Prevalence of non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Among
University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study
Riza Septiani
and Putri Ariscasari
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, Jl. Muhammadiyah No. 91, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Non-Communicable Disease, Risk Factor, Hypertension, Obesity, Hyperglycaemia.
Abstract: The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) demonstrates an upward trend. Metabolic syndrome,
characterized by high blood pressure, obesity, hyperglycaemia, and abnormal cholesterol, serves as a crucial
indicator of associated risk factors for various NCDs. Current lifestyle patterns and high stress levels have
been identified as the main contributors to this growing trend. This study aims to analyse the presence of
NCDs risk factors among staff and lecturers at a private university in Aceh. A cross-sectional study was
conducted at the private university clinic in Banda Aceh, involving a sample of 109 participants. Convenience
sampling was employed by disseminating information to all university members regarding NCDs screening.
Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 26 for univariate approach. The research was conducted
between 24 and 28 June 2023. Results indicate that among the participants, 76.1% were aged 26-45, 63.3%
were female, 82.6% were married, and 77.1% had worked for over 5 years. Hypertension was reported by
15.6%, while 25.7% had prehypertension. Obesity affected 65.1%, with 11.9% classified as overweight.
Central obesity was prevalent in 70.6%, and 17.4% displayed hyperglycaemia. Additionally, 58.3%
experienced medium to high stress, 45% had a family history of NCDs, 34.8% were smokers, 50.5% had
irregular exercise, and 47.7% lacked sufficient fiber in their diet. This study highlights the prevalence of
various NCD risk factors among university employees. The findings serve as a basis for further research in
similar populations, involving a larger sample size, emphasizing comprehensive interventions like education,
behaviour change and the university's attention to employee health highlights the necessity of a health-
promoting university approach to support the wellbeing of university staff.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are
experiencing an upward trend worldwide, with their
prevalence being notably higher in Lower and Middle
Income Countries (LMICs), including Indonesia
(Ndubuisi, 2021). According to WHO (2022), NCDs
cause the deaths of 41 million people annually,
accounting for 74% of global deaths (World Health
Organization, 2022). Among these, 17 million people
died from NCDs prematurely, before reaching the age
of 70, and a substantial 86% of these premature
deaths occur within LMICs (World Health
Organization, 2022). The five most prevalent NCDs
comprise cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
preventable cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and
mental health conditions (World Health
Organization, 2022). In Indonesia, according to the
Basic Health Research of 2018, the prevalence of
NCDs is approximately 10% (Arifin et al., 2022). The
primary contributing factor with the highest odds is
depression, followed by other factors such as lack of
education, passive smoking, female gender, poor diet,
urban residence, and obesity (Arifin et al., 2022).
Metabolic syndrome, characterized by high
blood pressure, obesity, hyperglycaemia, and
abnormal cholesterol levels, stands as a crucial
indicator of the linked risk factors for a range of
NCDs especially heart disease, stroke and diabetes
(American Heart Association, 2021). Additionally,
Current lifestyle patterns and high stress levels have
also been identified as the main contributors to this
growing trend of high NCDs prevalence (American
Heart Association, 2021).
Septiani, R. and Ariscasari, P.
Prevalence of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Among University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012903100004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 189-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Meanwhile, various studies indicate a high
prevalence of NCDs among lecturers and staff,
identifying them as a high-risk population (Brenyah
et al., 2023; Kuruvilla et al., 2023; Que, 2023). These
studies have extensively observed and analysed
health issues within this population, with a focus on
diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,
chronic respiratory diseases, and others. These
findings depict that the group of lecturers and staff is
identified as a population with a higher risk of NCD
occurrence (Alzeidan et al., 2016; Brenyah et al.,
2023; Kuruvilla et al., 2023; Que, 2023).
Certain factors such as high work pressure,
unhealthy eating patterns, as well as a less active
lifestyle and limited time for physical activities, often
characterize the work environment within academic
settings (Fountaine et al., n.d.; Lima et al., 2021)
These aspects can contribute to the elevated
prevalence of NCDs among lecturers and staff.
Therefore, a deep understanding of these risks will
provide a crucial foundation for designing health
programs specifically tailored to this group. Through
a more targeted approach, the potential to reduce
NCD risks among lecturers and staff can be enhanced,
thus improving their well-being and productivity
within the academic environment.
The primary objective of this research is to
assess the prevalence of risk factors associated with
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) among the
staff and lecturers of a private university in Aceh.
This includes an examination of the presence of
metabolic syndrome, encompassing risk factors such
as hypertension, hyperglycaemia, overweight, and
obesity. Additionally, the study will also investigate
the prevalence of other lifestyle-related risk factors,
including smoking, a diet low in fiber, and limited
physical activity.
The cross-sectional study was conducted with a
sample of 109 participants at the private university
clinic in Banda Aceh. Data analysis was performed
using SPSS version 26 with a univariate approach and
the research findings are presented descriptively to
provide a comprehensive overview of the collected
information. The research took place between June 24
and June 28 2023. Data collection involved
conducting interviews using an online questionnaire
through Google Forms and performing assessments
such as body weight, height to calculate Body Mass
Index (BMI), as well as other evaluations including
abdominal circumference, blood pressure, and blood
glucose levels. For data collections, 41 students from
the Public Health study program, along with a general
practitioner and a nurse, participated as data
collectors, responsible for measurements under the
supervision of the researcher. Prior to the data
collection, respondents were queried about their
willingness to undergo NCDs screening and
participate in the study.
Focusing on the characteristics of the respondents,
out of the 109 staff and lecturers who engaged in the
study, a significant majority, 76.1% were within the
age range of 26 to 45 years, thereby classified as
middle-aged adults. Furthermore, 63.3% of the
participants were female, and 82.6% were married.
Specifically, 44% comprised staff members
exclusively, while 29.4% were lecturers only, and
26.6% held dual roles as both staff and lecturers, and
77.1% had over 5 years of work experience (Table 1).
Table 1: Characteristic of Respondents.
Characteristic N %
adult 2 1.8
Middle-aged adult 83 76.1
Pre-elderly 21 19.3
Elderly 3 2.8
Female 69 63.3
Male 40 36.7
Marital status
Unmarried 17 15.6
Married 90 82.6
Divorce 2 1.8
Employment status
Lecturer 32 29.4
Staff 48 44
Lecturer + staff 29 26.6
Employment period
< 5 years 25 22.9
5 years 84 77.1
Total 109 100
According to the results of the univariate analysis
focusing on the identification of risk factors for
NCDs, some of these variables encompass the
concept of metabolic syndrome. The findings reveal
that 15.6% of the participants demonstrated elevated
blood pressure, which corresponds to the
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
classification of hypertension. Moreover, 25.7%
exhibited prehypertension. Furthermore, the study
identified that 65.1% were categorized as obese, and
11.9% were classified as overweight. The assessment
of abdominal circumference unveiled central obesity
as prevalent among 70.6% of the participants, while
17.4% displayed signs of hyperglycaemia.
Additionally, it was observed that 58.3% of the
respondents reported a medium to high stress level.
Approximately 45% of the respondents had a family
history of NCDs, encompassing conditions such as
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or stroke.
Additionally, 38.4% of the participants were either
active or passive smokers, with over half admitting to
irregular exercise patterns. Furthermore, nearly half
of the participants reported an insufficient intake of
dietary fiber (Table 2).
Table 2: The Prevalence of NCDs Risk Factor.
Assessment Category N %
Blood pressure
ertension 17 15.6
Pre-hypertension 28 25.7
Normal 64 58.7
Body mass
71 65.1
Overweight 13 11.9
Normal 18 16.5
Underweight 6 5.5
(central obese)
77 70.6
Normal 32 29.4
Blood glucose
Hyperglycaemia 19 17.4
Normal 90 82.6
Stress level High 10 9.2
Medium 53 48.6
Low 46 42.2
Family history
of NCDs
Present 49 45
Absent 60 55
Smoking Active 12 11
Passive 31 28.4
Non-smoker 66 60.6
Exercise Irregula
55 50.5
54 49.5
Regular fiber-
based diet
Insufficient 52 47.7
Sufficient 57 52.3
Total 109 100
Based on research results, the prevalence of risk
factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
among university employees are concerning,
particularly focusing on metabolic
syndrome and
associated variables. The obtained findings provide
valuable insights into the health status and risk
profiles of university employees.
Regarding blood pressure, the study revealed
that a notable proportion, 15.6%, exhibited elevated
blood pressure, which aligns with the classification of
hypertension. Additionally, 25.7% demonstrated
prehypertension, indicating a concerning
predisposition to high blood pressure.
Globally, approximately 1.28 billion individuals
aged 30 to 79 years suffer from hypertension, with
around 46% of adults with this condition being
unaware of their health status (World Health
Organization, 2023). The diagnosis and treatment
rates for hypertension are inadequate, underscoring
the importance of regular blood pressure screening
for early detection. Furthermore, the study's findings
reveal that about a quarter of the respondents
exhibited pre-hypertension
. Prehypertension serves as
an indicator that an individual could develop elevated
blood pressure later on (Bruce, 2023). Positioned
between normal blood pressure and hypertension,
prehypertension is linked to sub-clinical
atherosclerosis and damage to target organs
(Anshuman Srivastava; Taaha M. Mirza; Shweta
Sharan, 2022). Therefore, it is crucial to alert
individuals with prehypertension and effectively
manage this condition to maintain blood pressure
within a healthy range.
Several studies show that the rate cases of
elevated blood pressure is quite high, a research in
Pattimura University, Indonesia examined 517
lecturers and staff members, revealing that the
prevalence of stage 1 hypertension was 36%, while
stage 2 hypertension accounted for 30%.
Additionally, prehypertension was identified in 22%
of the participants (Que, 2023). Another study
conducted in a university setting reveals that the
prevalence of hypertension among employees is 17%
(Kuruvilla et al., 2023).
Obesity and central obesity emerged as another
significant risk factor. 65.1% falling into obesity and
11.9% classified as overweight. This underscores the
need for proactive measures to address obesity and its
potential consequences, such as cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes. The assessment of abdominal
circumference exposed the prevalence of central
obesity among 70.6% of participants, further
highlighting the urgency of addressing this crucial
risk factor for various NCDs. Some research also
mentioned similar findings, indicating that the
prevalence of obesity reached 50%, overweight
Prevalence of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Among University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study
reached 16.8%, and central obesity reached 64.4%
(Kuruvilla et al., 2023).
Concurrently, 17.4% of participants displayed
signs of hyperglycaemia, accentuating the risk of
diabetes. A similar finding was observed in a study
that focused on the level of blood glucose among
university employees, where 19% exhibited
hyperglycaemia. (Que, 2023). Another study, which
did not directly measure respondents' blood sugar
levels but instead asked them about their satisfaction
with their blood sugar levels, found that 47.5% of
respondents reported dissatisfaction. This suggests
that the results could potentially indicate abnormal
levels (Brenyah et al., 2023).
Psychosocial aspects were also considered, with
58.3% of respondents reporting medium to high stress
levels. In line with these findings, a study that
examined the occurrence of work-related stress
among university staff discovered an overall
prevalence of 60.4% over a 12-month period. The
study also identified correlated factors such as high
job demands and low job control (Kabito GG, Wami
SD, Chercos DH, 2020). Some studies have
extensively documented the connections between
psychosocial stressors and various illnesses (Ghosh &
Verma, 2018; Marmot, 1999; Marmot MG, Bosma H,
Hemingway H, Brunner E, 1997). Research has
revealed that men with lower socioeconomic status
face an increased likelihood of experiencing coronary
heart disease (CHD) (Marmot MG, Bosma H,
Hemingway H, Brunner E, 1997). Additionally,
insufficient perceived job control and workplace
stress have been identified as significant factors
contributing to the development of conditions like
CHD and hypertension (Cranny CJ, Smith PC, 1991).
This connection between stress and NCDs is well-
documented and underscores the importance of
holistic health promotion strategies.
Another finding related to risk factors of NCDs
include family history that played a significant role,
as approximately 45% of participants reported a
family history of NCDs. This emphasizes the genetic
predisposition and the importance of tailored
interventions for high-risk individuals. Meanwhile,
lifestyle factors were also evident, with 38.4% of
participants being active or passive smokers, more
than half having irregular exercise patterns, and based
on dietary habits, it were also addressed, as nearly
half of the participants reported insufficient dietary
fiber intake. These behaviors contribute to NCD risk
and should be targeted in health promotion efforts,
underscoring the importance of regular exercise and
balanced diet in NCD prevention
In conclusion, the research findings highlight the
alarming prevalence of NCD risk factors among the
employees, including high blood pressure, obesity,
hyperglycemia, stress, smoking, lack of exercise and
an insufficient fiber diet. The results emphasize the
urgent need for comprehensive interventions to
address these risk factors and promote healthier
lifestyles, including multi approach encompassing
education, behavioral changes, and policy initiatives
is essential to limit the growing burden of NCDs in
the population. The findings serve as a basis for
further research in similar populations, involving a
larger sample size. It emphasizes the importance of
the university’s awareness of employee health and the
need for a health-promoting university approach to
support the wellbeing of university staff.
However, this study has its limitations. It was
integrated with a project-based learning activity,
involving a significant number of enumerators, over
41 data collectors. Despite comprehensive training,
potential biases in data collection cannot be
disregarded. Moreover, due to time constraints for
data collection, the study was unable to gather
comprehensive data from all employees.
We extend our gratitude to the university leadership
and the dedicated staff of the university clinics for
granting us permission to conduct the study through
NCDs screening among employees. Our sincere
appreciation also goes to the staff and lecturers who
willingly participated in this study. Furthermore, we
would like to express our thanks to the students from
the Epidemiology, Work Health and Safety,
Biostatistics and Health Informatics departments of
the Faculty of Public Health for their invaluable
assistance in collecting the research data.
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Prevalence of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Among University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study