Field Research on Pasture Vegetation in South Uzbekistan (in
Kashkadarya Region Parts)
Uktam Khujanazarov
, Gulrukhsor Ergasheva
and Gulbakhor Akbarova
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Livestock, Pasture, Dominant, Agrophytocenoses, Phytomeliorants, Weeds, Communities, Shrubs.
Abstract: This paper explores the practical application of pastures in the Kashkadarya region, with a focus on
cartographic data and monitoring fodder yield. Fieldwork conducted in spring throughout the year employs
methodological schemes to ascertain fodder productivity of foothill pastures. This includes creating pasture
cards as standards, detailing average productivity over several years, conducting surface field inspections in
key grazing areas for control purposes, and undertaking annual inspections to monitor pasture use for fodder
and livestock grazing.
In the southern reaches of Uzbekistan lies the
Kashkadarya region, framed by the Koratepa,
Zirabulok, and Ziyevuddin mountains to the north
and the Gisar ridge to the east, forming a critical
agricultural hub. Here, the vitality of the region's
animal husbandry hinges on the careful management
of its pasturelands. Recent studies have highlighted
the imperative of understanding the ecological
intricacies and productivity of these pastures,
particularly in light of challenges posed by
meteorological factors (Khuzhanazarov et al, 2012).
Scientific endeavours have been directed towards
enhancing the yield of natural forage grasses and
ensuring the sustainability of pasture ecosystems
(Dias & Barreiros et al., 2018). Yet, the rich flora of
the Kashkadarya basin's foothills, renowned for its
diversity, medicinal properties, and economic
significance, remains a focal point of research interest
(Galnaityte & Krisciukaitiene et. al., 2017). Despite
these efforts, concerns persist regarding the
unchecked expansion of pasture areas, leading to
unplanned grazing and the proliferation of
undesirable weeds. To counteract these trends,
strategies such as controlled grazing and proactive
land management are deemed essential to preserve
the ecological equilibrium of the region's pastures
(Sukhova et al., 2018).
Recent field research conducted in Chirakchi,
Kitab, and Dehkanabad districts has revealed a
concerning trend: over the past 15 years, pasture areas
have expanded significantly, with cultivated pastures
dominating in Guzor and Dehkanabad districts.
However, this expansion has not been without
consequences, as unplanned grazing has led to the
proliferation of weeds like Acroptilon repens and
Verbascum songoricum (Uktam E. Khujanazarov,
Habibullo Shomuradov and Elena A. Afonina).
Furthermore, the aging of certain plant communities
indicates regressive conditions, suggesting the need
for proactive measures to prevent further degradation
(Khujanazarov U.E et al., 2017).
In conclusion, the sustainable management of
pasturelands in the Kashkadarya basin is essential for
the region's agricultural viability. By employing
scientific research and implementing strategic
interventions, stakeholders can work towards
preserving the ecological integrity and productivity of
these vital landscapes.
Khujanazarov, U., Ergasheva, G. and Akbarova, G.
Field Research on Pasture Vegetation in South Uzbekistan (in Kashkadarya Region Parts).
DOI: 10.5220/0012912800003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 687-690
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The focus of this study is the examination of plant
communities, including both floristic and
phytocenotic compositions, across the foothills and
mountains of the Kashkadarya basin. These areas are
classified into four levels of vegetation density: weak
(I), moderate (II), strong (III), and very strong (IV).
The research encompasses fieldwork conducted
between 2012 and 2019, along with data gathered
from expeditions in collaboration with the Institute of
Botany. Geobotanical units, which determine the
content of natural pastures, are identified based on the
classification, structure, composition, and
geobotanical studies of vegetation cover. Pasture
type, determined by the dominant type of vegetation
cover, serves as the primary unit for agricultural
development in animal husbandry. Methodologies
from geobotanical manuals and guidelines are utilised
for various aspects of research, including productivity
assessment and analysis of pasture degradation.
Statistical analysis draws upon resources such as the
"Flora of Uzbekistan" and "The Determinant of Plants
in Central Asia," offering insights into the rich
botanical diversity of the region and changes over
time, including those documented in editions of the
Red Data Book of Uzbekistan.
The mountainous terrain presents a multifaceted
landscape influenced by various factors such as
altitude, slope, geology, erosion rates, soil
composition, humidity, and temperature. These
factors collectively shape the distribution patterns of
shrubs and trees across the region. In the Kashkadarya
basin, tree and shrub communities are prevalent,
forming complex ecosystems. Among the widely
distributed species in the mountain ranges are Acer
pubescens, Amygdalus bucharica, A. spinosissima,
Berberis oblonga, Crataegus pontica, C. turkestanica,
Cerasus erythrocarpa, Ephedra equisetina, and E.
Efforts to preserve mountain pastures are crucial,
necessitating annual assessments to monitor their
condition. Public awareness and ecological education
are vital, especially among communities residing near
mountainous and foothill areas. Protection measures
are imperative for preserving medicinal and endemic
plant species like cadonopsis, zizifora, and ferula,
which contribute significantly to the pharmaceutical
Floristic studies have identified prominent plant
families in the region, including Asteraceae,
Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Brassicaceae,
Rosaceae, Apiaceae, Liliaceae, and Boraginaceae.
These families not only dominate plant communities
but also serve as fodder reserves, underscoring their
ecological significance.
Research focused on enhancing foothill pastures
has examined various shrubs and semi-shrubs, along
with specific grass species. For instance, Haloxylon
aphyllum, Haloxylon persicum, Salsola richteri, S.
rigida, and A. turanica have been studied for pasture
improvement. Cultivation techniques aim to
accelerate growth, shorten the vegetative period, and
promote early fruiting.
Phytomeliorant planting typically commences in
early spring, with temperature considerations crucial
for successful germination. The rooting depth of
plants varies throughout the growth cycle, with
deepening roots enhancing tolerance to dry and hot
conditions. While underground growth slows in
summer, deep rooting resumes in late summer and
Planting procedures involve soil ploughing to a
depth of 18-20 cm, with seeds sown at specific depths
depending on the species. Agrophytocenoses,
cultivated over three years, yield significant fodder
mass, with productivity ranging from 6.4 to 11.7 t/ha
for various species. These cultivated ecosystems
demonstrate higher productivity compared to natural
pastures, a trend expected to further increase in the
In conclusion, sustainable management practices
and scientific interventions are vital for the
preservation and enhancement of mountain pastures
in the Kashkadarya basin. By fostering public
awareness, implementing protection measures, and
employing effective cultivation techniques,
stakeholders can ensure the ecological integrity and
productivity of these valuable landscapes for future
In conclusion, enhancing the legal framework for
forest protection in the mountainous and sub-
mountainous pastures of the Kashkadarya region is
imperative for sustainable resource management.
Moreover, promoting socio-economic forestry
initiatives and increasing private sector involvement
are critical components that demand focused attention
and timely implementation. The formulation of a
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
comprehensive plan of action is essential to address
these pressing concerns effectively.
Furthermore, ecological optimization measures,
including the prevention of mountain forest depletion,
the regulation of livestock grazing practices, and the
management of irrigation and dry farming, are pivotal
for enhancing the efficacy of pasture restoration
efforts. By prioritizing these interventions,
stakeholders can work towards achieving a balance
between ecological preservation and socio-economic
development, thereby safeguarding the
environmental integrity and livelihoods of
communities dependent on these fragile ecosystems.
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