1. Lack of proper
2. Availability of
government programs
for tourism
2. Relationship
between routes and
seasons and climate
3. Lack of trained
guides and guides
along the routes and
their lack of awareness
The Jizzakh region boasts immense tourism potential,
particularly in the realm of eco-tourism, which
remains a pertinent avenue for development. The
region's wealth of natural, historical, and
ethnographic sites presents ample opportunities for
the creation of environmentally-conscious routes.
However, harnessing this potential requires the
implementation of both short- and long-term projects
supported by economically viable business strategies.
It's imperative to prioritize environmental
sustainability, striving to minimize the impact on
nature while simultaneously enhancing the local
To fully realize this potential, establishing a
comprehensive ecotourism infrastructure is essential.
This includes the development of informational
resources such as booklets, maps, and online
platforms dedicated to environmental routes and
programs. Moreover, investing in the training of
skilled professionals, organizing educational
seminars, and fostering partnerships between industry
stakeholders are crucial steps towards sustainable
ecotourism development. Despite the region's
abundant resources, current conditions do not fully
align with its potential, underscoring the need for
concerted efforts in professional planning,
management, and monitoring of ecotourism
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