Description of High-Risk Pregnancy in North Aceh Regency
Maidar Abdul Manan and Radhiah Zakaria
Faculty of Public Health University of Muhammadiyah Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Description, High-Risk Pregnancy, ‘Factor 4 too’.
Abstract: Introduction: Cases of maternal death in North Aceh Regency within a decade are reported to have had a
fluctuating trend. Unplanned pregnancies, Suboptimal health status, and '4 too' pregnancies contribute to cases
of maternal death every year. Descriptions of high-risk pregnancies can provide direction for future problem-
solving interventions based on existing facts. The aim of this study is to describe high-risk pregnancies in
North Aceh Regency by utilizing maternal cohort data. Method: This is a descriptive study that examines
cohort data of mothers who were observed from pregnancy to delivery in 2019 to 2022, a total of 540 high-
risk pregnant women were obtained at the Samudera Health Center, North Aceh Regency. Results: This study
found that from 'too 4 factors', the too old and too young age factors showed a decrease. Multiparity and
closely spaced births have not shown a downward trend. Previous history of caesarean section which in 2019
accounted for 15.9% increased to 28.1% in 2021. Conclusion: The risk decreases in pregnancies that are too
old and too young, but multiparity and birth spacing that are too short have not shown a decreasing trend.
There is an increased risk of pregnancy due to repeated cesarean delivery. Description of pregnancy risks is
an important study material in efforts to prevent and control pregnancy risks in a more planned manner based
on data/facts.
Aceh ranks 6th, contributing 50 percent of the
Maternal Mortality Rate (AKI) in Indonesia. In 2018,
it was reported that 141 maternal deaths per 100,000
live births, there was an increase in 2019, namely 157
per 100,000 live births and it continues to increase to
173 per 100,000 live births (Kesehatan, 2021). North
Aceh Regency is one of the contributors to maternal
mortality cases in Aceh Province, so the success of
health service efforts in North Aceh will provide
leverage to reduce AKI in Aceh Province.
Based on a decade of observation data, from 2013
to 2022, there is a trend of decreasing AKI, however,
the fluctuating trend is still clearly visible (Maidar,
2023; Maidar 2022). The main causes are still
dominated by bleeding and hypertension during
pregnancy and also related to the mother's health
status, pregnancy planning, and the condition of '4
too' pregnancies.
The maternal perinatal audit in mid-2019
examined the root of the problem related to various
causes and risk factors for maternal deaths in North
Aceh Regency, one of the sub-districts that was the
focus of attention was Samudera Sub-district which
reported 4 cases of maternal deaths at the beginning
of that year. From audits and case studies of the main
causes of maternal death due to bleeding and
hypertension during pregnancy, social determinants
in the form of 'four too late' and 'four too much' still
contribute greatly to each case.
Based on audit findings by analyzing causes and
risk factors, it is very important to take specific
promotive, preventive, and curative steps. The
description of risk factors becomes evidence-based
for evaluating the output and outcomes of activities
that have been implemented and provides feedback
for improving future activity planning. This research
seeks to provide more specific recommendations for
improving efforts to reduce maternal mortality
therefore the plans prepared become more effective
and efficient.
Descriptive research used cohort data of mothers
from 2019 to 2022 at the Samudera Health Center,
North Aceh Regency. A total of 2,662 pregnant
women were identified as subjects, including 540
Manan, M. A. and Zakaria, R.
Description of High-Risk Pregnancy in North Aceh Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0012903000004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 185-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(20.28%) mothers with high-risk pregnancies. In
2019 there were 132 high-risk pregnant women,
which increased to 135 in 2020 and 2021, and in 2022
there were increased to 138 high-risk pregnant
High-risk pregnancies were detected using the
pregnant women’s register, maternal cohort, and
screening sheets/forms at the Samudera Health
Center, North Aceh Regency. This study focuses on
observing high risk due to '4 too' and history of
cesarean section delivery.
The description of high-risk pregnancies in this
study identifies trends of increase, decrease, and
fluctuation in the percentage of pregnancy risk
factors, especially the '4 too' factor, history of
cesarean section delivery, and other factors by
maximizing the use of maternal cohort data that is
available at the Community Health Center.
Samudera Health Center is one of 32 health centers in
North Aceh Regency. At the beginning of 2019, there
were 4 cases of maternal death related to bleeding,
pre-eclampsia, and a history of anemia. The increase
in death cases in 2019 had an impact on the high
number of maternal deaths in North Aceh Regency.
The audit results recommend carrying out high-risk
screening of pregnant women, discussing each case
periodically, and developing innovations in
individual health efforts and public health efforts.
Based on data from the maternal cohort used in
this study, it was found that the target for high-risk
pregnancies was around 20 percent of the target for
pregnant women, as shown in Table 1. Overall, from
2,662 pregnant women, the number of high-risk
pregnancies was 540 cases (20.28%). High-risk
pregnancy consists of maternal characteristics in the
form of age, obstetric history in the form of parity and
pregnancy complications and birth history, health
status in the form of anemia, chronic lack of energy,
and history of illnesses experienced by the mother.
Table 1: Numbers of Pregnant Women and the High-Risk
High Risk
2019 660 132 20,00
2020 665 135 20,30
2021 667 135 20,24
2022 670 138 20,60
Total 2.662 540 20,31 (mean)
Source: 2019-2022 mothers’ cohort
This research found that several risk factors have
decreased, therefore, it can be said that the efforts and
innovations that have been developed by the
Samudera Community Health Center are quite
successful. From the factor '4 too' a clear decreasing
trend can be seen in pregnancies aged over 35 years
and aged less than 20 years. Multiparity factors and
short pregnancy spacing have not shown a decreasing
trend. These results can be concluded that high-risk
pregnancies from the '4 too' factors in the form of
multiparity and less than optimal pregnancy spacing
still need to be a concern for the focus of intervention,
as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Description of High-Risk Pregnancy Trends
Factors '4 too'.
Year >35 <20 Multiparity
2019 35,6 7,6 17,4 13,6
2020 25,9 5,9 20,7 13,3
2021 24.4 5,2 16,3 14,8
2022 25,4 3.6 18,1 13,0
Fluctuation Fluctuation
Table 2 shows that there is a tendency for high-risk
pregnancies to decrease due to being too old, the
decrease ranges from 1.5 to 9.7 points, as well as
pregnancies at too young an age. The decreasing trend
is clearly visible from the initial observation, 7.6
percent decreased to 3. 6 percent. Meanwhile,
multiparity was still very fluctuating during the 4
years of observation, too short a distance between
pregnancies still occurred in 13-14 percent of high-
risk pregnancies.
Table 3: Description of High-Risk Pregnancy Trend
History of Cesarean Section.
Tahun Riwa
at SC Faktor lain
2019 15,9 9,9
2020 26,7 7,5
2021 28,1 35,6
2022 25,4 18,1
Source: 2019-20 22 mothers’ cohort
Table 3 shows the tendency for an increase in
high-risk pregnancies due to a history of cesarean
section delivery and the percentage is above 25
percent. The increasing trend should be a cause for
concern, especially when linked to the World Health
Organization (WHO) determination that the average
cesarean section ranges from 5 to 15 percent per 1000
live births in each country. Regarding this, the results
of this research still need to be explored in more depth
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
to obtain information on indications for cesarean
section delivery in Samudera District. Other factors
in the form of anemia, CED, and comorbidities are
still often found in the screening of pregnant women.
Base on the results of observations and analysis,
it can be concluded that the efforts and interventions
carried out by the Samudera Community Health
Center have shown success, but the development of
innovation can be directed toward the use of Long-
Term Contraceptive Methods (MKJP) to reduce high-
risk pregnancies which are contributed due to
multiparity and short pregnancy spacing.
Furthermore, a history of cesarean section also
requires a fairly long period of time to restore the
mother's health before planning the next pregnancy.
Descriptions of high-risk pregnancies have shown
decreasing, increasing, and fluctuating trends in each
risk factor based on collected maternal cohort data.
So, based on this description, specific efforts for risk
control can be recommended. The use of maternal
cohort data as analytical material is very necessary to
obtain a description of the success of the efforts that
have been made, therefore several risk factors that
have not been successful can be more specifically
Several studies that utilize medical record data
have been published and have given rise to specific
recommendations, including Li, (2022) who
analyzed information routinely collected in
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to identify the
risk of preeclampsia in three main pregnancy time
periods, namely ante, intra, and postpartum. This
research identifies risk factors for preeclampsia such
as blood pressure, body weight, and maternal age,
resulting in recommendations for early identification
of the risk of preeclampsia, and therapeutic strategies
for patients at risk.
Apart from Li,, Escobar (2021) also uses
routine data to predict various obstetric morbidities,
so the resulting model is useful for predicting
obstetric complications by developing appropriate
clinical protocols for use in the intervention (Escobar,
2021). Furthermore, Klumpner, et. al (2021) predict
obstetric and fetal complications using electronic
health data (Klumpner,, 2021).
Based on previous research and the results of this
study, it can be concluded that the use of routine data
can be a solution for describing various morbidities
and risk factors. Some of the information obtained
from routine data observations can provide
recommendations for early detection, therapy
development, and control of service systems.
Multiparity, birth spacing too close, and the increase
in cesarean section deliveries indicate that the
mother's parity status is very risky. This condition is
closely related to cultural factors which indicate that
the ideal number of children in a household is more
than 4. It cannot be denied that the high level of
multiparity is also related to the desire to have a child
of a certain gender, therefore pregnancy is still
attempted until it meets the gender of the child the
couple hopes for.
Less than optimal pregnancy spacing is related to
less effective contraceptive choices so some
pregnancies can be categorized as unplanned
pregnancies. The problem of unmet need for
contraception also contributes. This condition is very
worrying, especially if the previous delivery was by
cesarean section. Morbidity and mortality will
increase, especially in repeat cesarean sections.
This research encourages the use of surveillance
data that has been collected in health facilities, despite
the fact that the use of data that has been collected at
a significant cost, including the human resources
involved, has not been fully utilized optimally. This
research is proof that maternal cohort data available
at Community Health Centers can be used to evaluate
programs and efforts that have been made, providing
a strong, evidence-based foundation for future
program improvements.
This research concludes that from the efforts made by
the Samudera Health Center Team, high-risk
pregnancies due to factors such as being too old and
too young can be controlled. In contrast, multiparity
and short-term pregnancies still show a fluctuating
trend. This research found that cesarean section
deliveries were above 25 percent and showed an
increasing trend.
The description of high-risk pregnancies
produced in this research can be used as material for
evaluation and improvement of planning as well as
the development of more specific innovations, one of
which is the promotion of Long-Term Contraceptive
Methods (MKJP)to reduce multiparity, less than
optimal pregnancy spacing and recovery of
pregnancies with a previous history of cesarean
The authors thank to the Head of the Samudera
Community Health Center and the staff who
Description of High-Risk Pregnancy in North Aceh Regency
contributed to this research.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health