on the one hand, it has signs of computer jargon.
On the other hand, it has the characteristics of
network slang as a special type of written speech.
"In this, Internet slang can be seen as a specific
sociolect with general slang (inter-slangs) signs,
which can be used not only in Internet
communication, but also in oral speech".
According to a number of scholars, all the
different ways of creating Internet slang serve "to
adapt English slang to its conditions and make it
suitable for constant use". Some of them even believe
that Anglicism plays a major role in the creation of
Internet slang.
The developed content of its jargon
distinguishes the computer lexical system, and its
elements enter into relations of homonymy,
antonymy and polysemy with each other, forming
nests and chains of word formation. English slang has
a complex structure, which is related to the primary
function of slang formation. The development of the
computer lexicon (slang) and its interaction with
other lexical subsystems of the national language
takes place. The formation of computer and Internet
jargon is carried out using various methods. One of
them is phonetic processing (CD-ROM - sidka,
winchester - screw) in order to convert the English
word into a word that is easy to pronounce.
E. Begmatov emphasizes that calking is a
complex process of its own, and notes that three
phenomena are mainly observed in this method:
Participation in a foreign language.
Participation of own element.
Participation of a foreign language
The essence of the first phenomenon is that the
target material is a foreign language phenomenon.
The second phenomenon is sintering based on the
potential of the other material's own layer. The third
phenomenon is the rendering of foreign material with
words of another language (that is, copying a Russian
word with words that are actually Arabic or Persian
in Uzbek). D. Kadirbekova believes: "According to
the opinion that kalka is close to the phenomenon of
word formation, it can be called a word formation
phenomenon due to the formation of a new word
expressing a new meaning in kalkalash.
Uzbek computer jargon is formed in
different ways:
1. Phonetic processing of the English word in
order to spell it and turn the initial word into a word
convenient for pronunciation (CD-Rom - сидюшка, ,
vintchester - винт, adminstrator - aдмин, flash xotira
- флешка, ROM (Random access memory)-Romka,
programma - прога, клавиатура - клава, Demo -
демка, game over - гамовер , bug - баг, hard drive -
хард диск драйв, device - дивайс, noob - нуб) , etc.
2. Search for a word similar to the English and
Russian words in terms of pronunciation in Uzbek
(Emelya in Russian, мыло from the word E-mail,
while in Russian it is used in the form of совун, in
Uzbek it is used in the form of ko’pik). File - филе,
driver - драв, модем - мопед, telegram - телег, Sun
Microsstems Computer Corparation -, etc.
3. Literal translation of the English word (from
mother board), sichqon (from mouse), ko’prik
(bridge), TsPU tosh (from CPU stone), kurt (worm),
megaword – megaso’z, multisystem - multitizim,
macrocommand-makrobuyruq, etc.
4. To come up with a word that represents an
object in the Uzbek language, for example, @ - the
version of this symbol in the Uzbek language has
been preserved in the form of a kuchukcha.
Thus, the following linguistic tools are
distinguished in computer and Internet jargon:
(1) expressive nouns corresponding to the units of
the national language. In the Uzbek language, the
terms denoting the names of software products,
programs, commands and files are expressed by the
following jargons: qurt, qumursqa, qo’ng’iz, hayvon,
- computer virus; glyuk-error, a malfunction in the
program; as'ka - ICQ program (for correspondence in
the global network); дося - DOS disk operating
system; айболит- is an antivirus program.
(2) slangs with a metaphorical meaning. In
English and Uzbek languages, it was observed that
the mobile meaning appears as a result of the
appearance of the main meaning in the form of
another object's quality, feature in computer and
Internet jargon. In an indirect (or instrumental)
– names of human body parts: visual: eyeballs -
website user; shoulder surfing - a situation where
users look over their shoulder (behind) to get
important information, etc. Muzzle in English is a
metaphorical slang adopted in the Uzbek language in
the manner of Bashara, which has several meanings:
1) program interface, home page of a website or
portal; 2) the front panel of the computer system unit;
3) a front engine that provides a convenient interface
to the lower-level rear. In English, frowny face slang
is used as a synonym for Bashara slang, and this slang
is also used for smileys. Also, in Uzbek, tumshuqbop
is a protective screen of the monitor; ears -
headphones; gut - modem connection through com-
ports; jargon like green tooth - Bluetooth interface
was found.
Similarities in the process of human activity or