting also has
long-term consequences. Due to altered metabolism,
individuals with a history of stunting are at a higher
risk of obesity and may suffer from non-
communicable diseases, including type 2 diabetes,
stroke, and heart disease. These conditions can impact
work performance and lead to increased absenteeism
at the workplace. If this affects a significant portion
of the workforce, it can reduce company profits and
even have implications for a country's gross domestic
product (GDP) (Stewart et al., 2013; Suryana & Azis,
In Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting among
children under two years old was 21.6% in 2022.
West Java, as one of the densely populated provinces,
had a stunting prevalence of 20.2%. As part of the
government's first program to address stunting, one of
the regions in West Java was selected for
intervention. In 2013, the stunting rate in Karawang
was 34.87%, and it increased to 39.15% in 2018.
However, as of 2022, Karawang has managed to
reduce the prevalence to 20.6% (Kementerian
Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2022).
Studies have found a relationship between diet
diversity and undernutrition, including stunting and
being underweight (Aboagye et al., 2021;
Handriyanti & Fitriani, 2021; Wantina et al., 2017).
Therefore, this study aims to assess diet diversity in a
selected area designated as a priority for stunting
eradication. Additionally, it aims to explore the
association between stunting and nutritional status.
This study utilized a cross-sectional design. The total
sample consisted of 100 children under the age of two
(6 – 23 months), represented by their mothers,
grandmothers, or caregivers. The study was
conducted in Srikamulyan Village, Tirtajaya District,
Karawang, West Java. The researchers obtained the
necessary permissions from the local government and
acquired ethical clearance from KPEK Universitas
Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka.
The variables in the study included characteristics
of the respondents, diet diversity, and nutritional
status. Data were recorded in written form and
collected by enumerators with a background in
nutrition studies. The dietary assessment method used
was a 24-hour food recall. Food intake data was then
transformed into a dietary diversity scoring form
(Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2013).
There were nine food groups: 1) Milk and dairy
products, 2) Legumes, nuts, seeds, 3) Eggs, 4) Meat
and fish, 5) Organ meats, 6) Other fruits and
vegetables, 7) Fruit and vegetable–source of vitamin
A, 8) Green leafy vegetable, and 9) Staple food.
Classification of dietary diversity is classified into not
diverse (<4) and diverse (4). The nutritional status
of the children was evaluated through anthropometric
assessments using a length board and weigh scale. Z-
scores for weight-for-age and height-for-age were
calculated, and children with z-scores less than -2SD
were categorized as stunted and underweight
(Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2020).
The data were analyzed using both univariate and
bivariate analyses. The characteristics of the
respondents were presented in terms of frequency and
percentage. The statistical test employed in the study
was the chi-square test.
Table 1: Characteristics respondents.
6-11 months 32
12-23 months 68
Sex n
Girl 57
Number of famil
4 person
48 (48)
Mother’s education n
No school
Elementary school
Junior high school
Senior high school
2 (2)
67 (67)
22 (22)
6 (6)
Mother’s occupation n (%)
No work
Private sectors
Farmers, labou
94 (94)
2 (2)
2 (2)
2 (2)
N = 100
Table 2: Dietary diversity score (DDS).
DDS n (%)
1 9 (9)
2 4 (4)
3 13 (13)
4 15 (15)
5 20 (20)
6 24 (24)
7 10 (10)
8 5 (5)
9 0 (0)
N: 100
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
The results showed that the proportions of age
groups and sexes were similar. Most of the mothers
had an elementary school education, and they were
primarily engaged as housewives. The percentage of
family size was comparable between families with 4
and >4 individuals per family.
According to the data, the lowest score of dietary
diversity was 1, and the highest score was 8. Half of
the respondents had achieved more than 4 food
groups. However, there were some
mothers/caregivers who provided their babies with
non-diverse complementary feeding. All of the
children consumed staple food. The most commonly
consumed foods after staple food were meat and fish,
as well as green leafy vegetables.
From the results, it is evident that the proportion
of children who consume a less varied diet was lower
in the stunting and underweight groups compared to
the normal group. Additionally, the statistical
analysis using the chi-square test showed no
significant relationship between dietary diversity and
nutritional status.
Figure 1: Proportion of food groups (N= 100).
Table 3: Association of dietary diversity and nutritional
Underweight Normal p-value
Not diverse
3 (10.7) 25 (89.3) 0.297
Diverse 14 (19.4) 58 (80.6)
Stunting Not stunting p- value
Not diverse
1 (3.6) 27 (96.4) 0.309
Diverse 7 (9.7) 65 (90.3)
N = 100, chi-square test
This study revealed that not all mothers or caregivers
provided a diverse range of foods to their children.
Some caregivers offered fewer than four food groups,
and in some cases, only one group, such as rice
porridge. Such dietary habits led to inadequate
nutrient intake. Despite this, it's noteworthy that more
than half of the children consumed meat, fish, as well
as legumes, nuts, and seeds, which are excellent
sources of protein (Gonçalves et al., 2023; Semba et
al., 2021).
Protein has benefits for children's linear growth.
One of the explanations is that amino acids play an
important role in relation to growth hormones (Uauy
et al., 2015). Another study explains that protein,
particularly from animal-source foods, provides
essential amino acids that support neurocognition via
the mTORC1 pathway (Parikh et al., 2022). However,
to realize these benefits, the protein portion should
meet the daily requirements of the children.
No relationship between dietary diversity and
nutritional status was identified in this study. This
result aligns with findings from previous studies
(Gassara et al., 2023; Kamila et al., 2022).
Undernutrition is likely influenced by other factors.
According to UNICEF, factors such as infection and
childcare practices can also have an impact on a
child's nutritional status (United Nations Children’s
Fund, 2021).
Although dietary diversity did not reveal an
association with undernutrition, this study
demonstrated that not all children under the age of
two consumed a varied diet. Introducing a variety of
food groups can help infants become accustomed to
different tastes, laying a strong foundation for their
future food habits. This can reduce the risk of them
becoming picky eaters or refusing certain foods.
During complementary feeding, children acquire
knowledge about different foods, which they can
apply after the age of 2. The foods provided during
complementary feeding help them become familiar
with various tastes and nutritious options (De Cosmi
et al., 2017; Maier-Nöth, 2019).
Based on the study, it is evident that some caregivers
do not provide diverse meals to children. Although
this lack of dietary diversity may not exhibit a
significant relationship with stunting and
underweight, offering a range of food groups can lay
0 50 100 150
Staple food
Green leafy vegetable
Fruit & vegetable -…
Other fruit & vegetable
Organ meats
Meat & fish
Legumes, nuts, seeds
Milk & dairy products
Diet Diversity Assessment Among Under Two Children in Srikamulyan Village Tirtajaya District Karawang
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health