Correlation Between the Health of Children Under Five Years and
Health Service Readiness at Health Centers in Indonesia: Analysis
of Riskesdas 2018 and Rifaskes 2019 Data
Sefrina Werni
, Emma Rachmawati
, Helda Khusun
and Harimat Hendarwan
Agency for Health Policies Development of Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Public Health Sciences, Graduate School University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Food and Nutrition (SEAMEO RECFON),
Pusat Kajian Gizi Regional (PKGR) University Indonesia, Indonesia
Center for Preclinical and Clinical Medicine Research, Health Research Organization,
National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sub-Index, Health of Children Under Five Years, Readiness of Health Services, Riskesdas, Rifaskes.
Abstract: Based on the description of the health of children under five years of age from the Riskesdas 2018 data, a sub-
index score for the health of children under five was created as one of the IPKM indicators. As for the
description of health service readiness for children under five years from the Rifaskes 2019 data, a sub-index
of health service readiness for children under five years was created based on the SARA (Service Availability
and Readiness Assessment) concept taken in the same year. This study aims to look at the relationship between
the health of children under five years of age and the readiness of health services for children under five years
of age at community health centers. The research data uses secondary data and is a further analysis of the
Riskesdas 2018 data and Rifaskes 2019 data. The design of Riskesdas is cross sectional, while Rifaskes is
designed in total coverage. In this study, a correlation analysis has been carried out on the two Research sub-
index values. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the health sub-index for children under
five years and the health service readiness sub-index for children under five years at community health centers
show a p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship, the correlation value r
= 0.346, which is a positive unidirectional. There is significant correlation, positive unidirectional between
the health of children under five years and the readiness of health services for children under five years at
community health centers.
Based on data World Bank stated that the infant
mortality rate in the world in 2019 reached 28.2 per
1000 live births (Data Bank, 2019). According to
reports United National International Children's
Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the death rate in the
Asian region is 35 deaths, per 1,000 live births
(UNICEF, 2020). In Indonesia, the results of the 2017
Indonesian demographic and Health Survey (IDHS)
show an under-five mortality rate of 32 per 1,000 live
births (SDKI, 2017). In the 2021 Indonesia Health
Profile, there were 27,566 under-five deaths (“Profil
Statistik Kesehatan 2021,” 2021).
The government has made efforts to detect
problems as early as possible with children's health,
which can cause health problems and death.
Monitoring of the health, growth, and development of
children under five is needed, as is their handling at
various levels of health services. Public health centers
are the first-level health service facility that organizes
toddler health efforts in accordance with Minister of
Health Regulation No. 43 of 2019 concerning public
health centers (“Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No
43 Tahun 2019 Tentang Puskesmas,” 2019).
Under-five health service activities at the public
health centers that are indicators of improving the
health status of under-fives are weighing, measuring
body length and height, monitoring development,
giving vitamin A (age 6–59 months), completing
basic immunization, and providing services for sick
under-fives using the Integrated Management of
Childhood Illness (IMCI) approach. In 2021, in
Werni, S., Rachmawati, E., Khusun, H. and Hendarwan, H.
Correlation Between the Health of Children Under Five Years and Health Service Readiness at Health Centers in Indonesia: Analysis of Riskesdas 2018 and Rifaskes 2019 Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012903200004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 194-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Indonesia, the average percentage of children under
five who are weighed will be 69% per month. The
percentage of children under five whose growth and
development were monitored was 69.6%.
Meanwhile, the strategic plan target is 70%, which
shows that the target of a visit coverage percentage of
under-fives is not achieved, whose growth and
development are monitored. In 2021, the national
complete basic immunization coverage will be
84.2%; this figure also does not meet the 2021
Strategic Plan target, which is 93.6% (Laporan Riset
Fasilitas Kesehatan (RIFASKES) 2019 Puskesmas,
Basic health research (Riskesdas) is carried out by
calculating the Community Health Development
Index (IPKM) as a tool to measure the success of
public health development at the provincial and
district/city levels. One of the seven indicators
measured is under-five health services (Tjandrarini,
2018). The Community Health Development Index
(CHDI) from the existing Riskesdas data was then
complemented by the existence of a health service
facility index from the 2019 Health Facilities
Research (Rifaskes) data. In 2021, research will be
carried out to assess and monitor the availability of
health services and the readiness of the health sector
in public health centers in Indonesia by using an
assessment tool for health facilities that meet the
Service Availability and Readiness Assessment
Based on the results of this research, an index of
health service facilities, especially public health
centers, will be compiled, which will provide an
overview of the readiness of health services in
districts, cities, and provinces. Among the facilities
index, there is a readiness sub-index for service health
under five (Hendarwan, 2021). The 2018 Riskesdas
data describes the pre-existing health conditions of
children under five, and the 2019 Rifaskes data can
provide an overview of the state of readiness of the
public health centers in providing under-five health
services. The study will be carried out based on the
under-five health sub-index values from the 2018
Riskesdas research and the under-five health service
readiness subindex using the SARA concept from the
2019 Rifaskes research.
The research data uses secondary data and is a further
analysis of the 2018 Riskesdas data and the 2019
Rifaskes data. The 2018 Riskesdas samples analyzed
in this study were children aged 0–59 months, for a
total of 93,620 children. The 2019 Rifaskes sample
was taken in total coverage. The public health center
data used is public health center data as of June 2018
for 9,909 public health centers in 514 districts or
cities in 34 provinces in Indonesia. At the time the
Riskesdas data collection took place in 2018, the
public health centers data had already been set for the
2019 Riskesdas.
The children under five who were sampled in the
2018 Riskesdas were domiciled in the working area
of the public health centers that were sampled in the
2019 Riskesdas. The research analysis unit was
districts or cities, so this study analyzed a total of 514
districts or cities in Indonesia.
The lowest sub-index value is 0, and the highest is
1. If it is close to 1, it indicates conditions in the
district or city are improving; if it is close to 0, it
indicates conditions have not improved. The median
value is taken, namely 0.50, and an analysis of the
mapping of districts and cities that are 0.50 and >
0.50 is carried out.
In this study, a correlation analysis was conducted
to see the relationship between the under-five health
sub-index and the under-five health service readiness
3.1 Mapping the Under-Five Health
The value of the under-five health sub-index has been
obtained from 514 districts and cities in 34 provinces.
From the results of the sub-index values, mapping is
made at the provincial level using the digital map
method, as shown in Figure 1.
The highest under-five health sub-index score was
in DI Yogyakarta Province, which was 0.81, and Bali,
which was 0.80. The lowest values are in Papua
Province, which is 0.53, and Maluku, which is 0.56.
The highest score in the district or city is in Tabanan
Regency, Bali Province, at 0.90, and the lowest score
is in Paniai Regency, Papua Province, at 0.31. If a
mapping analysis is carried out for districts or cities
that are 0.50 and > 0.50, the under-five health sub-
index values are 7.0% (36 districts or cities) that are
0.50 and as many as 93.0% (476 districts or cities)
that are > 0.50.
Correlation Between the Health of Children Under Five Years and Health Service Readiness at Health Centers in Indonesia: Analysis of
Riskesdas 2018 and Rifaskes 2019 Data
Figure 1: Mapping of the under-five health sub-index in
Indonesia in 2018.
3.2 Mapping of Toddler Health Service
Readiness Sub-Index
Based on the results of the sub-index values, mapping
was made at the provincial level using the digital map
method, as shown in Figure 2.
The highest under-five health service readiness
sub-index score was in the DI Yogyakarta and Central
Java provinces,
namely 0.81. The lowest value in
Province is 0.69. The highest score in the
district or city is Tidore. Islands Regency, North
Maluku Province, 0.93, and the lowest score is in
Puncak Jaya Regency, 0.39, Papua Province. If a
mapping analysis is carried out for districts or cities
that are 0.50 and > 0.50, the sub-index value for
under-five health service readiness is 0.4% (2 districts
or cities) that are 0.50 and as many as 99.6% (511
districts or cities) that are > 0.50.
Figure 2: Mapping the sub-index of readiness for children
under five in health services in Indonesia in 2021.
The results of the analysis of the relationship
between the independent variable, namely the under-
five health sub-index, and the dependent variable,
namely the under-five health service readiness sub-
index, used the correlation test shown in table 1
Table 1: The relationship between the children under five
health sub-index and the service readiness sub-index for
children under five health.
1 2 4 5
Health sub-
index for
children under
five years
for Children
Under Five
Years Ol
The results of the analysis of the relationship
between the under-five health sub-index and the
under-five health service readiness sub-index at the
public health centers obtained p-values of 0.000
<0.05, meaning that there is a significant relationship
(correlation). With the correlation coefficient (r) of
0.346 > r table 0.088, it can be concluded that there is
a relationship (correlation). The correlation
coefficient has a low value, so the relationship is
weak. The correlation coefficient number is positive,
so the relationship between the two indicators is
unidirectional. Thus, it can be interpreted that
increasing the readiness of health services can
improve the health of children under five.
The degree of health is influenced by
environmental factors, behavioral factors, health
service factors, and genetic factors (heredity) (“Teori
H.L.BLUM,” n.d.). In other research, it is stated that,
apart from environmental factors and health service
factors, economic factors and maternal education
factors influence the level of health in society
(Handayani, 2014).
Utilization of health services is influenced by age
and health care coverage (Logen, Y., & Balqis, 2015).
Apart from that, the influence of the work,
knowledge, and attitudes of mothers is also related to
health services for children under five (Sumarni &
Prabandari, 2021).
Increasing the availability of facilities and
infrastructure or health service facilities and the
readiness of services according to standards can
support the fulfillment of the quality of health
services and the health status of children under five
(Suparmi et al., 2018). The results of this study are in
accordance with Liu, L., et al. (2019) stated that better
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
facilities would be associated with higher
opportunities for utilization of child health services.
The higher the health service readiness sub-index
value, the higher the under-five health sub-index
value. Improving the quality of health care facilities
can provide a way to encourage higher utilization of
health services so as to reduce child morbidity and
mortality (Liu et al., 2019). Strengthening the health
system in the form of human resources (HR),
laboratories, and equipment, as well as the provision
of medicines, is urgently needed at the public health
centers (Parameswaran & Agrawal, 2019).
There is a relationship between children's health and
the readiness of children's health services at health
centers in Indonesia.
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Correlation Between the Health of Children Under Five Years and Health Service Readiness at Health Centers in Indonesia: Analysis of
Riskesdas 2018 and Rifaskes 2019 Data