factors, including taste, texture, and nutritional value
Based on the taste criteria, the probiotic drink tastes
sour and sweet.
The sour taste is obtained from the fermentation
of LAB Lactobacillus plantarum, while the sweet
taste is obtained from adding sugar in each sample.
The probiotic drink sample that the panelists liked
the most in formula 3 was due to the addition of 30%
sugar, resulting in a sweet taste that was more
attractive to consumers, while the product that was
less liked by the panelists was in the control
treatment, namely products without the addition of
sugar so that the resulting taste was sour. The results
of the panelist's preference analysis on the viscosity
parameter (viscosity) in formula 1 have a value of
3.50; formula 2 has a value of 3.45; formula 3 has a
value of 3.58 and the control treatment has a value of
3.15, where the four formulas fall into the like
category. The aroma of this probiotic drink is
obtained from the aroma of guava fruit, which is
more dominant because it adds guava flavor so that
the resulting aroma is sweet and fragrant. Aroma is a
determinant of the quality of a food or beverage
product. The sense of smell can feel a distinctive
aroma depending on the ingredients added to the
drink (Feriady, 2018)
Antioxidant activity test using the
spectrophotometric DPPH method. The results of the
analysis of the antioxidant activity test in each
sample can be seen in the table below.
Table 3: Antioxidant.
Sample Antioxidant activity Criteria
Formula 1 3586.23 ppm
No antioxidant
Formula 2 2178.48 ppm
No antioxidant
Formula 3 3785.20 ppm
No antioxidant
The results of the analysis on the antioxidant
activity of the probiotic drink (guava, lemon, melon,
beet) showed that the highest level of antioxidant
activity was in the treatment of formula 2 (20 grams
of added sugar) with an antioxidant activity level of
2178.48 ppm. The lowest result was found in formula
3 (30 grams of added sugar) with an antioxidant
activity level of 3785.29 ppm, which, according to
theory, means that the smaller the IC50 value, the
higher the antioxidant activity. (Wulansari, 2018).
The principle of the antioxidant activity test
method is to measure the scavenging of DPPH
radicals by a compound that has antioxidant activity
using UV-Vis spectrophotometry so that the value of
free radical scavenging activity will be known, which
is expressed by the IC50 value. IC50, namely the
amount of inhibitory concentration of the test solution
on its ability to reduce free radical activity by 50%
(Wulansari, 2018).
The study's results on jalembi probiotic drinks
found that the antioxidants in the three formulas
showed weak activity or did not have antioxidant
activity. As for what inhibits the activity of
antioxidants in the product, include adding sugar.
This by glycosylation reactions, where sugar interacts
with antioxidant compounds. This reaction produces
glycosylation products that reduce the availability of
hydrogen atoms (H) and methyl groups in antioxidant
compounds. H atoms and methyl groups play an
important role in antioxidant activity, especially as
hydrogen donors to unstable free radicals. This loss
of H atoms reduces the ability of antioxidant
compounds to act as hydrogen donors against free
As a consequence, antioxidant activity decreases
due to the lack of ability of the compounds to capture
and neutralize free radicals. (Pelealu, 2019). Another
factor that affects antioxidant activity is the length of
testing after incubation. After 2-4 days of incubation,
the antioxidant activity increases, then on the fifth
day, there will be a drastic decrease (Putro H, 2020).
Apart from the influence of the glycosylation
reaction, the decrease in levels of antioxidant activity
can be caused by the heating process. The ingredients
used in the manufacture of this probiotic drink
product are ingredients that contain vitamin C. It is
known that vitamin C is a substance that can act as an
antioxidant. Vitamin C in the probiotic drink tends to
be more susceptible to damage at high
temperatures.Vitamin C can experience degradation
and lose its antioxidant activity when exposed to
temperatures of 70-90 ºC or during a long heating
Based on data analysis using the Friedman test,
the results for the aroma and viscosity indicators
showed no significant difference because the p-value
was > 0.05. The aroma indicator has a p-value of
0.362 and the viscosity indicator has a p-value of
0.378. As for the color and taste indicators, there is a
significant difference because they have a p-value
<0.05. Where the color and taste indicators have a p-
value of 0.0001, this shows that adding sugar affects
the color and taste of the probiotic drink.