carried out using a systematic approach, which takes
into account all elements of the system being studied
and their interrelations. The paper draws on
theoretical research conducted by foreign researchers.
It also analyzes materials from domestic and
international news sites, newspapers, and business
blog reviews. Methods such as logical analysis and
the identification of causal relationships between
factors are employed.
The concept adopted in 2020 for the development of
science in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 has
defined the main directions for the development of
this sphere in the medium and long term, which is
based on a plan for the phased development of science
according to such indicators as:
• increase in funds allocated to science in
relation to GDP with balanced participation
of the public and private sectors (from 0.2 to
2% of GDP); Creating the necessary
conditions for attracting private capital to
• training of highly qualified scientific and
engineering personnel and their stimulation
to research activities;
• bringing the average age of scientists to 39
years due to the greater involvement of
young specialists in science and increasing
the number of young scientific specialists of
the highest category from 11 to 30% of the
total number of applicants under the age of
• increasing the publication and patent activity
of domestic scientists in the country and
abroad, increasing the share of Uzbekistan in
the total number of articles published in
international scientific journals indexed in
the international scientific database Scopus
and Web of Science, from 0.008 to 0.2%;
• functioning of national scientific
laboratories, implementation of GSP and
GLP standards;
• structural transformations in favor of the
production of knowledge-intensive and
high-tech products with high added value.
According to the Decree of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan "On improving the public
administration system for the development of
scientific and innovative activities" PF-6198 dated
April 1, 2021, the Fund for Support of Innovative
Development and Innovative Ideas was reorganized
into the Scientific Fund for Support of Science and
Innovation by joining the Presidential Fund and the
Fund for Support of Gifted Youth of the Academy of
Youth under the Ministry of Innovative
The main activities of the fund include:
1. Financing the creation and implementation
of innovative projects by subjects of
innovative activity, on a competitive basis.
2. Financing research, innovation,
development, and startup projects, also on a
competitive basis.
3. Financing the commercialization of
scientific and technical results.
4. Financing measures to equip (additional
equip) scientific laboratories with high-tech
5. Covering the costs of registering and
maintaining intellectual property abroad,
including patents created within state
6. Payment of expenses to ensure free access to
leading electronic databases for research and
educational institutions.
7. Preparation for publication of scientific
results in international journals.
8. Financing of scientific internships for young
scientists in leading foreign research
organizations (centres, universities, etc.).
By the end of 2022, 1.79 trillion soms worth of
research and development (R&D) projects were
carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Although
the volume of R&D has increased by almost 4 times
compared to 2017, it is still not enough and there is
great potential for growth in this area that needs to be
explored. It is especially important to find ways to
further enhance state support for fundamental
research, as this forms the basis for scientific and
technological advancement.
In 2023, 1.8 trillion soums were allocated for
science and innovation, and the allocated funds were
used to create a scientific and theoretical basis in
energy, agriculture, geology, and construction. It
should be noted that the salaries of scientists have
increased by almost fivefold in recent years.
According to the Ministry of Higher Education,
Science, and Innovation, in January-November 2022,
511.9 billion soums were allocated for 929 scientific
projects under state programs. Applied initiatives
were mainly funded (63%), followed by innovative
projects (15%), and fundamental research (11%).
Tashkent, the Tashkent Region, and Karakalpakstan