Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher
Navoi's Works
Manzura Abjalova
and Nargiza Gulomova
Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Navoi Innovations University, Department of Philology and Language Teaching, Navoi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Corpus, Innovative, Text Structure, Idiostyle, Devan, Byte, Semantic Tag.
Abstract: This article provides information on creating Alisher Navoi’s author corpus, using the “Khazayin ul-
maoni”collection as a base, and the educational value of the corpus. Causal connections between statements
create a logical flow of information. The article aims to help experts and researchers in special linguistics
understand the explanatory words found in ghazals according to artistic and scientific criteria. The language
used is clear, concise, and objective, with a formal register and precise word choice. The article follows
conventional academic structure and formatting, adhering to style guides and consistent citation.
Bringing Alisher Navai’s invaluable spiritual heritage
closer to the people is a significant task. Navoi’s work
has a tremendous impact on the formation of the
spiritual world of mankind in a national and
humanitarian spirit. It serves as a guideline for
understanding the laws of formation and development
of our classical literature. Navoi’s creative heritage
consists of over 26.000 unique words – Davlatov
[2021], showcasing his philosophical observations.
To fully comprehend Navoi’s work, one must possess
the ability to delve into the world of Immaculate
Conception. However, given the semantic changes in
our current linguistics and the time period in which
Navoi lived, this may not be entirely feasible. Today,
not only the younger generation, but also specialists
working in the field of linguistics find it difficult to
fully appreciate Navoi’s creativity in accordance with
the criteria of artistry and science. Navoi’s works,
written in both lyrical and prose, may be challenging
to comprehend without the aid of explanatory
dictionaries. This is due to the fact that many of the
words found in classical sources are no longer in
common use today, either due to their archaic or
historical nature. In our study, we have identified
words that require specialist, annotated dictionaries,
or other auxiliary resources to understand as
‘annotated words’. In the preface of the devan
‘Garayib us-sigar’, Alisher Navoi found the meanings
of all explanatory words for his works, including his
four devans: “Garayib us-sigar” (“The strangeness of
youth”), “Navodir us-shabab” (“Rarities of youth”),
Commenting on the Naming of “Badoye’ ul-vasat”
(“Arts of middle age”), and “Favoyid ul-kibar”
(“Benefits of old age”). “Tufuliyyat avonikim, yetti-
sekkiz yoshdin yigirma yoshqacha chinasa
bo‘lgʻaykim, umr fusulining navbahori va hayot
gulshanining shukufavu gulzoridur, aning madhida
“Gʻaroyib us-sigʻar” bila sarf qildim. Shabob
zamonikim, yigirmadin o‘ttuz beshgacha desa
bo‘lgʻaykim, ham bu fusulning yozidururkim, yigitlik
chashmasorining hayotbaxshligʻining ogʻozidur,
aning vasfida “Navodir ush-shabob” bila kechurdim.
Va kuhulat ayyomikim, o‘ttuz beshdin qirq beshga
degincha qiyos qilsa bo‘lg’aykim, bu fusulning
xazonidurkim, tiriklik bogʻining bargrezining
nishonidur, aning ta’rifida “Badoye’ ul-vasat” bila
o‘tkardim. Va qirq beshdin-oltmish yaqinigʻachakim
ta’yin qilsa bo‘lgʻaykim, bu fusulning qishidurkim,
kishining xam qad bila adam yo‘ligʻa kirib, zamon
ahli bila xayrbod qilishidur, aning duosida “Favoyid
ul-kibar” bila nihoyatqa yetkurdum” – Navoi [1987].
This prose text contains 103 words, 68 of which are
annotated. Without the use of special explanatory
Abjalova, M. and Gulomova, N.
Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher Navoi’s Works.
DOI: 10.5220/0012905000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 586-592
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
dictionaries, it may be difficult to understand the
valuable information about the names of the devans
in the “Khazayin ul-maoni” collection. It is crucial to
maintain a clear and concise writing style with a
logical flow of information and causal connections
between statements. The language used should be
formal, objective, and value-neutral, avoiding biased,
emotional, figurative, or ornamental language.
Technical terms should be explained when first used,
and subject-specific vocabulary should be used when
it conveys the meaning more precisely than a similar
non-technical term. The text should be free from
grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, and
punctuation mistakes. The content of the improved
text must be as close as possible to the source text,
and the addition of further aspects must be avoided at
all costs. The importance of existing explanatory
dictionaries in the semantic analysis of Navoi’s works
and their potential use today became clear during the
work process. The term “chinasa” used in the text
refers to the language of “Navoi’s works, as
described” in P.Shamsiyev and S. Ibrohimov’s book
– Shamsiev [1972] and the 4-volume “Annotated
dictionary of the language of Alisher Navoi’s works”
edited by E. Fazilov [1983]. Unfortunately, this
information is not readily available on internet
sources, making it difficult for the average reader to
find. Consulting experts may be necessary, but this is
not always feasible for the general reader. Interactive
innovative tools can be a solution to the problem
presented. The Alisher Navoi author corpus, referred
to as MK, serves as an example of such a system.
The work on this corpus started by semantically
tagging 650 ghazals from the 2020 “Badoye ul-vasat”
library. A total of 39 hours were dedicated to Navoi’s
life and work in general education schools, with 9
hours specifically allocated to the study of Navoi’s
lyrics. The study focused on 5 of the poet’s 16 lyrical
genres, namely ghazal, rubai, tuyuq, qasida, and
fards. The study analysed ghazals, verses, and verses
from the Badoye’ ul-vasat” devan in school
textbooks, highlighting the need for scientific
research of the divan. To facilitate the study of
Navoi’s work in the educational process, the work
began with the third devan. An initial prototype of
Alisher Navoi MK was created based on the semantic
tagging of 650 ghazals, providing contextual meaning
of the words in the verses - Abjalova et al., [2022].
Considering the corpus’ educational, social, spiritual,
historical, and linguistic significance, the research
continued by semantically tagging 1950 ghazals in
the remaining three devans of the “Khazayin ul-
maoni” collection.
In the digital age, Navoi’s literary works, both
lyrical and prose, can be presented to the public with
grammatical and semantic tagging of the lexical units.
This ensures that Navoi’s works are comprehensible
and readable to a wider audience, including those on
the global network.
The Alisher Navoi MK provides information on
the renewal of modern language from the 15th
century, cases of words becoming obsolete, activation
and passivation in contemporary social life, statistics
on the usage and frequency of certain words in
Navoi’s works, and poetic numbers used in ghazals.
The text also highlights the quick, accurate, and
comprehensive learning of horses. The reliability of
the corpus is guaranteed by the fact that the semantic
analyses in the author’s corpus are based on reliable
scientific sources. The corpus fully reflects the entire
spectrum of linguistic phenomena, allowing for a
comprehensive and objective study of the necessary
“Badoyi’ ul-bidoya” (“The beginning of art”) is
Navoi’s first devan after Husayn Boykara’s accession
to the throne. In the preface, the poet discusses the
process of organizing the devan and highlights its key
features. “Avval budurkim, har kishikim devon tartib
qilibdurur, o‘ttiz ikki harfdinki, xaloyiq iboratida
voqi’durur va ulus kitobatida shoyi’, to‘rt harfgʻa
taarruz qilmaydururlar. Chun so‘z arusi nazm
haririning matbu’ kisvatin va mavzun xil’atin kiyib,
jilva og‘oz qilsa, huqqayi yoquti dog‘i o‘ttuz ikkita
gavhardin qachonkim to‘rtig‘a nuqson voqi’ boʻlsa,
muqarrardurkim, jamoligʻa andin qusur va kalomigʻa
andin futur voqi’ boʻlgʻusidurur. The divan by
Alisher Navoi begins with ghazals, consisting of 32
letters including ﻢﻴﺟ chim, ﻲﺟ je, ﻑﻮﺟ gof and
ﻡﻮﻟ ﻒﻟﺃ lom-alif. It is important to note that the
information provided consists of 56 words, 36 of
which are no longer in use and require semantic
explanation for the ordinary reader to understand the
content. It is important to identify the explanatory
words in Navoi’s prose sources using special ID
codes and enter their contextual understanding into
the MK database through semantic tagging. This
ensures clarity and precision in the interpretation of
Navoi’s work.
Although Navoi named the divans in his kulliyat
by comparing human life to four metaphorical
seasons, the ghazals included in them are not
proportional to the corresponding age periods. For
instance, in “Garayib us-sigar”:
Yoshing ellik boʻldi, yuz qo‘ygʻil fano tufrogʻigʻa
Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher Navoi’s Works
Kim, shabob ayyomi aysh-u beadabligʻ chogʻi
bas. (240-gʻazal)
In “Navodir ush-shabob”
Ey Navoiy, huzn ila o‘tkar qariligʻ mehnatin,
Chun yigitlik bordi aysh-u ishrat ayyomi bila.
Yoshim ellik bo‘ldi yuz hasrat yesamkim sudi
O‘zni maydin hush tutay chun o‘tti umrum
xushrogʻi. (586-gʻazal)
“Favoyid ul-kibar” is a collection of ghazals that
reflect the vitality of youth. No cha‘nges in content
were made. The poet created a commotion among the
young audience and took away their peace and
decision-making ability. The collection is a
celebration of youthfulness and its energy.
Mast o‘lub bir dam shabob ayyomini tut
Kim, yigitlik dam-badam o‘tmakdadur ayyom
aro. (19-gʻazal)
Ishq ajab dard emish, dardqadur chora sabr,
Vahki, Navoiy base oshiq-u bechoradur. (146-
Undoubtedly, “Khazayin ul-maoni” is a
significant discovery of Navoi. This book contains
almost all uzbek poems belonging to the 16 different
lyrical genres created by the great poet throughout his
The poet spent over six years (1492-1498)
organizing this collection in its current state,
arranging its internal structure in a robust manner and
categorising the 16 types of lyrical genres into four
devans. “Khazayin ul-maoni” preface includes poems
in six genres, with a total of 45,000 verses. The genres
are ghazal (2600), rubai (133), muhammas (10),
mustazad (4), musaddas (5), tarje’band (4), and qit’a
(210), as well as lugʻz-chistan (10), muammo (52),
tuyuq (13), fard (86), masnavi (1), and qasida (1).
The way in which the devan is ordered demonstrates
Alisher Navoi’s keen observation and logical
thinking. As a result, his devans have become a
unique and exceptional artistic event in the history of
Turkish poetry. Navoi’s works, including his devans,
quickly gained popularity among literary, artistic, and
scientific communities. Due to the increasing
popularity of Navoi’s devans, they were frequently
copied by renowned calligraphers including Sultan
Ali Mashhadi, Abdujalil Katib, Darvesh Muhammad
Taqi, Muhammad bin Nur, and Sultan Muhammad
Hamdan during the 15th century. These kulliyat
manuscripts, which consist of four devans, are
Navoi’s most widely copied works.
Table 1.
T/r Lyrical genres
created by Navoi
The number of
poems in
“Garoyib us-
“Navodir ush-
“Badoye ul-
“Favoyid ul-
1 Ghazal 2600 650 650 650 650
2 Mustazod 4 1 1 1 1
3 Muhammas 10 3 3 2 2
4 Musaddas 5 1 1 2 1
5 Musamman 1 1
6 Tarji’band 4 1 1 1 1
7 Tarkibband 1 1
8 Masnaviy 1 1
9 Qasida 1 1
10 Soqiynoma 1 1
11 Qit’a 210 50 50 60 50
12 Rubaiy 133 133
13 Muammo 52 52
14 Lug’z 10 10
15 Tuyuq 13 13
16 Fard 86 86
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
In 1838, Muhammad Ali Khan, the Khan of Kokand,
issued a decree entrusting Muhammad Siddiq
Tunqatar with the task of copying 300 copies of
Alisher Navoi’s “Chor Divan” using the best
calligraphers of the khanate. At the same time,
hundreds of hattots copied Navoi’s works. The
scribes considered it an honour to copy these blessed
works of Navoi and were proud to record their
experiences under the influence of this work. As
Navoi’s divans are passed down through the centuries
and from book to book, various changes are made to
their structure, order, size, and text. Hamid
Sulaymanov compared the books of “Khazayin ul-
maoni” with rare copies copied in the 15th-16th
centuries and many manuscripts kept in the libraries
and museums of Tashkent, Leningrad, Dushanbe,
Baku, Paris, London, and other cities. He prepared the
current version of “Khazayin ul-maoni” for
publication. The collection was later published by
several publishers, based on it. In 2013, the “Gafur
Gulam” publishing house released a 10-volume
collection of Alisher Navoi’s complete works. The
first book of the renowned “Garayib us-sigar” was
included in volume 1. In 2011, the “Tamaddun”
publishing house conducted a comparative analysis
with the ghazals published by other publishers. For
instance, the 67th verse of the “Garayib us-sigar”
devan begins with “Go‘yiga boshimni yozin yetkurub
chavgonin o‘p” the verse begins with the words
go‘yida in one devan and ko‘yida in the second devan
(2-table). At the same time, the explanatory words in
explanatory dictionaries can have different meanings.
The meaning of the word used by the poet in this
stanza can be deduced from its content. “Goyida”
refers to a small wooden ball used in the game of
‘chavgon’ played on horseback, while “ko‘yida” is
played on the street or road. The fourth verse of the
8th ghazal from the book “Favoyid ul-kibar” begins
with “Chu derlar insonni mushtak o‘ldi nisyondin”.
In one devan, nisyan- means forgetting, while in the
second devan isyon- it means rebellion. This
inconsistency in translation hinders the correct
understanding of the ghazal’s meaning, making the
poet’s purpose unclear. In ghazals, one can observe
numerous such instances. In the “Kotiblar zikrida”
section of the work “Mahbub ul-qulub” [18], Navoi
writes in the seventeenth chapter that “A good writer
brings peace to the word and the speaker” It is well-
known that dots play a crucial role in the Arabic
alphabet. As a poet once said, a single careless
mistake by a scribe can alter the original meaning of
a word. For example, “Ulki, bejo nuqta bila “habib
(do‘st)ni “habis” (yaramas) qilgʻay va “muhabbat”ni
“mehnat” aningdek habisi mehnatzadagʻa yuz
la’nat” said. Such mistakes can mislead the reader,
causing a misunderstanding of the essence of the
letter and negatively affecting their mood.
Navoi arranged the 650 ghazals in each of the divans
of the “Khazayin ul-maoni” collection strictly in the
Arabic alphabet according to their rhymes and
quantity. The ghazals ending with the letter ‘alif’ are
present in all four devans. There are 39 ghazals
ending with the letter “be” and 2 ghazals ending with
the letter “pe”.
Table 2: In the editions of “Gafur Gulam” and “Tamaddun” publishing houses, different copied words in the divans.
Published by “Gafur Gulam” publishing house Published by “Tamaddun”
“Gʻaroyib us-sigʻar” “Gʻaroyib us-sigʻar”
29 Er tutar ko‘nglumda gardundin judo bo‘lgʻan balo Yor tutar ko‘nglumda gardundin judo bo‘lgʻan
36 Bir sari qulogʻingda gavharmu ekin yoxu
Har sari qulogʻingda gavharmu ekin yoxu
36 Bir jonibida oyning axtarmu ekin oyo? Har jonibida oyning axtarmu ekin oyo?
67 Go‘yiga boshimni yozin yetkurub chavgonin o‘p Ko‘yiga boshimni yozin yetkurub chavgonin o‘p
id ul-kiba
3 Makkadin xori
ilib, mulkidin a
lab benasib Makkadin xori
ilib, mulkidin a
lab nasib
3 Voli
lab olam otli
ʻ kulbai ahzon aro Voli
lab olam otli
ʻ kulbai ehzon aro
4 Asreki, zikringni aylab hudi
Asreki, zikringni aylab hudoya
8 Chu derlar insonni mushtoq o‘ldi nisyondi Chu derlar insonni mushtoq o‘ldi isyondin
14 Ichirsa jomi hidoyat, navo tuzub Jomi
Ichirsa jomi hidoyat, navo tuzub jome
21 Ki chu
ʻd bo‘lma bu va
ronai muha
ar aro Ki chu
ʻz bo‘lma bu va
ronai muha
ar aro
Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher Navoi’s Works
(2- drawing) Arrangement of ghazals in the Arabic
alphabet in “Khazayin ul-maoni” collection
Figure 1: Based on the rhyming of the ghazals in the four chapters of the “Khazayin ul-maoni” collection, they are arranged
in the same quantity according to the Arabic alphabet.
It is said that Navoi put titles like the letter “pe”
“Parivashlarning parvozi” or the letter “se” “Samin
gavharlarining samarasi” which indicates that Navoi
skillfully used the art of alliteration/tarze in literary
studies. When arranging the collection, the thinker
placed great importance on having an equal number
of ghazals with the same radif in each devan. The
“Khazayin ul-maoni” collection contains a total of 12
ghazals with the radif “Manga”, which are divided
equally into three devans and placed in the 8th, 9th,
and 10th positions of each devan. The collection
includes a total of 20 ghazals with the “Manga” radif,
five in each devan (11-12-13-14-15), and 8 ghazals
with the “Sanga” radif, with each devan containing
two (16-17 places). Additionally, there are five
ghazals with the “Aro” radif, making a total of 20 (18-
19-20-21-22 places). The presentation of the ghazals
in such a proportion is a testament to the logical
thinking of the great thinker. Including these analyses
in the corpus enhances its educational value and
demonstrates Navoi’s genius. The analyses show that
Navoi’s works in the “Khazayin ul-maoni” collection
are exceptional, which is why the collection was
chosen as the first object for the corpus. The size of
the database changes as other works by Navoi are
added, making the corpus a dynamic system. A
database is a set of interconnected and ordered objects
that reflect the nature, state, and relationships within
a given field.
Statistical analysis of ghazal text is related to natural
language processing (NLP), and Ziff’s law can be
used to calculate the frequency of each word in large
texts and their repetition rate. This law can help
determine the number of words in the text and the
amount of their repetition. For example, Ziff’s law
was applied to analyze American writer Mark
Twain’s “The adventures of Tom Sawyer”. The work
contains a total of 71,370 characters and 8,018 unique
word types. The average word frequency is 8.9,
indicating that words are repeated approximately 9
times. However, not all words have equal usage in the
text. Some words are repeated up to 700 times, while
others only occur once. These words are known as
hapax legomena, and they make up about half of the
work. The Ziff’s law was used to determine the
number of words in the kulliyat devans. The ghazals
in the “Garayib us-sigar” devan have a total of 4975
verses, which is equivalent to 9950 words (the total
number of words in the devan is 75,350, and in the
ghazals, it is 66,954). Similarly, in the “Navodir ush-
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
shabob” devan, there are 4998 verses, which is
equivalent to 9996 words (the total number of words
in the devan is 71,527, and in the ghazals, it is
66,596). Finally, in the “Badoye ul-vasat” devan,
there are 5001 verses, which is equivalent to 10002
words (the total number of words in the devan is...)
The “Favoyid ul-kibar” devan contains 5029 to 10058
verses (75,911 words in total, with 66,722 ghazals).
“Khazayin ul-maoni” has 2600 ghazals with a total of
294,368 words (forms), 266,811 of which are in
ghazals. The ghazals in kulliyat use some words more
than 1000 times, while others are used only once.
Ziff’s law defines the most frequently used word in
the text (occurring more than a thousand times) as
r=1, the second most frequently used word (occurring
between one and a thousand times) as r=2, and the
third most frequently used word (occurring less than
five hundred times) as r=3. Additionally, the poet’s
skill in word usage can be determined by analyzing
the range of words found in ghazals (3-table).
Table 3: The indicator of determining the number of words in ghazals according to the law of Zif.
So‘z Chastota Zif qonuniga ko‘ra, so‘zlar miqdorini
ko‘z 2000 r = 1
1988 r = 1
la’l 727 r = 2
sarv 529 r = 2
276 r = 3
262 r = 3
onon 187 r = 3
u 169 r = 3
miqroz 4 r = 3
ig’moz 3 r = 3
’lan 2 r = 3
mahofat 1 r = 3
The statistical composition of a text is crucial in
determining the author’s style. This can be achieved
through statistical analysis of the corpus. The
statistical structure of a text is commonly defined as
the relationship between the number of unique words
and their frequency of occurrence.
Linguostatistical analysis determines the idiostyle
of the creator, which refers to their unique writing
style and skill in using language units such as nouns,
adjectives, verbs, grammatical forms, and sentence
structure. This analysis allows for the determination
of the text’s content, the period of writing, and, if
necessary, the authorship. A comparative analysis
was conducted on the subject construction and text
structure of the works of writers such as F.
Dostoyevsky, L. Tolstoy, and M. Sholokhov. The
term “statistics” is derived from the Latin word
“status” and refers to the state of events. By
statistically analysing Navoi’s 2600 ghazals written
in turkish, it is possible to determine the author’s
proficiency in word usage, creative style, and
frequency of word usage. Each period and nation’s
literature has its own distinct style. Navoi’s
vocabulary created a unique and innovative style in
Turkish literature.
Uzbek literature features numerous ghazals with
5-10 verses. However, in “Khazayin ul-maoni”, the
size of ghazals ranges from 5 to 13 verses.
Specifically, there are 2 ghazals with 5 verses, 5 with
6 verses, 1747 with 7 verses, 58 with 8 verses, 695
with 9 verses, 19 with 10 verses, 69 with 11 verses, 1
with 12 verses, and 5 with 13 verses. Therefore,
Navoi’s lyrics contain many ghazals with 7 to 9
verses. This statistical analysis of Alisher Navoi MK
is important as it provides a clear account and
demonstrates the scope of work on the database.
Studying the poet’s ghazals based on linguistic and
linguopoetic criteria allows for a clear conclusion to
be drawn about the historical development of the
Uzbek literary language. Studying Navoi’s ghazals
has significant educational value due to the use of
historical figures and ethnic places to enhance the
meaningfulness and effectiveness of the ghazal,
vividly expressing the feelings of the lyrical hero.
This practice is also common in general education
schools and can be found in history and geography
textbooks. From a literary studies perspective, these
are typical examples of the poetic art of talmeh.
Talmeh is studied in the field of science and art, and
it involves the integration of sciences in modern
education. Integration (lat ‘integration‘) refers to the
joining of information from various sources based on
a certain purpose. The importance of
interdisciplinarity in enhancing the quality of
education cannot be overstated. It provides students
with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding
Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher Navoi’s Works
of a subject and apply their knowledge in practical
settings. Studying the semantically tagged ghazals in
Alisher Navoi MK enhances the student’s knowledge,
skills, and abilities not only in literature but also in
history and geography. Teaching examples of
Navoi’s life and work based on the student’s age is
also effective in education within the continuous
education system. The intended audience for each
ghazal was determined based on the complexity of the
language used, the scope of vocabulary, and the
clarity of the expressed idea. This information is
reflected in the metadata provided for each ghazal in
Alisher Navoi MK. Metadata is important in the
corpus manager, specifically in the search filter. It
helps to find and analyze ghazals for 16-year-olds
(9th grade) during lessons and complete homework
tasks in a meaningful way. Determining the audience
age of ghazals through special codes not only benefits
the educational system but also facilitates learning
and memorization for the general public. To provide
the necessary information, it is important to include
the author’s name, age, and gender. Additionally,
include the word count, complexity level, and
intended audience of the text. Avoid including
personal information such as residential address.
In the continuous education system, teaching
examples of Navoi’s life and work can be effective in
educating students of all ages. The audience for each
ghazal should be determined based on the complexity
of the words used, the scope of the words used, and
the possibility of understanding the idea expressed in
the ghazal. The metadata provided for each ghazal in
Alisher Navoi MK reflects this information. Metadata
is also important in the corpus manager, specifically
in the search filter. It is useful for finding and
analyzing ghazals for students in 9th grade, as well as
completing homework tasks in a complete and
meaningful way. Determining the audience age of
ghazals through special codes not only benefits the
educational system but also facilitates learning and
memorization for the general public. To provide the
necessary information, it is important to include the
author’s name, age, and gender. In literature classes
of general education schools, students study various
poetic arts such as mubolagʻa, tanosub, iyhom, tazod,
talmeh, tazmin, tashbih, istiora, tajohuli orifona,
husni ta’lil, tajnis, irsoli masal. The “Khazayin ul-
maoni” collection is a crucial resource for studying
the poetic arts in the works of our thousand-year
literature and for understanding Navoi’s social,
political, educational, and philosophical views. The
corpus reflects ghazals with semantic tags, providing
a foundation for poetic arts that expands users’
spiritual and mental thinking, increases their
historical knowledge, and develops their ability to
read Navoi’s works. Alisher Navoi’s “Khazayin ul-
maoni” series of divans is renowned for its perfection
and its collection of poetry. According to, “Khazayin
ul-maoni” was created to enrich the corps base.
Davlatov O. A treasure trove of meanings. – Tashkent:
Tamaddun, 2021. – B.5. The indicated work: – B. 6.
Valikhojhayev B. Poetry of Alisher Navoi. B.
Valikhojhayev. Poetry of Alisher Navoi.pdf B. 10.
Alisher Navoi. Strange cigar. A perfect collection of works.
Volume 3. – Tashkent: Science, 1987, – B. 17-18.
Shamsiev P., Ibrohimov S. Dictionary of Aliasher Navoi’s
works. – Tashkent: Gafur Ghulam, 1972. – 784 p.
Explanatory dictionary of the language of Alisher Navoi’s
works. / Fazilov E. under the editorship. 4 volumes.
Tashkent: Science, 1983-1985.; Abjalova M., Gulomova
N., Rashidov H. Semantic base of ghazals in Navoi’s
“Badoe’ ul-vasat” divan for Alisher Navoi’s author
corpus. Certificate of authorship, No. BGU 00583.
Tashkent, 2022.; Abjalova M., Gulomova N.,
Sadullayeva Sh. Author corpus of Alisher Navoi.
Certificate of authorship, No. DGU 18544. – Tashkent,
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