Sentiments in the Reader's Emotional Landscape: The Emerging
Role of Young School Literature
Rahmatova Nasiba Sobirovna
Navoi Innovations University, Karmana, Navoiy, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Primary School Age, Pedagogical Psychological, Emotional Volitional, Controlling One's Behaviour.
Abstract: This paper presents a brief exploration of youth literature. It discusses how students, deeply immersed in their
emotions, aspire to realize ambitious dreams within their nation. Examining the students' rapid adaptability
and nuanced level of sensitivity delves into their tendency towards emulation and the significant influence of
revered teachers.
It is becoming urgent to fundamentally revise the
content of personnel training by the priority tasks for
the socio-economic development of our country, to
create the necessary conditions for the training of
highly educated specialists at the level of
international standards.
President Sh. M. Mirziyoev also said, "We have
complex tasks ahead of us in terms of education of
young people, training and retraining of personnel in
psychology and other various fields", share the
pedagogical and psychological nature of all the
changes taking place in the life of our society. once
again emphasized the importance of scientific sources
that help to be mastered by specialists. If psychology
mainly studies a person and his individual
characteristics, his emotional volitional states are also
the main subject of psychology. Organizing and
teaching the subject of emotional volitional states of
a person on the basis of innovative educational
technologies is gaining special relevance. Based on
this relevance, when choosing the topic of the
educational manual, we chose "the use of innovative
educational technologies in teaching the module of
emotional and volitional states of the person".
Emotions are pleasant or unpleasant experiences that
arise from a person's perception of his attitude to
reality, related to his needs and interests. It can be
seen from the given definitions that the concept of
feeling is a broader concept compared to emotion and
covers all aspects of a person's daily life and lifestyle.
Emotions are related to the needs, interests, and
aspirations of a person in terms of their occurrence.
For example, the feelings associated with the
satisfaction of a person's organic needs create a
feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in a person.
Inability to satisfy organic emotions lowers the spirit
of 7 people, spoils their mood, and causes a feeling of
suffering and intolerance. Emotional experiences are
very vividly reflected in students at junior school age.
This emotionality is expressed as follows: the
perception, observation, imagination and imagination
of children of junior school age are rich in emotional
colours; children of junior school age (students of I
and II grades) cannot control their emotions, they
cannot control the external manifestation of their
emotional experiences. They openly express their
happiness, exuberance, or anxiety, worry and fear.
Students at junior school age with their strong
emotional instability, frequent mood swings,
tendency to affective states, short-term and intense
manifestations of joy-sadness, anger and fear stand
out. Shаxs sifаtidа ulg’аygаn sаri ulаrdа o’z
hissiyotlаrini boshqаrish yoqimsiz kechinmаlаrni
nаmoyon bo’lishigа yo’l qo’ymаslik qobiliyаti
The period of junior school age has great
opportunities for educating positive character traits. It
is important that the students are quick to adapt and
to a certain extent impressionable, their
trustworthiness, the tendency to imitate, and the fact
that the teacher has a great reputation.
Sobirovna, R.
Sentiments in the Reader’s Emotional Landscape: The Emerging Role of Young School Literature.
DOI: 10.5220/0012904300003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 567-570
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Due to the influence of increasing social
requirements and properly organized educational
work, students of junior school age develop hard
work, diligence, discipline, and discipline.
Gradually, the ability to control one's actions will
develop. Self-restraint and control of one's own
behaviour and not giving in to external stimuli are
formed, perseverance and ability to overcome
difficulties is formed. If the sense of duty in relation
to the timely completion of assigned tasks is
appropriately formed by teachers and parents, then
from the 3rd-4th grades, the sense of duty begins to
manifest itself significantly, but at this age, duty and
mas The sense of responsibility will not be
sufficiently stable and completely independent.
According to researcher N.B. Andrianova, students
can be divided into four types in terms of the
manifestation of the perceived sense of duty:
In the first type, the sense of duty is relatively
stable and extends to a wide range of life
The second type is characterized by the
instability of the sense of duty, in this type the
sense of duty is manifested only in certain
moral behaviors.
In the third type, the sense of duty is
manifested only in a relatively narrow circle
(in relation to close relatives and friends).
The fourth type has a poorly developed sense
of duty. Some of the children of this type
obey the rules, but their obedience is related
to a certain necessity.
In the first years of school education, interests, in
particular, interest in learning about the surrounding
world, develop significantly. According to
psychologists, firstly, interests are formed in relation
to some specific situations. After that, the interest to
find out the causes of the occurrence of the situation,
laws, connections, and interdependencies between
the events develops.
In the words of I.M. Sechenov, the primary cause
of any behaviour is external emotional arousal. Later,
based on life experience, many actions are performed
in the opposite way without direct emotional
stimulation. An extrinsic motivator, such as
television, prompts a person to watch interesting
programs, and he sits down to work, following the
thought of a duty or the unpleasant consequences of
The physiological basis of voluntary action is the
second signal system of nerve connections previously
formed as a result of previous experience in the
cerebral cortex. These systems are activated at the
moment of voluntary action. This allows you to
perform certain actions, as a result of which a person
finds himself, even if the program on television is
interesting, not to watch it, but forces to work.
Determining the level of development of wilful
qualities of young people for schoolchildren T.I.
Shulgi questionnaire was used.
Excellent leaders and parents were invited to fill
out questionnaires for each student, indicating the
level of development of quality, putting a sign " + "
in the corresponding column. A summary of the
results of the study is presented in Appendix 2.
The results of the study of the level of development
of voluntary qualities in young schoolchildren are
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The level of development of voluntary qualities in young schoolchildren.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Analysis of the results presented in Figure 1 allows
you to make the following conclusion about the level
of development of voluntary qualities of primary
school students.
Discipline as subordination of behaviour to
requirements, the rules put forward by adults is less
developed in 1st grade students (1.3), for 4th grade
students - average score. Persistence, the ability to
bring the work started to the end, to insist on his
correct decision, the 1st grade students with
developed long-term performance of the work have a
low level (1.2), 4th grade students have an average
level (1.9). Endurance as the ability to slow down
movement, emotions, work that hinders the
implementation of the decision is developed at a low
level (1.1), 4th grade students are also low (1.2).
Persistence as the ability to move quickly from the set
goal is average (2.1) in 1st graders, high in advanced
grades in 4th graders (2.5). Courage, as the ability to
act at the risk of life and health, is low (1.1) in 1st
graders, and average (1.8) in 4th graders.
Independence, the ability to perform an action
without external help, the ability to control oneself
and the ability to be responsible for one's behaviour
and actions are developed in 1st grade students low
(1,4), 4th grade students o 'average (1.7).
Organization, diligence, ability to work according to
Planning and clearly fulfilling the set goals,
bringing them to the end, Strictly and precisely follow
all the instructions of adults developed in 1st grade
level (1.3), 4th graders are also at a low level (1.4).
Diligence, as the ability to organize one's work in
such a way that it is done in a specific time, developed
in 1st grade students is low (1.2), 4th grade students
are also low (1.4).
Initiative, as the ability to set new tasks in front of
oneself and to carry them out, is poorly developed in
1st grade students (1.2), 4th grade students - at an
average level (1.9). Goal-seeking, as the ability to
follow a goal for a long time, overcoming difficulties,
was developed at a low level in 1st grade students
(1.4), 4th grade students at an average level (1.8).
Diligence, as concentration in the performance of
academic work, accuracy, diligence, is highly
developed in 1st grade students (2.2), for 4th grade
students - average (1.6).
Thus, as a result of the study of the development
of voluntary qualities, it was found that the students
of junior high school are students of the 1st grade,
they are distinguished by a low level of discipline, a
low level of development of determination, low
endurance, development of an average level of
determination , low level of development of courage,
low level of independence, low organization, low
level of diligence, low level of development of
initiative, low level of development of self-sacrifice,
high level of diligence.
4th grade students have an average level of
discipline, average level of development of
perseverance, low endurance, high level of
perseverance, medium level of development of
courage, average level of development of
independence, low organization, low efficiency. The
average level of development shows initiative, the
average level of development of purposefulness, the
average level of development of diligence.
In short, the will is a mental process that represents
the action of a person. Independent - having one's
own reasonable opinion. Endurance is a high level of
willpower of a person. Persistence is to be one step
ahead in one's decisions. Abulia is the highest
manifestation of unwillingness. A goal is a situation
that drives a person to a certain area. A result is an
achievement achieved through action. The formation
of the will depends primarily on the parents.
Formation of conscious discipline in a child is one of
the important conditions of education. The
development of volitional qualities is a necessary
condition of discipline, it helps to understand the need
to follow the rules of behaviour, as well as to regulate
one's desires. School plays an important role in
education of voluntary qualities. It imposes a number
of requirements on the child, without which it is
impossible to study at school, it forms the child's
discipline. The teacher has a direct influence on the
formation of the child's wilful qualities, as well as
various other characteristics. Children often try to
imitate the behaviour of the teacher.
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