The origins of linguo-culturology make it possible to
study the culture of any nation - the most complex and
comprehensive category in the history of mankind.
To them, for example, V.V. Along with linguistics,
Krasnykh includes many other sciences of various
directions: ethnopsychology, socio-anthropological,
sociolinguistic, ethnolinguistic, etc. Their study
allows us to concretize the problems of the cultural
development of a particular ethnic group, to
understand the origins of the emerging processes of
the formation of a global cultural layer, including
questions from the philosophy of history to the
material and spiritual culture of various epochs,
peoples, civilizations.
Cultural competence and advancement in the life
of a modern person are largely associated with the
mass media. Among the most effective of them,
which have a powerful impact on the world, is
And although the scientific literature has
extensive information about it, more in-depth studies
are needed. The reason for this is that advertising goes
beyond the economic sphere and becomes a
phenomenon of human culture. By advertising, one
can judge the ideals of the nation since advertisers are
manipulating with appealing to the ideals of the
people. The processes of globalization, which
predetermine the characteristic norms of behaviour,
serve as the basis for the formation of common and
individual actions that are characteristic of different
peoples; in their way, they help prevent international
misunderstandings that require the necessary
consideration of certain situations regarding feelings,
attitudes, interactions, value attitudes towards
language. This is necessary so that when studying
foreign languages, it serves as a park and the task of
influencing advertising on the media.
Advertising not only informs about something,
but it is also instructive. For example, about the
passion for alcohol, about traffic, about
environmental pollution, about plastic bags that
cannot be scattered. Motivation as a category is a
semantic component of advertising, as it is inherent in
the natural essence of advertising. The advertising
text, which embodies a type of verbal
communication, opens new possibilities for the
functioning of the language.
The peculiarity of the study of incentive
statements in linguistics is explained by the role of
incentive statements in the spheres of human activity.
It is in the motivation that the will of the speaker is
expressed, directed to the interlocutor, and the
interpersonal relations of the participants in
Modality is a very broad concept, so it is difficult
to find similar definitions of it. According to M.A.
Abdurazzokov, “the nature of modality is expressed
by the corresponding language norms associated with
a mandatory action (with the verb devoir), a possible
action (with the verb pouvoir) or with an impossible
action. The content of modality is based on a
participant in the situation, i.e., a modal subject
expressing a wish - Abdurazzakov (1985).
As J.A. Yakubov, “There is no consensus on the
content of the category of modality and its volume.
The complication of the problem is also explained by
the fact that the linguistic and logical modalities do
not completely coincide. Modality is the object of
study of both linguistics and logic. If in the first
modality is considered as an important feature of the
sentence, then in the second it is considered as an
important feature of the conclusion as a form of
thinking" - Yoqubov (2003).
Motivation is formed at the basis of the category
of modality, since it unites many elements under the
general seme of motivation, which, although as an
integral part of a complex single one, induce the
addressee to any action, nevertheless do not intersect,
do not repeat and have a specific motivating essence.
That is why it is distinguished by linguists as an
independent category, which has its own content and
form of expression. Thus, the content side is
determined by communicative pragmatics and
semantics, and the expressive aspect is determined by
numerous units of the language that express it and are
endowed with the ability to convey in the language
incarnation. According to the notion that has
developed in linguistics, motivation in its categorical
expression is distinguished by a rich arsenal of
expressive means. Their use allows you to display the
characteristic smallest shades of emotional
motivation - from deeply soft, containing a request,
ingratiating, imbued with politeness, to very sharp,
unceremoniously insistent.
It is not unknown that in every language, and
consequently in Uzbek, there are multiple means of
conveying motivation. Of these, the most frequently
used ones include the imperative mood, certain units
of vocabulary, and incentive sentences. Motivation
carries such meanings as a request, advice, orders,
warnings, various questions, permissions,
prohibitions, and many others.
When performing a speech act, the speaker
performs several actions at the same time. In
particular, the spoken utterance signifies a