Table 2: The key to the method.
No Component
Cognitive Emotional and
His assessment
I 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,28 \\\\\\\\\
II 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23, \\\\\\\\\
III 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24 \\\\\\\\\
The method is mainly carried out by analysing the
questions of the questionnaire and the answers given
to it. For example, 24 pairs of educational tasks are
presented to the student in the form of an alternative
questionnaire. That is, the performance of each
recommended task determines the indicator of one or
another level of attitude motivation, which is
characteristic of the student's activity. For example,
the presence of a tendency to participate more in
situations indicated by the letter "A" (selection of this
or that situation) indicates the superiority of the
motivation of an indifferent (superficial) attitude
towards educational activity, while the selection of
situations in the situation "V" is due to the formation
of motivation of an active-positive attitude to
educational activity. testifies. Briefly, the procedure
for applying the method is as follows:
1. To acquaint students in detail with the content of
questionnaire questions in an alternative way, in
which situations directed to specific goals are
2. Presenting 24 pairs of situations for students to read
and study and providing additional explanations to
help them fully understand each situation.
3. Each participant chooses and marks the one that is
best for him, having deeply imagined both situations
in each pair. In this way, 24 situations are studied in
detail and 24 answers are selected.
4. The teacher collects the answer sheets and, after
making sure of their authenticity, enters each piece of
information for primary processing.
All the answer options mentioned in the questions of
the questionnaire are determined according to the
system of educational components in the above order.
As mentioned earlier, the selection of situation "A" in
each alternative question number is determined by 0”
by " points, and the selection of situation "B" is 5”
determined by " points. The maximum score for a
total of 24 situations is 120 points. Also, 8 situations
are offered for each component. That is, the
maximum score for each component is a total of 40
points. No marks will be assigned to "A" situations
selected in all components. All presented "A"
situations are based on the absence of active-positive
attitude motivation based on the relevant component,
and in "B" situations, the presence of active-positive
attitude motivation is based on attitude motivation.
Primary Data Processing
1. The amount of points characteristic for each
participant is determined.
2. The determined number of points are placed
according to conditionally accepted forms of attitude
motivation (active-positive, positive, indifferent).
3. The number of points obtained from the
participants of each object is combined into a set of
average-general indicators. The average total interest
amount is also determined.
4. For the students of each class (2nd and 4th class)
characteristic distance (range) indicators are also
determined in the example of all objects, and general
conclusions are made.
Secondary Data Processing
1. Indicators of motivation towards school are re-
considered for correlation analysis and included in
special tables.
2. The results of the correlation between the
available empirical data, and the reliability value of
the data are re-examined using specially adopted
statistical criteria. (Using SPSS software).
3. General laws are determined based on
mathematical statistical results collected on all data.
Thus, with the help of this set of methods of the first
direction, average-general and comparative-typical
indicators of attitude motivation characteristic of
elementary school students are analysed. Based on
these analyses, relevant scientific and practical
conclusions can be drawn by the purpose of the
research. First of all, it should be said that this set of
methods serves to determine the extent to which
educational components are included in the student's
activity. Because at the root of any activity are certain
factors. In our opinion, the participation of
educational components (cognitive, emotional-
volitional, evaluation) is important in the motivation
of educational activity or the attitude towards the
manifestation of educational activity. That is, it is
possible to talk about educational activity by forming
an educational component at an appropriate level.