Historical Development of Cooperation Relations Between the
International Organization UNESCO and Uzbekistan
Munisa Mukhamedova
, Shakhnoza Kasimova
, Feruza Khasanova
, Charos Ganieva
and Latofat Jabborova
National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: UNESCO, IKOM, IKOMOS, Humanitarian and Cultural Cooperation, Symposium, Jubilees, Conservation,
Restoration, Convention, Declaration, Recommendations.
Abstract: In the middle of the last century, in the structure of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization - UNESCO became important. In the following years, several conventions, declarations,
recommendations, and other documents aimed at preserving the natural and cultural heritage of mankind were
adopted within this organization. In this article, the activities of UNESCO in cooperation with organizations
such as IKOM and IKOMOS, International Committee of Museums in the 60s-80s of the 20th century are
The concept of historical and cultural heritage as a
scientific category emerged in the middle of the 19th
century, and with the adoption of a number of legal
and recommendatory documents related to this field
at the international and national levels, this concept
was widely established in the 20th century. The
concept of historical and cultural heritage includes a
wide range of both tangible and intangible
monuments. The historical and cultural heritage
includes both great examples of the creativity of
people who lived in the past, as well as typical objects
of material and intangible culture, as well as the
natural environment. So, the attitude to heritage is a
criterion and an indicator of the maturity of any
society, the level of cultural development of the
nation that makes up this society. Preservation of
historical and cultural heritage means preservation of
national identity and national statehood in conditions
where globalization processes penetrate into all
spheres of our lives. Analyzing the work carried out
by UNESCO on the research of historical and cultural
heritage objects within the spheres of cooperation in
Uzbekistan from a historical point of view and
highlighting the activities of the researched projects
in museology are among the current issues of today.
Nowadays, popularization of the world cultural
heritage plays a decisive role in the socio-economic
life of the society. Great attention is paid to the
humanitarian and cultural cooperation of Uzbekistan
with UNESCO, an internationally prestigious
institution. It is observed that the attention of this
organization to the problems of cultural and social
construction in Uzbekistan is increasing. Exchanges
and relations are developing at the international level
in the field of culture, information and education.
These processes indicate the importance of
international attention to material cultural heritage
and the need for its research. The topic has been
partially studied on a general basis, but special
fundamental research works have not been created in
Uzbekistan. Some studies have been made in foreign
countries and some CIS countries, including Russia,
Mukhamedova, M., Kasimova, S., Khasanova, F., Ganieva, C. and Jabborova, L.
Historical Development of Cooperation Relations Between the International Organization UNESCO and Uzbekistan.
DOI: 10.5220/0012922000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 797-802
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
only on the foundations of the formation of the
international system of monument protection and the
activities of UNESCO in the field of cultural heritage
preservation (Kashlev, Yu. B et al., 1986). These
sources mainly cover the foundations of UNESCO's
historical formation and the report of works carried
out on a global scale in the preservation of historical
and cultural heritage objects. The activities of
UNESCO and the processes of implementation of the
main normative documents are fully explained
mainly in English and French literature, in which the
annual reports of the organization, in particular, the
presentation of the work performed on the territory of
Uzbekistan, are also partially given (UNESCO, et al.,
One of the international organizations that
representatives from Uzbekistan participated in
cultural cooperation with foreign countries in the
Soviet era was UNESCO, educational, scientific and
cultural organizations of the United Nations. In this
regard, in 1945 in November a conference was
organized with representatives of 44 countries in
London. The UNESCO Charter, approved by this
conference on November 16, 1945, entered into force
on November 4, 1946. The Soviet Union joined this
organization in 1954 and since then actively
cooperated with it, contributing to its strengthening
and successful performance of its tasks.
Representatives of the Uzbek SSR are permanent
participants in the sessions of various UNESCO
bodies, conferences, symposia, seminars held by
UNESCO or with its participation (Rakhimbabaeva,
T., & Gulyamova, M, 1986).
In 1963, an international seminar of African
women organized by the UNESCO Commission of
the USSR and the Soviet Women's Committee was
held as part of the Tashkent UNESCO program.
Participants of the seminar - representatives of 14
African countries and 6 Soviet Socialist Republics,
including Uzbekistan - how to solve the problem of
women's education better and faster, study the
relevant experience of other countries, in particular,
the Soviet Union. exchanged (UNESCO and
modernity, 1966).
In 1964, a congress dedicated to the discussion
of the creation of an international intergovernmental
organization for the protection of monuments and
places of interest was held in Venice. 61 countries
took part in its work, and they sent different numbers
of delegates to the event: Italy 161, France 90, Central
Asia 25, the United States 9, and some countries only
one representative. they spoke. Nevertheless, each
state received the status of an equal unit. The main
principles of protection, restoration and
of monuments and sights were embodied in a
document called the Charter of Venice. All
participants of the congress IKOMOS (ICOMOS -
International Council of Monuments and Sights) -
They supported the proposal to establish the
International Council for the Protection of
Monuments and Landmarks. Its center was
designated as Paris. IKOMOS was joined by all
interested countries. An agreement was also reached
on the establishment of national IKOMOS
committees in each member country (Soviet
Uzbekistan, 1984).
In addition to the issue of establishing a new
international organization, developing an information
center, publishing an international magazine about
the principles and techniques of preservation and
restoration of ancient monuments and legislation in
this field, publishing new discoveries and including
them in the bibliography published by IKOMOS,
creating a documentation center, a number of
resolutions on financial aspects of preservation of
monuments and other issues were also adopted.
The document regulating the main directions of
IKOMOS activity is the Charter of Venice, which was
accepted by all delegates. The clauses provided for in
it cover a number of important issues regarding the
principles of protection, conservation and restoration
of monuments. In particular, the document notes that
the most important goal is to preserve monuments.
And the restoration should be carried out only in
emergency cases and should be stopped when the
hypothesis begins. It’s necessary to preserve the
layers of different periods, destroying one of them is
possible only if the destroyed details are not
aesthetically and historically important. Special
attention should be paid to monument complexes and
ensembles, including the environment.
Archaeological excavations should be carried out in
accordance with all scientific standards, and the
discovered ruins should be preserved. Also, issues of
personnel training in the faculties of history,
archeology, architecture, and art studies are
envisaged. The need to publish various information
on the preservation of monuments, information on
discoveries related to ancient monuments, and to send
a copy of the printed works to the IKOMOS library
was also determined. It was planned to copy this
information in the IKOMOS library and distribute it
to all members of the organization (Soviet
Uzbekistan, 1984).
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
At the congress, lectures were given on various
aspects of monument protection and conservation,
legislation in the field, scientific research on the
method of fixation (in particular, photogrammetry),
involvement of natural and technical sciences in
solving practical problems, and other topics. These
lectures were published in a special collection
devoted to the results of the congress.
Italian scientist and practitioner Petro Gossola,
one of the most influential specialists in restoration,
was appointed as the chairman of the IKOMOS
organizing committee. In 1965, the IKOMOS
Council Committee was established, and Moscow
was designated as its center. Its representatives V.N.
Ivanov and A.N. Khalturin were members of the
IKOMOS organizing committee (Rakhimbabaeva,
T., & Gulyamova, M. et al.,1986).
During the past period, IKOMOS showed its
progress. This is not only the service of the
organization to the highest goals of humanity, but also
the result of its activity. With its activities, IKOMOS
united different countries for the common goal of
preserving the cultural values of humanity. The
activity of IKOMOS is distinguished by its
international spirit, because its functions covered not
only the countries that invest large amounts of money
or play a major role in the world political arena, but
all the members of the organization. In particular, the
main attention was paid to countries that lack
financial means or specialists. Over the past years,
IKOMOS has been involved in the preservation of
ensembles in the modern construction system, the
strengthening of stones, bricks, raw materials
wall decorations, the preservation of the appearance
of small towns and villages, monuments and tourism,
and the use of physics-chemical methods in the
practice of restoration. A number of congresses and
conferences were held on its application, the role of
cultural heritage in modern society and other topics.
One of the tasks of the IKOMOS organizing
committee was to collect and disseminate information
on various issues. For this purpose, IKOMOS
newsletters were regularly published and sent to
national committees. For many years, the
"Monument" magazine was published, which began
to publish current information for specialists in
various fields, as well as information for a wide range
of readers. A number of books containing the results
of the held conferences were also published (Soviet
Uzbekistan, 1986).
The Board Committee plays an active role in the
activities of IKOMOS. In 1969, he organized a
colloquium on the topic "Monuments and Society".
The participants of the event held in Moscow-
Leningrad also visited a number of historical cities of
the country. The committee collected information
about events important from the point of view of
IKOMOS and regularly sent them to the organizing
committee. Its representatives participated in a
number of conferences and symposiums held in
different countries. Since the staff of the Council
Committee was not large, and the number of its
members outside Moscow-Leningrad was limited, it
was decided to establish several regional initiative
groups of the IKOMOS Council Committee. They
unite several republics based not only on
geographical proximity, but also on the basis of
historical commonality reflected in cultural
monuments. In 1981, two groups were established
and began their work:
Baltic group including Latvia, Lithuania and
Estonia (centered in Vilnius);
Kavkazorti group, which includes Georgia,
Azerbaijan and Armenia (the center is in Tbilisi).
At the same time, the structure of the Central
Asian regional group, which is centered in Tashkent
and includes four Central Asian republics, was also
determined. For this purpose, the IKOMOS Council
Committee appealed to the Ministries of Culture of
the Republics and societies for the protection of
historical and cultural monuments. In 1982, the first
organizational meeting was held in Tashkent with the
participation of representatives of Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and
Karakalpakstan. In it, the organizational issues of the
regional group were resolved, its main goals were
determined, and the planned work program was
adopted (Soviet Uzbekistan, 1984).
The regional initiative group of the Republics of
Central Asia of the IKOMOS Council Committee
consists of four groups, which had the right to
establish sections under the societies for the
protection of monuments of the republics. At the
same time, an organizational bureau was elected,
which coordinated the activities of the group by
coordinating the current issues through the chairmen
of the republican groups and their secretaries. Every
year, in each republic, four groups started holding one
conference on a topic close to their interests. The
following topics were developed and approved:
1. Protection of monuments in the republics of
Central Asia - Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
2. Principles of protection of archaeological
reserves and complexes (in the case of Nisa, Konyo-
Historical Development of Cooperation Relations Between the International Organization UNESCO and Uzbekistan
Urganch and Mizdaqkhan) - Turkmenistan, in
cooperation with Karakalpakstan, Ashgabat-Konyo-
3. Methods of structural strengthening of
architectural monuments and problems of using
original materials or their modern substitutes -
Kyrgyzstan, Uzgan.
4. Preservation of the buildings and architectural
decor of the peoples of Central Asia - Tajikistan,
The first conference was organized by the
initiative committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
where the plans and activities of the regional initiative
group of the Central Asian Republics of the IKOMOS
Council Committee were announced. The main topic
was "Protection of monuments in the Central Asian
Republics" (Soviet Uzbekistan, 1984). In addition,
the special topic "Problems of protection and
conservation of archaeological monuments" was
discussed at the branch meetings. Because in this
historical period, the protection of architectural
monuments gained special importance in the entire
Central Asian region. On the one hand, the expansion
of cultivated land, the construction of roads,
settlements, irrigation facilities, the rapid
reconstruction of historically formed cities
Samarkand, Ozgan, Ora-Tepa, Leninabad, Konyo-
Urganch, etc. as a result, most of the monuments
began to disappear. On the other hand, in some cases,
archaeologists were irresponsible in their work and
left the excavated objects without conservation, so
they disappeared within a few years. In order to
widely promote the Council's restoration science and
practice, legislation on the protection of monuments,
the latest research and findings in this field, the
regional initiative group should send relevant
information not only to the IKOMOS Council
Committee, but also directly to the headquarters of
IKOMOS in Paris. It's done. This information was
published in newsletters. IKOMOS Council
Committee regional group activity results Central
Asian publications - "Construction and Architecture
of Uzbekistan" (“Construction and architecture of
Uzbekistan”), "Culture", "Science and Life"
(Tashkent), "Monuments of Turkmenistan"
(Ashkhabad) and magazines close to the field
published in Dushanbe, Frunze, Nukus began to be
widely covered. Printed articles should also be sent to
the IKOMOS Council Committee in Moscow and to
the IKOMOS Library in Paris. From Paris, their
copies are sent to different countries at the request of
experts. In addition to the inter-republican exchange,
the participation of the representatives of the regional
group in the annual meetings of the IKOMOS
Council Committee is planned. During these
meetings, the results of the work carried out during
the year and the results of IKOMOS activities were
presented (Soviet Uzbekistan, 1984).
The establishment of the regional initiative group
of the Central Asian republics of the IKOMOS
Council Committee has become a bright example of
the policy aimed at the peaceful coexistence of states
and peoples, and the preservation of the achievements
in cultural development throughout the history of
Before our country adopted its independence, this
organization was very interested in Uzbekistan.
Taking into account the great contribution of the
Uzbek people to the treasure of world culture, this
prestigious international organization made a worthy
contribution to the wide celebration of the 1000th
anniversary of the birth of encyclopedists Abu
Rayhan Beruni and Abu Tawalludi. Abu Ali Ibn Sina,
2000th anniversary of the city of Tashkent. In 1969,
a symposium devoted to the study of Central Asian
art during the Timurid period was held in Samarkand.
On the basis of these events, relations between
Uzbekistan and UNESCO rose to a new level.
In 1978, the General Conference of UNESCO
proposed to pay tribute to Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in
1980 on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of his
birth and emphasized the great influence of his works
on the further development of science in all countries.
In 1980, solemn meetings were held in Moscow,
Tashkent and Dushanbe, and an international
conference was held in Dushanbe and Bukhara,
where Ibn Sina's great contribution to the
development of philosophy, logic, sociology,
literature, concrete, natural sciences and medicine
was emphasized [4 ]. As the Director General of
UNESCO said, "In Avicenna, compared to other
thinkers of his time, the original truth was confirmed,
which in a certain sense is the essence of the existence
and activity of UNESCO, that is, it serves the future
of civilizations [5].
On the basis of the event, concerts of Soviet and
foreign Eastern singers and instrumentalists were
held with a large audience. Uzbek and Tajik maqams,
Arabic maqams, Indian ragas and Maghreb music
were performed by modern composers. Foreign
guests got acquainted with the rich cultural life of the
Uzbek people. The Secretary General of the
International Music Council of UNESCO Vladimir
Stepanek (Czechoslovakia) shared his impressions of
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
his days in Samarkand and told journalists in an
interview: "Earlier, the history of world music was
written from a Eurocentrism position. Leadership in
creating a multi-level history of world music "Our
council, which is tasked to do this, intends to create a
document from the point of view of the equality of all
cultures, and in this sense the Samarkand Forum is
very useful. The experience of the Central Asian
republics and all the republics in the east is very
important for us" (UNESCO Courier, 1980).
In 1982, UNESCO decided to celebrate the
2000th anniversary of Tashkent. The guidelines for
the preservation and protection of the unique cultural
heritage of any country are sealed in a number of
UNESCO conventions and are an ideal norm of
international law that accepts the national wealth of
each country as a component of the World Heritage.
Nevertheless, the set of legal culture problems in the
field of preservation of cultural assets has not yet
taken its place in museology. Cultural resources have
a great influence on the development of education,
science and culture, and help to enrich the cultural life
of peoples and mutual cooperation between countries.
According to the archive documents, the
following actions were carried out on the basis of the
decision (Kashlev, Yu. B, 1986):
A) Published every three months on the basis of
UNESCO publications "Культура" (Culture):
Continuity of traditions (“continuity of tradition”) 10-
12 pages in the magazine about the art and culture of
Uzbekistan. preparation of introductory articles by
January 1983;
B) in "MUSEUM" magazine “Folk memory in stone,
metal, silk....” ¬¬- Publication of an article about the
Museum of Applied Arts of Uzbekistan;
C) Impakt, which is published every three months
(Science and society) academician S. Sirajdinov in
the magazine “A genius who stepped over the
centuries - to the 1200th anniversary of Al Khorezmi”
publication of the article.
D) "UNESCO News" it was recommended to publish
articles on the following topics in the information
analysis journal:
1. By reading ancient manuscripts
2. Description of new archaeological objects of
3. Tragedy and optimism (reconstruction after the
1966 earthquake and modern Tashkent)
4. Considering the publication of articles in Russian
and translation into other languages in the "Новости
Юнеско" magazine on the occasion of the 500th
anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Mukhammed
5. Publication of books in Russian, English and
French with 8-10 pages of illustrations showing the
historical and cultural heritage objects of Tashkent
until October 1982 in the Cultural Heritage Sector of
UNESCO. Manuscript versions of the books were
requested to be submitted to the Cultural Heritage
Sector of UNESCO in May.
From September 15 to 25, 1983, "Tashkent Days"
was held at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris,
organization of a press conference, photo exhibition,
art films, exhibition of artisans, sale of souvenirs was
organized with the funding of the UNESCO
organization. At the same time, the presentation of
stamps dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of the city
of Tashkent was held in harmony with the UNESCO
logo. Prepared by scientists of Uzbekistan
"Architectural masterpiece Central Asia XVI-XVII
century" The publication of the book was approved in
the plan of the UNESCO General Conference.
Academician G.A. Pugachenkova “Tashkent:
traditions and continuity of culture (to the 2000th
anniversary of the city)” article of December 17, 1982
No. 1159, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for
UNESCO Affairs G.V. It was published in the
magazine "Culture" of the organization based on the
recommendations of Uranov and the Minister of
Foreign Affairs B. Abdurazakov.
On March 9, 1983, in a letter sent by UNESCO to
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan,
Bakhadir Abbasovich, in the letter No. OPI/SPE/130,
News UNESCO in Russian, English, French and
Arabic languages, taking into account the publication
of a special issue dedicated to the event, the General
of UNESCO during the visit of director Amadu
Makhtar M.Bou, he expressed his opinion on
speeding up the publication, considering that this
issue will be presented in a ready form. Vyacheslav
Kostikov, the Russian-language editor of the
magazine, during his visit to UNESCO in the last 10
days of April 1983, clarified the general materials.
In 1984, UNESCO Director General Amadu
Makhtar M. Bou was a guest of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. Here, he participated in the IV session of
the Intergovernmental Council of the International
Communication Development Program of UNESCO,
in the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of
Tashkent, and in the opening of the statue erected in
Tashkent on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary
of the birth of the great scholar of the Middle Ages
Khorezmi. The Director General of UNESCO visited
a number of interesting places of Tashkent and held
meetings and talks with state and public figures of the
republic. At a meeting with local journalists,
A.M.M.Bow said: "I am very happy to come to
Historical Development of Cooperation Relations Between the International Organization UNESCO and Uzbekistan
Tashkent. International Program for the Development
of Communication (IPDC International Program for
the Development of Communication) The work of the
Tashkent session was successful. It was very pleasant
for me to participate in the celebrations of the
anniversary of the city. In the building of Tashkent
State University, where boys and girls from dozens of
countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America study, I
was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Tashkent.
Residents of the capital of Uzbekistan can be
proud of their historical achievements in all fields.
The life and appearance of your city have changed
beyond recognition. Modern Tashkent is one of the
major industrial, scientific, and cultural cities. At the
same time, they pay tribute to the legacy of Al-
Khwarizmi and other ancient thinkers of the East. I
believe that Tashkent makes a great contribution to
the strengthening of universal peace and mutual
understanding between people of different races,
political and social views, and the development of
universal culture and cooperation." Recently, several
important new events were held through UNESCO,
in which Uzbekistan also participated. Thus, in
September 1986, UNESCO held an international
symposium on "Using and processing folk dance
resources." The repertoire of the folklore ensemble of
the Bukhara Palace of Culture of Uzbekistan was
presented at the symposium.
In conclusion, it should be noted that relations
between UNESCO and Uzbekistan are developing
year by year, and as a result of this cooperation,
Uzbekistan is widely known to the international
community, and its position in the world is
increasing. The task now is to participate more
actively in all the programs of UNESCO, in projects
and programs for the preservation of historical and
cultural heritage. Wide participation of Uzbekistan in
UNESCO events is of great importance for the
implementation of UNESCO's mission in Uzbekistan,
on the one hand, and for Uzbekistan, on the other
hand, in the recognition of its education, science, and
culture by the world community and at the same time,
it is of special importance in the development of the
economy, culture, education, science, communication
and tourism sectors in Uzbekistan, and in solving
problems in the field of ecology.
Rakhimbabaeva, T., & Gulyamova, M. (1986).
Participation of Uzbekistan in the international
relations of the USSR through UNESCO. Social
Sciences in Uzbekistan, 1, 14-19.
(1966). UNESCO and modernity. Moscow, 103.
Pugachenkova, G. A. (1982). To the creation of a regional
initiative group of the republics of Central Asia of the
Soviet Committee of ICOMOS. Architecture and
Construction of Uzbekistan, 4, 31-33.
(1984). Soviet Uzbekistan, 2, 17.
(1980, November). UNESCO Courier, 46.
(1984). Soviet Uzbekistan, 2, 17.
UzR MDA, R-2487-fund, Ministry of Culture of the Uzbek
Kashlev, Yu. B. (1986). UNESCO and the Soviet Union.
Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 124.
M'Bow, A. M. (1985). People’s Time: Collection of
Articles (A.M. M'Bow, Trans.). Moscow: International
Relations, 210.
Uranov, G. V. (2014). ЮНЕСКО: к 40-летию
деятельности. Moscow: International Relations, 9.
Boguslavsky, M. M. (1979). International protection of
cultural property. Moscow: International Relations, 87.
UNESCO. (2007). L'action normative à l’UNESCO,
Volume I: Élaboration de règles internationales sur
l’éducation, la science et la culture (A. A. Yusuf, Ed.).
Paris: Éditions UNESCO / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Barrin, J. (2001). UNESCO: Les semailles de la paix
(Collection Ouvrages de référence de l’UNESCO).
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Bindé, J. (2005). Towards Knowledge Societies. Paris:
UNESCO Publishing.
UNESCO. (2018). Culture, Trade and Globalization,
Questions and Answers. 2nd edition. Paris: UNESCO
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR