Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic
Development in Individuals
Nargis Atabaeva
Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Altruism, Subjective Locus, Emotional Intelligence, Externality, Internality, Identification, Empathy,
Determinism, Motive.
Abstract: This article highlights the influence of altruism and emotional-volitional characteristics that influence its
development. In particular, it was analysed that altruism as a form of behaviour directed at the benefit of
others is interrelated with the integral features of emotional intelligence. In addition, the specific aspects of
the localization of willpower have been empirically clarified that they have a differential effect on the
development of altruistic behaviour in different age periods, including teenagers, early teens, and students.
To progress made by the processes of globalization in
the life and activities of a person, there are tendencies
to increase the changes in behaviour related to
selfishness, giving priority to one's own interests, the
increase of crimes based on cyber technologies, and
the decreasing importance of issues of moral
development of a person. "Formation of moral
principles and motivations for combating social,
religious, inter-ethnic, ethnic discrimination,
extremism, xenophobia" (Mirziyoev, Sh. M, 2020) is
becoming important. In this regard, the issues of
strengthening the integrative manifestation of moral
consciousness and its motives with the constructs of
the Ego-structure, forming psychological immunity,
improving the scientific and methodological
foundations of ensuring the stabilization of moral
concepts in the system of personal values, and
creating practical programs of new content aimed at
the development of altruistic behaviour al motives
remain urgent problems.
In recent years, in our republic, according to the
principle "The fate of the motherland is decided by
the education of the youth"( Mirziyoev, Sh. M, 2017),
the necessary legal and regulatory frameworks have
been created on the conceptual ideas of educating the
youth of New Uzbekistan as leaders in creativity,
science, and education, and "to educate the youth in
patriotism, sense of citizenship, tolerance, national
and in the spirit of respect for universal values, to
raise people who can resist harmful influences and
currents, have firm beliefs and views on life"( Law of
the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 14,
2016) is defined as a priority task. In this regard,
special attention is paid to the scientific research of
new theoretical solutions aimed at educating the
moral qualities of a person, identifying the
differential aspects of psychological factors that
influence the rational formation of altruistic
behaviour, developing psychodiagnostic possibilities
of the manifestation of altruistic experiences, and
deepening the psychological mechanisms of
correcting egoistic attitudes through the
transformation of values.
As the president of our country, Sh. M.
Mipzieyov, said, " Another very important issue that
always makes us think is related to the manners,
manners, and worldview of our youth"(Decree of the
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
No. 472 of June 7, 2019). Today, in the context of the
introduction of digital technology into society, the
observation of moral transformation in the system of
personal development is noticeable. A lot of things
give rise to the tendency to develop the moral
cognition of a person. In particular, the large-scale
systematic research in the field of short-sighted
documentation, which determines the reforms
implemented in our country in recent years, seems to
be closed to the moral perfection of the individual. In
today's globalized Japan, it is necessary to "quickly
accept the challenge, to form an innovative way of
thinking, to develop intellectual potential, and to be
Atabaeva, N.
Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic Development in Individuals.
DOI: 10.5220/0012929200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 823-831
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
faithful to the national and universal values", "...to
protect against indifference, lawlessness, and the
mass reproduction of "mass culture"..." The
application of a strict requirement like (Decree of the
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
No. 422 of July 6, 2020) will further justify the
relevance of the selected topic.
Paying attention to national characteristics in
personal training, based on the principle of self-
confidence, ensuring the moral pride of the society
has been proven in the Asplap series. The
phenomenon of "altruism" that we have chosen in our
dissection study is a concept that embodies the
nationalism of the Shapa. The main idea of altruism
is self-interested behaviour.
The phenomenon of altruism has been researched in
many fields, and its unique aspect has not been
covered, but the issue of studying its psychological
mechanisms in the national context has not been paid
attention to. Scholars have elaborated on the concept
of Altruism. In particular, D. Seglou stated that
altruism is a subject's eloquent attitude, which is close
to the subject in the ectopic development. V. V.
Solovyov suggests that altruism should be understood
as "moral hypocrisy towards other human beings".
N.V. Gpishina stated that "altruism is a person's need
to care and love others, to sacrifice himself for the
group, to feel responsibility" (Ilyin, E. P. et. al.,
Based on the explanation given above, we can say
that altruism is a characteristic of a person, that is
directed to the interests of others, arises based on
sthenic feelings, and has a unique character in the
system of antipathy. Today, the need to study the
phenomenon of altruism is, first of all, the increase of
passivity in the personality characteristics of the
situation in the society, in the situation of the
population, and on the other hand, the increase of the
empathy in the population, the desire to "find a
common ground" with the people and the nation,
requires an unbiased approach. on the third hand, it is
determined by the fact that it is more and more
important to strengthen interpersonal skills in
interpersonal relationships as the most convenient
way to prevent the growth of antisocial behaviour in
the population. In particular, the formation of a
unique alt-poism in the personality system is
considered the leading method of coping with many
From the explanation above and the description
given of the term, it is clear that the phenomenon of
altruism is a bio-sociopsychological concept that
explains the spiritual image of a person. Because the
tendency of altruistic behaviour, having its own
biogenetic, neurodynamic basis, manifests itself in
the behaviour of a person as a result of the integration
of social and psychological factors. Altpuism is
characterized by the following principle in the
behaviour of a person and is projected into his
spiritual image: the principle of justice - this principle
encourages a person to act without prejudice to his
own interests; the principle of self-respect - it is
reflected in the principle that the person who respects
himself respects the interests and personality of
others; The principle of cooperation is a system of
cooperation that keeps the needs of society in
harmony with personal interests of a person.
From the psychological principle of the
phenomenon of Altpuism, it has emerged that today,
turning the most important aspect of personal
relations into a primitive level is considered an
important component of the formation of
"psychological immunity" against the "mass culture"
of the youth.
Manifestation of altpuistic behaviour in a person,
its development in a person is of great importance.
For this reason, it is important to study and research
the laws of development of altruistic behaviour in a
person. On the basis of our analytical data, which we
conducted on the basis of our dissection research, we
considered it appropriate to describe the mechanism
of the formation and development of subversive
behaviour as follows: an emotive situation that
arouses the desire of a person to commit suicide;
altpuistic experience resulting from emotional stress;
the motive of altpoism activated by the desire to be
close; altpuistic ustanovkalap, which expresses the
inner tendency to close the person; subversive
orientation related to the transfer of altpuistic
institution to a system of personal relations;
subversive behaviour . A complex mechanism
determines the strong influence of the phenomenon of
altruism in the personality of a person (paragraph 1).
In fact, if we analyse the conceptual framework
that explains the nature of altruistic behaviour ,
altruistic inclination is present in the gene pool of a
person. Therefore, humanity cares about its offspring.
Bipoq, mazkup genlap should be a critical factor for
acmeological development at the level of moral
behaviour. Usually, we feel empathy for the other
person in an emotional situation that occurs suddenly,
based on a specific reason. It is natural that the feeling
of empathy activates the altruistic motive. In the first
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
phase of the ontogeny of the bipod, as the motility is
activated, altpuism is often limited to the act of
vegetative reproduction. As a result of a person's
moral consciousness and emotional development, the
development of his/her personal orientation and
orientation is reflected in the development of his/her
personality system. As a result, the tendency of
altruistic behaviour in a person becomes dominant
and begins to emerge as a personality trait. In our
dissection study, we tried to pay more attention to the
mechanism of the development of pathological
subaltern behaviour. Because, as we know, altpuism
has its own form and reproduction. In Ulap's sister,
pathological submissive behaviour is determined by a
person's desire to be innocently close to others.
Figure 1. The mechanism of development of emotional
altruistic behaviour (the author's approach based on the
analysis of theoretical sources)
We know that any scientific research work is based
on a certain methodological principle, conceptual
framework. The methodological basis of the research
determines the exact scientific strategy of the work.
From this point of view, we have defined a certain
conceptual framework to define our scientific
research strategy, to define our direction in
developing our empirical data. Because the research
strategy, the method chosen for conducting it , the
interpretation of the results obtained in the final
analysis depends on the methodological position
(point of view, approach) of the researcher. Altpuistic
behaviour. determination is fully explained from the
point of view of scientific and theoretical approach as
a perfect phenomenon of moral development of a
person. Therefore, before proceeding to the empirical
study of this psychological phenomenon, there is a
need to clarify the methodological basis of the choice
of such a research direction.
The most general methodological principle of
scientific knowledge is the principle of dialectics
(discovery, general connection, etc.) and the specific
methodology of our research - determinism,
systematic approach, the principle of approaching
from the point of view of the individual, as well as the
moral development of L. Kolbep, Dj. Pottep's theory
of social learning is an existentially oriented idea. In
this part of our study, the main idea and principle of
the multidisciplinary approach will be reflected in the
scope of the research task.
The discovery of the principle of determinism in
our dissection research is based on a specific
mechanism of altruistic behaviour and its appearance
in a specific form is always the result of the influence
of some social, cognitive and affectogenic factor at a
certain level, and it is reasonable to direct the
scientific research to determine the content and
characteristics of this factor. will increase. The reason
for using the Mazkup principle as the methodological
basis of our research is that human behaviour is
externalized as a product of the spiritual and social
environment, and the individual is expressed in
internal characteristics. Therefore, in some cases, the
motivation of altruistic behaviour in a person is first
of all internalized in the external environment, and the
person is absorbed into the system of internal
character traits. After that, the formation of the skill
of authentic assessment of the situation by the person
is extpopized to the external behaviour with a pure
subjective feeling, attitude and motivation. In this
type of person, altpuistic behaviour is manifested.
The principle of systematicity envisages the
smooth implementation of understanding from the
point of view of the systematic harmony of the
mechanism of the subliminal behaviour of a person.
In this ep, altruistic morality is analysed as a complex
system with its cognitive, motivational, emotional
components. The altruistic morality of the individual
becomes an altruistic feeling, and finally becomes an
institution, based on the inclination related to the
struggle for survival, which exists in the genetic
background, and the person is inteopized into the
cultural system, and the altruistic behaviour motive
is projected into the individual relationship. As a
result, a person manifests altruistic behaviour as a
whole system. If there is a break or laxity in the bipop
syllable in the agap mazkup stpuktupa, the person
shows "disguised altpuism". In addition, the results
obtained from the experiment carried out in the
course of our research clearly increase the
harmonious state of the manifestation of altruistic
Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic Development in Individuals
In our research work, the principle of approach
from the point of view of the individual is to be
studied from the point of view of the fact that
psychological differences in the manifestation of
altruistic behaviour and external behaviour are
determined by the individual psychological qualities
of a person, in particular, subjective local pathology,
empathy, emotional intelligence, and personality
traits. it is expected to be released. In this case, the
primary goal is to assume that the individual-
psychological characteristics of the person are the
emotive, social factor in the external world that
determines the manifestation of altruistic behaviour,
and to try to determine what is the secret factor in the
heart of the person.
When interpreting the methodological idea of our
research in accordance with L. Kolbepg's approach,
we pay attention to the following structure: the
motivation of altruistic behaviour in a person is
formed on the basis of the main characteristics, that
is, social intelligence, conscience, the ability to
express one's emotions, autonomy, a sense of
belonging, mutual trust and justice, mutual love, and
its behaviour al manifestation. It is analysed from the
point of view of human attitude towards the
phenomenon of "altpuism". What altruistic behaviour
is subject to the principle of "reciprocal justice". In
this case, the existence of social justice in the mutual
exchange of altpuism in the parent-child, pedagogue-
pupil, pedagogue-student, sibling relationship system
is observed, which means that a dual perception of
altpuism should be observed on both sides. As a result
of an individual's acceptance of a general moral
principle and its internal synthesis in the ontogenetic
development, the manifestation of altruism is
observed on the basis of the personal development
system. As a result, the individual begins to show
subjugation in the systematic process of ethical
behaviour, subjecting to the morals of the society.
In explaining the development of altruistic
behaviour in a person, it is possible to pay attention
to Dj. Pottep's theory of social-cognitive learning.
According to Dj. Pottep's social cognitive approach,
external events influence the behaviour of a person,
and the impact of this influence depends on the degree
of recognition of this event. Because the beep event
itself is fully understood by the human being, and
therefore it completely affects the behaviour of the
In the previous chapter, we divided the factors
influencing the development of altruistic behaviour
into cognitive, affective and conative parts. In the
next chapter, we will analyse the affective factor that
causes the origin of emotional altruism. In this regard,
S. Hall's "Determining the level of emotional
intelligence" and " Subjective locale " proposed by
Dj. Pottep and adapted by E. F. Bajin, S. A.
Golynkina, A. M. Etkind were used to carry out the
task of our research. We present a psychological
analysis of the results obtained using the nazopat
method This methodology is limited to determining
the level of formation of emotional intelligence in a
person, and the main purpose of our application of
this methodology was to determine the relationship
between a person's altruistic behaviour and emotional
The main reason why we set such a task in front
of us is that emotional intelligence is the ability of a
person to understand his own emotions, to understand
his goals, motivations and desires, and to manage his
emotions in order to solve practical tasks in life. We
considered that it is important to understand the
emotional state of the other person and to give a
proper assessment to it in the implementation of the
practical treatment related to the altruistic behaviour.
The results obtained from Mazkup methodology are
reflected in the following table:
Table 1. The influence of emotional intelligence and subjective locus of control on the formation of altruistic behaviour in a
person ( N= 472).
Altpuistic behaviour in
0.0 1
0.0 2
0.45 **
0.29 *
0.0 1
0.0 3
Altruistic behaviour in
early childhood
0.1 1
0.0 6
0.54 **
0.28 **
Altpuistic behaviour in
EB - emotional intelligence; EBo - emotional control; Self-motivation; E - empathy; BET - understanding the
emotions of another person, Ex - Externality, Int - Intepnality
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
It was found that the level of manifestation of
altruistic behaviour in an adolescent is statistically
significantly related to self-motivation ( r= 0.45;
p≤0.01), empathy ( r= 0.29; p≤0.05). No significant
relationship was found between subscales of
emotional intelligence, managing one's own
emotions, and understanding the emotions of others
during adolescence.
It was found that the self-motivation factor has a
positive correlation with the manifestation of
altruistic behaviour in Osmiplap. This shows that the
desire to achieve success and to "increase oneself in a
fraudulent activity" is high in a teenager. Mazkup's
situation can be explained by the desire to confirm his
"big self" during adolescence. That is, in life, it is only
related to the need to be the best, "to be the best of
Indeed, during adolescence, the overwhelming
need to confirm one's status in the group and to relate
to others only surpasses the desire to move forward.
And the feeling of friendship motivates the person to
be close to the person in the environment and create a
good social relationship.
A.P. Zaitseva, analyzing the motivational sphere
in osmiplap, says: "... two motives prevail in
osmiplap's mutual friendship: 1) the demand for
mutual closeness and loyalty; 2) expect mutual
sympathy and understanding" (Zaitseva, A. P. 2016).
Therefore, we can say that such a significant
relationship in the outcome of the child is related to
the desire to show his identity in the child, to make
friends, not to lose his respect in the group, to make
friends with a person who can understand him.
Self-motivation is observed in the child as the
confirmation of his "I" and for this, the realization of
behaviour in accordance with the social pole of the
society, learning his social position, and the
emergence of positive emotions as a result of the
activity. According to A. Maslow, what kind of
motivation is related to the affective sphere of a
person. Mazkup fikplap was also reflected in B.
Weinep's essay, and he distinguished three types of
emotional reactions related to the motive: initial
positive emotions, search for a causal factor related to
the result of the activity, and emotional state related
to causal attribution.
The superiority of self-motivation in a teenager is
confirmed by the ability of the teenager to clearly set
his own goals and to strive for success in his work as
much as possible, and to rationally plan his work. In
addition, such a person always has success in the
cognitive field, and before starting any new work, he
believes in his own strength and a fruitful result. They
focus their attention on the activity and its positive
results and show positive emotions in the process.
Based on the above hypothesis, we can explain the
superiority of self-motivation in a child with the
following factor:
predominance of age-related "demonstrative
behaviour " motive;
the superiority of striving for leadership;
the predominance of the need to confirm one's
social status;
We know that in adolescence, the need to confirm the
social position in the group is strong. Self-motivation
definitely triggers positive emotions, the most
positive emotions during adolescence are related to
the feeling of affirming "I" in a "socially useful way"
for society and the need to be rewarded on the basis
of socially approved expectations. cause.
In the results of the study, there was a positive
correlation between the criterion and empathy. There
are many explanations for the concept of empathy.
From Shulap, K.Podjeps, systematizing his
psychological approach commented on empathy as
follows: "The feeling of empathy is to understand the
inner world and emotional state of another clearly,
without any change. It's like being different without
losing your identity. So, you feel the joy and sorrow
of the other person just as he feels, and you
understand the reason for this emotional state just as
he does. But you don't forget that it's just
John Stuart Mill commented that "empathy is the
defender of justice and can be the emotional trigger
of many of our moral actions". Therefore, empathy is
a driving force for altruism, because a person with a
feeling of sympathy tries to show innocent sympathy
to another person, even if no one knows about it. In
fact, small children often start yelling at their mother
about why they are angry. We can say that this
condition is the basis of the development of empathy
in a white child. The child brings something to his
mother to soothe his feelings of sadness and begins to
try to kiss her. So, empathy is formed from childhood.
This, in turn, leads to the discovery of altpuistic
behaviour . To sum up, the development of altruistic
behaviour is influenced by psychological factors
such as empathy and emotionality.
In the studies of Yu.A.Kochetova,
M.V.Klimakova, specific aspects of emotional
intelligence in adolescence were investigated.
According to these studies, the components of
emotional intelligence in boys are dominant, and in
girls, the components of emotional intelligence are
dominant. These components of emotional
Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic Development in Individuals
intelligence uniquely activate altruistic behaviour in
The significant correlation between altruistic
behaviour and empathy in adolescence can be
explained as follows: we know that the main attention
in adolescence is related to the confirmation of one's
"I" in personal relationships with peers. As a result,
the child begins to develop an interest in the
environment and his own psychological experience,
and this situation does not transfer to the emotional
development system of the child until adulthood. But
instead of that, the young constructive person tries to
find his own way in the court of white friends. It is
precisely on the basis of this constitutive self-
relationship in the adolescent that the feeling of
empathy dominates and shows the motive of altruism
in the individual. As we mentioned above, the
altruistic motive leads to the formation of the
appropriate institution in the person and the formation
of the altruistic direction of the person, and
strengthens the manifestation of the altruistic
altruistic behaviour in early adolescence is
statistically significantly related to emotional
intelligence ( r= 0.36; p≤0.01), empathy ( r= 0.54;
p≤0.01). In early adolescence, no significant
correlation was found between subliminal behaviour
and the scale of managing one's own emotions, self-
motivation, and understanding the emotions of
In early adolescence, it was found that the factor
of emotional intelligence has a positive correlation
with altruistic behaviour. According to Claude
Steinep, emotional intelligence is the ability to
understand one's own emotions, to be able to feel and
empathize with other people's feelings, and to express
emotions effectively (Ilyin, E. P., 2013). A lack of
emotional intelligence in early childhood increases
interpersonal activity and, as a result, leads to the
emergence of pathological behaviour in highly
emotional situations. The main reason for this is that
at the beginning of adolescence, they begin to analyse
and understand the basic emotions of a person, and
due to their flexible ability, they understand the
original state of a person. The ability of the first child
to understand the emotions of the other person and to
analyse the child's behaviour increases the tendency
of the child to be submissive. The emotional literacy
scores of girls are significantly higher than those of
boys. In fact, emotional intelligence, which is
considered as a factor that causes commented on
empathy as follows: "The feeling of empathy is to
understand the inner world and emotional state of
another clearly, without any change. It's like being
different without losing your identity. So, you feel the
joy and sorrow of the other person just as he feels, and
you understand the reason for this emotional state just
as he does. But you don't forget that it's just
John Stuart Mill commented that "empathy is the
defender of justice and can be the emotional trigger
of many of our moral actions". Therefore, empathy is
a driving force for altruism, because a person with a
feeling of sympathy tries to show innocent sympathy
to another person, even if no one knows about it. In
fact, small children often start yelling at their mother
about why they are angry. We can say that this
condition is the basis of the development of empathy
in a white child. The child brings something to his
mother to soothe his feelings of sadness and begins to
try to kiss her. So, empathy is formed from childhood.
This, in turn, leads to the discovery of altpuistic
behaviour. To sum up, the development of altruistic
behaviour is influenced by psychological factors such
as empathy and emotionality.
In the studies of Yu.A.Kochetova,
M.V.Klimakova, specific aspects of emotional
intelligence in adolescence were investigated.
According to these studies, the components of
emotional intelligence in boys are dominant, and in
girls, the components of emotional intelligence are
dominant. These components of emotional
intelligence uniquely activate altruistic behaviour in
The significant correlation between altruistic
behaviour and empathy in adolescence can be
explained as follows: we know that the main attention
in adolescence is related to the confirmation of one's
"I" in personal relationships with peers. As a result,
the child begins to develop an interest in the
environment and his own psychological experience,
and this situation does not transfer to the emotional
development system of the child until adulthood. But
instead of that, the young constructive person tries to
find his own way in the court of white friends. It is
precisely on the basis of this constitutive self-
relationship in the adolescent that the feeling of
empathy dominates and shows the motive of altruism
in the individual. As we mentioned above, the
altruistic motive leads to the formation of the
appropriate institution in the person and the formation
of the altruistic direction of the person, and
strengthens the manifestation of the altruistic
altruistic behaviour in early adolescence is
statistically significantly related to emotional
intelligence ( r= 0.36; p≤0.01), empathy ( r= 0.54;
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
p≤0.01). In early adolescence, no significant
correlation was found between subliminal behaviour
and the scale of managing one's own emotions, self-
motivation, and understanding the emotions of
In early adolescence, it was found that the factor of
emotional intelligence has a positive correlation with
altruistic behaviour. According to Claude Steinep,
emotional intelligence is the ability to understand
one's own emotions, to be able to feel and empathize
with other people's feelings, and to express emotions
effectively (Ilyin, E. P.,2013). A lack of emotional
intelligence in early childhood increases
interpersonal activity and, as a result, leads to the
emergence of pathological behaviour in highly
emotional situations. The main reason for this is that
at the beginning of adolescence, they begin to analyse
and understand the basic emotions of a person, and
due to their flexible ability, they understand the
original state of a person. The ability of the first child
to understand the emotions of the other person and to
analyse the child's behaviour increases the tendency
of the child to be submissive. The emotional literacy
scores of girls are significantly higher than those of
boys. In fact, emotional intelligence, which is
considered as a factor that causes feelings. This
causes a fundamental difference in the emotional-
behaviour al sphere of early childhood. Mazkup
motivates the individual to understand and
understand the essence of the problem rather than
controlling the emotions. Therefore, in early
childhood, there is no significant correlation with
managing emotions and understanding the emotions
of others. As for the motivation of striving for
success, the child grows up trying to be the "coolest"
of all, but by the time of early adolescence, the desire
for group cooperation, peflexion, and self-analysis
are acquired. As a result, a person acquires a social
motivation related to the feeling of "being the best of
all". Therefore, no significant correlation was
observed between the two phenomena during early
We explain the reason for the lack of positive
correlation between self-motivation and altruistic
behaviour during student life as follows: professional
motivation is strong in students, but this situation is
connected with the formation of many professional
qualities. Self-motivation is manifested on the basis
of multiple professional orientations and professional
reflexes. Therefore, no significant correlation was
observed between the two events during the student
To conclude, emotional intelligence is important
in the development of altruistic behaviour in a person,
emotional knowledge in early childhood and
adolescence, emotional control in adolescence, self-
motivation, empathy in adolescence, early
adolescence and adolescence, and understanding of
other's emotions have a dominant character in
In general, its emotional component, that is,
empathy and emotional intelligence, especially
emotional knowledge and emotional self-motivation,
are important in the manifestation of altruistic
behaviour in a person. According to U. Bateson,
altruism is a socio-ethical trait related to the inner
emotional world of a person and manifested in his
external behaviour . In addition, the period of
adolescence, early adolescence is considered to be a
period with its emotional sensitivity, and the period
of studentship is characterized by cognitive
development and professional flexible formation.
Therefore, feeling empathy towards another person
and analysing his emotions, identifying with the truth,
directly exposes the person to altruistic behaviour.
As can be seen from the multivariate analysis
presented in Table 1, there was no significant
correlation between the level of intepnality and
expletiveness and altruistic behaviour in the
In fact, in our opinion, there is a higher tendency
towards altruistic behaviour in the international type
of personality. Because he is a very responsible and
conscientious person of international type. However,
the situation identified in our research did not prove
our scientific prediction. We explain the situation as
follows: at the extreme level of intepnality, in our
nazap, a person tends to feel responsible not only for
his own actions; such a quality does not lead a person
to constantly evaluate the behaviour of other people;
as a result, a person's general attention to his own
behaviour, the need to check his personal moral code
diminishes, and the degree of tendency to altruistic
behaviour decreases. If we connect the situation of
Agap with the psychological characteristics of the
youth, the importance of the need for the recognition
of the "sense of adulthood and independence" in
adolescence is determined by the increase in the
desire to put strict personal demands on him, to
evaluate the behaviour of the child, and as a result, in
the adolescent, he is more attached to others. Pa
otherwise, the leader will be out of the game. In this
case, the psychological approach that explains the
motive of altruistic behaviour in the child (described
in Chapter 1) is more, and altruism passes into the
form of "disguised egoism". Any altruistic behaviour
of Osmip will be directed to satisfy his disguised
egoistic needs.
Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic Development in Individuals
has been found to have a positive significant
correlation with altruistic behaviour in early
adolescence ( r= 0.28; p≤0.01) and altruistic
behaviour in student period ( r= 0.32; p≤0.01).
The relationship between introspection and altruistic
behaviour in early adolescence is related to the social
responsibility of the child. Social responsibility in
early adolescence encourages him to take
responsibility for his actions. As a result of this, a
person's cognitive assessment of social reality
becomes a priority. Mazkup's condition is
characterized by the early adolescent's attempt to
display emotional subliminalism.
In students, the intepnal locus was also correlated
with neuropathological behaviour. Most of the cases
indicate that the student's altruistic behaviour is
formed on the basis of social responsibility, moral
principles, and traditions. In addition, empathy serves
as an internal motivational force of a person's
altruistic behaviour and ensures the rationalization of
ipodistic behaviour.
Even in the bipopta of our respondent, the external
locus did not have a positive significant coupling. Of
course, the tendency to always hold someone
responsible for one's own behaviour and the
consequences of one's behaviour is observed in an
exceptional type of person. In this episode, in our
generation, we encounter the functioning of the
psychological mechanism as follows: the system of
relative self-reflection, which reflects the internalized
personal "I" characteristic of social behaviour in a
person, is not fully formed the functioning of the
mechanism for evaluating personal behaviour
according to internal criteria is very slow individual
the behaviour is not evaluated on the basis of the
social behaviour actively adopted by the person
the person is not able to determine for himself the
emotional and moral attitude towards his behaviour
and its consequences a decrease in the level of
personal responsibility for social behaviour and its
consequences is observed.
It is important that the external dogmatism,
autopitapism (Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T. D.,2000)
prevents the person from reproducing his inner
pathopath, and the relatively low level of conformity
in the person may cause the motivational definition of
the group to be overemphasized and the manifestation
of pathological altruistic behaviour in the personal
behaviour. .
Exceptionalism, strongly developed, ensures that a
person is not only responsible for his own behaviour,
but also considers someone to be responsible for it.
Both cases, i.e. both types of subjective locus
nasopathy, can to a certain degree encourage a person
to behave altruistically, or it can be completely the
opposite. Only the specific locus is an important
factor in which type of disease is manifested and at
which stage. A dynamic age-related characteristic of
the pathological form of altruistic behaviour and the
subjective locus of a significant co-operative
relationship between the differential fapqlap in the
nasopat sister was revealed. In this case, the result of
the student on two multipliers has a similar character.
So, after passing a certain myopic threshold in the
development of the individual's subjective local
pathological feature, it was determined that the
relationship between the two psychological structures
does not change smoothly and has a multi-layered
The emotional intelligence and the subjective
locus explaining the moral-behaviour al component
of the altruistic behaviour, which we have extracted
from the affective component, which is important in
the development of the pathological form of the
altruistic behaviour in the person, made it possible to
explain its internal determinants. Now, in order to
explain the cognitive component of subliminal
behaviour, it is important to analyse the system of
concepts related to subliminal behaviour and the
motivation of subliminal behaviour in personality
In general, as a result of the research, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. Emotional intelligence is important in the
development of altruistic behaviour in a person, self-
motivation in adolescence, empathy, emotional
intelligence in early adolescence, empathy, emotional
intelligence in students, control of emotions,
empathy, understanding the emotions of others have
a dominant character, especially empathic
identification is the dominant characteristic of
altruistic behaviour. it is determined that the pational
form ensures brewing;
2. The bapqapop locus nazopat quality, which
determines the characteristic of orientation in the
social behaviour of the adolescent, manifests itself in
his tendency to altruism, but this condition does not
have a significant correlation as a dominant
determining psychological factor;
3. It is based on the fact that the intepnal type of
localization of ipod power in the period of early
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
adolescence and studentship ensures the
manifestation of the patient's altpuistic behaviour;
4. It is proven that emotional intelligence is an
important factor in the stabilization of rational
altruistic behaviour in the system of personal values
due to the integrative manifestation of empathic
identification in connection with reflexive processes
in the cognitive and social component of morality.
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