0.16 0.4
P ≤ 0.01; n=45; d. f (1,45)
This research offers a clear overview of current
movements in the LM literature by classifying and
contrasting works following a variety of important
characteristics. The characterization and
recommendations that have been derived from this
research, might improve and raise awareness of the
significance of using LM to establish a long-term
competitive edge. The analysis's findings revealed a
strong relationship between marketing performance
and the aspects of LM. The aspect of releasing
workers' latent potential and creativity had the biggest
association since it occurred before and was followed
by a decrease in wait times. This result demonstrates
that highly talented and imaginative Employees have
a major part in increasing the Mosul dairy tree's
marketing success. The findings supported the
presence of a considerable impact of agile marketing
and product aspects on the entire marketing
performance. For rapid and effective interaction with
consumers and suppliers, it is suggested that the
Mosul diary maker spend more attention on the
marketing data system.
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