there must be shame, taboo so we approach them, we
convey Steps to do treatment regularly, we provide
counseling so that the patient is not afraid so we
provide education" (M 51 years, June 26, 2023).
Policy communication means the process of
delivering policy information from policy makers to
policy implementors. Communication determines the
success of achieving the goals of public policy
implementation, effective implementation occurs
when decision makers already know what they will
do (Wisdayanti, D, 2021; Amu, et al., 2020) .
In measuring the success of communication
variables, three indicators are used, namely
transmission, clarity and consistency in the
implementation of prevention and control of
HIV/AIDS (Wisdayanti, D, 2021). The transmission
or distribution of communication that has been
carried out by the Wakatobi Health office is the
transmission of information through the person in
charge of the program in this case in the field of
prevention and control of infectious diseases at the
office level and the Public Health Center to be further
conveyed to the community. Communication
between implementing organizations, namely the
Health Office, Center for Public Health and AIDS
Commission, has run clearly and consistently.
However, there are still people who do not understand
the patterns of HIV transmission, especially those in
islands, such as the area in Wakatobi Regency which
is an archipelago, so communication and information
and education related to HIV are needed. Policy
implementers have provided information with each
other, so that the information conveyed can be
implemented. In various policy implementation
programs, such as the reality of policy programs, it is
necessary to establish good relations between
relevant agencies, especially support in
communication and coordination. Therefore,
coordination and cooperation between agencies are
needed for policy success (Gaspersz, A, et al, 2021).
Communication plays a role in delivering
information about HIV/AIDS prevention and
handling programs implemented in order to synergize
in their implementation (Prasanti, et. Al, 2019). In
this case, HIV/AIDS prevention efforts are carried
out by several elements, namely the Wakatobi
Regency Health Office, AIDS Commission,
communities in the community and other elements.
Delivering policy messages carried out by the
Wakatobi District Health Office through socialization
and training held for HIV/AIDS programmers or
counselors within the scope of the health office, the
informant said that the socialization carried out by the
Wakatobi District Health Office twice a year or its
implementation every six months, to then be
conveyed to other health workers at meetings to
equalize understanding equally for all officers when
delivering communication to the community.
Socialization in communication is important based on
research conducted by (Adilina et al., 2021) on the
Implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Policies in
Semarang City said that health promotion in
providing education to patients or the community
who are in health services especially in terms of
transmission, prevention, and control of HIV / AIDS
One of the government's efforts to educate the public
about HIV / AIDS is by conducting socialization in
health services. Massive socialization in productive
age groups and risky popuization is very important
because these groups are vulnerable and most
infected with HIV (Asrina, et al, 2022)
These obstacles in communication include the
mutation of health workers, for example
programmers at the Center for Public Health so that
new programmers must attend training because
understanding of the material is still minimal and
there are people who refuse to be examined further in
the context of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. This is
considered as an effect of public knowledge related to
HIV/AIDS which is still lacking. Therefore, more
clarity is needed regarding the delivery of policies for
HIV/AIDS prevention efforts and consistency of
stakeholders in disseminating these policies.
The conclusion based on the results of this study is
that the application of communication in efforts to
prevent HIV/AIDS has been carried out starting from
the Health Office, the person in charge of the
program, community health centers (puskesmas) and
to the target (community), especially in at-risk
Thank you to the Directorate of Research,
Technology and Community Service, Directorate
General of Higher Education, Research, and