impact on the mental development of the child,
especially the aspects related to the personal sphere.
In particular, A.I. Blum, T.D. Vasilenko studied the
role of mother's attitude in the child's self-harm
behaviour. They found that not understanding the
reasons for a child's behaviour, neglecting his needs
can increase neurotic symptoms and lead to self-
harming behaviour. (Blum, A. I., & Vasilenko, T. D,
J.B. Ayusheyeva, M.O. Dorjiyeva's research
confirms that mother's willingness to cooperate and
mother's positive reaction to child's failure influence
the child's self-esteem (Ayusheeva, Z. B., &
Dorzhieva, M. O. ,2021).
I.A. Borisova notes that the children of mothers
who avoid becoming too attached to their children
cannot emotionally join in the game with their peers
and do not openly express their feelings during the
victory (Borisova, I. A., 2007).
In the studies of O.V. Suvorova, adolescents with
a reliable attachment to their mother have a positive
attitude towards themselves, the ability to describe
themselves objectively, while adolescents with an
anxious attachment, on the contrary, aggressiveness
and the development of suspicious qualities has been
proven (Suvorova, O. V., Cheremisova, I. V.,
Mamonova, E. B. ,2016).
According to L.A. Bazaleva, weak levels of
attachment to the child are usually associated with
depressive-anxiety disorders in the mother, on the
contrary, positive changes in the child's development
have a positive relationship with a euphoric mood,
and a negative relationship with anxiety (Bazaleva, L.
According to the longitudinal studies conducted
by G.D. Walters, the mother's control and the level of
prevention of delinquent (criminal) behaviour in the
child are effective in the case of girls, but such an
effect is not noticeable in the case of boys. Based on
this, the researchers concluded that the mother can
stop the girl child from illegal actions by showing her
personal behaviour as a model, and for boys, other
educational methods should be used in addition to the
personal model (Walters, G. D.,2022).
In Uzbekistan, in this direction, V.M.Karimova,
M.S.Salayeva, G.A.Gurbanova, O'.B.Shamsiyev,
D.U.Abdullayeva's scientific research on the impact
of conflicts in marital relations on the mental
development of children, on the relationship between
parents and children in Uzbek families. specific
ethnopsychology features, the issues of forming a
positive attitude in the mother-teenage child
relationship were studied (Abdullayeva, D. U.. et. al.
It can be seen from the analyses carried out in this
regard that family relations are a necessary condition
for family members to satisfy their respective
material and spiritual needs. It is in the process of
mutual communication that people in the family
understand each other's wishes and expectations and
act accordingly. At the same time, family relations are
embodied as the main factor for the formation of the
most important psychological structures in the human
personality. In particular, the experience of
interpersonal interaction in the family is of decisive
importance in the formation of social behaviour,
understanding and imagination, and practical skills of
communication and relationship with people. After
all, family relationships serve as a unique model and
example for a person from the first days of life.
Before the eyes of the child, the relations between
family members and with his direct participation
appear as a kind of living school of social interaction,
a field of practical experience that presents
demonstrative examples.
Observing the interpersonal relations in the
family, the child faces the larger social world, its
relations, based on this experience, observes the
events and people's behaviour from this prism.
Experts emphasize that in case of conflicts and
disagreements in the relationship with a teenager, it is
the adult who should be the first to take steps towards
reconciliation, so that the child can be shown the right
way to choose in such situations. not for nothing. In
special studies, it has been proven at the level of
empirical analysis that family relationships influence
the child's perception of the environment and people,
their attitude towards him. For example, there are data
confirming that the aggressiveness shown by parents
towards each other causes the child to react
aggressively to other people, to choose strategies to
find solutions through various forms of aggression in
problematic situations that arise with them
(Fomichenko, A. S., 2011). It is noted that girls who
do not feel protection and support in their relationship
with their father are more likely to have low self-
esteem, isolate themselves, and behave contrary to
social norms in communication with others
(Shalamygina, A. M., 2018). Information about the
high level of children's addiction to the Internet in the
situation where the parent shows an overprotective
and authoritarian position towards the child is also
worthy of attention (Nemov, R. S.,1999). It is even
confirmed that the way of life and behaviour of the