A Spatial Analysis of Stunting and Its Determinants in Indonesia
Amelia Dyah Kartika Sari* and Rohana Uly Pradita Siregar
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Lisa, Moran’s I, Spatial Analysis, Stunting.
Abstract: Introduction: Reducing childhood stunting is the first of six goals in the Global Nutrition Targets for 2025
and a key indicator in the second Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Achieve Zero Hunger. Stunting
continues to be a serious public health problem in Indonesia. Significant disparities in stunting prevalence are
not only documented across various socio-economic groups but across provinces and districts as well.
Therefore, the identification of spatial patterns of stunting and its determinants is important for understanding
epidemiology of this public health challenge. Methods: Using data from Indonesian Health Profile 2021,
regression and spatial analysis performed through GeoDa software. Results: The result indicates there are 5
variables that are significantly correlated to stunting prevalence among provinces, with the human
development index being the most significant amongst all. The Moran's I for stunting is 0.182. It indicates
spatial autocorrelation in stunting over the provinces of Indonesia. It is seen from the univariate LISA maps,
that high-high clusters of stunting are found in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. Meanwhile the low-
low clusters are found in Southern Sumatra provinces. Conclusion: Our findings reveal greater attention
towards East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan is needed. Several social factors lead to the occurrence of
stunting. Emphasis should be placed on improving health, education, and standard of living.
Reducing childhood stunting is the first of six goals
in the Global Nutrition Targets for 2025 and a key
indicator in the second Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) to Achieve Zero Hunger (WHO, 2023).
Stunting itself means impaired growth and
development that children experience from poor
nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate
psychosocial stimulation. Stunting easily becomes
one of major global health problems because stunting
holds impacts to both physical and mental growth of
stunted children and it can not be cured. Children with
stunting will suffer for a lifetime and have a higher
chance to have stunted children in the future.
World Health Organization (WHO, 2023)
estimated that 22% or about 149,2 millions children
around the world were suffering from stunting in
2022. Many developing countries are trying to
overcome this public health problem, including
Indonesia. Indonesia’s Nutritional Status Survey
revealed that in 2022, stunting prevalence in
Indonesia was 21,6% which means there were around
4,5 millions stunted children amongst all live births
(Kemenkes RI, 2023). Hence the situation, the
Indonesian government has stated that stunting
prevention should be included in the national priority
program. Multi-discipline institutions and various
sectors are working together in finding the significant
causes of stunting and how to reduce stunting
incidents effectively.
Significant disparities in stunting prevalence are
not only documented across various socio-economic
groups but across provinces and districts as well.
Therefore, the identification of spatial patterns of
stunting and its determinants is important for
understanding epidemiology of this public health
An in-depth secondary data analysis was conducted
using the Indonesian Health Profile 2021. The
Indonesian Health Profile is based on routine data as
well as survey data from technical units in Ministry
of Health and other related institutions such as
Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Social Security Agency
on Health (BPJS), Ministry of Home Affairs, and The
National Population and Family Planning Board
(BKKBN). The Indonesian Health Profile presents a
national picture, comparisons between provinces, and
Sari, A. D. K. and Siregar, R. U. P.
A Spatial Analysis of Stunting and Its Determinants in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012903400004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 198-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
trends from year to year. The data were downloaded
from the Ministry of Health website. The dependent
variable is stunting prevalence and there are 8
independent variables, which are human development
index, iron supplementation on pregnant women,
contraceptive prevalence rate, children under five-
year-old growth monitoring, basic immunisation
coverage, exclusive breastfeeding coverage,
supplementary food for maternal malnutrition and
diarrhea treatment for children under five-year-old.
Data analysis was carried out by using GeoDa. The
cluster levels of stunting prevalence were used to
develop prevalence maps at provincial levels. Spatial
heterogeneity of high prevalence/low prevalence
areas of stunting was examined using the Getis-Ord
G-statistic. An OLS (Ordinary Least Square)
regression model was fitted to evaluate the
independent variables linked to stunting prevalence.
Figure 1: Distribution of Stunting Across Province.
Figure above is a province-based distribution map of
stunting prevalence in Indonesia. Provinces with
darker colour bear higher prevalence of stunting
while the opposite, provinces shown with lighter
colour have lower prevalence of stunting. The results
of the 2021 Indonesian stunting prevalence mapping
showed a pattern of the spread of the prevalence of
stunting. The maps showed that the highest
prevalence tends to be in the eastern region, while the
lowest is in the western region. So, there's supposedly
a spatial factor that affects the spread of stunting
prevalence in Indonesia in 2021.
Figure 2: Clustering of Stunting.
There are two important informations to extract
from univariate LISA maps above. Provinces with
blue colour in southern Sumatra are called cold spots,
where prevalence of stunting is low and surrounded
by another province with similar characteristics.
Meanwhile, provinces with red colour, which are East
and South Kalimantan, are marked as hotspots, where
prevalence of stunting is remarkably high and they
are surrounded by another province with similar
situation and characteristics. This findings is
important to help the government set priorities in
stunting prevention programs. Government may need
to put special attention to the hot spot and use the cold
spot as pilot model.
Tabel 1: Spatial Regression Model.
Variable Coefficient Std.
69.7456 11.444
ent Index
ntation on
0.156379 0.0944
-0.16277 0.0746
-0.0482479 0.06273
g Coverage
A Spatial Analysis of Stunting and Its Determinants in Indonesia
ary Food for
LAMBDA 0.67907 0.12
The spatial regression model revealed that
amongst 8 independent variables in this study, only
five variables are significantly correlated to stunting
prevalence. Those variables are human development
index, contraceptive prevalence rate, children under-
five-year-old growth monitoring, exclusive
breastfeeding and diarrhea treatment for children
under-five-year-old. Human development index
variables turn out to be the most statistically
significant to stunting prevalence amongst all
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
stunting is the result of inadequate physical and
cognitive development experienced by millions of
children worldwide. Rooted in a complex interplay of
socio-economic, nutritional, and environmental
factors, stunting's consequences extend far beyond
mere height disparity. Its impact can be observed in
compromised cognitive abilities, weakened immune
systems, and reduced economic productivity later in
life. Tackling stunting requires a comprehensive
approach that addresses not only nutritional
interventions but also emphasizes the importance of
clean water, sanitation, maternal and child healthcare,
and early childhood stimulation (WHO, 2015). By
recognizing the multifaceted nature of stunting and
implementing a holistic strategy, societies can work
towards breaking the cycle of intergenerational
undernutrition and fostering healthier and more
prosperous futures for children (Kemenkes RI, 2022).
This study has projected the clustering of stunting
in Indonesia based on provinces with Southern
Sumatra as cold spot, meanwhile East and South
Kalimantan as hotspot. The discovery holds
significance in aiding governmental prioritization for
stunting prevention initiatives. Special emphasis
might be necessary for addressing the areas of hot
spot, while utilizing the areas of cold spot as a
potential model for pilot programs. The identification
of potential determinants are necessary to design the
most effective and efficient stunting prevention
programmes. There are 5 (five) variables in this study
statistically proven significant in reducing stunting
prevalence. Those variables are human development
index, contraceptive prevalence rate, children under-
five-year-old growth monitoring, exclusive
breastfeeding and diarrhea treatment for children
Human Development Index (HDI) variable has
been identified as a most significant factor
influencing stunting prevalence in children. The HDI,
a composite measure encompassing health,
education, and income indicators, reflects the overall
development status of a country. countries with
higher HDI scores tend to have lower stunting rates
due to improved access to healthcare, education, and
economic opportunities. As the HDI captures various
dimensions of human well-being, including health
services and education quality, its positive
relationship with stunting reduction underscores the
importance of holistic development approaches in
combating malnutrition and promoting child growth.
Ssentongo, et al demonstrated that a combination of
HDI and a proxy for geographical variation explained
54% of the variation in stunting (Ssentongo et al.,
Results have suggested that higher contraceptive
prevalence rate (CPR) can also have a positive impact
on reducing stunting prevalence among children. For
instance, increased contraceptive use allows women
and couples to better plan and space their
pregnancies, leading to improved maternal health and
nutrition. This, in turn, can contribute to healthier
fetal development and reduced risk of stunting in
children. Family planning programs not only
empower women with reproductive choices but also
enable them to provide better care and nutrition to
their children, thus influencing the reduction of
stunting prevalence.
A study by Kundu, et al found that increased
contraceptive use was correlated with better child
health outcomes, including reduced stunting
prevalence, highlighting the essential role of family
planning in addressing malnutrition and stunting
(Kundu et al., 2022). Another study by Migang et al
stated that by limiting the number of births, parents
can pay more attention to the growth of their children.
It is important to put extra care to children until they
are two years old as that time is known as the golden
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
period where the child's growth and development
process occurs optimally (Migang et al., 2022).
Children's growth monitoring plays a crucial role
as well in addressing and mitigating stunting
prevalence. Regular and systematic monitoring of
children's growth, including height and weight
measurements, provides valuable data for early
detection and intervention in cases of stunted growth.
By identifying children who are at risk or already
experiencing stunting, healthcare systems and
policymakers can implement targeted interventions,
such as nutritional supplementation, counselling on
proper feeding practices, and access to healthcare
Fink, et al revealed that growth monitoring had
modest positive effects on children with stunted
growth. Growth monitoring is significant in reducing
stunting prevalence, highlighting its potential to
facilitate timely interventions that positively impact
child development and health outcomes. This
intervention may be a cost-effective tool for reducing
children’s physical growth deficits (Fink et al., 2017).
This study has also demonstrated a significant
correlation between exclusive breastfeeding coverage
and stunting prevalence. Research by Pimpin, et al
indicated that infants who were exclusively breastfed
had a lower risk of stunting compared to those who
received mixed feeding. Exclusive breastfeeding
supports optimal infant nutrition and ensures that
infants receive the appropriate nutrients needed to
prevent stunting and promote healthy physical and
cognitive development (Pimpin et al., 2019).
A more recent study by Anindya, et al stated that
infants aged 6 months who got exclusive
breastfeeding had lower risk of stunting by 0.6 times
than non-exclusive breastfeeding infants. Exclusive
breastfeeding, where infants are fed only breast milk
for the first six months of life, provides essential
nutrients and antibodies that are crucial for healthy
growth and development (Anindya et al., 2020).
The last variable correlated to stunting prevalence
is diarrhea treatment for children under-five-year-old.
Diarrhea, often caused by poor sanitation and hygiene
practices, can lead to nutrient loss, dehydration, and
overall compromised nutritional intake. Timely and
appropriate treatment of diarrhea not only prevents
the immediate adverse effects but also plays a vital
role in preventing long-term consequences like
stunting. When children's health is managed well
during episodes of diarrhea, their ability to absorb
nutrients improves, which in turn supports their
growth and development, ultimately reducing the risk
of stunting (Lee, et al., 2016).
Modern, et al emphasizes the importance of
comprehensive diarrhea treatment programs in
safeguarding child health and promoting growth,
contributing to the overall reduction of stunting
prevalence. The interaction between undernutrition
and infection creates a lethal cycle of worsening
illness and deteriorating nutritional status (Modern et
al., 2020).
The findings reveal greater attention towards East
Kalimantan and South Kalimantan is needed. Several
social factors may lead to the occurrence of stunting.
Spatial analysis showed that Human Development
Index, contraception use, exclusive breastfeeding
coverage, diarrhea treatment, and children’s growth
monitoring had a significant effect on decreasing the
prevalence of stunting in Indonesia.
It is important for the government to put special
attention on East and South Kalimantan while
designing stunting prevention programmes.
Furthermore, the optimization of Posyandu,
enhancing multi-sectoral partnership, and conducting
Communication, Information, and Education (KIE)
activities with innovative methods are strongly
encouraged to increase programme coverage.
This research is funded by Lembaga Pengelola Dana
Pendidikan (LPDP).
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health