Table 6: Cross Tabulation of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Basic Feeding Rules of Mothers with Children's Feeding
Behavior in TK Pengawas II Surabaya 2022.
Classification of Eating Behavior
Total % p-value
Normal % Not-Normal %
Classification of Knowledge
Basic Feeding
Poor 2 4,9 1 2,4 3 7,3 TFS (0,788)
Good 23 56,1 15 36,6 38 92,7
Classification of Attitude
Basic Feeding Rules
Poor 2 4,9 0 0,0 2 4,9 TFS (0,587)
TPS (0,903)
Good 23 56,1 16 39 39 95,1
Classification of Practice
Basic Feeding
Poor 0 0,0 3 7,3 3 7,3 TFS (0,033)
Good 25 61,0 13 31,7 38 92,7
Total 35 61 16 39,0 41 100
Eating problems in children are picky eating, selective
eating and small eating. However, when children
show eating problems, parents tend to give
supplements or multivitamins to children, while the
cause of the appearance of eating problems in children
can occur due to inappropriate feeding practices.
Therefore, there are basic feeding rules that are
expected to help children with feeding problems. It is
important for parents, especially mothers, to know the
basic feeding rules for children to support the
nutritional status and health of children. (IDAI,2015)
Based on the research, both the knowledge,
attitude, and practice of mothers towards basic
feeding rules are classified as good but the
significance value between the knowledge score and
TFS was 0.788, while the knowledge score and TPS
was 0.794. This shows that there is no significant
relationship between knowledge score and eating
behavior in this study. The significance values of
attitude scores with TFS and TPS were 0.587 and
0.903. These results also indicate that there is no
significant relationship between attitude score and
eating behavior in this study.
The absence of a relationship is due to the high
and low scores of knowledge and attitude in this study
did not affect the score of eating behavior, both TFS
and TPS scores. The results of the study are not in line
with the research of Rahayu, et al., (2021) that as the
mother's knowledge of feeding rules increases, eating
problems in children decrease. Meanwhile, a
significant relationship was found between the
practice basic feeding rules score and eating behavior
based on the TFS assessment, while there was no
significant relationship between the practice basic
feeding rules score and eating behavior based on the
TPS assessment. This is due to mothers who do not
consider their children's eating behavior as a problem,
so there is no relationship between practicing basic
feeding rules and TPS.
In this study, it was found that the lower the
practice score, the higher the TFS, which indicates
that there is a non-normal eating behavior or eating
problems in children. The results related to the
relationship between the practice of basic feeding
rules and children's eating behavior in this study are
supported by Saidah and Dewi's research, (2020)
which shows that the lack of practice of Basic Feeding
Rules significantly increases eating difficulties in
Lack of knowledge and feeding practices that are
not in accordance with basic feeding rules can cause
feeding problems in the form of primary inappropriate
feeding practices. Inappropriate feeding practices by
mothers or caregivers are non-organic etiologies of
feeding problems in children. However, there are
organic etiologies that can also lead to feeding
problems in children, such as structural or functional
abnormalities that affect the physiology of the body
Kivilcim et al. (2019).
The results showed that there was no significant
relationship between the knowledge and attitude of
basic feeding rules of mothers with children's eating
behavior. The mother's practice of basic feeding rules
showed a significant relationship with eating
behavior based on TFS. Mothers who play an
important role in child feeding are expected to always
apply the practice of basic feeding rules, especially on
the child's meal schedule. The recommended meal
schedule is three main meals and 2 - 3 snacks. Main
meals consist of staple foods, animal/vegetable side
dishes, vegetables, and fruit. Interludes can include