Body Image, Physical Activity, Nutrition Knowledge, and Nutritional
Status Among Boarding and Non-Boarding Students
Kartika Pibriyanti
, Firda Sabilatun Nabilah
, Hafidhotun Nabawiyah
Lulu’ Luthfiya
and Susi Nurohmi
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Nutrition, University of Muhammadiyah Kudus, Kudus, Indonesia
Keywords: Boarding School, Body Image, Physical Activity, Nutrition Knowledge.
Abstract: Introduction: Adolescence is a critical period vulnerable to nutritional problems. The environment in which
adolescents live can significantly impact various aspects such as body image, lifestyle, and nutritional status.
This study aimed to analyze differences of subject characteristics in the forms of body image, physical activity
level, nutritional knowledge and nutritional status in two different environment (boarding school and non-
boarding school). Methods: A cross-sectional design was employed for this study, involving a total of 120
adolescent girls, divided equally into two groups (boarding school and non-boarding school), with each group
comprising 60 subjects. Eligible subjects were female students aged 16 to 18 years, in good health, and
willingly participating in the study. Data analysis used Independent Sample T Test or Mann-Whitney test.
Results: The majority of subjects were 16 years old. Both the boarding school group (60.00%) and the non-
boarding school group (51.67%) exhibited negative body image among most subjects. In the boarding school
group, 85.00% of subjects demonstrated a moderate level of physical activity, while in the non-boarding
school group, 58.33% of subjects reported engaging in a heavy level of physical activity. Moreover, a
significant proportion of subjects in both the boarding school group (73.33%) and the non-boarding school
group (60.00%) possessed low nutritional knowledge. The analysis comparing the two groups indicated a
significant difference in variables of physical activity and nutritional knowledge (p-value <0.05). Conclusion:
The level of physical activity and nutritional knowledge in adolescent girls living in boarding schools and
non-boarding schools showed significant differences. However, no significant differences were observed in
terms of body image and nutritional status between the two groups. Consequently, there is a compelling need
for curricular integration focusing on balanced nutrition knowledge and promoting increased physical activity
within the school environment.
Adolescence is one of the vulnerable periods for
nutrition issues (E. R. Damayanti, 2022). According
to Indonesia Basic Health Survey (2018),
malnutrition among adolescents aged 16-18 years in
Indonesia has increased, with the prevalence of
overweight in 2013 being 7.3% and increased to
13.5% in 2018 (Kemenkes RI, 2018). East Java was
one of the provinces having overweight problems in
the age group of 16-18 years old. The prevalence of
overweight in the age group 16-18 years is above the
national trend, with a prevalence of 21.2%
(Kemenkes RI, 2017)
Nutrition issues among adolescents were
currently found at school or boarding school. Based
on the research among Darussalam Islamic Boarding
School students staying in boarding school, the
proportion of overweight was found to be 14% (A. Y.
Damayanti, 2020). Meanwhile, research among
adolescents in the Public Junior High school of
Wungu Madiun in 2019 had a prevalence of 8.3% in
the category of overweight (Hamdani, 2019). The
Nutritional status of adolescence was the result of
eating patterns and behaviors which was influenced
by many factors, including peer influences, parental
modeling, food availability, food preferences, cost,
convenience, personal and cultural beliefs, mass
media, and body image (Das et al., 2017)
There are many changes during puberty, both
physically and psychologically, but physical changes
are more noticeable. As a result, adolescents pay
more attention to their body shape and body image
(Normate et al., 2017). Adolescents living in boarding
Pibriyanti, K., Nabilah, F. S., Nabawiyah, H., Luthfiya, L. and Nurohmi, S.
Body Image, Physical Activity, Nutrition Knowledge, and Nutritional Status Among Boarding and Non-Boarding Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012902300004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 149-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
school will often interact with their peers, so they tend
to compare themselves with their peers. Those
staying with parents but lacking in caregiving and
support are insecure regarding their body image
(Bearman et al., 2006).
Physical activity generally results in increasing
energy and has a positive effect on the degree of
human health (Singh et al., 2014). Adolescents living
at home and boarding school have different activities.
Those living at home have more flexible activities
and conditional rules. While those living in boarding
school have scheduled activities and rules that should
be followed. Physical activity among adolescents has
now decreased (Suntiah et al., 2020). They mostly
enjoy accessing the internet and are physically
inactive (Rukmana et al., 2021). The environment can
affect how a person gets information. Individuals who
live in dormitories or boarding schools get more
information from the library that has been provided.
Meanwhile, individuals who live at home can access
the internet flexibly because there are no regulatory
restrictions that prohibit the use of the internet
(Juliana, 2019). Thus, this study aimed to analyze
differences in subject characteristics in the forms of
body image, physical activity level, nutritional
knowledge and nutritional status in two different
environments (boarding school and non-boarding
A cross-sectional study was conducted with senior
high school girl students in grades 10, 11, and 12 from
Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Jannah for boarding
students and SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Ngawi for non-
boarding students. Convenience sampling was used
in this research with inclusion criteria from healthy
students aged 16-18 years old while exclusion criteria
were unhealthy students and those who did not have
any consent to participate. Total students
participating were 120 (60 students from boarding
school and 60 students from non-boarding school).
Body image was measured by completing the
Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) Questionnaire (Ko et
al., 2012) containing 10 questions and scoring 5
levels of answers (never, rarely, sometimes, often,
always). Body image scoring level was classified as
positive (BAS hypothetical score 46) and negative
(BAS hypothetical score <46). Physical activity level
was measured by answering the International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) consisting of
7 questions about the time spent being physically
active in the last 7 days (Edward MK & Loprinzi PD,
2019). Physical activity levels are classified as low
(600 MET minutes/week), moderate (>600-3000
MET minutes/week), and heavy (>3000 MET
minutes/week). Measurement of nutrition knowledge
was conducted by answering multiple-choice
questions that had been validated. Total of 20
questions had been tested and there were 5 invalid
questions. The remaining 15 questions were tested for
reliability and showed Cronbach’s alpha value of
0.929. Nutrition knowledge is classified as low
(<60%), moderate (60-80%) and high (>80%)
(Khomsan A, 2022). Assessment of nutrition status
was using measurements of z-score (BMI for age)
classified as malnutrition (<-3SD), underweight (-
3SD to <-2SD), normal (-2SD to +1SD), overweight
(+1SD to +2SD), and obese (>+2SD) (Kemenkes RI,
Data analysis was carried out to determine the
means, standard deviations, and categorical data
(frequency and percentage) distribution of each
variable in each group. Comparative analysis was
used to find the difference between the two
independent groups. Independent Sample T Test was
used for normal data distribution while Mann
Whitney was used conditionally if the Independent
Sample T Test didn’t fit for variable because the data
was not normally distributed.
The majority of respondents aged 16 years old were
both boarding students (73.3%) and non-boarding
students (46.7%). The average non-boarding
students’ allowance was Rp 150000-Rp 300000 per
month (70%) while boarding students’ is Rp 150000
to Rp 500000 per month. The majority of father’s
occupation of boarding students was self-employed
(73.3%) while father’s occupation of non-boarding
students is farmer (56.7%). Most of the mother’s
occupation was a housewife in both groups. The
majority of father’s education of boarding students is
junior high school (38.3%) while the father’s
education of non-boarding students is elementary
school (53.3%). Most of the mother’s education of
both students is junior high school.
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 1: General characteristics of respondents.
n (%)
Age (years old)
16 44(73.3) 28(46.7)
17 11(18.3) 19(31.7)
18 5(8.3) 13(21.7)
Allowance (IDR)
150000-300000 27(45.0) 42(70.0)
400000-500000 27(45.0) 13(21.7)
600000->1000000 6(10.0) 5(8.3)
Father's occupation
Farmer 15(25.0) 34(56.7)
Self-employed 44(73.3) 26(43.3)
Mother’s occupation
Farmer 12(20.0) 16(26.7)
Housewife 35(58.3) 33(55.0)
Self-employed 8(13.3) 11(18.3)
Father's education
Elementary school 15(25.0) 32(53.3)
Junior high school 23(38.3) 19(31.7)
Senior high school 22(36.7) 9(15.0)
Mother’s education
Elementary school 1(1.7) 8(13.3)
Junior high school 32(53.3) 32(53.3)
Senior high school 27(45.0) 20(33.3)
Table 2 showed that most adolescent girls in both
groups had a negative body image. Early to late teens
had decreased satisfaction with self-image
confidence. This was because adolescents would
often compare themselves with other people's
personalities (Novida, 2021). This was in contrast to
the research of Yusintha (2018) stated that adolescent
girls had more positive body image (80.6%)
compared to negative body image (19.4%) (Yusintha
& Adriyanto, 2018). This difference could be caused
by the influence of peer groups and environment with
high interaction through words, norms, and criticism
of the individual. The highest percentage of physical
activity among boarding students was moderate
physical activity (85.0%) while non-boarding school
students was heavy (58.33%). Non-boarding students
tend to have a heavy level of physical activity. The
physical activity of non-boarding students was more
flexible than boarding students due to scheduled
activity at boarding school. Muliyati et al. (2019)
stated that the physical activity of adolescents tend to
be light because almost all activity done was learning
at school. There were several factors Influencing
physical activity such as physiological,
environmental, social and demographic factors
(Muliyati, Hepti; Ahmil; Mandola, 2019).
Table 2: Frequency distribution of categorical variables.
n (%)
Body Image
Negative 36 (60.00) 31 (51.67)
Positive 24 (40.00) 29 (48.33)
Physical activity
Moderate 54 (90.00) 25 (41.67)
Heavy 6 (10.00) 35 (58.33)
Nutritional knowledge
Low 44 (73.33) 36 (60.00)
Moderate 16 (26.67) 22 (36.67)
High 0 (0.00) 2 (3.33)
Nutritional status
Underweight 0 (0.00) 3 (5.00)
Normal 47 (78.33) 44 (73.33)
Overweight 11 (18.33) 7 (11.67)
Obese 2 (3.34) 6 (10.00)
The majority of adolescents in both groups had
low level of nutritional knowledge. This is different
from the research of Nurwijayanti et al. (2019) and
Ningrum et al. (2022) that showed a good level of
nutritional knowledge (Nurwijayanti et al., 2019)
(Ningrum et al., 2023) . These differences might be
caused by educational background, opportunities and
access to nutrition information (Ningrum et al.,
2023). 18.33% of respondents in boarding school
were overweight. The percentage of obese
respondents in non-boarding (10.00%) school was
more than boarding schools (3.34%). More than 70%
of respondents in both groups had normal nutritional
status. This finding was consistent with Jayanti and
Novananda (2017) who found most adolescents had
good nutritional status (Dwi Jayanti & Elsa
Novananda, 2019).The result of this study was no
significant difference in body image between
boarding school and non-boarding school students
with p-value = 0.419 (>0.05). Most of the subjects
had negative body image. This finding was in line
Body Image, Physical Activity, Nutrition Knowledge, and Nutritional Status Among Boarding and Non-Boarding Students
with the research of Fadillah (2022) which stated that
there were no significant difference in the body image
of adolescents. The majority of students had negative
body image (Fadillah, 2022). On the other hand, the
research of Bimantara et al. (2019) showed that most
adolescent students had positive body image
(Muhammad Dimas Bimantara et al., 2019). This
negative body image of some students was influenced
by various factors such as mass media, education
level, and family. Most of them considered their
bodies are too thin compared to the body shape they
wanted, and some of them considered their body are
too fat. This situation then caused the majority of
respondents to have a negative body image (Fadillah,
Table 3: The average and standard deviation of variables.
Mean ± SD
Body image
39.18±6.82 40.17±6.46
48.82±9.98 52.87±11.79
22.36±3.24 22.02±4.93
) Independent sample t test;
) Mann Whitney; *)
Significantly different with 95% confidence level
There was a significant difference in physical
activity levels in both groups with p-value = 0.048
(<0.05). The physical activity level of boarding
students was lower than non-boarding students. This
was in line with previous research by Firmansyah et
al. (2020) which stated that the majority students in
boarding schools had low level of physical activity
(Firmansyah et al., 2022). Increasing physical activity
by additional programs conducted by school
management is needed so that schools can provide
students for example with 60 minutes or more of
vigorous- or moderate-intensity physical activity per
day. These were neither equivalent to nor a
replacement for physical education, and both could
impact meaningfully the development of healthy,
active students (Kohl HW et al., 2013)
The results of this study showed that nutritional
knowledge was significantly different between
boarding school students and non-boarding school
students (p-value<0.05). Although both groups were
in the moderate category of nutritional knowledge,
the non-boarding school group had a higher value
than the boarding school group. This finding was
aligned with previous research showing that 99% of
students had insufficient nutritional knowledge
(Indriasari et al., 2020). The study by Rimbawan et
al. (2023) suggested that intervention in diet and
education could effectively improve nutrition
knowledge, attitudes, and practices (Rimbawan et al.,
The average BMI for age was normal. Nutritional
status in both groups showed no significant
difference. There were 5% underweight students in
the non-boarding school group while more than 20%
overweight and obese in both groups. This was in line
with some research that there were no significant
differences in nutritional status among respondents
staying at boarding school or non-boarding school
(Alfitasari et al., 2019)(Fitri et al., 2021).
This study has limitations in terms of intake or
eating habits of adolescents. Dietary intake or eating
habits are factors that directly affect nutritional status
of adolescents. So that, there is a need for research
that examines how dietary intake or eating habits and
other variables are related to nutritional status.
The level of physical activity and nutritional
knowledge in adolescent girls living in boarding
school and non-boarding school showed significant
differences. The physical activity level of boarding
students was lower than the non-boarding students.
Both groups were in the moderate category of
nutritional knowledge, but the non-boarding school
group had a higher value than the boarding school
group. No significant differences were found in body
image and nutritional status between the two groups.
Most of the subjects had negative body image and the
average nutritional status using an indicator of BMI
for age was normal. From the results of this study,
there is a need for curriculum integration related to
balanced nutrition knowledge and increased physical
activity at school.
The realization of this proceeding's success is
attributed to the collaborative endeavors of diverse
stakeholders. I extend sincere appreciation to the
organizing committee, esteemed speakers, and
presenters for their invaluable contributions.
Furthermore, I acknowledge the crucial role of the
reviewers, editorial team, and active participants in
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
ensuring the high caliber of the content. Gratitude is
also extended to our esteemed sponsors and partners,
whose generous support was instrumental in the
event's accomplishment. Their commitment and
involvement are deeply valued and acknowledged.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health