potentially influencing the observed association
(Kunto & Bras, 2019). Additionally, the small sample
size could potentially reduce the statistical power
necessary to detect a significant association that
might indeed exist in the broader population.
A significant association was observed for
mothers’ participation in Posyandu. A similar finding
was reported in the Cianjur District, West Java, where
a study indicated that the more frequent the visits to
Posyandus, the better the nutritional statuses would
be (Anwar, Khomsan, Sukandar, Riyadi, &
Mudjajanto, 2010). The primary reason participants
attend Posyandu is to monitor the nutritional status of
children under five. As a result, enhancing the quality
of Posyandu services and providing qualified
resources are essential to promote mothers’
participation (Nazri et al., 2016). Therefore, effective
coordination between relevant agencies is necessary
to address multiple factors influencing the nutritional
status of children. The coordination is crucial to
achieve the reduction and prevention of child
malnutrition effectively (Sufri et al., 2023).
No significant association was found between
mothers’ knowledge and the nutritional status of
children (6-23 months), whereas a significant
association was found for mothers’ participation in
Posyandu in the working area of Rapak Mahang
Community Health Center, Kutai Kartanegara.
Future studies should consider a larger sample size,
conduct longitudinal analyses, and explore other
factors that influence the nutrition of children.
The author expresses gratitude to the Kutai
Kartanegara Health Office, Rapak Mahang
Community Health Center, and all participants who
willingly took part in this research.
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