opinion and communicate to the interlocutor by using
speech competence in the process of speech
communication, is the process of speech
communication specific to the speech situation and
norm. In addition to being a comprehensive concept
of competence, we can find several types in
methodological literature. They are types of
linguistic, communicative, strategic, pragmatic,
socio-cultural competence.
According to M.V.Dubova, taking into account
the ability to use lexical units and grammatical rules,
this is linguistic competence. The ability to create and
interpret a written text is the basis of discursive
competence. According to Academician Boris
Viktorovich Rauschenbach, in order to use pragmatic
competence, the purpose of speech communication
should correspond to it. Getting out of a difficult
situation due to the introduction of appropriate
changes in the speech situation in the difficulties of
the conversation process represents the ability of
strategic competence. Speech competence in children
gradually increases in the process of communication.
According to A. Leontiev, the need for speech is
one of the main reasons for the realization of perfect
speech, the next process is the birth of a certain
thought, as a result of which this thought is expressed
in internal speech through certain language tools,
finds its expression in sentences, and finally into
external speech emphasizes that it will be held.
N.I.Jinkin's definition of speech competence is close
to A.Leontiev's definition.
According to him, thoughts are expressed in
internal speech and the process of transferring them
to external speech takes place due to the "speech
mechanism" characteristic of people. Such language
mechanisms of people develop in them from
Communicators cover almost all social skills
(phonology, word usage, syntax, morphology, and
grammatical knowledge). In linguistics,
communicative competence appears as a concept that
does not correspond to the concept of linguistic
This concept was introduced by Dell Haymes in
response to Noam Chomsky's inconsistency in the
distinction between linguistics and academic
knowledge. Communicative competence was carried
out by Haymes in the form of ethnographic
acquisition, which includes "communicative forms
and functions that are closely related to each other"
and became the basis for the so-called ethnography of
communication, and this concept is used in foreign
language teaching. was considered as one of the
theories based on the communicative approach.
In this regard, three models are emphasized by
most researchers. In particular, the most mentioned
model is the model of M.Canale (M. Canale) and
M.Swain (M. Swain). Scientists Celce-Murcia,
Dorneyi and Turrell defined the main structure of the
second model. The above-mentioned scientists
named communicative competence by different
The founders of the third model in language
teaching are Bachman (Bachman) and Palmer
(Palmer) from Canada. The correct use of the word
depends on how well the participants know the topic
of speech, how knowledgeable they are, whether they
can think logically, and know the laws and rules of
the language. In this research work, during the study
of materials related to the speech act, the emergence
and development of speech, the formation of speech
competence in children's speech, we came to the
following conclusion: speech is both a process and a
result - speech texts, oral and written, books, it
appears in different forms such as stories and songs.
Speech is material, it is perceived by the senses - this
is done only in the process of using language, which
manifests itself in speech.
Speech competence has a discursive nature and
reflects the quality of speech behavior for listeners.
Speech operation is a unit of thought process of
speech, which is characterized by unconsciousness,
automaticity and stability in its implementation. A.
Leontiev called the perfected speech operations
speech competence and explained in detail how they
are formed and developed in the text together with the
explanation of the differences between the types of
speech activities (reading, writing, listening and
speaking) .
The competency-based approach in the field of
education, on the one hand, emphasizes the need for
a person to integrate himself into the activities of
society, and, on the other hand, use the potential of
each person in society to ensure it, self-development
in various fields as a modern urgent task of
competence the view is covered in detail by
M.R.Manaenkova, one of the famous Russian
linguists . He added that he considers speech
competence to be the practical command of speech in
a given language, the ability to speak correctly,
fluently and dynamically, both in dialogue and
monologue, and in the ability to speak and
understand, in any functional style. Speech is an
integral part of personal culture .