Impact of Maternal Relationships on Adolescent Social Cognitive
Dilbar Abdullayeva
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Family, Relationship, Approach, Trait, Mother-Child Relationship, Attachment, Cooperation, Symbiosis,
Authoritarianism, Infantilization, Social Perception, Interpersonal Relationship, Group Perception Types,
Individualistic Type, Collectivistic Type, Pragmatic Type.
Abstract: The relationship between mother and child has been one of the most urgent problems of the development of
human society. Because the life experience, knowledge, skills, and skills gained by mankind are transmitted
from generation to generation through this system of relations - mother and child relations. It is not difficult
to prove the incomparably large role of the mother in the formation of a child as a person by many examples
taken from everyday life, even at the level of details of the fate of individual people. However, determining
the internal mechanisms of the influence of the relationship with the mother on the process of human mental
development requires special psychological research. This article presents a theoretical analysis of the
research conducted on the study of the psychology of mother-child relations, the scientific-methodical aspects
of studying the characteristics of mother-child relations, the influence of relations with the mother on the
processes of adolescent social perception. display features are highlighted, as well as the results of empirical
study of these features. Quantitative indicators obtained from the testers were first analysed by frequency and
then by correlation in the section of separate scales, and the indicators of the results of correlation analysis
were interpreted.
At the current stage of human history, how fully and
perfectly the family institution fulfils its tasks is
considered one of the main conditions for the socio-
economic development and security of the state and
society. Due to the deepening of the processes of
global integration and information in the world, the
perception of the family institution is changing in
people's social life. In particular, in the system of
interpersonal relations, which is the socio-
psychological basis of family life, a sharp change in
traditionality, a weakening of psychological balance,
especially in parent-child relations, "alienation
syndrome" is manifested.
Special attention is paid to scientific research on
the socio-psychological foundations of mother-child
relations in world research institutions. In this regard,
the formation of a healthy attitude towards the child
in the family, psychodiagnosis of alienation in parent-
child relations, family violence, pedagogical neglect,
emotional deprivation and other negative situations;
formation of constructive communication skills by
organizing psychoprophylaxis activities in order to
psychologically stabilize parent-child relations;
attention is being paid to issues aimed at improving
the measures aimed at the appropriate psychological-
educational, consultative activities with parents.
Research on the impact of family and family relations
on personality psychology is one of the priority areas,
among which research on mother-child relations
occupies a significant part. As in the initial scientific
research on the psychology of mother-child relations,
so far, the amount of research aimed at revealing the
role of such communication in the child's mental
development is quite large. In research in this
direction, the features of the relationship with the
mother have been deeply studied in terms of their
Abdullayeva, D.
Impact of Maternal Relationships on Adolescent Social Cognitive Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0012924200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 803-808
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
impact on the mental development of the child,
especially the aspects related to the personal sphere.
In particular, A.I. Blum, T.D. Vasilenko studied the
role of mother's attitude in the child's self-harm
behaviour. They found that not understanding the
reasons for a child's behaviour, neglecting his needs
can increase neurotic symptoms and lead to self-
harming behaviour. (Blum, A. I., & Vasilenko, T. D,
J.B. Ayusheyeva, M.O. Dorjiyeva's research
confirms that mother's willingness to cooperate and
mother's positive reaction to child's failure influence
the child's self-esteem (Ayusheeva, Z. B., &
Dorzhieva, M. O. ,2021).
I.A. Borisova notes that the children of mothers
who avoid becoming too attached to their children
cannot emotionally join in the game with their peers
and do not openly express their feelings during the
victory (Borisova, I. A., 2007).
In the studies of O.V. Suvorova, adolescents with
a reliable attachment to their mother have a positive
attitude towards themselves, the ability to describe
themselves objectively, while adolescents with an
anxious attachment, on the contrary, aggressiveness
and the development of suspicious qualities has been
proven (Suvorova, O. V., Cheremisova, I. V.,
Mamonova, E. B. ,2016).
According to L.A. Bazaleva, weak levels of
attachment to the child are usually associated with
depressive-anxiety disorders in the mother, on the
contrary, positive changes in the child's development
have a positive relationship with a euphoric mood,
and a negative relationship with anxiety (Bazaleva, L.
According to the longitudinal studies conducted
by G.D. Walters, the mother's control and the level of
prevention of delinquent (criminal) behaviour in the
child are effective in the case of girls, but such an
effect is not noticeable in the case of boys. Based on
this, the researchers concluded that the mother can
stop the girl child from illegal actions by showing her
personal behaviour as a model, and for boys, other
educational methods should be used in addition to the
personal model (Walters, G. D.,2022).
In Uzbekistan, in this direction, V.M.Karimova,
M.S.Salayeva, G.A.Gurbanova, O'.B.Shamsiyev,
D.U.Abdullayeva's scientific research on the impact
of conflicts in marital relations on the mental
development of children, on the relationship between
parents and children in Uzbek families. specific
ethnopsychology features, the issues of forming a
positive attitude in the mother-teenage child
relationship were studied (Abdullayeva, D. U.. et. al.
It can be seen from the analyses carried out in this
regard that family relations are a necessary condition
for family members to satisfy their respective
material and spiritual needs. It is in the process of
mutual communication that people in the family
understand each other's wishes and expectations and
act accordingly. At the same time, family relations are
embodied as the main factor for the formation of the
most important psychological structures in the human
personality. In particular, the experience of
interpersonal interaction in the family is of decisive
importance in the formation of social behaviour,
understanding and imagination, and practical skills of
communication and relationship with people. After
all, family relationships serve as a unique model and
example for a person from the first days of life.
Before the eyes of the child, the relations between
family members and with his direct participation
appear as a kind of living school of social interaction,
a field of practical experience that presents
demonstrative examples.
Observing the interpersonal relations in the
family, the child faces the larger social world, its
relations, based on this experience, observes the
events and people's behaviour from this prism.
Experts emphasize that in case of conflicts and
disagreements in the relationship with a teenager, it is
the adult who should be the first to take steps towards
reconciliation, so that the child can be shown the right
way to choose in such situations. not for nothing. In
special studies, it has been proven at the level of
empirical analysis that family relationships influence
the child's perception of the environment and people,
their attitude towards him. For example, there are data
confirming that the aggressiveness shown by parents
towards each other causes the child to react
aggressively to other people, to choose strategies to
find solutions through various forms of aggression in
problematic situations that arise with them
(Fomichenko, A. S., 2011). It is noted that girls who
do not feel protection and support in their relationship
with their father are more likely to have low self-
esteem, isolate themselves, and behave contrary to
social norms in communication with others
(Shalamygina, A. M., 2018). Information about the
high level of children's addiction to the Internet in the
situation where the parent shows an overprotective
and authoritarian position towards the child is also
worthy of attention (Nemov, R. S.,1999). It is even
confirmed that the way of life and behaviour of the
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
parents in the family is a factor that determines the
child's internal picture of the disease, that is, his
attitude towards his disease, his understanding of it.
(Shishkova, I. M.,2018).
Therefore, the attitude that is established in the
family and is happening before the child's eyes,
including the attitude shown towards him, is a unique
example of his attitude not only to other people, but
also to the environment, health, spending free time. ,
solving problem situations, in general, determines
their views on issues related to all aspects of life.
Therefore, knowing how the relationship with the
mother in the family affects the social perceptive
processes of the child can further enrich the scientific
imagination in this regard and provide valuable
information for practice. In particular, on the one
hand, there is information that excessive anxiety in
the child is more likely to be related to the
characteristics of the relationship with the mother
(Venza, T. V., 2015) and on the other hand, the
general interpretation of a certain social situation
under the influence of anxiety, the feelings
experienced by its participants and the evidence
(Fokina, M. V., 2009) about the identification of
significant differences in the approximate end of
events gives rise to the idea of investigating the
characteristics of the influence of mother-child
relations on the adolescent's social perception.
A critical analysis of such scientific works, briefly
described above, shows that, firstly, most studies
focused on the serious consequences of negative
relations between parents and children on the child's
development, or more specifically, the complications
of this negative relationship. At the same time, the
issue of what caused the relationship itself is
neglected, and secondly, in the studies aimed at
determining the causes of disturbances in the "parent-
child" relationship system, the determining factors
are, first of all, among the characteristics of the parent
and the child. sought, the cognitive domain as a
source of such reasons is out of the focus of
researchers. In addition, in most studies devoted to
the study of the problems of the psychology of
adolescence, not the characteristics of the relationship
of a particular father or mother with a child, but the
relationship of parents in general is made the subject
of research.
According to the research model developed to
empirically study the features of the relationship with
the mother on the processes of adolescent social
perception, a total of 98 Uzbek mothers have A.Y.
Varga and V.V. Stolin's "Parental Attitude have the
opportunity to express their views on the basis of
questionnaire", a psychological examination was
organized in their teenage children using the
methodology "Study of characteristics of the
perception of class by a teenager" proposed by
Before interpreting the results of the research, we
will dwell on the description of the conducted
methods. The "Parental Attitude Questionnaire"
conducted among mothers as part of the research was
developed by A. Y. Varga and V. V. Stolin, and
serves to determine the specific leading approach and
characteristics of the parent's attitude towards the
child. In this case, parental attitude is understood as
the feelings that the parents feel towards the child, the
behavioral stereotypes they show in communication
with the child, the characteristics of perception and
understanding of the child's personality and
behaviour. Based on the results of the investigation
carried out by means of the methodology, it is
possible to draw a conclusion on such factors as
parents' attitude towards their children, such as taking
the child close or denying him, building cooperative
or symbiosis-type relations with him, treating him in
an authoritarian or infantilizing manner (Nemov, R.
S., 1999).
In order to deeply analyze the influence of the
characteristics of the relationship with the mother on
the social perceptive processes in adolescence and the
role of this factor in the child's socialization, the
indicators of group perception were checked by the
test subjects. In order to better understand the
diagnostic potential of the used methodology, the
main directions of examination, the approaches to the
interpretation of the results obtained with the help of
this diagnostic tool, we will quote its scales.
(Zalyubovskaya, E. V.,1984).
Table 1: Individual types of group perception by a teenager
(According to the classification of Ye. V. Zalyubovskaya).
Type of group
Interpretation of group perception type
The individual perceives the group as
something that destroys his activity or
has a neutral attitude towards it. The
group is not perceived by the individual
as a whole unit. The individual
withdraws from cooperative activities,
prefers more individual activities, and
has weak relationships with group
Impact of Maternal Relationships on Adolescent Social Cognitive Processes
The individual perceives the group as a
whole unit and an independent value.
For him, the problems of the whole
group and group members are in the
first place. Due to this, the individual
considers himself to be interested in the
success of the whole group as well as
individual members. He tries to
contribute to the general activity.
Individuals have a need for teamwor
The individual perceives the group as a
means of achieving one or another
ersonal goals. In this case, the group is
perceived and evaluated depending on
how useful it is for the individual. The
individual prefers representatives of the
group who can provide the necessary
information and help on specific issues.
Quantitative indicators obtained from the two
groups of examinees using these methods were
analysed first by frequency and then by correlation in
the section of separate scales (see Figure 1 and Table
1). Correlation links confirmed the possibility that the
priorities of the mother's attitude towards the child
appear as a factor influencing how the group is
perceived by the adolescent.
The results of the correlation analysis showed that
the child's perception of the group is interrelated with
the mother's priority attitude towards the child. In
particular, the correlation indicators indicate that the
attitude of taking the child relatively close has a
positive relationship with collectivist perception
(r=0.42; p≤0.001) and a negative relationship with
pragmatic perception (r=-0.32; p≤0.01). has the
In our opinion, the fact that he grows up with a
sincere approach to himself teaches him not to use
others as a tool to achieve his own interests. On the
contrary, there are reasons to assume that a child's
pragmatic perception will develop in an authoritarian
type of relationship.
Table 2: Indicators of the relationship between the priority
approach to the child and the types of perception of the
group by adolescent children (according to the Pearson
correlation coefficient).
approaches to
the child
Types of group perception
c t
c t
c t
Get close 0,17 0,42*** -0,32**
Cooperation -0,31** 0,56*** 0,28*
Symbiosis 0,27* -0,22* 0,36**
0,45*** 0,14 0,38**
Infantilization 0,33** 0,12 0,24*
Note: * p≤0.05; ** p≤0.01; *** p≤0.001
The cited indicators confirm that in the conditions
of the dominance of authoritarianism and
infantilization in the relationship with the child, the
individualistic perception of the group often prevails
in children. In this type of social perception, the child
perceives the group as something that destroys his
activity or has a neutral attitude towards it. The group
is not perceived by the teenager as a whole unit. He
withdraws from cooperative activities, prefers more
individual activities, and his relationships with group
members are weak.
As a result, the dominance of the mother's
authoritarian and infantilizing attitude blocks the
child's initiative and enthusiasm, which leads to the
perception of the group as an unnecessary and useless
unit, and the lack of understanding of the advantages
of group membership.
Figure 1: According to the type of perception of the group,
the priority types of attitudes of mothers of adolescents
differ ratios.
It was found that the collectivist type of group
perception is statistically significantly related to
cooperation (r=0.56; p≤0.001) and approach (r=0.42;
p≤0.001). Collectivistic perception is more
characteristic of children who enter a cooperative and
close relationship with their mother.
In this case, the child perceives the group as a
whole unit and an independent value, for him, the
problems of the whole group and group members are
in the first place, because of this, he considers himself
interested in the success of the whole group and some
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
members. strives to contribute to the activity, in
which there is a relative need for teamwork. The
pragmatic type of group perception is cooperation
(r=0.28; p≤0.05), symbiosis (r=0.36; p≤0.01),
authoritarianism (r=0.38; p≤0.01), was found to be
statistically significantly related to the style of
infantilization (r=0.24; p≤0.05).
Judging from the statistical indicators,
cooperation is combined with authoritarianism, i.e., if
the mother implements cooperation under pressure,
without informing the child of its beneficial aspects,
then it can form a pragmatic view of the group. In this
case, the child perceives the group as a means of
achieving one or another personal goals. The group is
perceived and evaluated depending on how useful it
is for the child. The child likes the person who is the
official of the group, who can provide the necessary
information and help on specific issues. Correlational
links also confirm the possibility that the priorities of
mothers in relation to the child appear as a factor
influencing how the group is perceived by the
The results of the correlational analysis also show
that the type of priority attitude of the mother towards
the child and the indicators of the perception of the
group by the child are interrelated. In particular, the
correlation indicators show that the attitude of taking
the child relatively close has a positive relationship
with collectivist perception and a negative
relationship with pragmatic perception. In our
opinion, the fact that he grows up feeling sincere
closeness and acceptance towards himself teaches
him not to use others as a tool to achieve his own
interests. On the contrary, there are reasons to assume
that a child's pragmatic perception will develop in an
authoritarian type of relationship. Perhaps, in the
example of the mother's authoritarian position,
understanding that it is a norm for one person to lead
over another, to pass his judgment on him, may later
develop such principles and extreme pragmatism in
the child himself.
It is observed that showing an infantilizing
attitude towards a child determines not only that he
does not develop the quality of independence
sufficiently, but also that he tends to withdraw and
isolate himself, considering himself weak, even when
many things can be left to his discretion in the group.
Thus, the results of the empirical study of the
relationship between the characteristics of the group
perception in adolescents and the priority tactics of
the attitude characteristic of their mothers led to the
following conclusions:
1. Negative feelings for the mother-child relationship,
the mother's authoritarian behaviour model or the
child's overprotective position create favourable
conditions for the development of individualistic and
pragmatic types of social perception.
2. The priority of the cooperation style in the mother's
attitude to the child is often compatible with the
predominance of the collectivist type of perception of
the group in the child.
3. In the relationship with the child, the mother's
desire to keep him completely under her protection
and the child's symbiotic dependence on her leads to
a position emphasizing the use of her as a tool in the
views of the group.
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR