The Impact of Family Relations on Society Development
Oliya Narzullaevna Mukhammadieva
Termiz Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development Institute, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Family, Family Environment, Types of Relationships in the Family, Parent-Child Relationship, Psychology
of Family Members, Factors of a Healthy Environment.
Abstract: Family and family relations have been studied as an important issue in all times. In the process of family
relations, raising a child is a task that cannot be postponed. The relationship between husband and wife and
their impact on the development of society is analysed experimentally. Family is the foundation of society.
The family is the place where all the qualities, intentions and professions formed in the mind and behaviour
of every person from childhood are realized. The child is the backbone of the family. And the family is a big
policy not only of a country, but of the entire humanity. Also, the survival and continuity of humanity is from
the family. No matter how great a nation is, such a nation cannot live long in the world if the family is not
organized in the society and education is not paid attention to. Abdurauf Fitrat sees the happiness of the
country and the people in the fate of the family. Based on these considerations, he states: "Where family
relationships are based on strong discipline and order, the country and nation will be strong and orderly."
Caring for a perfect person, his work and life, spiritual development is the main goal of our society. The
foundations of human characteristics, his attitude to work, spiritual, ideological and cultural wealth are formed
in the family. In recent years, the issue of raising children in the family has been given more importance than
ever. Failure to take into account the child's psychological characteristics in the process of education, be it in
the family or at school, means making the biggest, irreparable mistakes in the future.
The family is the strong support of the society. The
peace of society is determined by the well-being of
families. If there is disorganization in families, the
peace of the society will be lost and eventually it will
decline. Happy families make a happy society.
Because the children of parents who are kind to each
other will be kind to each other. It is very important
to create a high moral environment in the family. In
this case, the relationship between family members,
especially the couple, is of great importance. In order
for the children to be happy in the family, it is
necessary for both spouses to perform their duties
In our religion, along with the promotion of
starting a family, it is ordered to treat it with kindness.
If the spouses cannot agree on their fate, it will be
necessary to attract judges from both sides to reform.
It is said in the Holy Qur'an: “If you fear that they
(the couple) will break down, send one judge from the
husband's family and one judge from the wife's
family. If (the husband and wife) want to reform, may
Allah reconcile them. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing,
All-Knowing” (Surah An-Nisa, verse 35).
It is clear from this verse that reforming the
relationship between husband and wife is a very
meritorious deed. Therefore, it is a requirement of our
Sharia that the members of the society should not be
indifferent to the issue of preserving the family.
Therefore, our religion does not support division and
separation, but unity and cohesion.
Its origins are deep in social psychology, family
protection through social involvement, and social
action itself. The earliest literary (Alpomish, Gorogli)
and religious-philosophical (Avesta) texts represent
instructional ideas from the perspective of an
individual's social background. Later, throughout the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when Islam
expanded throughout Central Asia, it created new
moral and spiritual norms that had an impact on the
region's family and communal education systems.
The rise of spiritual and cultural life, the flourishing
Mukhammadieva, O.
The Impact of Family Relations on Society Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012925000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 819-822
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of worldly sciences and sciences, and the assimilation
of the achievements of Persian, Arab, and ancient
Greek culture were all influenced by the new
socioeconomic situation, which was based on the
needs of material stability and the development of
production and trade.
The fact is that in the East, and especially in
Uzbekistan, the family has existed not only as a
historically important social institution, but also plays
an extremely important role in the life of our society
even in the era of global changes and, in a certain
sense, its weakened position. is playing. In this sense,
the problems of its stability, the analysis of the factors
affecting it require completely different views,
concepts and paradigms in the conditions of
Family is the foundation of society. The family is
the place where all the qualities, intentions and
professions formed in the mind and behaviour of
every person from childhood are realized. The child
is the backbone of the family. And the family is a big
policy not only of a country, but of the entire
humanity. Also, the survival and continuity of
humanity is from the family. No matter how great a
nation is, such a nation cannot live long in the world
if the family is not organized in the society and
education is not paid attention to. Abdurauf Fitrat sees
the happiness of the country and the people in the fate
of the family.
Based on these considerations, he states: "Where
family relationships are based on strong discipline
and order, the country and nation will be strong and
orderly." Caring for a perfect person, his work and
life, spiritual development is the main goal of our
society. The foundations of human characteristics, his
attitude to work, spiritual, ideological and cultural
wealth are formed in the family. In recent years, the
issue of raising children in the family has been given
more importance than ever. Failure to take into
account the child's psychological characteristics in
the process of education, be it in the family or at
school, means making the biggest, irreparable
mistakes in the future.
Family is not a one-day, one-year, but a lifetime
space, in which many events, new worries and joys
happen every day, every hour. The President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his
speeches cited the opinion of great scholars: "A child
is a deposit in the hands of parents." Today's life
proves in every way that our children, their fate and
future are really a great investment. If we do not give
our children the right upbringing, if we do not keep
an eye on their behaviour and mood every day, every
minute, if we do not teach them science and
technology, if we do not find a decent job, then it is
out of the question that we will lose this deposit. In
fact, the upbringing of a child is the most important
task performed in the family environment. Children
copy the spiritual environment they observe in their
homes. Due to the spiritual environment and
education in the family, the child grows up either kind
and compassionate or selfish and forgiving. At this
point, we found it necessary to tell about one of the
defects in education that exists in Uzbek families
today. In other words, the parents' method of
education based on rejection, prohibition, and non-
permission does not take into account the wishes,
thoughts, dreams and aspirations of children, as a
result of which their will is limited. In this way of
education, children grow up without the courage to
openly express their opinions, make independent
decisions, and express their point of view on certain
tasks. A timid, submissive child lacks activity and
self-confidence. Such children live in dependence on
others throughout their lives. They believe what
others say.
Gender, sex, social gender - changing socio-
cultural differences between women and men. roles.
moral standards. "natural" ("attitude") is not a
concept, that is, a concept that expresses the qualities
and other definitions that have been chosen by them
according to the norms and traditions of the public
imagination. it can be changed with a win (even in the
case of change).
Gender equality: both men and women have equal
societal significance. only if they are granted legal
equality (also known as "equality based on
documents") as defined by law, together with equal
rights, obligations, and circumstances (equal access
to resources and opportunities). Equality has an
opposite. Now, let us discuss the contents of this
water. The relative, immutable biological distinctions
between men and women are referred to as gender. It
is predestined what gender it is. It is constant
throughout time and is universal. Gender represents
societal gender equality and is reflected in many
aspects of life.
We said above that this term was introduced by the
UN. On September 23 of this year, the head of our
organization made a historic speech at the 75th
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
session of the United Nations General Assembly. A
unique feature of the historical record is that it is
spoken in Uzbek. Among the strong opinions
expressed, he drew everyone's attention to this issue:
",..gender equality has become a priority issue for us.
The role of women in public administration is getting
stronger. The number of female deputies in our new
parliament will double.
The situation in the field of human rights has
completely changed, forced and child labour has been
completely abolished. The National Strategy on
Human Rights was adopted." In order to clearly
understand that these words are not unreasonable,
let's get acquainted with the newly adopted new
strategy: the strategy for achieving gender equality
until 2030, while being an example of social equality
and equality of responsibility in society, includes 9
- creation of equal opportunities and rights in the
participation of men and women in the socio-political
- women's and men's industry. Ensuring gender
equality in employment and protecting the rights of
labor migrants:
- providing decent and high-quality education for
everyone throughout life:
- ensuring gender equality for all women.
protection from violence. Ending Human Trafficking:
- ensuring social protection and a healthy lifestyle
for all men and women:
- development of national gender statistics;
- taking gender into account in planning and
- Ensuring wide coverage of gender issues in the
mass media:
- involving women and girls in matters of ensuring
a safe ecological environment for everyone.
The majority of democracies have fundamental
laws that guarantee women's equality with men. in
addition to the Uzbek Constitution. many
international documents pertaining to human rights at
the same time. Declarations also provide assurance
for transactions and conventions. The UN Charter
(June 26, 1945) is one of these. The 1948 December
10 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. political
and civil rights covenants. The United Nations
approved the economic code in 1966. international
agreements pertaining to cultural and social rights.
Numerous international accords that make up the
global system of human rights protection are
conceivable to introduce. Both men and women are
entitled to the same human rights. There are over
seventy certified international standards related to the
general constitution's structure.
Gender statistics serve many purposes. But first of
all, it is necessary to identify the hidden problems of
women and men related to different situations and
conditions. Therefore, gender statistics and
successful planning. Addressability strengthening is
necessary for effective monitoring and evaluation of
the impact of development programs. With this in
mind, gender statistics serve to promote justice and
equality and improve the quality of life of all
population groups. Thus, gender statistics contribute
to sustainable and comprehensive development and
economic growth.
These statistics are analysed according to the
general diagram. A strong international document on
gender statistics is the United Nations Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW). It was based on the
Beijing Platform for Action and the Millennium
Development Goals. According to this convention.
States Parties condemn such discrimination and
undertake to pursue policies to eliminate it.
According to Article 1 of the Convention.
"Discrimination against women" is any
discrimination against women because they are
women. means delisting or restricting rights. This
means not recognizing women's human rights and
fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
social, cultural, civil and other aspects of life based
on the equal rights of men and women regardless of
their family status. means to prevent them from
Nationally and internationally approved
development goals, such as the Millennium
Development Goals, have fuelled the growing
demand for gender statistics. Inequality in a number
of areas. also. education A total of 189 countries have
committed to work in cooperation with the aim of
eliminating inequality in areas such as labour law and
participation in the decision-making process.
The leader of our nation's gender equality
committee, the senator Tanzila Kamilovna, stressed
that this matter need to be structured in accordance
with UN normative guidelines. The fact that the new
legislation included safeguards for gender equality
indicates that Uzbekistan has made progress toward
human rights and that this subject has reached the
level of official policy. Ensuring gender equality is an
extremely important global problem. In UN adopted
documents, specifically. In 2015, Resolution No. 70
was approved, expressing this.
During the years of independence in Uzbekistan,
a lot of work was done to achieve gender equality. In
1991, under the leadership of the Deputy Prime
Minister, who was responsible for the social
The Impact of Family Relations on Society Development
protection of the family, motherhood and childhood,
a significant increase in institutional development
was achieved with the establishment of the Women's
Committee. The Women's Committee has an
improved system of authority in all regions and
fronts. 14 deputy governors at the regional level, as
well as 219 deputy heads of the municipal and district
administrations are among the chairmen of the
committee. The Women's Committee as well as the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Center
for Human Rights state statistics in the reports on
international obligations imposed by the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, the implementation of the Beijing
Movement Program, and the Millennium
Development Goals. Works in close cooperation with
the committee.
Programs and measures are implemented at the
national level to improve the condition of women and
strengthen their economic rights. Revitalization of the
activities of the public administration bodies, public
and scientific organizations of the republic in solving
gender issues, helps to increase the internal demand
for statistical data describing the issues of gender
equality, and the range of users of this data is
expanding. In Uzbekistan, the first steps were taken
to promote gender statistics in the late 1990s, since
that time pamphlets reflecting gender indicators have
been regularly published in the republic. But at that
time the situation was bad, especially the issue of
women's rights was in the last place. Because
Uzbekistan SSR paid less attention to this field than
all other republics of the USSR.
The family serves as a social space and a
pedagogical factor that ensures the eternity of social
life, the continuity of generations, the continuity of
education, and has an impact on how the future
generation will grow up. A person is formed in the
family. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity
and kindness. It is these values that every developed
society relies on. At the General Assembly of the
United Nations Organization on September 2, 1993,
it was agreed to celebrate May 15 as "International
Family Day" starting from 1994, which shows how
urgent this issue is at the international level. it shows.
In all times, the state and society's care was the basis
for the stability and peace of families.
As noted by president Sh.M. Mirziyoev, "It is
necessary to further strengthen the foundations of the
family, which is sacred for us, to create an atmosphere
of peace, harmony and mutual respect in families, to
fill spiritual and educational activities with concrete
Religion, traditions, culture, ethics, and tradition all
have a role in shaping the institution of marriage and
the family in every nation. Creating a healthy
psychological environment within the family,
researching the function and impact of interpersonal
relationships in a psychologically sound environment
within the family, and examining the degree to which
family members evaluate the interpersonal
relationships they observe within the family are all
ways to ensure family stability. The relationships
between a husband and wife, parents and children,
siblings and sisters, and other family members are all
part of the intricate and very meaningful system of
family ties. Family relationships have a significant
role in the development of a person's personality. The
establishment of favourable settings for an
individual's growth is one of the family's most
significant responsibilities.
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR