practical information about the Uzbek language. It is
also crucial to promote the Uzbek language on the
Internet and ensure its significant presence in the
global information network. As experts in this field,
we bear a great responsibility to achieve these
To effectively implement these objectives and
enhance the oral and written proficiency of students
and learners, it is essential to explore the linguistic
richness of the Uzbek language from the 15th century.
This involves conducting scientific research and
engaging educators in educational institutions.
Additionally, promoting Alisher Navoi's creative
legacy globally requires widespread preservation of
our national heritage in modern information and
communication systems. To achieve this, it is crucial
to promote the works of our ancestors among young
people and create philological corpora that present
examples of classic literature in a fluent and
understandable manner. This includes establishing an
Alisher Navoi author's corpus and semantically
tagging Navoi's creative heritage, which are
important tasks in this regard. Therefore, in the first
step, in most of the educational literature issued for
secondary education, examples of works of Navoi
“Badoye’ ul-vasat” in the “Khazayin ul-maoni”
collection are created so that students can read and
understand the works of Alisher Navoi, understand
Navoi and familiarize students with Navoi. His
author's corpus was created based on the semantic
tags of 650 ghazels in the “Badoye’ ul-vasat” divan.
Principal Vocabularies Used
Alisher Navoi author’s corpus contains thousands of
lexemes related to the author’s ghazels, semantic
tagging of the texts collected in the corpus, providing
the lexical meanings of the words by explaining them,
allowing the reader to quickly and easily understand
the contextual meaning of the word, analysing the
lexical compatibility of various word combinations,
their combinatorial ability, allows you to determine
whether a certain syntactic construction is acceptable
or not.
“The language of Navoi’s” works were defined by
P.Shamsiyev and S.Ibrohimov in explaining the
current lexical meaning of the words in the ghazels of
the “Badoye ul-vasat” divan, the 4-volume
explanatory dictionary of the language of Alisher
Navoi’s works under the editorship of E.Fazilov, Yu.
Berdak’s Navoi language dictionary and the
dictionary of literary works of Mumtaz and the
“Dictionary of works of Alisher Navoi” by H.
Muhammad were used.
The Need to Create this Corpus
In world and Uzbek philology, a lot of research has
been done on Alisher Navoi’s work, his personality,
translation of his works. Till now, there are sites that
collect Alisher Navoi’s biography and the texts of his
works, various mobile applications and works of
Navoi’s works in pdf format, as well as several
explanatory logs created on the language of Alisher
Navoi’s works. But this alone is not enough for the
modern student to study Alisher Navoi’s work,
understand his vocabulary, and understand Navoi.
Information on the life and work of Alisher Navoi
in world literature and in the field of information
technologies is covered on the web pages. However,
neither in world linguistics nor in literary studies,
developments have been made that could create
Alisher Navoi author's corpus. This corpus is
expected to be one of the innovative and practical
Today, there are websites, various mobile
applications, and Navoi's works in PDF format that
contain his biography and texts. However, this
information is insufficient for modern readers to fully
grasp Navoi's work, appreciate its quality, and
understand the man himself. To enhance the study of
Navoi's corpus, a semantically tagged database is
necessary. This database would provide explanations
for words that may be challenging for contemporary
readers, helping them understand the meaning of such
words in the context of his poetry.
Semantic Base of Alisher Navoi Author’s Corpus
650 ghazels in “Badoye’ ul-vasat” book, proverbs,
expressions, archaism, historical words, poetic arts
such as telmeh, tashbih, tanosub, irsoli masal, etc.
Alisher Navoi author's corpus in a new format was
created for special secondary and higher education
students, and a search interface in the corpus was also
developed for the convenience of users. As a result of
this, users will be able to develop the skills of working
independently with Navoi’s work, generally, the
sources of the 15th century, and the ability to
understand the vocabulary of that period.
In order to turn Navoi’s work into a readable
process, to understand Navoi’s philosophy, and to
learn and understand the grammar of the 15th century
language, it was determined that the text of Navoi’s
works must be grammatically equalized. As the
ghazels, which are an invaluable treasure of Alisher
Navoi’s work, are semantically equalized in the