Implementation of Policies Related to Communication in Efforts to
Prevent HIV/AIDS
Andi Asrina
1* a
, Muhammad Ikhtiar
, Fairus Prihatin Idris
, Andi Surahman Batara
and Mutiara Indriana
Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia
Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia
Health Policy Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Prevention, HIV/AIDS, Communication.
Abstract: HIV prevention efforts are carried out massively by the government to achieve Zero new cases of HIV by
2030. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of policies related to communication in
efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS in the Wakatobi Regency. This research method is Quasi Qualitative method
with in-depth interview, observation and documentation techniques. The research informant consists of 1 key
informant, 3 purposively selected ordinary informants and 1 supporting informant. Data validity using source,
technique and time triangulation. The result showed that communication related to transmission, and
socialization of the Wakatobi Health Office is carried out through socialization and training seminars held by
program holders as program implementers or HIV/AIDS counselors at the Community Health Center. These
activities are routinely carried out not only for program holders but VCT officers and others. As a continuation
of the communication flow from the Health Office to the health provider, the information found is then
forwarded to the community as the main object of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. In conclusion, the person in
charge of the infectious disease management program of the Wakatobi district health office has implemented
a clear, regular and periodic communication flow in efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS. HIV is a common problem
so it is hoped that local governments can develop sustainable cooperation in preventing HIV transmission.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that
attacks the body’s immune system. This infection
causes a decrease in the patient's immune system so
that it is easy to contract various other diseases called
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
(Ministry of Health, 2020). The National Action Plan
for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and
Sexually Transmitted Diseases for 2020-2024 in
Indonesia is part of efforts to accelerate towards the
end of the AIDS epidemic by 2030 through the fast
track 95-95-95 for the target of ending AIDS 95% of
people with HIV know their status, 95% of people
with HIV get ARV treatment and 95% of ODHIV on
ARV are suppressed (Kemenkes, 2020; Salawati,
The development report of HIV AIDS and
sequential infectious diseases (PIMS) Quarter 1 of
2021 that the cumulative number of PLHIV found
(HIV cases) reported until March 2021 amounted to
427,201 people and the cumulative number of AIDS
cases reported until March 2021 was 131,417 people
(Kemenkes, 2021) . The number of PLHIV found in
the January-March 2022 period, mostly in the age
group of 25-49 years (71.3%), age 20-24 years
(16.3%), and age group 50 years and over (7.9%) The
presentation of PLHIV found to be 69% male, female
as much as 31% (Ministry of Health, 2021). The
executive report on the development of HIV AIDS
Asrina, A., Ikhtiar, M., Idris, F. P., Batara, A. S. and Indriana, M.
Implementation of Policies Related to Communication in Efforts to Prevent HIV/AIDS.
DOI: 10.5220/0012902000004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 144-148
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
HIV AIDS and PIMS in the second quarter of 2022
states that 22,3331 people have reported ODHIV
cases from 2,018,641 people tested for HIV and
18,749 people received ARV treatment. The number
of ODHIV found in the period January – June 2022,
mostly found in the age group of 25 - 49 years
(68.1%) followed by the age group of 20-24 years
(17.5%), and the age group of 50 years (9.0%).
Based on gender, the percentage of HIV cases found
in men is 70% and women is 30% with a ratio of men
to women is 2:1(Kemenkes,2022).
Still based on the HIV AIDS and Sexually
Transmitted Diseases Development Report Quarter II
of 2022 for Southeast Sulawesi, as many as 12,038
people tested for HIV were found as many as 188 new
cases with 144 PLHIV starting antiretroviral (ART)
(Kemenkes RI, 2022) Many factors that cause the
cases found do not describe the actual data in the
community so that the community is not open to carry
out prevention efforts, including lack of public
understanding about HIV / AIDS. Herein lies the
importance of communication between the person in
charge of the program to the target group. The
delivery of information about HIV/AIDS programs to
implementers and target groups should be conveyed
clearly and consistently.
The importance of communication in HIV/AIDS
prevention policies in an effort to reduce new cases of
HIV is a shared responsibility. Based on the second
quarter report for the January-June 2022 period,
Southeast Sulawesi is one of the provinces that
reported the findings of 188 HIV cases. One of the
districts in Southeast Sulawesi is Wakatobi, based on
data obtained from the Health Office through the
field of disease control and control programs and
Wakatobi Regency AIDS control commissions in
2022 there are 16 new cases found. Prevention efforts
have been carried out by implementing various
programs including the implementation of
communication between program implementations
and to targeted communities. Although
communication has been carried out, there are still
many people who do not understand the pattern of
incidence and treatment of HIV. The purpose of this
study is to analyze the implementation of policies
based on communication in efforts to prevent
The importance of communication in HIV/AIDS
prevention policies in an effort to reduce new cases of
HIV is a shared responsibility. Based on the second
quarter report for the January-June 2022 period,
North Sulawesi is one of the provinces that reported
the findings of 188 HIV cases. One of the districts in
North Sulawesi is Wakatobi, based on data obtained
from the Health Office through the field of disease
control and control programs and Wakatobi Regency
AIDS control commissions in 2022 there are 16 new
cases found. Prevention efforts have been carried out
by implementing various programs including the
implementation of communication between program
implementations and to targeted communities.
Although communication has been carried out, there
are still many people who do not understand the
pattern of incidence and treatment of HIV. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation
of policies based on communication in efforts to
prevent HIV/AIDS.
The type of research used is qualitative research. Data
collection techniques by making observations, in-
depth interviews and documentation data needed. 5
informants were using purposive sampling, including
1 key informant was the head of the health office, 3
ordinary informants were in the field of control and
eradication programs for health service providers and
1 supporting informant was the AIDS Mitigation
Commission (program manager). The research
location is in Wakatobi Regency in April-June 2023.
Data analysis techniques are data reduction and data
presentation in the form of narrative text then
conclusion and verification. Data validation
techniques in this study use source triangulation,
triangulation techniques and time triangulation.
The study was conducted according to a
protocol approved by the Health Research Ethics
Committee, Faculty of Public Health, University of
Pejuang Republic Indonesia (No: 462-KEPK-FKM-
3.1 Characteristics of Informants
Research informants as many as 5 people with
deepening information on 3 program persons in
charge of the field of prevention and control of
infectious diseases Wakatobi Health office. This
information was confirmed using source triangulation
by confirming the answers of the main informant, key
informant, supporting informant and time
triangulation, namely confirming the informant's
answer to the same question at a different time. For
details, you can see the following table:
Implementation of Policies Related to Communication in Efforts to Prevent HIV/AIDS
Table 1: Characteristics of Informers.
No Informant Inisial Age (Year) Gender education Position Information
NI 37
D3 Head of P2P Ordinary Informants
VRR 31
D3 Health workers Ordinary Informants
MYA 39
S1 Health workers Ordinary Informants
ZN 36
High school AIDS Commission Supporting Informants
M 51
S2 Head of Health Office Key Informants
Based on table 1, it can be described that the age
of informants is at a productive age which allows
programs to be implemented in accordance with
programs implemented related to HIV/AIDS. Related
to Education, all ordinary informants have a health
education background who understand the pattern of
prevention and handling of HIV / AIDS disease and
in accordance with the placement for the prevention
of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV /
AIDS (Kusmayandi &Hertati, 2022; Suharto,dkk,
3.2 Information related to
communication implementation
Communication is important to achieve effective
program goals. This communication can be between
implementers, organizations or to program targets
such as groups at risk of HIV / AIDS infection.
Communication is important to be carried out to
related parties so that the objectives can be conveyed,
especially in combating HIV/AIDS
The statement from NI (Head of P2P Sector)
as an ordinary informant stated that after the training
a meeting was held with HIV programmers, cadres,
community leaders, namely:
“... Yes, so after our staff attended the training, we
held a meeting, for that meeting we held 2 meetings a
year, later it was explained directly by the staff who
represented earlier, so a meeting will be held, for
example in the health office hall, discussed about the
program implemented for new cases of HIV / AIDS
and what problems about HIV / AIDS in Wakatobi
Regency” (NI 37 years old, 23 May 2023).
Then the statement from VRR as an ordinary
informant states that doing communication actions
persuasively, namely:
“... For clarity of communication, it feels clear,
because we provide direct counseling to the
community and sometimes we also come directly to
her house, for example there are pregnant women so
these pregnant women are our target too. So if
pregnant women do not come to counseling then we
go directly to he
r house to be checked” (VRR 36 years, 2
May 3, 2023).
The statement from MYA as an ordinary
informant stated that this HIV/AIDS prevention
counseling activity was based on the superior's order,
“...we from theAIDS prevention mission we hold
training for HIV officers to hold socialization, but
sometimes also if there is an Integrated Service they
sometimes directly hold socialization there too, so,
for example there is an Integrated Service all health
workers are there so people don't know which one to
hear, but there are also officers who often socialize
Such a sasi, especially in nightspots, and it is
routinely carried out and directly with its
inspection..." (ZN 31 years, 27 May , 2023).
Then an interview by Zn as a supporting
informant stated that conducting training for
HIV/AIDS section officers, here are excerpts of the
“... we from theAIDS prevention mission we hold
training for HIV officers to hold socialization, but
sometimes also if there is a posyandu they sometimes
directly hold socialization there too, so for example
there is a posyandu all health workers are there so
people don't know which one to hear, but there are
also officers who often socializeSuch a sasi especially
in nightspots, and it is routinely carried out and
directly with its inspection" (ZN 31 years, 27 May ,
Then confirmed by M (Head of the Health
Office) as a key informant related to communication,
here are excerpts of the interview:
“... Yes, of course, for that communication, we
work with the Community Health Center in handling
HIV cases to take steps, both prevention and control,
so we provide education to the community, especially
those who have the potential or risk of HIV/AIDS. In
addition to the Community Health Center we also
work together with the AIDS Commission to provide
education to the community, and when there are
cases in the fieldof prevention and disease control,
approach patients and families to take steps because
usually it is if the person is infected ee.. HIV socially,
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
there must be shame, taboo so we approach them, we
convey Steps to do treatment regularly, we provide
counseling so that the patient is not afraid so we
provide education" (M 51 years, June 26, 2023).
Policy communication means the process of
delivering policy information from policy makers to
policy implementors. Communication determines the
success of achieving the goals of public policy
implementation, effective implementation occurs
when decision makers already know what they will
do (Wisdayanti, D, 2021; Amu, et al., 2020) .
In measuring the success of communication
variables, three indicators are used, namely
transmission, clarity and consistency in the
implementation of prevention and control of
HIV/AIDS (Wisdayanti, D, 2021). The transmission
or distribution of communication that has been
carried out by the Wakatobi Health office is the
transmission of information through the person in
charge of the program in this case in the field of
prevention and control of infectious diseases at the
office level and the Public Health Center to be further
conveyed to the community. Communication
between implementing organizations, namely the
Health Office, Center for Public Health and AIDS
Commission, has run clearly and consistently.
However, there are still people who do not understand
the patterns of HIV transmission, especially those in
islands, such as the area in Wakatobi Regency which
is an archipelago, so communication and information
and education related to HIV are needed. Policy
implementers have provided information with each
other, so that the information conveyed can be
implemented. In various policy implementation
programs, such as the reality of policy programs, it is
necessary to establish good relations between
relevant agencies, especially support in
communication and coordination. Therefore,
coordination and cooperation between agencies are
needed for policy success (Gaspersz, A, et al, 2021).
Communication plays a role in delivering
information about HIV/AIDS prevention and
handling programs implemented in order to synergize
in their implementation (Prasanti, et. Al, 2019). In
this case, HIV/AIDS prevention efforts are carried
out by several elements, namely the Wakatobi
Regency Health Office, AIDS Commission,
communities in the community and other elements.
Delivering policy messages carried out by the
Wakatobi District Health Office through socialization
and training held for HIV/AIDS programmers or
counselors within the scope of the health office, the
informant said that the socialization carried out by the
Wakatobi District Health Office twice a year or its
implementation every six months, to then be
conveyed to other health workers at meetings to
equalize understanding equally for all officers when
delivering communication to the community.
Socialization in communication is important based on
research conducted by (Adilina et al., 2021) on the
Implementation of HIV/AIDS Prevention Policies in
Semarang City said that health promotion in
providing education to patients or the community
who are in health services especially in terms of
transmission, prevention, and control of HIV / AIDS
One of the government's efforts to educate the public
about HIV / AIDS is by conducting socialization in
health services. Massive socialization in productive
age groups and risky popuization is very important
because these groups are vulnerable and most
infected with HIV (Asrina, et al, 2022)
These obstacles in communication include the
mutation of health workers, for example
programmers at the Center for Public Health so that
new programmers must attend training because
understanding of the material is still minimal and
there are people who refuse to be examined further in
the context of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. This is
considered as an effect of public knowledge related to
HIV/AIDS which is still lacking. Therefore, more
clarity is needed regarding the delivery of policies for
HIV/AIDS prevention efforts and consistency of
stakeholders in disseminating these policies.
The conclusion based on the results of this study is
that the application of communication in efforts to
prevent HIV/AIDS has been carried out starting from
the Health Office, the person in charge of the
program, community health centers (puskesmas) and
to the target (community), especially in at-risk
Thank you to the Directorate of Research,
Technology and Community Service, Directorate
General of Higher Education, Research, and
Implementation of Policies Related to Communication in Efforts to Prevent HIV/AIDS
Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture,
Research and Technology of the Republic of
Indonesia. Shouts to the Universitas Muslim
Indonesia which always provides support in applying
the Tri Dharma of Higher Education as well as to the
Wakatobi district government, health office as the
location of research and the community who were
respondents in this study
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health