Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
Surayyo I. Eshankulova
Chirchik State of Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Spiritual World, Special, Personal, Private, Magical, Mysterious, Pleasant Feeling, Specific Rhyme,
Spiritually Pure.
Abstract: Hearts that step on the threshold of poetry is a priceless treasure full of gems. A good poet, in this sense, can
be said to be a miraculous personality. Through their poems, talented artists always examine heartaches,
unbridled emotional experiences, and changes in the psyche. A person’s heart is purified through pain and
sorrow. Since ancient times, the human heart has been considered the place of enlightenment.
According to Ahle Tariqat, pain is a tool for human
perfection. God’s grace to His beloved servants. The
great thinker Jalaluddin Rumi admitted: “Pain always
opens the way for a person. For every job in the
world, there should be passion, lust and pain in the
human heart. Otherwise, a person cannot do this.
Painless and labor-free work is not worthy of him-
Jalaluddin Rumi (2003). Artists express their pain and
suffering through magic words and try to make others
happy even when they are sad. “The poem is created
as a result of the poet's natural need to express his
“pain” to others - Rustamov A. (1979). “Adding to
these views, it can be filled like this. “The pain of the
creator, and especially of the lyric poet, is a special,
personal and private pain that has gone out of the
narrow circle. The artist expresses the pain of others
through his pain. He turned the pains of others into
his own pains, had a more developed sense of
compassion towards the general public than others,
and was called to alleviate human pains with his art,
lively and healing words, and therefore understood
his great responsibility. Pains are born of
contradictions in this world. They are the result of
conflicts. The poem reflects the sharp dramatism of
conflicts. Dramatic tension is the pain of poetry"-
Gafurov I. (1982) - this pain is prominent in Nadira’s
You are not a vassal of Yor.
A flower cannot be found without a chorus,
- When we look at the lyrics of Nadira, who is the
queen of love, we can see that in the work of the
poetess, together with love , the images of the psyche
of the lyrical hero, the love in the heart , and the
emotional sufferings experienced by a person because
of it, are depicted in a special harmony.
The words Ishq and Muhabbat are Arabic words,
and in their essence, they both mean a strong yearning
of the heart towards the beloved - Komilov N. (1996).
"Love is a complex process that manifests itself in the
spiritual and spiritual world of a person through
emotions, and each lover interprets this reality in his
own way. Since the artistic work is a figurative
reflection of the inner experiences of a person, that
variety finds its literary expression in the examples of
the artistic thinking of the word artists - Eshankulov
H. (2020). Poet's ghazals are undoubtedly a
continuation of the traditional Eastern poetry
dedicated to this eternal theme.
The lyrical hero of the poetess does not set a strict
boundary between love and ignorance. Nadira's
lyrical hero is a lover who praises God, and we can
see that he suffered in many of his poems. As we said
above, Nadira is a follower of Alisher Navoi and
Fuzuli in terms of scope of themes, ideological
direction and artistic image. Like his predecessors, he
expresses profound observations through the medium
of love. Following his teachers, he also sees metaphor
as a tool for truth.
In the poet's ghazals, the interpretation of mystical
ideas is based on the image of the soul. According to
Sufism sources, “...the soul (heart - S.E.) does not
Eshankulova, S.
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet.
DOI: 10.5220/0012931900003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 876-886
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
manifest divine visions until it is transparent, clean
and bright - Sheikh Najmuddin Kubro. (2020).”
Imam al-Bukhari's “Al Jame' as-Sahih’ In his
work, the following hadith is narrated from the
Prophet (pbuh): "There is a piece of meat in the body,
if it is healthy, the whole body will be healthy. If it
breaks , it's whole the body is broken . Warning be !
That's it thing is the heart !" - Abu Abdullah
Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, et. al. (1997). Poet
Nodira admits it like this:
I don't want a glass of wine,
The sun is shining.
A little wave of love may be heard in chorus,
Az dili hud kebab mehohad.
Soqiya, may bideh ki sinai man,
Otashe dorad, ob mehohad.
Dil Muqim Harimi Dargah is above,
Lahzae fathi chapter mehohad.
The sad question of the heart is like a kiss,
I don't want an answer .
Content: The soul wants a cup of wine, it wants the
sun like a speck. I drank water from the waves of my
tears, I want kebab from my tongue. Give me water,
my dear, because my heart is burning and wants
water. The soul dwells in the harem of his deathbed,
longing for the gates to be opened for a moment. This
sad soul asks for a kiss, wants an answer from his lips
It can be seen from the text of the ghazal that the
lyrical hero wants a cup of wine, that is, he wants a
magical, mysterious, pleasant feeling that will visit
his heart after all these pains, like a particle inviting
the sun. The poet's lyrical hero is suffering from his
experiences and sufferings, but he is happy. He
wishes that these sufferings will not leave him, that
even though his body will turn into kebab, he will stay
with him. Only then will the unspoken feelings in the
heart grow, and he prays to become familiar with
these feelings.
The main theme in Nadira's work was mainly the
theme of emigration. The poetess, who has lost her
husband and is in endless suffering, expresses her
inner pains and sufferings of migration in her ghazals.
"Poetry is a bright celebration of living, it's a
breath of life that covers us from time to time; this is
the mood of passions, the peak of trembling, the wave
and storm of feelings, the flood of love, the joy of
pleasure, the crown of painful dreams, the taste of
suffering, the thirst for endless tears..." - we can say
without hesitation that this situation is beautiful in the
poetess's lyrics [8]. he got bored. We can see a clear
proof of this situation in the radiative ghazal of the
poet "Etmak kerat" . This ghazal of the poetess is
written in her own hasbi holi style and consists of
seven stanzas. Ramali musaddasi the trouble in
weight written being _ a-a a-b a- c a - g in the style of
rhymed . In the ghazal to the rhyme received from
words fig'on , mugon , ravan , gulistan words Persian,
description, translator words while Arabic is
considered A lyrical hero next in bytes "Hey Nasim",
"Hey Sumanbar " like incentives with appeal by doing
compliment art uses _ Ghazal Don't be rare as case in
the style of written _ Turning to Sumanbar, a stain of
your care has appeared in my heart, the separation of
my husband Amiri sounds like a sung melody. But the
poetess does not reveal the lover, although we can
learn about it while reading the ghazal. In the ghazal,
the mystical spirit is also in the leading position. The
use of the symbol of the lips from Sufism in Matla is
a proof of our opinion.
The poetess does not oppose figurative love to real
love, but believes that figurative love is a means to
the truth. The beloved, sung by the poetess, is the
meaning of life, the light of the heart . As can be seen
from the following stanzas, in Nadira's poetry worldly
love is not opposed to divine love. Perhaps "figurative
love love is valued as a form of real love or as a
specific stage on the way to real love." For a
spiritually pure, spiritually perfect person, the
metaphor itself is the truth. " We have mentioned
above that the poetess's ghazals are connected with
the teachings of Sufism, in which religious and
mystical ideas occupy an important place. Byte:
If you fall in love, oh heart, you have to make a
It is necessary to make your heart bleed by
remembering Yor Lalin (N1; 225).
The lyrical hero appeals to the heart and orders
that if you fall in love, remember your dear Lali and
make your heart bleed. We know that in Sufism
literature, the human heart is the house of God.
Therefore, if you are in love with God, remember him
and make your heart bleed . Through the combination
of "bleed your heart" , the poetess strengthens the love
for God and points to the purification of the heart. The
purpose of Sufism is to purify a person from a
spiritual and spiritual point of view, that is, to educate
a perfect person. Yor lali is to reach the goal of divine
love. In the ghazal, not only divine, but also
metaphorical love is sung, which we can observe in
the second stanza. Byte:
Don't do the mahram party of the soul,
A faithful lover must be tested first.
The poetess advises the lyrical hero to beware of
amateur lovers and first to test the one whom he
thinks is faithful. In this verse, it refers to the fact that
the servant does not test God, but God tests his
servants. Byte:
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
Oh my heart, you have lost the sheikh's guidance,
Now you have to go and pay for the service.
In this stanza, we can see that the mystical spirit
led the work of the poetess. The poetess turned to the
heart and said that since you have lost the sheikh's
guidance, now you should do the service of the
innkeeper . In Sufism, a pir is a guide to his disciple,
that is, a guide. If the heart needs to be purified in
order to strengthen the love for God, the pir will guide
the lover in this process. In this, the murid is at the
service of the sheikh. The poet referred to this very
process. In the next stanza, the poet made a turn in her
thoughts and created the art of compliments. Byte:
O nasimi, oh, ul sarvi sihi raftoriga,
It is necessary to smooth out your noise without
noticing it.
O Sumanbar, take care of my heart everywhere,
Spots bloomed _ walking Gulistan to do need.
In this stanza, the lyrical hero turned to sumanbar and
said that spots appeared in my heart because of your
separation. Those spots turned into flowers, he says .
In other words, oh beautiful of aqva, because of your
separation, spots have blossomed on all sides of my
heart, and now I have to go for a walk in this flower
garden. This stanza can be understood in two ways:
There was no love for God before, so there was a
stain in the heart, that is, the heart was not purified.
Only after the heart was purified and the love for God
increased, that heart became a flower.
"... there is a stain in my heart because of your
care...", Amiri said, there is also a hint of separation.
In this verse, the art of tazad was created through the
words dog - flower .
The point is abstract, the imagination that your
mouth cannot grasp,
S o zlabon ul nu q ta asorin statement to do need
Coming to the next stanza, the poetess points out that
since the mouth of the lyrical hero is hidden like a dot,
it is necessary to reveal his secret by speaking. In
praise, the poet says that I came to such a state of
separation that it is difficult to express in words, that
is, because of your separation, I changed my name to
Komila and described my biography in my works, in
which my pen became a translator.
I'm sorry on the other hand divorce from your pain
Hasbi I'm sorry the pen translator to do need _
Here, the poet did not choose the nickname
Komila for nothing. The lyrical hero's love for God
increased by the last stanza, his heart was purified and
he became a perfect person. As a result, Komila got
the nickname and deserved it.
Words rhymed in the ghazal: figon, blood, exam,
mugon, ravon, guliston, translator. The type of rhyme
is specific rhyme. In this case, the sound "n" is
radiative, and the two words "etmak kerat" are
radiative. If we take the sound "N" as rawi, then the
long vowel sound "o" that comes before rawi is ridf-i
original (fig'on). In rhymes, syllables are also very
important, because any rhyme consists of syllables or
syllables, which are sounds. The number of joints is a
common symptom for both finger weight and finger
weight. If we approach from this point of view, the
rhyme in Turkish poetry is also divided into groups
according to the number of rhymes. In this ghazal,
Nadira uses rhyming words such as blood with one
syllable, fig'on, mugon, ravon with two syllables,
examan, gulistan, and translator with three syllables.
If we focus on the phonetic signs of rhyme, all
rhyming words are closed syllable rhymes.
"The pain of the creator, and especially of the lyric
poet, is a special, personal and private pain that has
gone out of the narrow circle. The artist expresses the
pain of others through his pain. He turned the pains of
others into his own pains, had a more developed sense
of compassion towards the general public than others,
and was called to alleviate human pains with his art,
lively and healing words, and therefore understood
his great responsibility. Pains are born of
contradictions in this world. They are the result of
conflicts. The poem reflects the sharp dramatism of
conflicts. Dramatic tension is the pain of poetry. "
In fact, "characteristic incidents and events in life
attract the attention of the artist, settle in his heart and
consciousness, do not give him rest, disturb the
balance of thinking and reasoning in his life and
work. The mental state that conquered the artist's
heart and disturbed his peace and well-being is called
a lyrical experience.
So, a poem is the content of the soul, and it is
attractive because it is wider, more beautiful and
richer than any definition. But even the best
descriptions cannot explain the whole mystery, power
and magic of the miraculous poem. Because the
definitions cover only the general features and laws
of poetry. Since the poem is related to the most subtle
and complex fillings of the world of human
psychology, human inner experiences, it never fits
into definitions. Because in this concept, the balance
of artistic truth and the level of life coverage, the
conflict of intellect and feeling is perceived.
Now, lets dwell on the place of the heart in the
images of the psyche of the lyrical hero in the poet's
ghazals. At this point, in our opinion, it is appropriate
to dwell on the role of the soul in human life. Many
books have been written about it. In fact, the heart has
been the most frequently used word in Turkish poetry
since ancient times, meaning “the source of one's
feelings and experiences; heart, soul, heart” or in
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
other words, “soul is the name given to the spiritual
being , strength, love, hate, faith, good and bad - the
whole existence and expression of all feelings”.
A poem is a poem of the soul, and it is attractive
because it is wider, more beautiful and richer than any
definition. But even the best descriptions cannot
explain the whole mystery, power and magic of the
miraculous poem. Because the definitions cover only
the general features and laws of poetry. Rather, the
poem never fits into definitions because it is related
to the most subtle and complex fillings of human
psychology, the world of human inner experiences.
Because in this concept, the balance of artistic truth
and the level of life coverage, the conflict of intellect
and feeling is perceived.
Man appeared, and of course he has a heart,
naturally, he has a soul. The strings of the heart are so
delicate that a person can rise to the top with a little
attention, and his spirit reaches the highest level. If it
is slightly disturbed, it will get sick. Therefore, we
can see in this ghazal of the poetess that it is not for
nothing that our people say “The heart is harder than
a stone - more delicate than a flower”, “The heart
remains - the glass breaks”:
Dilbari hudkomi ban tarfi kulah bar kaskast,
Jilva dar oina kard mah az sar kaskast .
Contents: My charmer, who works on his own accord,
happily broke his hat (he cut his cap in half), glittered
in the mirror, and lost the value of the mirror.
The ruler of the heart of the lyrical hero, knocked
to the ground by the leaning mountain. For example,
while his lover was going to another place, he cut his
beloved (cap) in half, which was a crown on his head.
The poet’s poetic image of “ Jilva dar oina kard mah
az sar shikast” while brightening her life has given her
the value of her beloved .
In other words, the creators used various artistic
means to describe the mental mood of the lyrical hero
in their ghazals. In the following stanzas we can see
an increase in tone and expressiveness.
The original stone is a friend, the day is a mirror,
The jewelry is broken, the jewelry is damaged.
Contents: He turned his face away from the mirror
because he had the real gem in him, and the beauty of
the ornaments broke because he had passed away
from the adornment of beauty.
What torments the lyrical hero is that his lover,
whom he considered to be the real gem, turned away
from him. The poetess likens the lyrical hero to a
mirror - an ornament of beauty, and through the art of
contrast , describes the lyrical hero's broken heart and
broken beauty in painful verses.
La'li khushobash bidosht, danai yakdil guzhosht,
Tashnai on javharam k - in hama javhar shikast .
Contents: There was a gem of a heart on his lips, he
left it, I am thirsty for that gem that broke all jewels.
It is clear from the stanza that while the lyrical
hero emphasizes that his only heart is a jewel, in the
second stanza he compares both his beloved and
himself to jewels. The heart of a lover, burning with
love, does not stop loving his partner, even if it is for
a moment. The fact that he is burning to ashes with
the pains he caused sounds sad in the lines.
Sunbulash is a little flower, a fragrant variety is tall,
Shahpari peacock rext, maybe a saroza injury.
Contents: Rose buds sprouted from the flower face
and new flowers rose, and the peacock's feathers were
shed, and the head and legs were broken.
As long as love lives in the heart of the lyrical
hero, pain and suffering are also in the depths of his
heart, causing him pain and torture. In the love of his
lover, the lover is forced to say that his semen has
been spilled and he is completely exhausted.
Even the letter of the green spirit is like a ring of
Either way, the cost is damage to the warehouse.
Contents: His sabza letters and his face were seen
from the ring of the cuckoo, the two came together
and broke the store’s value.
The lyrical hero sees his beloved more than his
soul, waits for him, but is disappointed by his
infidelity and falls ill himself. The poet points out that
his carelessness, being with her, caused the neglected
beloved to fall ill, to suffer from pain, in a word, to be
damaged by heartache.
I don't want to get drunk.
Jami wine tahur bar lip kavsar damage.
Contents: The drunkenness of La’li’s lips tore the
clothes on the hur, the chalice of pure wine injured
the kavsar's lips.
the lyrical hero praises his lover as “lily lip” , his
drunkenness in love with another man shakes and
stings his heart. That's why, comparing himself to a
prostitute, he forcefully declares that his lover's
betrayal has bribed his clothes, filled his pure love
with pain, and humiliated him instead of pitying him
in the path of love.
Z-on labu ruhsora dosh-dosht dil instrument aysh,
Dast zadu sham' kusht, po zadu sogar shikast .
Contents: Because of the blessing of that labu
rukhsar, I had an ayshu ishrat instrument in my
mouth, he blew out the candle with a clap, and he
damaged my cup by kicking it with his foot.
It is clear from the text of the ghazal that the
lyrical hero has nothing but a heart full of love. The
love and joy that brings him to the light, gives him
pleasure, and gives peace to a dull heart, has turned
away from him today, that is, his beloved has
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
extinguished the candle of hope with his own hands
and turned his life into winter. The words used in the
lines “the reason for the conversion of the heart is the
turning to ashes of the burning sufferings of Hajr - the
end. The fact that the lover, who was his heart's
home, was destroyed by the hands of the lover, who
was burning with love, immerses the reader in
thought. After all, love should be “sympathy for the
heart” worthy of respect, and if a man suffers instead
of it, destroys the heart of his beloved, such a situation
will certainly make the reader think and torture. This
situation is called “lyrical experience, a state of mind
that has conquered the artist's heart and disturbed his
peace and well-being.”
Oh ki nahli kadash meva ba agyor dod,
Chobi jafa harchi dosht dar sani abtar shakast.
Contents: Oh, the sprout of his waist gave fruit to
others, he broke it on my head as much as he could.
Seeing that the owner of the trusting garden of the
heart and the house of the heart of the lyrical hero is
showing love to others, instead of the innocent
beloved suffering, suffering, and being happy with
her happiness because of her lover, the burning pain
of the poet is expressed in high painful curtains in the
verse. The truths of the inner life of the poet's lyrical
hero, the world of human feelings, passions and
desires are impressively shown in bright artistic
Maknunaro's memory is confused and sad,
Chun buti gulfomi fomio' zulfi muanbar injury.
Contents: When he spread his flower-faced beautiful
perfumes, make the memory of Maknuna distraught
with grief.
The love and pain of the lyrical hero are common
to the sensitive experiences of the poetess. Mahbuba
has nothing but the love of her soul home. And if its
destruction kills the beloved, the world of the poetess
will be destroyed by a flood of grief. It can be seen
from the review of the text of the ghazal that the soul's
entry into the poetry itself is a factor that ensures the
suffering of the heart and soul of the lyrical hero, and
the artistic coloring of the soul's needs. We can see
that the old truth that “the state of the heart is known
by the words” as said by Great Navoi, is clearly
manifested in the poetry of Nadira, a devoted follower
of Benazir teacher. Therefore, it is natural that the
pure human feelings, whether it is metaphorical love
or divine love, first of all appear in the heart and settle
there. That is, "The people of Irfan call the moment
when the heart is freed from the burden and filled with
the love of the Truth. “Man this career to find with
status to the province step put will be In his eyes
example , in the word wisdom and Anvori divine in
the heart fake”.
In several of her ghazals, the poetess addresses the
heart, becomes mysterious with it, suffers from it,
and, as she says, receives spiritual support from it,
writes down the most delicate aspects of the heart.
Also, along with the lyrical hero, the creative heart
also finds its artistic expression in the poems of the
poem :
Happy birthday to you,
The heart is free from sorrow.
The heart of the room is on the edge,
Until the end of the day, the building will be
Ishrati javid bar kaf doshti,
O heart, remember to visit a little party.
Eyes and heart are empty,
Volai on sarvi khurizod bod.
Content: May our memory be happy in your presence,
may it be a song of the soul, freed from eternal
sorrow. The house of the heart is his sweet home, may
this house of the heart prosper until the end of the day.
Oh heart, eternal luxury was in your hand, you should
remember his feast. In the prison of vanity of eyes and
heart, let him be the cypress of the cypress of
It is also clear from the text of the ghazal that
“Enjoying a work of art is to enter into a relationship
with the artist’s heart”, so the reader sees the heart of
the lyrical hero and the creator with his heart and
unites them in one point. In these verses, the process
of pictorial expression of feelings in the human heart
is observed through lyrical experience.
While talking about the symbol of the soul in
poetry, it is necessary to dwell on how it was treated
in classical literature, especially in Sufism. "In
Sufism, there is a single temple that unites the people
of the world, regardless of religion, race, sect,
nationality. The main source of this mystical life is
the throne of God, which is called the mind and heart.
So, to make people's language happy and to enjoy it
is to be worthy of God’s throne. This situation is
embodied in the poet’s poetry in different forms and
different meanings:
My heart is in a box.
Ba thought zulfi tu pechidu taqqi shar kard shar.
The people are wondering if the eyes are empty.
He opened his mouth and opened it.
Tu is the flower of everything, ban is the letter of
Ki be tu pardai chashmi taram ba doman kard.
Dil az darat, liver, bribery,
On Khazan's rasi, he threshed flowers and
Content: My heart landed on your nose like sand, got
wrapped up in your thoughts and wrapped around my
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
neck. People were surprised when they saw that he
had chosen a strange place near your eyes. You are
the same as a flower, I am the same as a young girl.
My tear-soaked skirt became my eyelid. Dil plucked
the liverworts from your threshold, he saw as if he
saw a haystack, and he plucked the flowers and
threshed them.
It can be seen from the analysis of the ghazal that
the poem is born under the influence of certain
feelings and experiences, no matter what events it is
written under. He expresses them artistically. It is
known that a poetic work is not created by itself. In
order for a feeling to become an experience, it must
go through several “stages”. If the first characteristic
of the nature of lyrical experience is its sincerity, then
in the poetry of Nadira it is the highest and the most
important, as we have seen in the process of analyzing
the above ghazal.
Oriental classical poetry is a unique type of poetry
in terms of content and form, poetic imagery, and the
world of images. Lyric is a unique creation, poetry is
a unique discovery of God's grace - invisible grace in
the form of feelings, passions, experiences, thoughts,
and imaginations. The work of poetry is a series of
cruel tortures for some, and a source of pleasure and
motivation for others, regardless of this, it is a
mysterious and magical joy that shows the command
of the creative heart and human will. Although this
fate tortures and torments the artist, it gives him peace
in a series of lines:
Wake up the mind of the careless dame, dear,
Make my pale lambs happy, Lord...
The gazelle did it, Nadira made a complaint
Express what you have in your heart, listen.
As can be seen from the verses of the ghazal, the
poet expresses her inner feelings by turning to God.
While asking the Creator to wake up the heart of the
lover from his ignorance, the eyes of the dildo, which
should have been black in his love, turn “white” from
waiting for his lover, therefore, he is asking the
Creator to lighten his heart and bring the flames of
love to the ruler of his heart. The heart of the lyrical
hero is comforted, albeit a little, by the fact that the
ghazal, which consists of a string of charming words,
was created to describe this situation. In this place,
“..Navoi achieved extremely high results in
describing emotional experiences, pain and feelings,
movements and landscapes”. - we think that the views
of the scientist can be applied to Nadira's work
without any hesitation.
A creative person seeks refuge from the flood of
words. It is only in that place that one gets peace of
mind or is disturbed. That is, the artist can visit his
own and others' hearts only through the heart. The
poet's confession:
You broke my heart seven times,
Jonah, my date doesn't like me...
He did not want to give his life and blood to grief,
Oh, death, you are pure and pure, you have made
me miserable.
According to the interpretation of the poetess, the
seat of the human heart is the heart. If something
happens, the same situation in a person's life - if there
is goodness and prosperity, his marriage will be good
and prosperous, and if the opposite happens, this will
not affect his life. The lyrical hero says that his heart
is burnt to the last degree by the separation of his wife,
his soul is in pain, and he can't bear this grief
anymore, that is, without a wife, there is no blood in
his body without love, without blood there is no soul,
he turns to death and asks to save himself from these
sufferings. ..the poetic image belongs to the restless
soul, the painful heart, rather than the poet's thoughts.
The content of the image always expresses the truth
of the soul and heart. These verses from the poet's
ghazal also show how correct the views of the literary
scholar are:
I will not reveal the secret of my heart,
Let your lips be exposed.
It is clear from the text of the ghazal that “... the
scope of the theme of love written in the pen was the
basis for turning it into a masterpiece of poetry that
creates a flood of emotions in the poet’s heart... he
expressed in words how his sweet soul became a
prisoner of longing in the sufferings of migration.”
Scientist I. Adizova, who recognized that the
image of the heart is compared to a bud in Eastern
literature, “And Uvaisi gave an unexpected comment
to it (the heart - S.E.):
I am happy bird wild , ani rom skirt as if love you
cage They are holding a piece of plastic.
Poet this in the byte cheer up wild to the bird like,
it's love and visol to be tamed by means of
emphasizes . Take heart to the bud analogy , its color
and sadness It is wild to the bird simile while his
nature illuminates”.
When we observe Nadira's lyrics, we can see that
the heart is compared to a bud in several places. In
one of the poet's ghazals:
Faizi Lutfing once opened the bud of hearts,
Are you a state of Bahoristan or Gulistan?
It's rare, it's clear that I'm lucky,
Are you the light in my eyes or the light in my
- He exclaims. In the ghazal, the poetess skillfully
uses the art of tajhouli orif, telling the yor that with
your grace, the bud of a burning heart has sprouted in
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
her body, and the ointment of her love, which inspired
her feelings, is " Bahoristani State",
"Gulistondurmusen", "Konglum aro jondurmusen", –
The buds do not open and you are lonely.
Don't let the blood in my heart die until it's new...
The lyrical hero of the poetess likes the heart to a bud,
and with her emotional and impressive soul, she
wishes that the bud, which is full of gulshan, should
not open without a demand. If the bud is empty, then
the suffering of the lyrical hero means that his heart
is bleeding. This situation causes not only the bud, but
also the nightingale, which is striking the gulshan,
and the Afghan smokes and cries. The poetess, who
felt from her heart that making a lover's journey,
hijra's ado-yu-khazan, and the tulips will become a
stain, does not share this suffering with anyone. The
sufferings of my body and soul do not destroy the
heart of others, he prays to the Creator:
Don't let me cry like a nightingale,
May your heart not die like a nightingale.
Nadira was disappointed by Lola's spots.
No one, O Rab, should die as a prisoner of Hijran.
purifies the soul with the ashes of the fire of love,
i.e. with the agony of Hajr , turns it into a lover's
cradle, and thus elevates the lover to a great status:
My daughter's cypress tree has died, my heart is a
The chamans died, and my grief appeared.
Chu tarki jilva seven khisravi Khurshid Rukhsorim,
The rust of the mirror of the mind is always there.
The heavens, with mercy, suck my heart with soul,
That my heart has come to you, it's a good thing.
It is clear from reading the verses of the poetess that
"Talent is such a gem that it is a gem in the bottom of
the sea, a gem in the shell, talent is such a beautiful
stream that in its every drop there is the power of
rivers, the depth of oceans, talent is such a flower that
in each of its unopened buds is the length of grasses
and has freshness. “From the sighs of the lyrical hero
even if the heart is hurt , the heart turns into grass like
a bud, the face of the beloved illuminates the world
like the moon, therefore, he asks the sky to have
mercy on him, pointing out that his soul is not a soul
without a soul, that love for a lover is a beacon of
hope for living, a bosom of life.
The evening fell to my heart like a bud.
Sahari was not very happy".
It turns out that the bud used in the lines burned
the dark night and evening so much that the morning
was not pleasant, the heart did not smile. Because “the
turning of fiery sufferings into ashes - the end of the
heart is the reason for the turning of the heart.”
The heart became blood, the secret of your mouth
was not clear at all,
Who will open this problem like a red flower bud?
Why don't you kiss my body without gratitude,
Kim ermish shehnai shavqing kungul property aro
The heart of the poet's lyrical hero was blood. In this
verse, the word “ozh” means "priest", "murshid" in
the mystical style . An unopened bud the phrase also
means "pir" . In the verse, the poet says: "I couldn't
learn from the pir", and in the next verse: "My body
and soul do not suffer from kissing the footprints of
the pir, because I have a table full of love in the palace
of my heart" . After all, as the poet wants to say:
The soul of the soul, the soul of the world,
I cheered you up, maybe you even came alive in
the night of sadness.
Bolubmen, Komila, ul sarvu gulrukhsordin ayru,
You're free to go for a walk in the garden of
Kungul Khandur.
A strong passion that gives a person only heart,
strength, inspiration and desire to live - if love gives
life, urges to live, the loneliness that gives such
inspiration, turning the dull heart into a "blood" night
in the heart of the lover, skillfully places it on the level
of the poet's lines . In this case, the dependence of the
mind on the soul, the soul on the mind, therefore, if
the soul ensures the life of a person, then the mind
determines the state of the soul is expressed in artistic
In the poet's pen, it can be observed that the heart
is full of excitement, love, sadness and grief. “Heart
is one of the main images of poetry. “Oriental poets
mainly relied on the mind when arguing about human
destiny, glorifying the highest feelings and virtues,
and discovering the secrets of love and infatuation.
“A beautiful, unique development of this situation
can also be seen in the work of Nadira:
The heart is tied to the chain
Wishes spread like a comb to a member of the
My heart was filled with sadness,
Etomay Nadira ul la'li mayguni sugar house.
In these verses, the inner world, feelings, and
sufferings of the lyrical hero are described, and the
lover's heart is troubled by the combing of pleasant
passions. The lover, unable to reach his beloved,
expresses that his heart, which burns and bleeds with
love, is overwhelmed by the grief of hijran. “Whoever
understands his heart more clearly, his thoughts and
feelings will be more pure and higher.”
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“Artistic interpretation of the image of Christ in
Uzbek classical literature" named Usman Qabilov,
who conducted research on his candidate's thesis, in
his analysis of Alisher Navoi's ghazal: "The words
pouring out from Yor's lips are so heart-felt, heart-
warming, that there is no such soulfulness even in the
breath of Christ. In Bayt, the art of talmeh was used
for quality, and Tajohulu created the art of orifona. As
a result, the artistic elements in the poem ensured the
perfection of the idea,” he said. In the following
ghazal, we can see that Nadira also followed a unique
path in illuminating the image of Christ:
Don't worry, go for a walk, one day you will be there
in Christ.
Hajru heals the pain of separation with Vasli...
An aphid-free bird is an abomination of honor.
Every night with a hundred nashot, the sheep will do
the air.
Oh, the Messiah, with the grace of his lips,
One eye and one face satisfy the needs of the heart.
In this ghazal, the poet creatively uses the art of
appeal, talmeh, tashbeh and exaggeration. These
artistic arts were able to ensure the perfection of the
ghazal. In our classical poetry, the image of Jesus also
comes with the quality of Christ, pointing to the
image of the soul-giving beloved, enriching the world
of literary and aesthetic feelings. By appealing to her
heart, the poet tells her lyrical hero not to be sad, and
to receive the cure for the pain of separation from
Christ. It seems that there is no benefit from an
unfaithful friend confessing that he is like a bird
without nectar, he says that the people can be
resurrected by the grace of Christ. The fact that Christ
can lift the spirits of a hundred people with just one
look and satisfy their needs is significant as it
comforts the aching heart of the lyrical hero. For
I saw Yor zulfu, my heart died,
Who cares about the wild people who have never
seen a rabbit.
O mahi jafa bunyod, all the language is badad,
I apologize to you, Afghans...
When pain and sorrow come, my heart is full of
The guests came to John's harem.
The poet says that the pain of love is the most
pleasant of all pains in the world, and there is no pain
more pleasant than the pain of a friend. The lyrical
hero praises the fact that he fell in love at the sight of
the river zulfi, lost his consciousness, wandered in the
wild desert, the beauty of the moon made him fall in
love with all his words, and he sings about the
experiences in his heart with a hundred joys. The
main character of the ghazal is a lover who sees the
meaning of life in love and loyalty. He is alive with
pain. It is his heart's desire to praise the beauty of his
beloved. He takes comfort in this way, he feels
relieved from the pain of his heart.
Not a single soul remained without a stain,
There were no tears left in Toma's eyes...
Nadira, the memory made my mind clear,
Kim man andishai khurshid could not stand.
The poetess sings about the heart of the lyrical hero,
and sings about the troubles that come to a person's
head due to tender heart desires and love transactions.
A drunkard in love exaggerates the sufferings of a
lover to such an extent that the lover is not only
overwhelmed by the pain of his beloved, but also
regrets that there are no tears left in his eyes . The poet
says that the comfort and consolation is the peace of
the lonely shore.
In Eastern poetry, it is a traditional phenomenon
that the creator addresses himself and others through
the heart. The heart is equal to the "I" of the poetess,
and can come as a lover, scholar, or friend . We will
study the mood in Nadira's ghazals below by dividing
the poet's "I" , lover, scholar, and friend symbols.
O heart, for the sake of the world,
Havasi Garden is free and late.
In this stanza, we can see that the mind comes in the
form of the poet's "I". Turning to her heart, the poet
puts forward the idea that it is possible to give up all
passions for the sake of a beloved, affectionate, close
supporter. "All feelings, emotions and experiences
characteristic of human life are born in the heart and
live in the heart. The purer and purer these feelings
are, the brighter the heart will be, and the person will
rise to spiritual and spiritual heights. " Therefore, it is
necessary to take care of the heart , to be careful,
otherwise it can be "thin as a flower" . Byte:
My heart was broken, Komila, my dear.
The flower of Tamoshoi did not bloom like a rose,
my king.
In this stanza, the heart of the poetess comes in the
form of "I" and says that the poetess has torn her
heart, as a result of which her cheeks, which should
have been red, have turned yellow, and her body is
sweetly lunged from the ruler. In the poetess's poetry,
there are many burning verses that show such a fiery
"I". Another such ghazal:
My eyes are on you, my cypress flower, come,
I can't wait to be patient, my friend, come...
The sword of your brow and the sword of the
sword are united,
Conquer the land of the heart, my prince, come.
At the same time, you can also find places where
the symbol of a lover is expressed in the "heart":
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
O heart, the castle of the sky is spinning in your
Destroy this building, improve the house of love...
When the king of the world comes, O heart, go.
Hold on to the Shah’s faith and go on pilgrimage.
It is through theheart that the poet refers to the
symbol of a lover is represented. A lover's love, the
fact that even the castle of the heavens shakes from
his fist, that no castle gives pleasure like a taffeta,
therefore, it calls the lover to give up all of them, only
to make the bed of love rise to him. When the king of
his heart comes to a lover, he tells him that he should
believe in him, get rid of the pain of migration, and
go to the one he leans on. It is difficult to find
sympathy and balm for the soul, if such a person is
found, one should get rid of the lusts of this world and
hold on to the skirt, - he says. In the poetry of the poet,
you can find many ghazals in which the heart is used
as a symbol of a lover. In particular:
O heart, you hid your love in wonder,
It's a good thing you didn't make a fool of
You didn't lose your hope, cheer up,
You did not wish for your life,
- in her ghazal, the poetess addresses her lover and
assures him that he is doing the right thing, not
deviating from the path of love, and that the secrets of
the heart should be hidden. He applauds the fact that
he did not give up on his lover, knew him like a life
bond, did not back down from his goal, and
determined his intention.
I visited the Ka'ba of souls one by one.
It is impossible for Solomon to circumambulate
the throne of Makkah.
Stay away from malice, O Hilal Abru,
I cannot sacrifice my life for your face.
The heart used in this ghazal of the poetess is
expressed in the symbol of "arif". The lyric of the
poetess is distinguished by its artistic sophistication
and richness of poetic discoveries, enlightenment. His
special attention is not limited to describing the
beauty of the river in his ghazals. In the ghazal, the
poetess tries to show the inner essence of her
experiences and heartaches. Love is not only the love
of man for man, but also the deep reverence of the
heart for the sacred things. The Ka'ba is a high place
of pilgrimage to which scholars aim to go and purify
themselves from sins. The lyrical hero of the poet
emphasizes that he has visited the Kaaba, and
sincerely wishes to circumambulate the throne of
Mecca. In the course of the poem, he talks about his
intention, that he is a native of Yor, and that he will
sacrifice his life to the face of the moon. With this,
the lyrical hero informs that the essence of his life is
filled with high dreams:
My eyes are full of wonder, my king,
Let the king turn around for a moment in the field
of mind.
Samandi noz stretches the field between the
fences everywhere,
May the target of the hearts be a bright mijgon,
my king...
I made avenues in the garden of my heart,
At this time, let the Gulgashti avenue be my
Come, O Komila, you are looking for interest in
my hut.
May the throne of Suleiman be destroyed.
The poet's respect for the people of knowledge and
virtues was extremely high. He valued them and
invited others to do the same, especially his husband
Amir Umar Khan. The poet’s lyrical hero is dumb
before the creations of scholars and obedience. That’s
why he encourages the scholars to visit and see the
works that have increased the admiration of the ruler
of the country, to appreciate them and to raise the
spirits of scholars. Since the poetess was in the garden
of scholars, she saw the Gulgashti Avenue, and the
king also enjoyed it, and he wanted to remove the ruin
of scholars even higher than Solomon’s throne. For
The heart is full of love,
Peace be upon you forever.
The world's cunning hall is unfaithful,
Loyalty did not make the heart happy.
According to the poet's point of view, the palace of
the heart was built with love, and its stain is eternally
prosperous and bright. As the artist is oppressed by
the insidious and cruel infidelity of the world, he feels
the burden of the heart, the fact that it is not treated
with loyalty. Byte:
My heart repeats the martyrdom in front of my
It is difficult for a Muslim to die in the first infidel.
Heart Although he gives testimony in front of
everyone and lives on fire , he figuratively describes
the fact that he does not see honor in the verses “It’s
hard to die in the first place of an infidel”. This verse
deserves to be evaluated as a unique find of Nadira.
In addition to the external meaning of the verse, it also
refers to the use of the term camphor in classical
literature to refer to the eye.
Work of the poet, you can see the places where the
poetic image of the heart is expressed in the image of
a friend:
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O heart, if you have a good goal,
Let’s make the world come alive...
I remember that this kind of person is a guest in
my heart,
O my eyes, shed tears and shine.
It can be seen from the text of the ghazal that the poet
addressed the lover - friend, O heart, if your goal is to
reach your friend, let the thought of your love be
above everything, dear. “Even leave the world and go
to life,” he compliments. As the memory of the land
is a guest in my heart, tears fall and illuminate its path
with its clarity and light, he addresses. “These young
people will illuminate not only your neighbor, but
also your life path,” he exclaims.
My eyes always cry in his hijran,
But my heart is surprised to remember.
There is no one in Gulistan, he is a beautiful
Wherever I plant a bud, my heart bleeds.
The heroine of the poet's lyric is surprised that her
lover’s beauty is burning like fire in hijran due to the
love in his heart, while his friend is suffering from the
burning love affair. And then he admits that he is not
the only one, Yor is drunk in love and burns like fire.
There is someone who has not visited the heart of
Mahbuba, who skillfully puts the heart of her flower
in the layers of burning verses. Byte:
O heart, rest and do not complain.
Bardur omi is the gift of fasting to the servants of
It is clear from the content of the verse that the poet
should turn to a friend and complain about the pain of
your love. In the religion of Islam, it is obligatory to
fast for the sake of the Creator, and as a reward is
promised by the Almighty God for the servants who
fast, it indicates that there is a great reward from God
for His servants after this pain. Giving love to the
human heart is a great blessing. The poet correctly
understood that it is a great happiness to feel his
touch, to live with his memory.
As we observe the poetess's burning poetry, we
see that in her work only one heart means tender
feelings. Above, in the poem of the poetess, the image
of the heart is the lyrical hero “I” . we have seen that
it is reflected in the image of the symbols of a lover,
a scholar, and a friend . In one ghazal of the poetess,
it is possible to observe the occurrence of the image
of the heart in several meanings when expressing
feelings, experiences and situations:
My eyes are full of wonder, my king,
Let the king turn around for a moment in the field
of mind.
Samandi noz stretches the field between the
fences everywhere,
May the target of the hearts be a bright mijgon,
my king...
I made avenues in the garden of my heart,
At this time, let the Gulgashti avenue be my
Come, O Komila, you are looking for interest in
my hut.
May the throne of Suleiman be destroyed..
In this ghazal, the poet used the art of repetition and
used the word heart in four places. The lyrical hero of
the poet turns to the ruler of his heart. He dreams that
his eyes are amazed by the pleasure of love, even if
he is in the field of true lovers for a moment, he visits
and pleases the eyes of love, and dreams that his
lover's determination will become a pillar in the field.
In the next stanza, the poet again uses the art of
repetition and appeal to say that the heart, that is, the
target of true lovers, turns into a mijgon. The poet
used the next mood , that is, lovers He begs his ruler
to turn the avenues made of palm trees in his garden
into flower beds. In the eulogy, the poetess begs for
her heartbreak, that is, the lyrical hero, to make her
heart's net, which represents me, be respected like
Solomon's throne.
Oh heart, don't be careless in love, it will go away
before you,
Without a job, ayshu's food will go before the
Peace of mind is good if the soul dies.
Don't choose, love goes before you choose...
Abandon the love of the unfaithful, O devilish
Otherwise, on this road, you will have to leave
before you.
It is clear from the text of this ghazal that the poetess
uses the art of compliments, addressing the heart, that
is, the lover, telling her not to be careless in love, and
if she is not careful, she will lose her. It is
heartwarming to express that there is no soul to a
helpless lover. If he does not desire true love from his
heart, joy will leave him. That's why he says to hold
fast to love and to leave the love of unfaithful people,
O devil, listen to your heart.
Sh oira, the situations, moods and experiences that
touch the heart of the lyrical hero are given. It can be
seen from them that the soul of the lyrical hero is
depicted with beautiful artistry. This is a proof that
the creator knows the human psyche well, describes
human experiences with his own skill and is a great
master of words. The symbol of the heart , which is
widely used in the poetry of the poet , has risen to the
level of an ideological artistic poetic image.
The poetess described the pain caused to the lover
in colorful tones and paints. This is a proof that the
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
artist knows the human psyche well, describes human
experiences with his own skill and is a great master
of words.
So, in the ghazals of the poem, the interpretation of
mystical ideas is carried out by means of the image of
the soul. The heart is subtly understood by the poetess
as the love of the lyrical hero. On the basis of inner-
external images of the psyche of the lyrical hero, the
secrets of the heart and related experiences are
revealed in touching verses. In the creations of the
poetess, the creative heart found its artistic expression
in the form of a lyrical hero.
Heart has risen to the level of the main image,
which provides the leading content direction of the
poet's ghazals. She shared the symbols of the poet "I",
lover, scholar, and friend . This combination ensured
the highness of the idea, the depth of pain, the
uniqueness of the form, and the beauty of the artistic
work in Nadira's lyrics.
So, in the ghazals of the poem, the interpretation of
mystical ideas is carried out by means of the image of
the soul. The heart is subtly understood by the poetess
as the love of the lyrical hero. On the basis of inner-
external images of the psyche of the lyrical hero, the
secrets of the heart and related experiences are
revealed in touching verses. In the creations of the
poetess, the creative heart found its artistic expression
in the form of a lyrical hero.
Heart has risen to the level of the main image, which
provides the leading content direction of the poet's
ghazals. She shared the symbols of the poet "I", lover,
scholar, and friend. This combination ensured the
highness of the idea, the depth of pain, the uniqueness
of the form, and the beauty of the artistic work in
Nadira's lyrics.
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