The Factors of Wise Use of Religious Values
in Providing Spiritual Life
Abdumutal Qambarov
Ferghana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Society, Spiritual Life, Spirituality, Culture, Scientific Values, Religious Values, Peacekeeping, Justice, Unity,
Conflict Resolution, Rationality.
Abstract: This article analyses the philosophical aspect of the significant importance of religion and religious values as
integral parts of spiritual life in every society. In our opinion, the discussion of religious matters in society
requires an objective, scientific, philosophical, and methodological approach rather than an atheistic approach
that lacks self-reflection, which was prevalent in the recent past. In the new stage of Uzbekistan's development,
one of the essential conditions for shaping social relations based on genuine humanism is the establishment
of a single consensus regarding the primary historical mission of religious and secular believers in fulfilling
this task. In essence, Islam is built upon ensuring a humane, progressive, just, and spiritually enriched life.
Within the spiritual life of society, religious factors acquire significant importance, alongside social, economic,
political, cultural, and ecological dimensions. From this perspective, religious factors have been an integral
part of social processes since ancient times. The cultural development of various nations and civilizations
cannot be imagined without the influence of religious factors. Religion, due to its solid socio-spiritual
foundations, will always remain relevant. However, societal changes do not exclude religion. Old ideas are
replaced by new approaches, and the practical implementation of religion is observed with new interpretations.
In conclusion, the issue of the relationship between secularism and religiousness has been of significant
importance throughout human history. This interplay between the two fundamental components of human life
determines the current situation and future direction of any society. Therefore, the utilization of Islamic
religious values is considered an indispensable necessity in providing the spiritual life of society.
Religion and religious values, which constitute an
integral part of spiritual life, play a significant role in
every society. In our opinion, the discussion of
religious matters in society requires an objective,
scientific, philosophical, and methodological
approach rather than an atheistic approach that lacks
self-reflection. Unfortunately, even in modern times,
some conservative individuals consider any new
initiative as an innovation and strongly oppose
changes. They support their claims with statements
such as “Anyone who introduces something new that
is not found in our work will be rejected" or "Indeed,
the best word is Allah's book, and the best path is the
path of Muhammad (peace be upon him). The most
righteous deeds are the new ones, and every
innovation is an error." However, if worldly affairs do
not contradict the texts and specific religious rules,
there is no objection to them. In other words, "There
is no objection to making the forbidden permissible
or the permissible forbidden” (Abdullaev A, 2017).
Thus, in the new stage of societal development, it is
possible to counter the proponents of innovation-
phobia and conservativism by teaching Islamic
religious values and nurturing knowledgeable
individuals who embrace change.
Since the second half of the 20th century, researchers
such as V.P.Tugarinov, A.V.Ikonnikov, M.S.Kagan,
L.N.Stolovich, N.Z.Chavzavadze, O.M.Bukuradze,
A.A.Ivin, A.Y.Gurevich, O.G.Drobnitskiy, and
V.A.Yadovlar have paid attention to the
Qambarov, A.
The Factors of Wise Use of Religious Values in Providing Spiritual Life.
DOI: 10.5220/0012932300003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 896-899
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
philosophical, aesthetic, ethical, logical, sociological,
cultural, and psychological issues related to religious
In the West, the issue of scientific and religious
values has been studied by several researchers.
Especially the interaction between science and
religion in contemporary society, their mutual
influence, and their relationship in the context of civil
society have gained importance. Researchers such as
Adriana Denisa, Mett Bredshov, Kristofer Elison,
Evandro Agazzi, Richard Feynman, Villiam Bretbert,
Maurisio Nietto, and Piter Xarrison have contributed
to the study of scientific and religious values in
Western countries.
In Central Asia, thinkers such as Abu Nasr Farabi,
Ibn Sina, Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, Yusuf Khos Hojib,
Mahmud Kashghari, Alisher Navoi, as well as
prominent Muslim theologians such as Imam Ismail
al-Bukhari, Imam Ismail al-Termizi, Imam Ghazali,
jurist Burhoniddin Margilan, and Moturudi, have
emphasized the importance of studying scientific and
religious values in the context of Muslim culture,
knowledge, and philosophy. For example, al-Farabi's
works focus on issues of culture, society, and the life
of people, including religious and moral aspects (Abu
Nasr Forobiy. Fozil odamlar shahri, 1993). He played
a leading role in organizing the issue of culture. Abu
Rayhan al-Biruni, in his work “Surviving Traditions
of Ancient Peoples” (Abu Rayxon Beruniy. Qadimgi
xalqlardan qolgan yodgorliklar, 2020), extensively
discussed the customs, traditions, festivals, legends,
and narratives of various nations. According to
Beruni, these "traditions" are related to the social-
cultural life, religion, beliefs, and practices of the
Uzbek scholars such as A.Begmatov, B.Toychiev,
Z.Kodirova, Q.Nazarov, S.Agzamkhodjayeva,
G.Mahmudova, N.Sherimukhamedova, G.Roziyeva,
G.Gofforova, K.Tulenova, F.Yuldasheva, T.Ortikov,
O.Musulmonova, and M.Qahhorova, who are
philosophers, have addressed the issue of values in
their works, focusing mainly on the philosophical
analysis of cultural, educational, national, and
traditional aspects related to values. Similarly, the
works of Ibrohim Karimov, M.Abdullaev,
I.Saifnazarov, U.Qoraboev, A.Mukhtarov,
I.Siddiqov, and other scholars, as well as their
doctoral and postdoctoral research dedicated to this
topic, have provided insights into various aspects of
the issue.
In this article, a systematic analysis of the factors
contributing to the utilization of religious values in
ensuring spiritual well-being is presented using
scientific methods such as systematic analysis,
synergy, comparison, dialectics, historicity, logic, as
well as sociological and axiological approaches.
One of the necessary conditions for the progressive
development of social relations based on humanism
in Uzbekistan's new stage of progress is the
establishment of a unified consensus among religious
and secular believers in fulfilling their historical
mission. In fact, Islam is designed to ensure a
humanitarian, progressive, just, and spiritually
enriched life. Therefore, “Peacefulness is one of the
semantic and terminological meanings of Islam.
Therefore, every action carried out under the name of
Islam should be aimed at establishing peace or
preventing turmoil and discord” (Abdullaev A.G,
2020). Thus, the utilization of the values and
principles of Islam plays a significant role in creating
an atmosphere of unity and harmony in multi-ethnic
countries and among individuals with various
religious beliefs, contributing to sustainable
In the social life of society, religious factors,
alongside social, economic, political, cultural, and
ecological dimensions, also acquire significant
importance. From this perspective, religious factors
have been an integral part of social processes since
ancient times. The cultural development of different
nations and civilizations cannot be imagined without
the influence of religious factors. “It is well known to
all of us that religion is an integral part of human
nature that shapes high ideals, truth and reality,
justice and righteousness, within us, crystallizing
them into stable principles” (Karimov I. Yuksak
ma’naviyat, 2008). Thus, the choice of direction and
goals, considering national and religious
characteristics, plays a crucial role in the national
development of every state. Uzbekistan, too,
emphasized the importance of utilizing the values of
Islam, the national culture, and the laws concerning
religious freedom in its policy of ensuring the
spiritual well-being of society and the revival of
history. In this regard, the utilization and refinement
of Islamic values, the development of social and
spiritual life in accordance with its content and
essence, have been an ongoing process. For example,
after gaining independence, the policy of fully
implementing Islamic values, respecting them,
empowering and improving the activities of religious
institutions, were discussed to shape the policy of
ensuring the spiritual well-being of society. Thus, the
Islamic institutions have played an important role in
The Factors of Wise Use of Religious Values in Providing Spiritual Life
shaping the individual's spirituality, guiding their
choices and actions, and understanding the content of
social and spiritual life.
The Islamic values – the divine word, namely the
Qur'an, the laws of Shari'a, and the traditions of the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) - have held
a significant place in the social and spiritual life of
Muslim peoples, especially the Uzbek people,
throughout centuries. This is undoubtedly due to the
deep rootedness of these religious ties, their
international religious solidarity, interethnic
harmony, and cooperation, as well as the respect and
reverence for the representatives of other nations and
religions in comparison to their own nation and
religion (Safarova N. Markaziy, 2005).
It is necessary to make use of these Islamic virtues
and religious values in ensuring the spiritual well-
being of society. Islamic religious values have a
crucial role in the social and spiritual life of our
people. For instance, “Islam, through its education,
encourages individuals to lead a peaceful and
prosperous life in this world, ultimately attaining
salvation. Family and children are considered the
main foundation of society. Therefore, Islamic Sharia
encourages their comprehensive upbringing, from an
early age in acquiring knowledge and skills” Karimov
I.A. O‘zbekiston, 1999). Indeed, in all societies,
religious values are an integral part of ensuring
spiritual well-being. All religions have their specific
religious values, which are based on the existing
Sharia.According to the sources of Islam, there is no
hostility or aggression in a country where freedom is
provided for religion and beliefs” (Abdullaev A,
Since Islam encompasses universal values and
religious principles, it is analysed as follows: First, all
individuals are the children of one father and mother.
Second, the division of people into various tribes is
not for them to compete and engage in conflicts but
to recognize each other, cooperate with each other,
and jointly improve the world in which they are
The significance of establishing a spirit of friendly
relations among various nations and ethnicities, based
on the unification of diverse national and family
interests under one purpose and goal, with the aim of
mutual respect, cooperation, and joint construction,
cannot be underestimated. Islam is always opposed to
the confrontational approaches of certain opponents
of Islam, who consider it a threat to their own
ideologies and engage in ideological struggles. Such
struggles have existed in the past and continue to
persist due to certain ideological and political
intentions. These struggles can lead to harmful
consequences in the end.
In conclusion, the unity of general human values
and religious values in Islam is analysed as follows.
First, all individuals are children of one family.
Second, the division of individuals into various tribes
is not intended for them to compete and engage in
conflicts but to recognize each other, cooperate with
each other, and jointly improve the world they inherit.
The utilization of Islamic values and religious
principles is essential in ensuring the spiritual well-
being of society. Islam's religious values have played
a significant role in the social and spiritual life of our
people. For example, “One important role played by
the Islamic culture, which is an essential part of the
Uzbek national identity in the history of the Uzbek
people, is that it has inspired people to have noble
moral qualities, spiritual maturity, and called them to
help, kindness, justice, compassion, and patience”
(Karimov I.A. O‘zbekiston, 1999).
It is worth noting that Muslim peoples, from a
social, legal, ideological, spiritual, and intellectual
perspective, have a natural tendency to differentiate
themselves from one another in terms of their
belonging to various nations and religions. However,
this should not be a cause for animosity, conflict, or
wars between them since Allah has created all
humans as noble and deserving of respect. The
differences between nations and religions should not
hinder their cooperation and solidarity, as numerous
verses in the Qur'an emphasize that “Mankind was
one community (in the beginning). Later, they
became divided into different groups” (Qur’oni
The unity of universal human values and religious
values is analysed in Islam. First, all individuals are
children of one family. Second, the division of
individuals into various tribes is not for them to
compete and engage in conflicts but to recognize each
other, cooperate with each other, and jointly improve
the world they inherit.
Not resorting to coercion is an essential principle
in the pursuit of knowledge and the implementation
of political goals in accordance with Islamic
teachings. It is emphasized that Islam does not allow
the imposition of faith through force; rather, it
upholds the concept of genuine, accepted faith that is
based on individual conviction. Therefore, inviting
others to embrace Islam should not be done through
war, killing, compulsion, or physical punishment, but
rather through the dissemination of ideas,
constructive advice, and beautiful preaching.
The principles of peace, justice, prevention of
warfare, rationality, and unity, which are inherent in
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Islamic teachings, are relevant to the social well-
being of society and the provision of spiritual life. In
the current stage of our country's progress, it is
necessary to enlighten the population with Islamic
knowledge in order to counteract religious extremism
and fanaticism. In this regard, when considering the
external policy implications of Islamic principles, it
is permissible for Muslims, if necessary, to conclude
agreements with people of other faiths in accordance
with Islamic Sharia. The Qur'an instructs Muslims not
to transgress the covenant made with their enemies
and not to break it unless the other party breaches the
agreement, in which case they should promptly
inform others of the breach. As a result, mutual trust,
respect, and peaceful relations have developed
between Muslims and non-Muslims over the
centuries, creating opportunities for establishing
peace, promoting trade, and developing economic ties
between Muslim and non-Muslim nations.
In providing for the spiritual life, there is a natural
conflict between traditional and new approaches.
While we are concerned with ensuring the spiritual
life of society, it is possible to evaluate traditional
values and the need to change them with new ones. In
this situation, the level of public awareness and the
objective assessment of religious and secular values
in society contribute to the development of scientific
knowledge. Thus, ensuring the spiritual life
necessitates changing and adapting the traditional and
national values that have been left behind. The noble
goal derived from these endeavours is to strengthen
fidelity to our ancient religious and spiritual heritage,
instilling in our compatriots, especially the youth, a
sense of national pride, love for the homeland, and the
spirit of progress, as well as promoting the true values
of Islamic knowledge.
In conclusion, the issue of the relationship
between secularism and religiosity has always been
of paramount importance throughout human history.
In other words, these two components that shape
human life have always been the leading factors
determining the current state and future prospects of
any society. Therefore, it is appropriate to utilize
Islamic religious values in providing for the spiritual
life of society. Although scientific values and
knowledge hold significant importance in ensuring
the spiritual life and the advancement of scientific
development, the use of religious values ensures their
further progress and development. Because the
invitation to knowledge and the teaching of religious
values, which are the most effective and influential
methods for instilling and fostering spiritual life, are
considered part of the mission and teaching of Islam.
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THROUGH. Volume 2, Issue 11 November, 2021150-
152. European Journal of Humanities & Educational
Advancements. ISSN (E): 2660-5589 Journal Impact
Factor: 7.223 Editor In- Chief Dr. Pr. María Dolores
The Factors of Wise Use of Religious Values in Providing Spiritual Life