the student earlier, to develop the logical thinking of
the left hemisphere. In understanding and
memorizing the event, the student is required to
logically understand what was read or said by the
teacher and to be able to speak the memorized
knowledge easily. Modern pedagogical practice,
relying on verbal and logical thinking, occasionally
refers only to visual-effective and visual-image types
of thinking.
According to G.M.Chernobelsky, in recent years, the
science of chemistry has to be shortened only and
only. However, even then, teachers are not lowering
the theoretical levels, because in their opinion, there
is no basis for any science without theory, and the
facts are presented in this regard. Experiences,
practical training and information about scientists,
etc. there is not enough time, more precisely,
figurative thinking is leaving the practice of teaching.
It is not for nothing that chemistry has become a kind
of dry nonsense, and even students have lost interest
in it.
By achieving dominance of the left-hemisphere
thinking style, we ultimately limit the development of
the individual, because not only emotional
perception, spatial orientation, artistic thinking, but
also creativity are related to the right-hemisphere
thinking style. An inflexible, limited mindset cannot
accurately reflect the ever-changing external world.
In education, the image levels of reality, intuition,
hearing, and imagination are not taken into account in
practical terms, and they, in turn, are considered as
thinking of the past. In the 40s of the 20th century, J.
Piaget formulated the law of hearing and assimilation
of information, which consists of the following
- Emotional stage (the stage of receiving information
from the senses). At this stage, the more information
a person receives about the object, the more
imagination will appear.
- Marked (image) stage. At this stage, as in the first
stage, expression is formed on the basis of
information received from sensory organs.
- Logical stage. Understanding and understanding of
the logical meaning of the information received in the
image form of the second stage takes place.
- Linguistic stage. A person has the ability to express
information with logical meaning in words.
These stages can be called the stages of the holistic
thinking process. As a rule, logic is used after or at
the same time as figurative presentation, but not
separately. Violation of the order of information
perception and processing stages causes inefficiency,
inappropriate thinking, and misunderstanding among
students. It is no wonder that many students clearly
fall behind in their studies because the third, logical
step of the thinking process is suddenly presented to
Methodical part. Here we consider the traditional
method of creating formulas of substances by
valency. When explaining the concept of "valency",
almost all teachers immediately talk about the ability
of atoms of an element to attach a certain number of
other atoms to itself. They create the definition of
"valency", several structural formulas, inform about
the rule of creating valence formulas and mastering
new material, offer students to complete a series of
tasks to develop the skill of creating formulas of
substances. Students actually only work with letter
symbols. This approach, based on the application of
logical thinking, is carried out at the limit of the rise
from the particular to the general, allowing the use of
a standard algorithm - the method of constructing a
substance formula by valence. The disadvantage of
this method is that it cannot be used for children
controlled by the right hemisphere.
Observations show that in this case, many
students find it difficult to remember the rules for
forming the formulas of substances in a short time,
and then have to memorize it again and again. As a
result, it takes a long time for this rule to remain in
The teacher is connected with the learning process
of students who think differently, and the traditional
method does not allow to "see" the desired chemical
phenomenon at the macro- and micro-levels from
different angles, but instead directs to rely on
symbols. The right-hemisphere method moves from
the general to the specific in logic, relying not only on
logical, but also on expressive forms of thinking. At
first, it is necessary to draw pictures of combinations
of atoms or work with atomic models, to illuminate
various hypotheses (creating perceptual expression).
Models and pictures of atoms of different chemical
elements should be completely different in size,
colour, and symbols.
Then it is possible to consider the methods of
thinking about the studied science (creating a visual
expression of the phenomenon), simplifying chemical
terms, telling (creating a verbal expression), and only
then working with symbols (symbolic expression), as
well as creating formulas. This method is not
algorithmic, but based on common sense.
As a conclusion, logically thinking children can use
the recommended standard algorithm, and with this