philosophical, aesthetic, ethical, logical, sociological,
cultural, and psychological issues related to religious
In the West, the issue of scientific and religious
values has been studied by several researchers.
Especially the interaction between science and
religion in contemporary society, their mutual
influence, and their relationship in the context of civil
society have gained importance. Researchers such as
Adriana Denisa, Mett Bredshov, Kristofer Elison,
Evandro Agazzi, Richard Feynman, Villiam Bretbert,
Maurisio Nietto, and Piter Xarrison have contributed
to the study of scientific and religious values in
Western countries.
In Central Asia, thinkers such as Abu Nasr Farabi,
Ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, Yusuf Khos Hojib,
Mahmud Kashghari, Alisher Navoi, as well as
prominent Muslim theologians such as Imam Ismail
al-Bukhari, Imam Ismail al-Termizi, Imam Ghazali,
jurist Burhoniddin Margilan, and Moturudi, have
emphasized the importance of studying scientific and
religious values in the context of Muslim culture,
knowledge, and philosophy. For example, al-Farabi's
works focus on issues of culture, society, and the life
of people, including religious and moral aspects (Abu
Nasr Forobiy. Fozil odamlar shahri, 1993). He played
a leading role in organizing the issue of culture. Abu
Rayhan al-Biruni, in his work “Surviving Traditions
of Ancient Peoples” (Abu Rayxon Beruniy. Qadimgi
xalqlardan qolgan yodgorliklar, 2020), extensively
discussed the customs, traditions, festivals, legends,
and narratives of various nations. According to
Beruni, these "traditions" are related to the social-
cultural life, religion, beliefs, and practices of the
Uzbek scholars such as A.Begmatov, B.Toychiev,
Z.Kodirova, Q.Nazarov, S.Agzamkhodjayeva,
G.Mahmudova, N.Sherimukhamedova, G.Roziyeva,
G.Gofforova, K.Tulenova, F.Yuldasheva, T.Ortikov,
O.Musulmonova, and M.Qahhorova, who are
philosophers, have addressed the issue of values in
their works, focusing mainly on the philosophical
analysis of cultural, educational, national, and
traditional aspects related to values. Similarly, the
works of Ibrohim Karimov, M.Abdullaev,
I.Saifnazarov, U.Qoraboev, A.Mukhtarov,
I.Siddiqov, and other scholars, as well as their
doctoral and postdoctoral research dedicated to this
topic, have provided insights into various aspects of
the issue.
In this article, a systematic analysis of the factors
contributing to the utilization of religious values in
ensuring spiritual well-being is presented using
scientific methods such as systematic analysis,
synergy, comparison, dialectics, historicity, logic, as
well as sociological and axiological approaches.
One of the necessary conditions for the progressive
development of social relations based on humanism
in Uzbekistan's new stage of progress is the
establishment of a unified consensus among religious
and secular believers in fulfilling their historical
mission. In fact, Islam is designed to ensure a
humanitarian, progressive, just, and spiritually
enriched life. Therefore, “Peacefulness is one of the
semantic and terminological meanings of Islam.
Therefore, every action carried out under the name of
Islam should be aimed at establishing peace or
preventing turmoil and discord” (Abdullaev A.G,
2020). Thus, the utilization of the values and
principles of Islam plays a significant role in creating
an atmosphere of unity and harmony in multi-ethnic
countries and among individuals with various
religious beliefs, contributing to sustainable
In the social life of society, religious factors,
alongside social, economic, political, cultural, and
ecological dimensions, also acquire significant
importance. From this perspective, religious factors
have been an integral part of social processes since
ancient times. The cultural development of different
nations and civilizations cannot be imagined without
the influence of religious factors. “It is well known to
all of us that religion is an integral part of human
nature that shapes high ideals, truth and reality,
justice and righteousness, within us, crystallizing
them into stable principles” (Karimov I. Yuksak
ma’naviyat, 2008). Thus, the choice of direction and
goals, considering national and religious
characteristics, plays a crucial role in the national
development of every state. Uzbekistan, too,
emphasized the importance of utilizing the values of
Islam, the national culture, and the laws concerning
religious freedom in its policy of ensuring the
spiritual well-being of society and the revival of
history. In this regard, the utilization and refinement
of Islamic values, the development of social and
spiritual life in accordance with its content and
essence, have been an ongoing process. For example,
after gaining independence, the policy of fully
implementing Islamic values, respecting them,
empowering and improving the activities of religious
institutions, were discussed to shape the policy of
ensuring the spiritual well-being of society. Thus, the
Islamic institutions have played an important role in