Emergence Stages and Derivative Characteristics of Hippological
Terms Used in the Field of Holidays in the Uzbek Language
Oktam Abdinazarov
Termez Engineering аnd Teсhnоlоgy Institute, Termez,Uzbekistan.
Keywords: Hippologic, Argumoq, Chura Bedov,- Duldul, Yabi, Partal, Chobir, Pocket, Jugruk Horse.
Abstract: In this article, thoughts and comments about the study and lexicographical analysis of the terms related to
hunting in the Uzbek language are highlighted, and the terms related to the field are analysed.
The ideas of literary and universal language are
relevant when discussing the language’s historical
evolution. Terminology is differentiated in the
creation of the contemporary Uzbek literary language
by its unique position and status. Regarding the
function of terminology in the lexicon, there are two
schools of thought. The first idea holds that
terminology is acknowledged as a distinct layer of the
literary language’s lexicon, whereas the second
theory holds that terminology is evaluated as a
«separate» object and is distinct from speech types
(dialect, slang, live conversation) and the literary
language’s vocabulary.
Onomastics (onomastics - the art of naming,
naming) is a collection of all proper names, a branch
of linguistics that studies all proper names, the history
of their change, as well as their appearance. In some
studies, the term onomastics is also used in the sense
of anthroponymy. Onomastics aims to identify and
study existing onomastic systems. Onomastics
consists of the following sections following the
categories of objects that received famous names:
anthroponymics - famous names of people; toponymy
- geographical place names; theonymics - the names
of gods, goddesses, religious-mythical figures and
creatures according to various religious concepts;
zoonymics - the (conditional) names given to
animals; cosmonomics - the names of regions of
space, galaxies, constellations, etc., which are
common in scientific circulation and among the
people; Astronomycs is the study of the names of
certain celestial bodies (planets and stars).
The lexical features of the period of general
development of Turkic languages have been
preserved, especially in zoonyms. Animal names
provide valuable and important information about the
lexical development of Turkic languages, the
functional semantic features of words, and their
formation as names expressing concepts.
As an example of zoological terminology, zoonyms
are being studied nowadays within the scope of
linguistic culture, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics,
sociolinguistics, and other disciplines. They are used
to investigate the peculiarities of a certain nation.
Turkic languages have both similar and different
animal names. Mahmud Koshgari was the first person
to begin studying zoonyms. Devon has over 400
zoonyms registered, including over 100 bird names
among them. The composition «Devonu lugotit turk»
includes terms from a variety of subjects in addition
to zoonyms. As you are aware, the Greek term
«zoonim» conveys the meaning of words that are
associated with animal names. From the perspective
of contemporary Uzbek literature, the zoonyms in
«Devon» may be categorized into two groups: ancient
Turkic zoonyms that are employed in contemporary
Uzbek literature and old Turkic zoonyms that are not
utilized in contemporary Uzbek literature.
Abdinazarov, O.
Emergence Stages and Derivative Characteristics of Hippological Terms Used in the Field of Holidays in the Uzbek Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0012931000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 864-867
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Among the ancient Turkic zoonyms used in the
modern Uzbek literary language, we can mention
goat, camel, bear, dog, snake, and sheep. The scientist
clearly shows that these words are expressed
differently in different languages and dialects. The
lexical-grammatical characteristics of zoonyms in
Turkic languages have been studied. Livestock and
hunting terms reflecting domestic animal lexicon
have been studied. The study of the lexicon of Turkic
languages was carried out on the example of the
analysis of zoonyms. Words with the archetype
«animal» in the Uzbek language are classified based
on the semantic field.
By the time of the old Uzbek language, new
zoonyms began to be formed: topcoq - “chopqir ot”,
kokavyan - “so’na”. In ancient sources, the word
agyatad is mentioned in the meaning of Topcaq
This word is formed from the verb argi= / / argu=,
which is widely used in modern Kyrgyz and Tuva
languages, meaning «to run at a high speed».
In the current dialects of the Kazakh language,
tobysak means «a noun of the Argumog breed»;
In the Kyrgyz language, toburcak is used in the
sense of «good, big noun, fighting noun».
In the sources, tobicag is a «noun typical of
western countries»; topcaq at is also used in the
meaning of «Arabic noun». Below, we will discuss
the forms and meanings of words belonging to the
same noun family in Turkic languages. At (at)
«noun», Mongolian mori(n); Manchj. morin; night
morin, murin, murgan, murgan, helge; in modern
Turkic languages at, merina - stallion, noun. labor
(noun); in Turkmen col ati (desert noun), ala-bula at
«a noun». At (at) is distinguished by vowels in Turkic
languages. in Azerbaijani, Altai, Balkar, Bashkir,
Gagauz, Kazakh, Karakalpak, Kyrgyz, Kumyk,
Nogai, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uyghur, Khakas,
Yakut languages - at, in Tuva - at; of in Uzbek, ul in
Chuvash: In addition to the word at, the words beygir
«stallion», lasa jilki «yilki» and yont «yond» are also
used in the meaning of «noun» (animal) in Turkic
languages. The words baytal and biya in the Oghuz
language mean «female noun».
Qisraq zoonym is observed in dialects of Uzbek
language, Azerbaijani language and a number of
Turkic languages. The structure of the word qisraq
consists of two parts: qsr / qisir and aq. This word
refers not only to nouns, but also to other animals. For
example, Azerbaijani, Turkish. Turkmen; kisir (gisir)
in other Kazakh, Tatar, Uzbek languages; khizir in the
Khakas language; khiser in Chuvash, kisir in Gagauz;
kisir in Nogai language; qisir//qisraq is used in the
form «kisir». Kulun, tan «mare» - Mog. unaga(n),
manchj,-unakhan; night marikan, cader, muron,
xnten, muran, enkecenni. The words kulun and thai in
Turkic languages generally mean a group of nouns of
different ages, and generally mean «mare» in modern
Turkish. This word is found in various phonetic forms
in Turkic languages. For example, Azerbaijani. gay,
gayca, gulun; etc., gag., q.-kalp., qum., Turk, Turkm.
tay, Taycik, Kolin; Uzb. toy, tulpor; Uyghur Tai
Taicak, Chuv. tixa hulun.
Qulun (qulunak, kuluncak, kulunagas) means
«one-year-old mare». In the old Turkic language,
young nouns were named taycaq and kulun. Most of
the time, the word «tai» refers to groups of older
nouns. In modern Uzbek language, tay is used for all
nouns up to three years old, and mare is used for
nouns up to one year old. Functional-semantic
changes are observed in the development of some
zoonyms in Turkic languages. For example, in
Mahmud Koshgari’s «Devon» of the year, it is
interpreted as «herd of animals». In «Boburnoma» it
means «herd of nouns».
The etymology of the term «Yilqi» (from the word
«to collect», «to combine» - G. Vamberi) is also
based on the generalizing scheme in the semantics of
the word. Yilqi is formed by adding the suffix -qi
from the verb yil- meaning «to gather together» (yil+
qi= yilqi). It actually meant «a herd of animals
moving freely in a wide meadow». In the oldest
sources, it mainly represented the concept of «cattle».
Currently, the semantic structure of the word has
narrowed its meaning, only the meaning of «herd of
nouns» is understood. In colloquial style, it also
means «noun» as a result of the transfer of meaning
based on metonymy. In modern Turkic languages,
Azerbaijani language; In the Tuva and Khakas
languages, the words cilgi «noun that has not yet been
run» are found.
Animal husbandry and hunting are the oldest
industries in the Turkic peoples. At the same time,
crafts and agriculture were not alien to them. The
lexical features of the period of general development
of Turkic languages have been preserved, especially
in zoonyms. Animal names provide valuable and
important information about the lexical development
of Turkic languages, the functional semantic features
of words, and their formation as names expressing
concepts. We can see such information in the theory
of many linguists. N. Abdurahmanov interprets the
lexical layer of the ancient Turkic language into
twelve groups from thematic jihad. Summarizing the
information given in the research, the words that were
widely used in the main stages of the development of
the ancient Turkic language can be divided into the
following thematic groups: 1. Place names; 2. Ethnic
Emergence Stages and Derivative Characteristics of Hippological Terms Used in the Field of Holidays in the Uzbek Language
names (clan and tribe names); 3. Personal names; 5.
Hydrotoponyms (names of rivers and lakes); 6.
Zoonyms (names of animals and birds) are divided
into groups such as names of land and water animals.
In Turkish languages: «zoocomponent phraseological
units reflect physical quality, appearance, character
traits, intellect, human activity, etc.» The
domestication of animals such as nouns, camels,
sheep, cats, dogs, and cows became a more important
factor in the enrichment of phraseological units with
positive meanings in the lexicon of Turkic peoples in
terms of expression and content. One of these articles,
Abdinazarov Otkam Kushokovych, a teacher of the
Termiz Institute of Engineering and Technology,
covered the topic «Study of terms related to noun
breeding in the Uzbek language» very interestingly.
Opinions and remarks on the research and
lexicographical analysis of words associated with
hunting in the Uzbek language are discussed in this
article. The history and customs of nounback riding
in Uzbekistan date back thousands of years. Since
ancient times, the Uzbeks have never dismounted.
«On nounback» was how Amir Temur, Mirzo
Ulugbek, and Mirzo Babur lived their lives.
Noun breeding is a large branch of animal
husbandry. Like other peoples, the Uzbek people
have been a special profession of noun-breeding since
ancient times. As a result, the Uzbek language has its
own terms for noun breeders, noun groomers, noun
trainers, noun traders, and noun harness makers.
Hippologic (hippology - Greek. hippos - noun+logy,
i.e. the science of noun) terminology under
consideration has an original Uzbek (general Turkic)
layer, which confirms the existence of terms related
to noun breeding since ancient times. Along with
many zoonyms, names of nouns are also found in folk
epics. There are more than thirty types of nouns in
folk epics.
Today, there are innovations and changes in all
aspects of linguistics. There are scientific and secular
views on the place and importance of the terms
related to heat. Noun breeding is a branch of livestock
breeding. He is engaged in raising, breeding,
improving the breed of nouns. Noun breeding is a
cheap, efficient source of energy as a working animal.
Noun breeding in Asia and Europe. av. It appeared in
the 4th millennium. Undoubtedly, one of the ancient
centers of noun racing is the latitudes of Central Asia.
Nouns mil. av. In the 2nd millennium, it spread from
Central Asia to Asia Minor, and from there to Africa.
Nouns were brought to America by Europeans in the
16th century, and to Australia in the 17th century.
After the nouns were trained and domesticated, they
became a permanent assistant to man in performing
many tasks, separate cavalry troops were formed in
the army. In some nations, noun-breeding has become
a branch of the economy in which food products -
meat and milk - are obtained.
The argumoqs of the Movarounnahr region of the
Ancient East have a rightful place in history among
grain-bearing animals, famous for their unique
biological properties useful for the economy. The
images of Boychibor and Ghirot in the Uzbek folk
epics «Alpomish» and «Goroguli» are an example of
The history and customs of nounback riding in
Uzbekistan date back thousands of years. Since
ancient times, the Uzbeks have never dismounted.
«On nounback» was how Amir Temur, Mirzo
Ulugbek, and Mirzo Babur lived their lives. One
significant area of animal husbandry is noun
breeding. The Uzbek people, like other peoples, have
long practiced yak husbandry as a unique vocation.
For this reason, terminology for noun breeders,
groomers, trainers, dealers, and harness
manufacturers are unique to the Uzbek language.
Hippology (hippology - Greek. hippos -
noun+logy, i.e. the science of nouns) terminology
under consideration has an originally Uzbek (general
Turkic) layer, which confirms the existence of noun
breeding terms from ancient times. Along with many
zoonyms, there are also a large number of nouns in
folk epics. There are more than thirty types of nouns
in folk epics.
These names serve to express the following signs
of nouns according to their lexical-semantic
1.1. Classification of nouns according to physical
a) Fast and agile thoroughbred nouns: argumoq
(20, III), aspi tozi (53, III), Arabian noun (243, III),
Bedov noun (20, III), chura Bedov (332, III), beli
humpbacked noun (122, III), duldul noun (22, III),
running noun (67, III), sopok noun (264, III), toriq
noun (158, III), vulpor noun (233, III)
b) Low-breed, unfit nouns: yabi noun (280, III),
partal noun (39, III), chummok noun (351, III),
pocket noun (242, III), chobir noun (265), III).
The following words serve as the basis for the
separation of these types of nouns, which differ
according to their physical abilities:
1. Tozi - according to the sources, the word «tozi»
was used in relation to the Arab people. Also, in
ancient Turkic sources, greyhound skin is used for
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
striped and variegated nouns. For example, in
Mahmud Kashgari’s work «Devonu Lugatit Turk»
«taz noun» is explained as follows: a taz noun cannot
travel - a noun with striped skin cannot carry goods.
Because his nails are bad. In the «Annotated
Dictionary of the Uzbek Language» tazi is an Arabic
shepherd hunting dog; a sharp Arabic noun; It is
interpreted as a swift noun, a vulture. In my opinion,
as Mahmud Kashgari noted, the name of this noun
was based on the mark on the noun’s skin.
2. Arabi, Bedoav - in history, our ancestors paid
special attention to Arabian nouns. Bedoav, which
appears in the epics, is related to the Arabic word
Bedouin, which means a desert dweller, and as a
result of the transfer of meaning of this word, a noun
with adjectives such as Arab noun, sharp, sharp
meaning has arisen. In the descriptive dictionary of
the Uzbek language, the word «chura» is also used to
describe choppy Arabic nouns in the Dostons, which
are explained in the meaning of Bedav (Persian) -
Yugur, Uchkur or Arabic desert noun. According to
Radlov, the word Churra means hard worker in
Turkic languages. Thus, chura Bedov means a swift,
dexterous, hard-working noble noun.
3. The epithet beli dong is also used to indicate the
positive characteristics of nouns. The origin of this
epithet was based on the word dol used in classical
sources (dol is the letter representing d in the Arabic
alphabet). Compare: in M. Kashghari it is explained
as follows: jugruk at - yugruk at. A gallant noun that
overtakes in a race.
4. Negative words are used as adjectives (epithets)
for nouns of low breed and unfit for running due to
their emotional color. For example, in ancient Turkic
sources and in Turkic languages, the word yabi is also
used to refer to thin, cunning, angry, naughty, hungry
animals and persons. In the explanatory dictionary of
the Uzbek language (Persian), it is explained in the
meaning of a load carrier, a low breed, a noun.
5. Gonan - a two-year-old noun; in Mongolian, a
three-year-old bull (g’o’//du) or any male animal. In
the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language,
gonon is defined as a two-year-old stallion or ram.
A foal is a four-year-old noun, as well as any
domestic animal that is four years old. Explanatory
dictionary of the Uzbek language donon (Mongolian
- four-year-old) 1. A noun or camel that is three years
old and has passed four years. 2. Two years old, three
years old or interpreted as a goat.
Kulun is a noun that saw a spring. Also a yearling
noun. In addition to these, words such as tobichok,
tay, tailoq. In addition to these, words such as
tobichok, tay, tailoq are also used as a reference to the
age of nouns. For example, in OTEL, the name «toy»
is used in the form of a child younger than two years
old, but it is known from «Devon» that this name,
which had the same meaning in the ancient Turkish
language, was originally pronounced in the style of
«toy». It is no secret that in Uzbek literature, the term
«sinchi» is used a lot in connection with harvesting.
Sinchi is used for people who know well the breed
and character of nouns (animals). In the «Alpomish»
saga, the names of Kosa sinchi, which defines the
definition and description of nouns, Toliboy sinchi in
the «Gorogli» epic, and Tersak sinchi in the
«Ravshan» epic are mentioned.
In summary, during the course of the lengthy
historical period spanning from the earliest eras of our
language’s history to the start of our century, the
majority of the nouns and other phrases associated
with the yearling that are represented in the Uzbek
language were actively utilized. comprises units. This
is why the lexical-semantic examination of yearly
terms, in conjunction with other lexical units, is
crucial for an in-depth understanding of disciplines
like etymology, historical lexicography, lexicology,
and language history.
Uzbek national encyclopedia, first volume. Tashkent, 2000.
p. 198
An explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. 5
volumes. Vol. - Tashkent: National Encyclopedia of
Uzbekistan State Scientific Publishing House, 2008. p.
Ancient Turkic dictionary. - Leningrad: Nauka, 1969
Mahmud Koshgari. Devonu dictionary of Turkish. Three
volumes. Volume III. Translator and publisher S. M.
Mutallibov. - Tashkent: UzFA, 1963. p. 163
Dictionary of Navoi’s works. - Tashkent: Publishing house
of literature and art named after G. Ghulam, 1972. p.
Radlov V.V. Opyt slovarya Turkskih narechii. - St.
Petersburg, 1905.219-p
Emergence Stages and Derivative Characteristics of Hippological Terms Used in the Field of Holidays in the Uzbek Language