surveyed preferred to store all information related to
the object of study (textbooks, videos, audio,
methodological and teaching aids).
Also, a fairly large number of students used
interactive multimedia applications with training and
control functions, such as “Auscultation of the
Heart”, “Human Anatomy” - 61%. 59% of
respondents tried to take notes on the educational
material necessary to prepare for the lesson, while
most of them did this formally, copying 1-2 pages
from the textbook according to the given topic. The
main reasons for this were the technical obstacles that
arise when working with smartphones due to their
small size.
At the same time, there was a sharp discrepancy
between the above indicators and the indicator
characterizing the interactivity of communication
between the student and the teacher, it was only 31%,
and it should be noted that students often came into
contact with the teacher precisely on the initiative of
the teacher himself. The reasons for contact between
students and teachers most often related to problems
of academic failure and student absence.
The communication process itself included the
use of Web 3 technologies, and specifically the
messenger program – Telegram. Gender differences
in the use of smart devices were represented by the
following indicators: female students, compared to
men, used smartphones much more often not only for
reading, but also directly for preparing for classes and
writing notes - 73% and 27%, respectively. Also,
unlike male students, they also had tablet-type
computers - only 15%. The number of laptops used
by students was equally small among both female and
male gender compositions and amounted to 6 and 9%,
respectively. Otherwise, there were no significant
differences in the use of devices or preparation for
Students of medical universities and faculties,
ideally, should be an important part of our society
with a very strong motivation, without which the
medical profession will be one of the most difficult to
master, but only in the senior years of the university
comes full understanding and awareness of all the
responsibility for received and not received or
misunderstood knowledge in this area, given that
most of this knowledge was acquired with great
difficulty in previous courses. In this regard, in the
context of our subsequent research, it is of undoubted
interest to analyze the preferred types of future
professional activity of medical students together
with the real needs of the labor market in order to
bring the training process as close as possible to the
modern needs of practical medicine.
The survey results obtained during the study
allow us to understand the learning difficulties that
have arisen, correctly place emphasis and evaluate the
role of digital smart devices in the educational
process among 2nd and 3rd year students. I would
like to immediately note the widespread use of mobile
phones - smartphones, as a universal device that
allows not only to establish communication processes
through voice communication, but also to use Web 2
and Web 3 technologies, with the latter occupying a
leading position. Characteristic of this situation is the
loss of interest among students in using full-fledged
desktop computers; the small number of computers
we noted were used extremely limited (mainly for
viewing multimedia content) and were represented
mainly by their mobile versions - tablets and laptops.
The role of students in this case was
overwhelmingly limited to rather passive
participation in the educational process, so many of
them preferred to use already available ready-made
materials taken from various Internet resources; when
searching for an answer to an additional question
from the teacher, the student began to search for an
answer on the Internet, while without even thinking
about the question posed and without using your own
Work in preparation for the lesson was limited to
searching for a given topic in an electronic textbook
already available on the media. Reading e-books from
the screen of a smartphone seems to be an
inconvenient, non-physiological process, since this is
hampered by the relatively small screen (intended
mainly for reading messages), as well as the screen
brightness (insufficient or excessive), which in turn
leads to eye fatigue and decreased students' vision. In
turn, one cannot fail to note the positive aspects of
these devices, first of all, mobility, portability,
especially in comparison with laptops or tablets, light
weight, with a good battery and long battery life, a
large assortment of programs - applications for
Android or iOS designed specifically for medical
education and, of course, the use of messenger
programs such as Telegram or Whatsapp, the
capabilities of which have gone far beyond simple
The potential of these programs includes the
ability to store the necessary files of multimedia
content, if necessary, conduct online classes in real
time, organize interactive training courses with
subsequent control testing. In addition, these
programs are of particular importance for teachers,
since they allow them to control educational
processes in real time online, this was especially
noticeable during the Covid 19 epidemic. Telegram