Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers
in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
Aulia Vania Andini and Ony Linda
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Nutritional Status, Toddlers, Wasting.
Abstract: The main issue worldwide is wasting, which contributes to 45% of deaths in children under five years of age.
In 2022, South Tangerang achieved 100% intervention for wasting toddler through a supplementary feeding
program. Despite this, some toddlers still require additional supplementary feeding recovery (PMT) because
their nutritional status remains unchanged. This study analyzed the factors affecting nutritional changes in
wasting toddlers. The cohort study involved 46 wasting children in Serpong Districts who received PMT
recovery during a three-month period. The secondary data required were anthropometric measurements of
toddlers and history of infectious diseases during PMT-P consumption and can be found in the KIA Book.
The primary data in this study included the characteristics of mothers and toddlers, the suitability of toddlers
for consuming supplementary food recovery (PMT-P), and the history of infectious diseases in toddlers during
the period of supplementary food recovery. Statistical analyses were performed using the chi-square test. The
findings indicated a significant relationship between mother’s education (p = 0.014; RR = 13,462),
supplementary feeding recovery (p = 0.002; RR = 11,500), history of infections (p = 0.003; RR = 8,143), and
improvement in nutritional status in the Serpong Sub-District Health Centre. Many toddlers still have poor
Wasting is a major nutritional concern worldwide.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO)
indicate that in 2020, there will be 56.2%, or
approximately 13.6 million, of children wasting in
Southeast Asia, with a prevalence rate of 14.5%.
Children aged 5 years with malnutrition have
weakened long-term immune responses during
development (World Health Organization, 2021).
Based on the findings of the Indonesian
Nutritional Status Survey (SSGI) in 2022, the
prevalence of wasting in 2022 is 7.7%, and the
province of Banten has a prevalence of wasting above
the national average of 7.9%. According to these
percentages, the target of the 2024 National Medium-
Term Development Plan (RPJMN) of 7% has not yet
been achieved (Presidential Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 18, 2020). The 2022
SSGI results for wasting among toddlers in Banten
Province and 4.9% in South Tangerang City indicate
that each child needs monitoring and assessment of
nutritional status to ensure optimal growth, which
involves comparing a child's weight and height
(Ministry of Health of Indonesia, 2020).
One of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), which is the second goal, is to address
hunger and all forms of malnutrition by 2030 and
achieve food security. To achieve the SDG target, the
government tackled stunting and wasting priority.
According to Minister of Health Regulation Number
39 of 2016 in the Guidelines for the Implementation
of the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family
Approach, one of the efforts being made is the
implementation of the Supplementary Feeding
(PMT) program for toddlers. The Supplementary
Feeding Program (PMT) aims to address insufficient
food intake. It also aims to prevent the occurrence of
diseases that may arise owing to nutritional
deficiencies. The supplementary food recovery
provided to address nutritional issues was given for a
duration of 90 days (Ministry of Health of Indonesia,
In Banten province, 43.5% received PMT and
74.9% benefited from the PMT program. In 2022,
Andini, A. V. and Linda, O.
Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012920000004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 232-239
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
South Tangerang City became one of cities that
provided 100% intervention for wasting toddlers
through the Supplementary Feeding Recovery
Program (PMT-P).
Previous research, which was tested using
Pearson’s product-moment correlation with a p-value
of 0.037 (p < 0.05), showed that there was a
connection between compliance consumption of
PMT-P by toddlers and changes in nutritional status
(Adelasanti & Rakhma, 2018). The utilization of the
Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) is
influenced by the taste of the biscuits consumed.
Taste is a sensory response to gustatory nerve
stimulation (Setiawan 2018).
According to the United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF), inadequate food intake and infectious
diseases are direct causes of malnutrition, while
socio-economic factors are indirect causes. Food
intake and infection significantly affect the nutritional
status. Imbalanced diets weaken the immune system,
causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and
reduced appetite, thereby affecting nutrition (Linda
and Huriah, 2018). Weak immunity leads to illness
and appetite loss, resulting in poor nutrition (Rosha et
al., 2020). Other studies have also shown that the
majority of undernourished toddlers are females
(Sekar et al., 2020).
Mothers play crucial roles in the growth and
development of their children. Age, education, and
occupation are factors that influence a mother's
ability to effectively fulfill her role in optimal child
growth. As seen in previous research by Wubante
(2017) in Ethiopia, mothers above 34 years of age had
a lower risk of having undernourished children (0.29
times), whereas those aged 20–34 years had a slightly
higher risk (0.59 times). Older mothers generally
have a lower risk, likely because of their better child-
rearing experience.
Another study reported that 73.3% of
mothers had completed high school education,
implying that higher parental education leads to better
health knowledge and proper supplementary feeding
practices (Solo et al., 2017). A mother's occupation
also affects child growth; those who do not work have
more time at home to monitor and control their child's
intake (Fauzia et al., 2019).
In a preliminary study conducted in the
working area of the Lengkong Karya Community
Health Center, Serpong Sub-District, two out of four
toddlers who completed the Supplementary Feeding
Recovery Program (PMT-P) did not experience
improved nutritional status. Therefore, this study
aimed to analyze factors that may contribute to
changes in the nutritional status of toddlers.
This study is an observational study using a
retrospective cohort design (looked at backwards
events) to see the factors associated with changes in
the nutritional status of toddlers within the past 3
months, namely in January–March 2023.
Measurement of independent variables and
characteristics of toddlers and mothers, namely
history of disease and suitability in the
implementation of supplementary food recovery,
using a questionnaire as a research instrument. The
dependent variable was the change in the nutritional
status of toddlers according to the anthropometric
index weight for height (WHZ).
The sampling technique used in this study was
total sampling or saturated sampling of 46 toddlers.
This study was conducted in the working area of the
Serpong Sub-District Community Health Center in
South Tangerang City, which consists of seven health
centers: Ciater Health Center, Lengkong Wetan
Health Center, Serpong 1 Health Center, Serpong 2
Health Center, Rawa Buntu Health Center, and Rawa
Mekar Jaya Health Center.
Data collection uses secondary and primary data.
The secondary data required were anthropometric
measurements of toddlers and history of infectious
diseases during PMT-P consumption. The secondary
data in this study can be found in the Kesehatan Ibu
dan Anak (KIA) book. The primary data in this study
included the characteristics of mothers and toddlers,
the suitability of toddlers in consuming
Supplementary Food Recovery (PMT-P), and the
history of infectious diseases of toddlers during the
period of supplementary food recovery using a
questionnaire as a research instrument. Data were
analyzed using the chi-squared test with statistical
Consuming Supplementary Food Recovery
(PMT-P) is categorized as "appropriate" and "not
appropriate." It is considered "appropriate" when the
respondent's score is 4, while it is considered "not
appropriate" if the respondent's score is <4. After
conducting validity and reliability tests for the
supplementary food recovery variable, a Cronbach's
alpha value of 0.720 was obtained. The variable
"History of Infection" is categorized into "Ever" and
"Never." It was categorized as "ever" when the
respondent's score was ≥ 1. On the other hand, it fell
under the category of ‘neverwhen the respondent's
score was 0. After conducting validity and reliability
tests for the History of Infection variable, Cronbach's
alpha value of 0.762 was obtained.
Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
Respondents’ characteristic show in Table 1. the
majority of wasting toddlers in the Serpong Sub-
district Primary Health Care Work Area were aged
between 12 and 59 months, totaling 38 toddlers
(approximately 82.6 %). Female respondents
accounted for approximately 52.2% of the total
Table 1: Respondent Characteristic.
Variable n %
Children Characteristics
Children A
6-11 Months 8 17,4
12-59 Months 38 82,6
Children Gende
Female 24 52,2
Male 22 47,8
Mother’s Characteristics
Mother age
>34 years 25 54,3
19 – 34 years 21 45,7
Mother’s Education
Not finished elemtary
8 17,4
Elementary – Junior high
15 32,6
Senior High School 14 30,4
Graduated (D3, S1, S2,) 9 19,6
Mother’s Occupation
Housewife 36 78,3
Private Employee 5 10,9
Entrepreneur 5 10,9
In terms of mothers' ages among wasting toddlers,
most were >34 years (54.3%) and ≥ 19–34 years
(45.7%). In terms of education, 20 mothers completed
high school (32%), while 8 had higher education
(17.4%). Most mothers (78.3%) who took care of
wasting toddlers in the Serpong Sub-district Primary
Health Care Work Area were housewives.
Distribution of Respondents Based on The
Criteria of Supplementary Recovery Feeding (PMT-
P) show in Table 2. For those questions, a score of 1
was assigned if the answers met the criteria. That
receives a score of 1 if the answers are "Toddler
Biscuits," "60 or 90 Packets," "3 Months," "8 or 12
Pieces," "Child Only," and "Yes."
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents Based on the Criteria
of Supplementary Recovery Feeding (PMT-P).
n %
Supplementary Food Recovery (PMT-P)
What types of supplementary
foods does the toddler receive?
Toddler Biscuits
46 100
0 0
0 0
How many biscuits does the
toddler receive in one month?
60 or 90
34 73,9
Less than 60 or less than 90
12 26,1
More than 60 or more than
0 0
How long has the child been
receiving supplementary feeding
3 months
29 63,0
More than 3 months
17 37,0
Less than 3 months
0 0
How many pieces of biscuit are
consumed in one meal?
8 or 12
23 50
Less than 8 or less than 12
19 41,3
More than 8 or more than
4 8,7
Who consumes the supplementary
Child only
25 54,3
Family / Friends
11 23,9
10 21,7
Is the provided supplementary
feeding (PMT-P) completely
consumed by the child?
17 37,0
29 63,0
Then, the scores are composite and categorized as
"appropriate" and "not appropriate." PMT-P is
considered "appropriate" if the respondent has a total
score of 6. It is considered "not appropriate" if the
respondent has a total score of <6. The data
processing results based on the PMT-P categories are
as follows:
Table 3: Category of Supplementary Recovery Feeding
Variable n %
Supplementary Food Recovery
Appropriate 15 32,6
Not A
riate 31 67,4
The majority of toddlers still do not meet the proper
consumption of supplementary feeding recovery
(PMT-P), totaling 31 toddlers, or about 67.4%, while
the toddlers who meet the proper consumption of
PMT-P are 15 toddlers, or about 32.6%.
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Tabel 4: Distribution of Respondents Based On The Criteria
of Infectious Diseases.
Question Answer
Yes No
n % n %
Has the child been diagnosed
with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
(TB) by a doctor in the past 3
5 10,9 41 89,1
Has the child ever been
diagnosed with lung
inflammation (Pneumonia),
with or without a chest X-ray,
by a healthcare professional
5 10,9 41 89,1
Has the child experienced
symptoms of high fever, cough,
and difficult
5 10,9 41 89,1
Has the child been diagnosed
with Acute Respiratory
Infection (ARI) by a healthcare
(Doctor/Nurse/Midwife) in the
ast 3 months?
7 15,2 39 84,8
Has the child experienced fever,
cough for less than 2 weeks,
runny/stuffy nose, and sore
throat? (By fever, we mean an
increase in the child's body
7 15,2 39 84,8
Has the child been diagnosed
with diarrhea by a healthcare
(Doctor/Nurse/Midwife) in the
ast 3 months?
29 63,0 17 37,0
Has the child experienced
passing stool with a watery or
loose consistency, having bowel
movements more than 3 times a
day? (Symptoms like having 3-
6 bowel movements a day, loose
or water
29 63,0 17 37,0
The results indicated that most respondents
answered "yes" when asked about their history of
illness. This was most prominent in questions related
to diarrhea, where 29 toddlers (approximately 63.0
%) responded affirmatively. On the other hand, the
fewest "no" responses regarding illness history were
for questions about TB and pneumonia, with 41
toddlers (approximately 81.9 %) responding
Then, the respondents' answers were composite-
scored and grouped into "ever" and "never." A history
of infectious diseases is considered "ever" if the
respondent's score is >0 and "never" if the score is >0.
The data processing results based on the categories of
infectious disease history are as follows:
Table 5: Category of Infectious Diseases.
Variabel n %
History Of Infectious Diseases
Never 22 47,8
Ever 24 52,2
In this study, the majority of toddlers experienced
infections, totaling 24 toddlers (52.2 %) who had
never had a history of infection.
Figure 1. Change in Z-Score Based On WHZ Among 3
Based on Figure 1, the z-score change graph
indicates that there was an improvement in the
toddlers z-score over the three month period. In the
first month, it decreased from -2.38 SD to -2 SD in
the second month. Then, it increased again to -1.78
SD in the third month
Table 6: Category of Toddlers Changes in Nutritional
Variable n %
Changes in Nutritional Status
20 43,5
Not Goo
26 56,5
In this study, a change in nutritional status is
considered “good” when the final nutritional status
shows an improvement to normal nutritional status,
whereas it is considered “not good” if the final
nutritional status still wasting or indicates a decline to
severe malnutrition
As shown in Table 6, the majority of toddlers
experienced a deterioration in their nutritional status,
with 26 respondents (56.5 %) showing a decline.
Meanwhile, 20 toddlers (approximately 43.5%)
showed improvement in their nutritional status.
Bulan Ke-1 Bulan Ke-2 Bulan Ke-3
Changes in nutrional status among 3
1st Month 2nd Month 3rd
Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
Table 7: Distribution of Respondents Based on Toddler
Gender with Changes in Toddler Nutritional Status.
Change in Nutritional
Not Goo
n % n
12 50,0 12
8 36,4 14
The bivariate results of the child's gender with
changes in nutritional status show that more
improvements were observed in nutritional status
among female toddlers (50.0%) compared to male
toddlers (36.4%). However, this study indicated that
there was no relationship between sex and changes in
nutritional status (p = 0.526). These findings align
with those of a previous study that also found no
significant association between sex and changes in
nutritional status (Hasyim and Saputri, 2022).
There is a distinct proportion of nutritional status,
where more females experience a change in wasting
than males (Anita, 2018). This study deviates from
this theory, as female sex does not always correlate
with poor nutritional status, as changes in nutritional
status are influenced by multiple factors, such as the
child's history of infectious diseases.
Table 8: Mothers Characteristics with Changes in Toddler
Nutritional Status.
Change in Nutritional
P value
Not Goo
n % n
Mother Age
At Risk
13 65,0 12
Not At Risk
7 35,0 14
High 7 87,5 1 12,5 13,462
Low 13 34,3 25 65,8
16 44,4 20 55,6
Bivariate results showed no relationship between
maternal age and changes in children's nutritional
status (p = 0.330). This is consistent with a study by
Martiana (2018) that found no significant association
between maternal age and changes in children's
nutritional status (P-value = 0.362) (Martiana, 2018).
Older or more mature mothers have better
childcare experiences than younger mothers do
(Wubante, 2017). The results of this study contradict
this theory. Maternal age is an indirect factor
influencing children's nutritional status; however, in
this study, the majority of mothers were relatively
young (22 years), which means that they might not
have sufficient information and knowledge about
nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Furthermore, in this study, mothers with a higher
education background have children with a
significantly better rate of improvement in the
nutritional status (87.5%) was observed. The
calculation of Relative Risk (RR) values showed that
respondents with higher education were 13 times
more likely to experience positive changes in
nutritional status. The research findings indicated a
relationship between maternal education and changes
in children's nutritional status (P = 0.014). These
results are consistent with those of a study by Zaqiah
(2019), who also found a significant connection
between maternal education history and changes in
nutritional status (P-value = 0.014). However, this
study contradicts the findings of Amanda (2020),
which indicated no relationship between education
and changes in nutritional status (P = 2.000).
This study showed that mothers with higher
education are better equipped to understand the health
and nutrition of their children. This helps them make
good choices about adding extra food that can make
their children healthier (Solo et al., 2017). Moms with
more education are also aware of balanced nutrition
and can pick the right food for their families (Martina
2018). However, in this study, most mothers had less
education, and more of them saw their children's
nutrition as deteriorating. Moms with more education
often learn good nutrition in seminars, so they know
how to better feed their children. Moms that study
more are usually better for their children at picking
the right food.
Table 8 shows that there was no relationship
between employment and undernutrition status
changes in toddlers (p = 1.000). These findings align
with those of a previous study that found no
significant association between employment and
changes in nutritional status (0.279) (Yunis, 2018).
However, this contradicts the findings of Fauzia
(2019), who suggested a significant relationship
between maternal employment and changes in
nutritional status (p = 0.001).
Moms who do not work have more time to take
care of their children and watch them grow so that
they can control what they eat (Fauzia et al., 2019).
However, this study obtained a different result. In this
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
study, most mothers who did not work did not study
much. Even though they have more free time with
their children, many use phones and tablets more and
do not know much about feeding their children
correctly. This lack of knowledge means that they did
not pay sufficient attention to what their children
needed to eat.
Table 9: Distribution of Respondents Based on
Supplementary Feeding Recovery (PMT-P) with Changes
in Toddler Nutritional Status.
Change in Nutritional
Not Goo
n % n
12 80,0 3
8 25,8 23
This study showed a relationship between
providing recovery supplementary feeding and
changes in the nutritional status of toddlers (P =
0.002). The Relative Risk (RR) calculation results
indicated that compliance with PMT-P increased the
likelihood of toddlers experiencing positive changes
in nutritional status by 11 times. These findings align
with those of a study that reported a significant
association between PMT-P and changes in
nutritional status (p = 0.037) (Adelasanti, 2018).
This study contradicts the findings of Nurfatimah
and Rakhma (2017), who found no correlation
between PMT and changes in nutritional status
among undernourished toddlers in the Sukoharjo
Regency (p = 0.340). They suggested that when
mothers become tired of PMT, they may not attempt
to modify it into other foods, as taught during
counseling (Nurfatimah et al., 2017). This study
aligns with the theory that supplementary foods serve
as nutritious additions to the main diet of the target
group, thereby fulfilling their nutritional needs. If
implemented according to recommendations aimed at
meeting the energy and protein requirements of
malnourished toddlers, PMT programs can improve
children's nutritional status (Kementerian Kesehatan
RI, 2017).
In this study, many mothers mentioned that their
children did not like the taste of biscuits and became
bored with them, so they did not eat enough food
daily. In addition, some mothers did not know that the
PMT-P should only be given to their children and
should not be shared with family or friends. Others
did not try to change PMT-P to avoid boredom. A few
months later, even though the PMT-P could replace
one main meal, skipping the meal was skipped. Moms
that do not meet the PMT-P criteria may not
understand how they help their children with nutrition
(Adelasanti & Rakhma, 2018).
Toddlers who do not fully follow PMT-P still
improve their nutrition if they eat other foods such as
sweet bread. Despite not fully adhering to PMT-P,
their weight increased because they preferred snacks
and formula milk. Moms provide other foods because
they can afford them. On the other hand, toddlers who
strictly follow PMT-P but have worsening nutrition
might have other issues like past illnesses. Some are
still recovering from TB and lost weight due to recent
Table 10: Distribution of Respondents Based on History of
Infectious Diseases with Changes in Toddler Nutritional
History Of
e in Nutritional Status
Not Goo
n % n
15 68,2 7
5 20,8 19
As shown in Table 10, there was a relationship
between a history of infectious disease and changes
in nutritional status (p = 0.003; RR = 8,143). This is
consistent with previous research findings that more
toddlers who have never been infected with infectious
diseases experience a better nutritional status than
those who have been infected (Sri, 2018). This is
further supported by earlier studies, such as that of
Nengsi (2017), who reported a connection between
infectious diseases and changes in nutritional status
(p = 0.046).
This study aligns with Carolin's research (2020),
suggesting that infectious diseases can increase the
likelihood of toddlers experiencing undernutrition.
Some toddlers in this study were still undergoing
treatment for infectious diseases including
tuberculosis (TB). The most common infectious
disease experienced by the children in this study was
diarrhea. This can be attributed to some mothers' lack
of awareness of their children’s hygiene, such as
allowing their children to handle food with dirty
hands. Some caregivers who assisted during the study
also mentioned that there were mothers who let their
children's clothes and bodies remain dirty and did not
bathe them for several days. The impact of infectious
diseases on child growth includes weight loss due to
reduced appetite, leading to reluctance to consume
Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A
Retrospective Cohort Study
After performing the study around 46 toddlers in the
Serpong Sub-district Community Health Center area,
it can be concluded that the mother’s education (p =
0.014; RR = 13,462), supplementary feeding
recovery (p = 0.002; RR = 11,500), history of
infections (p = 0.003; RR = 8,143) are related to
changes in wasting among the toddlers in the same
area of South Tangerang city. However, the study did
not find a significant link between the child's gender
(p = 0.413), mother's age (p = 0.330), and mother's
job (p = 1.000) and changes in wasting. This suggests
that mothers need a way to learn more about balanced
child nutrition and that they should be eager to learn
and apply better eating habits to help their children
grow healthy.
Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT submitted by me
for blessings and bounty, such as ideas, great health,
and good people around me, so that I finally finished
my graduating paper. Without it, I would not have
been able to write an acknowledgment of my paper.
We are grateful to the Serpong Sub-District Health
Centre and Universitas Muhammadiyah and Prof. Dr.
HAMKA (UHAMKA), who contributed to the
completion of this study.
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