Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional
Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas
Erni Rukmana
, M. Edwin Fransiari
, Kanaya Yori Damanik
and Latifah Rahman Nurfazriah
Nutrition Study Program, Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Negeri Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Keywords: Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake.
Abstract: Teenage girls must meet their needs for energy intake and micronutrients such as iron to achieve optimal
nutritional status. This study was proposed to determine different nutritional knowledge, energy intake, iron
intake, and nutritional status of teenage girls in rural and urban areas. This study used a comparative cross-
sectional observation design with 30 girls (15 - 17 years old) from Bandung High School Foundation, Deli
Serdang Regency and 30 girls at Pertiwi Private High School, Medan City, as the sample subjects. The
nutritional knowledge was earned through a questionnaire, food consumption data were collected using the
food recall method (1 × 24 hours), and Z-scores were applied for the BMI-for-age. The independent T-test
analysis was used to differentiate the nutritional knowledge, energy intake, and iron intake between groups
of subjects with normal data distribution. Differences were found in nutritional knowledge and energy intake
among teenage girls in rural and urban areas, while iron intake and BMI for age revealed no difference.
Therefore, nutritional knowledge is necessary for teenage girls to improve attitudes and actions in choosing
healthy and nutritious foods.
Adolescence is a transitional period between
childhood and adulthood. Teenagers in Indonesia
face numerous nutrition-related issues, including
malnutrition, overnutrition, and nutrient deficiency.
About one-fourth of the total teenagers in Indonesia
suffer from stunting, and nine percent of them are
underweight (UNICEF, 2021). The nutritional issues
in teenagers are associated with physical,
physiological, and psychosocial alterations.
Nutritional problems in teenagers gain more
attention, as they will affect growth in adulthood. (Al-
Jawaldeh et al., 2020). The lack of nutritional
knowledge causes nutritional problems in t teenagers.
The lack of nutritional knowledge and mistakes in
food choices affect the health condition and lead to
malnutrition. Low nutrition knowledge can be
detected in appropriate eating behaviours (Hasanah et
al., 2022).
During the rapid growth period, teenagers require
adequate nutrient intake, specifically for teenage girls
(Kahssay et al., 2020). For optimal nutrition,
teenagers must meet their macro- and micronutrient
intake requirements.
Teenagers with deficient energy have a poor
nutritional status, whereas excessive energy intake
can contribute to overweight and obesity. Obesity and
other health hazards will likely manifest and impact
adulthood (Norris et al., 2022). For teenage girls, the
nutritional status of teenagers plays a vital role in
hereditary health (Vaivada et al., 2020). Therefore,
adolescence is crucial time to establish a healthy diet
and lifestyle.
In addition, teenage girls frequently follow diets
and restrict food consumption to maintain their
appearance, which can result in essential minerals
deficiency, particularly iron. A diet that does not meet
the body's nutritional requirements causes iron and
macronutrient deficiencies (Utami et al., 2022).
Rukmana, E., Fransiari, M. E., Damanik, K. Y. and Nurfazriah, L. R.
Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas.
DOI: 10.5220/0012919500004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 203-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Furthermore, low food intake and inadequate diet
in teenage girls due to their preference to eat fast
foods that contain high energy, fat, and sodium, and
low vitamins, calcium, and iron, can result in
malnutrition (ELMoslemany et al., 2019).
According to Nurwanti (2019), distinct risk
factors are associated with overweight and obesity in
both rural and urban regions in Indonesia. Urban
dwellers have a prevalence of overweight and
obesity. The presence of health services and access to
nutritious food impact both urban and rural
communities. The nutritional intake might be
influenced by the environmental circumstances
present in the residential setting.
This study was conducted in a rural area, namely
Deli Serdang District, close to urban areas in Medan
City, North Sumatra. Health disparities in rural and
urban areas are the focus of this study.
This study aimed to examine the disparities in
nutritional knowledge, energy intake, iron intake, and
nutritional status among teenage girls residing in rural
and urban areas.
The present study used a comparative cross-sectional
design. This study was carried out in June-July, 2023.
This study investigated teenage girls as a study
subject who attend the Bandung High School
Foundation in a rural area and Pertiwi Private High
School in an urban area. The collective focus of
investigation for each educational institution
encompassed a cohort of 30 teenage girls. Subjects
were selected non-systematic within each class, with
a minimum number of subjects required.
In this study, data were composed of primary and
secondary sources. The primary data includes
information on the subject's characteristics and
expertise, obtained through a questionnaire.
Additionally, data on food intake, including energy
and iron, were collected using the 24-hour food recall
questionnaires. The weight data were collected using
digital thumb scales with 0.1 kg accuracy, while body
height data were obtained using microtoise with 0.1
cm accuracy. These data were collected for the
nutritional status of individuals across different age
groups according to their body mass index (BMI).
The secondary data were derived from school records
regarding the student population within the school.
The nutritional knowledge was classified into
three distinct categories. The first category is
characterized by a low level of knowledge, as the
percentage of correct answers is below 60%. The
second category represents a moderate level of
knowledge, with a percentage of correct answers
between 60% to 80%. The third and final category
signifies a high level of knowledge, as the percentage
of correct answers exceeds 80% (Khomsan A, 2000).
The concept of nutrient adequacy encompasses two
distinct categories, namely macronutrients and
micronutrients. The macronutrient adequacy level is
classified into five categories: severe deficiency
(<70%), moderate deficiency (70%–79%), mild
deficiency (80–89%), normal intake (90–119%), and
excessive intake (120%) (Kartono et al., 2012). The
micronutrient adequacy level is bifurcated into two
classifications: insufficient, denoted by levels below
70%, and sufficient, indicated by levels equal to or
over 70% (Houghton et al., 2019). The classification
of nutritional status is based on the body mass index
(BMI) in relation to age. Poor nutrition is indicated
by a z-score less than -3 of standard deviations (SD),
low nutrition is indicated by a z-score between -3 of
SD and -2 of SD, normal nutritional status is indicated
by a z-score between -2 of SD and +1 of SD,
overweight is indicated by a z-score between +1 of
SD and +2 of SD, and obesity is indicated by a z-score
greater than +2 of SD (Kemenkes RI, 2020)
The acquired data were subjected to both
descriptive and inferential analyses. This study
examined the descriptive data pertaining to age
characteristics, knowledge levels, energy levels, iron
intake, and nutritional status. If the data was assumed
to follow a normal distribution, the inferential
analysis employed an independent t-test. An
independent t-test was used to examine the disparities
in nutritional knowledge, energy intake, iron intake,
and nutritional status among teenage girls residing in
rural and urban areas. The study has been formally
submitted for ethical clearance in the Medical Faculty
of the Christian University of Maranatha, as indicated
by ethical committee decision No. 137/KEP/VI/2023
on June 13, 2023
The subject quality is presented in Table 1. The
teenage girls as the subjects are between 15 - 18 years
old. The majority of participants in both the rural
group (56.7%) and the urban group (36.7%) were 17
years old.
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 1. Distribution of subject characteristic.
n (%)
n (%)
15 1 (3.3) 12 (40)
16 17 (56.7) 11 (36.7)
17 10 (33.3) 7 (11.7)
18 2 (6.7) -
Total 30 30
Table 2 illustrates a nutrition knowledge disparity
between girls residing in rural and urban areas, with
lower knowledge levels. Specifically, the percentage
of rural girls who possess healthy nutrition
knowledge is 6.7%, while their urban counterparts
demonstrate a significantly higher rate of 56.7%. This
finding demonstrates that individuals residing in
urban areas possess superior nutritional knowledge
compared to their rural counterparts. The scope of
obtaining nutritional information is more extensive
among teenage girls residing in rural areas.
Table 2. Distribution of nutritional knowledge.
n (%)
n (%)
Low 5 (16.7) 3 (10)
Medium 23 (76.7) 10 (33.3)
High 2 (6.7) 17 (56.7)
Total 30 30
Table 3 displays the average nutrition knowledge in
rural and urban areas. In rural areas, the average
nutritional knowledge is 68.88 (10.22). The 86.67
value is the utmost output of rural knowledge. In
statistical comparison analysis, the nutrient
knowledge results reveal a significant difference (p
Table 3. Percentage of mean and differences in nutritional
knowledge between rural and urban areas.
Variable Rural
The findings indicate that energy intake was recorded
for a 24-hour period in both rural and urban food data.
The information is presented in Table 4. A significant
proportion of rural (40%) and urban (30%)
populations experience substantial deficiencies in
energy intake adequacy across various levels.
Table 4. Distribution of nutrient adequacy levels.
The level of
nutritional adequac
n (%)
n (%)
Severe deficiency 24 (80) 18 (60)
Moderate deficiency 1 (3.3) 3 (10)
Low Deficiency 2 (6.7) 4 (13.3)
Normal Intake 2 (6.7) 3 (10)
High Intake 1 (3.3) 2 (6.7)
Iron (Fe)
Deficit 25 (83.3) 22 (73.3)
Normal 5 (16.7) 8 (26.7)
A difference in the sufficient energy intake in
rural and urban groups was found (p<0.05). The
energy intake of rural teenage girls is 462.41
which is lower than that of urban teenagers.
Table 5. Mean and differences in nutritional adequacy
levels between rural and urban area.
Iron (Fe)
The nutritional status of the subjects is presented in
Table 6. Most respondents in both rural and urban
groups exhibit a normal nutritional status. The rural
group exhibits a greater nutritional level of 20%,
whereas the urban group demonstrates a nutritional
status of 13.3%.
Table 6. Distribution of nutritional status (BMI-for-age).
Nutritional Status Rural
n (%)
n (%)
Underweight 1 (1.7) 1 (3.3)
Normal 23 (76.7) 25 (83.3)
Overweight 6 (20) 4 (13.3)
The mean Z-score of teenage females' BMI for
age in rural areas was 0.12, while in urban areas was
-0.17. Notably, there was no variation in BMI for age.
Both sources suggest that typical teenagers possess a
typical body mass index (BMI-for-age).
Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas
Table 7. Mean and Differences of nutritional status (BMI-
for-age) between rural and urban area.
Status (Z-
Adolescence is the phase of life between childhood
and adulthood, which begins at 9 years old to 19 years
old (WHO, 2022). Nutritional deficits can have
severe effects on teenage girls. If their nutritional
needs are not addressed, they are more likely to have
undernourished offspring, then pass on to future
generations (Rasyid et. al, 2022).
This study shows nutritional knowledge between
rural and urban girls is significantly different. Girls in
urban areas understand the importance of breakfast
and animal and vegetable protein consumption
compared to rural areas. According to Gultom (2020),
the average nutritional knowledge of rural teenagers
was 3.49 points, which was lower than that of urban
teenagers. A person's dietary preferences and food
intake are factors in determining their nutritional
status. Egg et al. (2020) showed that higher
nutritional knowledge is independently associated
with meat intake, low-sugar energy drinks, and iced
tea, besides higher vegetable and vegetable oil intake.
The results indicate differences in energy intake
and energy sufficiency levels among girls in rural and
urban areas. Merlisia, (2017) showed that smaller
rural teenagers had a proclivity to have meals more
than three times a day (odds ratio: 0.82). Additionally,
these individuals tend to consume higher amounts of
fruits (odds ratio: 1.39) and vegetables (odds ratio:
1.22). In contrast to Rakhmawati (2020), urban areas
exhibit a greater average energy intake of 1176 kcal
than rural areas at 1092 kcal. There is no statistically
significant difference in energy intake. Iron
deficiency is observed in teenage girls both across
rural and urban areas.
A minimal disparity was observed in the average
iron intake between the rural and urban areas. The
study's findings indicate no discernible disparity in
nutritional sufficiency degree between the two
treatments, as reinforced by Annisa (2021). The
present study suggests a lack of iron intake disparity
between urban and rural teenagers. This observation
can be attributed to various variables, including the
availability of dietary resources, the influence of
modernization, and globalization in both regions.
Consequently, the observed homogeneity in iron
intake across urban and rural girls indicates a limited
degree of variety in this aspect. Similarly, Faradilla et
al. (2019) reported no significant disparities in food
choices between urban and rural areas. The
consumption of unsuitable dietary options has a
detrimental impact on inadequate iron intake in urban
and rural areas. These findings contradict Gultom
(2020), who demonstrated that the iron level among
teenagers in rural areas was comparatively lower than
in urban areas, resulting in a higher prevalence of
anaemia (70% of teenagers in rural areas).
These findings indicate no discernible disparity in
nutritional status between rural and urban
populations. The results align with Armi & IMP
(2018), indicating no significant differences in
nutritional status between rural and urban
populations. Contreras et al. (2021) discovered that
teenagers who live in rural areas had higher levels of
internalizing mental health symptoms and a greater
propensity to engage in the emotional overeating
condition. Several factors within the rural
environment have been identified as potential
contributors to the prevalence of obesity. These
factors encompass economic conditions, limitations
on physical activity, barriers to accessing nutritious
food, healthcare services availability, and the
provision of nutrition education. (Buro et al., 2015).
In contrast to (Thapa et al., 2021), urban teenagers
exhibit an elevated IMT and a greater likelihood of
obesity, which may be attributed to economic
considerations, as socioeconomic status is associated
with an increased prevalence of obesity.
There are differences between rural and urban
teenage girl's nutritional knowledge and energy
intake. Nutritional knowledge levels and energy
intake among teenage girls in rural areas is
comparatively lower than in urban areas. There is no
significant difference in iron intake and nutritional
status (BMI-for-age) between teenage girls in rural
and urban areas.
Enhancing nutritional awareness among teenage
girls might positively influence their attitudes and
behaviours towards choosing a healthy and
nourishing diet. Teenage girls require conscientious
endeavours to optimally uphold their dietary intake
and nutritional well-being. This can be achieved
through guidance on consuming a balanced diet,
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
adhering to appropriate portions, and avoiding any
imbalances in essential nutrients.
The authors would like to thank all parties who have
assisted this project, namely high school teenage
girls, to participate in this study. In particular,
Authors would also like to show gratitude to the
Institute for Research and Community Service,
Medan State University (LPPM Universitas Negeri
Medan), for funding this project through BOPTN
research grant in 2023.
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