The investigation into current ownership patterns
provides a snapshot of the existing EV landscape.
Encouragingly, an overwhelming 83.3% of
respondents already own electric vehicles, indicating
a promising market penetration and the increasing
acceptance of EVs (Rietmann and Lieven, 2019).
However, the persistence of 16% relying on
conventional automobiles signals potential
challenges or reservations that merit further
exploration (Lee et al., 2020).
Consumer awareness emerges as a critical
dimension, with an impressive 80% of respondents
demonstrating cognizance of EVs. This shift in public
awareness signifies a positive trajectory toward
greater acceptance and integration of electric vehicles
into mainstream consciousness (Noel et al., 2019).
Preferences lean substantially towards EVs (47.3%),
followed by bi-fuel (36.7%) and CNG (16%),
highlighting a growing interest in sustainable
alternatives and a maturing understanding of diverse
fuel technologies (Krishna, 2021).
1.1 Environmental Impact on Buying
Environmental consciousness emerges as a
pivotal factor influencing buying behavior, with a
considerable 32.7% of respondents considering the
environment as a moderately influencing factor.
Additionally, 28.7% rate it as a strong influence,
underscoring the need for automakers to accentuate
the eco-friendly aspects of their products in their
marketing strategies (Jaiswal et al., 2021). This
finding reflects a heightened awareness among
consumers regarding the environmental impact of
their choices, shaping the narrative for sustainable
and eco-conscious automotive preferences (Shetty et
al., 2020).
1.2 Factors Influencing EV Preferences
A nuanced exploration of factors influencing EV
preferences reveals that cost savings, vehicle
performance, and adaptability to future trends emerge
as decisive elements. Notably, 38% of respondents
consider all these factors collectively, emphasizing
the need for automakers to align their strategies with
consumer expectations for a holistic EV experience
(Yang and Chen, 2021). The preference for specific
EV models further emphasizes the diverse landscape
of offerings in the market, with Tata Motors, Ather
Energy, and Hyundai standing out as favored choices.
Conversely, the relatively low preference for Ola's
EV models (0.7%) suggests that brand recognition
and trust play pivotal roles in influencing consumer
choices within the competitive EV market (Jaiswal et
al., 2021).
In summation, this research aims to
comprehensively explore and analyze consumer
perceptions and preferences regarding electric
vehicles in the contemporary automobile market. By
navigating the intricate interplay of demographic,
awareness, and preference factors, the study seeks to
contribute valuable insights to industry stakeholders,
policymakers, and researchers, guiding strategic
decisions in the pursuit of a sustainable and
consumer-centric electric mobility future.
This quantitative study employed to analyze data on
consumer perceptions and preferences regarding
electric vehicles (EVs) in the contemporary
automobile market of Karnataka. The research aimed
to obtain a comprehensive understanding of various
factors influencing consumer attitudes, demographic
patterns, and key drivers or barriers to EV adoption.
A random stratified sampling technique was applied
to get a sample that fairly represents the population.
The participants the study were the people who has
diversity of jobs and socioeconomic backgrounds,
varied in age from 18 to 60. The sample size of 150
respondents was determined based on statistical
considerations to achieve a reliable representation of
the population of Karnataka. The survey instrument,
a structured questionnaire, was designed to capture
quantitative data on a range of variables. Data
collection was conducted through a questionnaire
provided online platform to enhance accessibility and
reach a broader audience. The survey was distributed
using a combination of purposive and snowball
sampling techniques, leveraging social media
platforms, email lists, and online forums. The
quantitative data obtained were subjected to rigorous
statistical analysis. Frequencies, percentages, and
measures of central tendency, were utilized to
summarize demographic characteristics and provide
an overview of the sample profile along with a
graphical presentation.