tourism infrastructure increases tourism demand
above trend advanced the application of the method.
The fact that tourism demand is relatively insensitive
to prices and incomes seems favourable to the use of
tourism as a strategy to enhance city-state
competitiveness. In his article, Olimjon Saidmatov
elaborated on the assessment of the current state of
ecotourism in the region of Uzbekistan and strategies
for its sustainable development. Threats,
Opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths (TOWS)
analysis is used to determine the necessary
management strategies. According to the TOWS
results, government support during the pandemic
should be strategically coordinated to ensure the
stability of the ecotourism industry in Uzbekistan. In
their studies, Chinese scholars such as Godong Yan,
Lin Zou, Yunan Liu and Ruxue Ji emphasized that
information infrastructure, innovation infrastructure
and convergent infrastructure are the main factors in
building new infrastructure and that it is of great
importance in economic and social growth. Bahadir
Turdiev and Ulugbek Otamurodov defined that
"Tourism infrastructure is a set of objects with
tangible and intangible properties aimed at satisfying
various desires of tourists at a certain time and place."
Based on the above-mentioned opinions of scientists,
we can say, infrastructure refers to the physical
structures, systems, and facilities needed to support
various activities and services. This can include
buildings, roads, bridges, utilities, other essential
components of a community or society. Landscape
refers to the natural and elements of an area, including
the terrain, vegetation, water bodies, and human-
made features such as parks and gardens. It
encompasses the physical environment and how is
organized or designed. In the context of urban
planning and development, infrastructure and are
closely intertwined. Infrastructure often needs to be
integrated into the landscape to minimize its impact
and enhance the overall aesthetics and functionality
of the area. This can involve natural elements,
designing green spaces, and incorporating sustainable
features into infrastructure projects. Landscape
design can be used to guide the development of
infrastructure, ensuring that it is built in a way that
harmonizes with the surrounding environment and
meets the needs of the community.
The analysis reveals the pivotal role architectural
landscapes play in tourism infrastructure
development. Architectural landscapes contribute
significantly to attracting tourists through their
aesthetic appeal, cultural value, and iconic design
elements. These landscapes serve as symbols of
identity for tourist destinations, creating a sense of
place and capturing attention. Moreover, architectural
landscapes play a crucial role in enhancing visitor
experience, providing functional and visually
appealing amenities such as parks, plazas, and user-
friendly designs. Integrated use of sustainable
practices, such as green building techniques,
renewable sources, and preservation of natural
resources, adds further value to the architectural
landscape, attracting environmentally conscious
Infrastructure is essential for the functioning and
development of communities. It includes critical
elements such as transportation networks (roads,
bridges, airports, ports), utilities (supply, sewage,
electricity, telecommunications), public facilities
(schools, hospitals, government), and other services
necessary for the well-being and productivity of
society. Infrastructure is typically planned and
managed by government agencies and private
companies. The design and implementation of
infrastructure projects require careful consideration
of factors such as cost, environmental impact, and
future needs. In recent years, there has been a growing
emphasis on sustainable infrastructure that minimizes
environmental footprint and maximizes efficiency
and resilience.
Landscape, on the other hand, refers to the visible
and physical features of an area. It encompasses
natural elements such as mountains, forests, rivers,
and wildlife, as well as human-made features such as
parks, gardens, and urban design. The landscape can
have a significant impact on the well-being and
quality of life of residents. Well-designed landscapes
can provide aesthetic enjoyment, recreational
opportunities, and environmental benefits such as
improved air and water quality, habitat conservation,
and climate regulation.
In urban development, the integration of
infrastructure and landscape is crucial. Infrastructure
projects should strive to minimize their impact on the
natural and built environment and consider factors
such as aesthetic appeal, ecological sustainability,
and community needs. For example, roads can be
designed with green spaces and bike lanes to enhance
the overall landscape and promote sustainable
transportation options. Similarly, landscape design
can guide the development of infrastructure by
integrating natural features, creating green spaces,
and incorporating sustainable design principles. For
example, stormwater management systems can be