Knowledge and Attitudes of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Towards the
Availability at Home Among Junior High School Students in Bandung
Citra Dewi Anggraini
and Kusharisupeni Djokosujono
Department of Nutrition, Institut Kesehatan Mitra Bunda, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
Department Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia,
Gedung F Lantai 2 Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424, Indonesia
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Availability of SSBs at Home.
Abstract: Teenagers with the availability of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) at home consumed more sweet drinks
compared to teenagers whose sweet drinks were never available at home. The availability of SSBs is
influenced by taste preferences, ease of purchase, and the belief that fruit-containing SSBs are healthy. This
study aims to determine the relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
(SSBs) towards the Availability of SSBs at Home among Junior High School Students in Bandung. This study
was conducted in February and March 2020 at SMPN 2 Bandung with a total of 153 respondents, using a
cross-sectional study design. Data is collected by filling out the questionnaires. The obtained data were
analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis with the chi-square test. Data were analyzed using the chi-
square test. The results showed there is a relation between knowledge about sugar-sweetened beverages with
the Availability of SSBs at Home (p= 0.039) and there is a relation between attitudes about sugar-sweetened
beverages with the Availability of SSBs at Home (p= 0.028). The conclusion of this study is there is a
relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes toward Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) toward the
Availability of SSBs at Home among Junior High School Students in Bandung.
Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are defined as
beverages with added sugar include sports drinks,
sugar-improved tea and espresso, soda pops, and
electrolyte-substitution drinks. The calories
contained in SSBs give practically no dietary benefit
and less satiety, when contrasted with strong food
(Teng et al., 2020). A diet high in added sugars can
lead to metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes
mellitus and cardiovascular disease by direct and
indirect mechanisms. Directly, fructose causes
dysregulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
Indirectly, sugar increases energy intake which leads
to a positive energy balance, increasing body weight
gain, which in turn causes dysregulation of
macronutrients such as carbohydrate and fat
metabolism (Stanhope, 2016).
Based on Riset Kesehatan Dasar, the proportion
of consumption of sugary drinks > 1 time/day at the
national level increased from 53.1% in 2013 to
61.27% in 2018 (Kemenkes, 2013; Kemenkes, 2018).
In the West Java region in 2018 consumption of sweet
drinks > 1 time per day with 63.91%, consumption of
sweet drinks 1-6 times per week, with 29.03%, and
<3 times per month is 7.06% (Ministry of Health RI,
2018). Consumption of calories from beverage
ingredients in the West Java region is 75.95 kcal/day
(BPS, 2018).
Knowledge and attitudes play an important role in
shaping an individual's consumption of sugar-
sweetened beverages (SSB). Knowledge refers to the
awareness and understanding that individuals have
about the health implications of consuming SSB. This
includes knowing about the high sugar content,
calories, and potential health risks associated with
frequent consumption. Less knowledge related to
SSBs was associated with higher SSB consumption
(OR = 3.56) and adolescents who had a negative
attitude tended to consume more carbonated drinks
than adolescents who had a positive attitude (Fauzia,
2012; Jasti, Rubin & Doak, 2017).
Individuals who know well the negative impact of
SSB on health and high sugar content, but still
provide SSB drinks at home can lead to conflicts
between knowledge and behavior.
Anggraini, C. D. and Djokosujono, K.
Knowledge and Attitudes of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Towards the Availability at Home Among Junior High School Students in Bandung.
DOI: 10.5220/0012902900004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 181-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The sample for this study was taken from subjects in
the study population according to the research needs.
Subjects that fit the research needs (eligible subjects)
were determined through inclusion criteria. The
inclusion criteria for this study were students of
SMPN 2 Bandung who were in active status as grade
7 and 8 students in the even semester of the
2019/2020 school year and were present and filled out
a questionnaire during the research. As for the
exclusion criteria, namely, students who do not live
with their parents or the student's parents are
traveling, they cannot sign informed consent.
The technique used in taking samples in each class
is systematic random sampling. The sample selection
begins with the selection of schools that are in the
favorite category, have a good environment, the
location of the school in the city center makes it easier
for students to consume SSBs, and the majority have
high socio-economic status.
2.1 Measures
The questionnaire is a question sheet filled out by
students, while the researcher is only a companion or
guide. Another questionnaire was shown to the
parents of the students who were brought home and
returned to the researcher.
A questionnaire consisted of respondents' identity
questionnaire regarding the availability of Sugar-
Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) at home, the frequency
of SSB consumption, and knowledge related to SSBs,
attitudes related to SSBs.
The Knowledge Questionnaire related to SSBs
was carried out to find out the types of SSBs, the
benefits of consumption SSBs and the impact of SSBs
consumption on health consisting of 15 questions,
knowledge is good if the value of knowledge is >
60%, and knowledge is poor if the value of
knowledge is < 60%. Attitudes related to SSBs, that
is a person's response to a stimulus related to the
respondent's view of the consumption of sweet
drinks. Positive attitude if > median and negative
attitude if < median.
Availability of SSBs at home which include milk
with added sugar, tea with added sugar, regular soda,
sports drinks, fruit drinks with added sugar, coffee
drinks with added sugar, energy drinks, sweetened
condensed milk drinks, and packaged chocolate
drinks with added sugar. Rare category, if the total
score < the mean of the total score of sweetened sugar
availability beverages at home, and often category, if
the total score > the mean of the total score of
availability of sugar-sweetened beverages at home.
Table 1 shows that the majority of the respondents
had good knowledge and were well-informed about
sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) as many as 101
respondents (66%) and 52 respondents (34%) had less
knowledge. Questions related to SSB knowledge
included SSB content, types of SSBs, and the impact
of SSB consumption. In addition, it is also known that
most respondents have a positive attitude, or in this
case, they tend not to like sugar-sweetened beverages,
namely 91 respondents (59.5%), compared to
respondents with a negative attitude, namely those
who like sugar-sweetened beverages, namely 62
respondents (40.5%).
Most of the respondents had the availability of
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) at home in the
frequent category, namely as many as 81 respondents
(52.9%), while as many as 72 respondents (47.1%)
SSBs were rarely available at their homes.
Table 1: Distribution of Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Availability at Home of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in
2020 among Junior High School Students in Bandung.
Total (n=153)
n %
Knowledge of SSBs
Poor 52 34,0
Good 101 66,0
Atitudes of SSBs
Negative 62 40,5
Positive 91 59,5
Ability of SSBs
Often 81 52,9
Rate 72 47,1
Data were analyzed using chi-square test. The
results showed there is a relation between knowledge
about sugar-sweetened beverages with the
Availability of SSBs at Home (p= 0.039) and there is
a relation between attitudes about sugar-sweetened
beverages with the Availability of SSBs at Home (p=
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 2: Bivariate Analysis between Knowledge and
Attitudes of SSBs to Availability of Sugar-Sweetened
Beverages at Home in 2020 among Junior High School
Students in Bandung.
Availability of
Beverages at Home
(95% CI)
Often Rare
n (%) n (%)
e of SSBs
Poor 21 (40,4) 31 (59,6)
0,039* 0,463
Good 60 (59,4) 41 (40,6)
Attitudes of SSBs
Negative 40 (64,5) 22 (35,5)
0,028* 2,217
Positive 41 (45,1) 50 (54,9)
* Significant level of p < 0,05
The results showed there is a relation of knowledge
about sugar-sweetened beverages with the
Availability of SSBs at Home (p= 0.039). As
knowledge levels were considered relatively low, this
might mirror respondents with a low degree of
mindfulness in pursuing beneficial routines related to
keeping away from SSBs and restricting their
admission overall (Teng et al., 2020). Research
conducted by Wattelez shows that among adolescents
who are categorized as “unknowing” for knowledge
related to sugar consumption, those who are
overweight have a higher intake of sugar-sweetened
beverages than others (Wattelez et al., 2019).
In the study, it was found that 44 respondents
(61.1%) had SSBs available at home in the rare
category and consumed high SSBs, while 63
respondents (77.8%) had frequent SSBs available at
home. Adolescents with low availability of SSBs at
home and severe family food rules, restricting them
to drink as much SSBs as they like, were bound to
diminish their intake than understudies with high
accessibility of SSBs and liberal weight control plans
(Ezendam et al, 2010).
If SSBs are readily available at home, individuals
with positive attitudes toward these beverages may
see them as convenient and enjoyable. They might
view SSBs as a quick and accessible way to satisfy
their thirst or cravings. This research showed there is
a relation between attitudes about sugar-sweetened
beverages with the Availability of Sugar-Sweetened
Beverages (SSBs) at Home (p= 0.028). SSB
consumers with often frequency tend to have a low
understanding regarding the health impact of to
consumption of SSBs which causes subjects to ignore
the sugar content in 1 bottle of SSBs (Miller et al.,
Availability makes it easier for adolescents to
access SSBs compared to other beverage options.
This ease of access can lead to a higher likelihood of
choosing SSBs over alternatives like water, milk, or
unsweetened beverages. Research conducted by Sari
shows that the dominant factor is correlated to SSB
consumption in SMAN 47 Jakarta students the
availability of SSB at home can influence SSB
consumption (Sari et al., 2022). Adolescents might
choose SSBs simply because they lack alternatives if
healthier beverage options are less available at home
Parents might impact the admission of SSBs
among youths since they are the primary purchasers
in the family. Parents act as good examples and
facilitators in affecting youngsters' weight control
plans. The intense usage of SSBs among teenagers
can be brought about by an absence of parental
guidelines at home which limits the utilization of
SSBs. Parents who are unable to apply restrictions on
the consumption of SSBs in their children cause
children to consume one to two SSBs per day (Gan et
al., 2019).
Several research results show that educational/
social mediations are compelling in diminishing SSB
utilization in young people and adults (Vézina et al.,
2017; Gupta et al, 2018). Therefore, efforts to
decreased consumption of SSBs in children could
profit from the consideration of instructive
mediations that engage kids and their folks/parental
figures (in light of multiple factors; for instance,
having command over the accessibility of beverages
in the home and being good examples) to go with
healthy decisions (Smirk et al., 2021).
The conclusion of this study there is the relationship
between Knowledge and Attitudes of Sugar-
Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) toward the Availability
of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSBs) at Home
among Junior High School Students in Bandung. The
suggestion in this research is for parents to limit the
availability of SSBs at home, and replace them with
healthier drinks such as plain milk, less sugar or zero
sugar soft drinks, or fruit juices without added sugar.
Parents' attitudes are often strongly influenced by the
well-being of their children. If parents are concerned
about the health effects of SSBs, they might limit
their availability at home to promote healthier choices
for their family.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health