understandable, impressive way, and have the skills
to clearly express his thoughts and feelings in his
words. Thoughts of beautiful, well-educated,
impressive speaking teachers quickly reach the minds
of students and create a great opportunity to learn
educational materials, students impatiently wait for
the lessons of such teachers. In fact, this is the reason
why singers Kadir Mahsumov, Mirzohid Rahimov,
Oktam Jobirov, N. Qambarova, Sh. Qayumov, T.
Israilov, V. A. Kirilov, and V. Levitan have taken a
place in the hearts of the people. That’s why teachers
should constantly work on their speech, train their
words to be beautiful, meaningful, and impressive,
and constantly train their voice range, strength, timbre,
mobility, and diction. When we say sound range, we
mean sound volume. His threshold is high or low, his
speech is determined by the speed or slowness of the
sound. A reduction in the range leads to a lower pitch
of the sound. Speaking in a low tone relaxes and
weakens perception. The timbre is the beauty, clarity
and beauty of the sound. If the teacher uses the range
of sound in connection with its timbre, the words will
be beautiful, clear, soft, attractive, attract the listeners,
and as a result, the educational materials will be well
understood by the students. The voice diction of the
teacher is expressed by the clear, correct, audible and
understandable presentation of the words in the
speech. A teacher with the correct voice diction will
express words clearly, correctly and expressively.
Expressive speech involves the tongue, lips, small
tongue, and lower jaw. In order for the teacher to
speak expressively and pronounce words, he should
always exercise the above organs. Since the teacher’s
speech has a certain content, it not only arouses
children's emotions, but also becomes effective with
its correct expression, clear and burro pronunciation
of words. But the most important thing is that the
teacher should be interested in the information to be
presented and should have a sincere feeling in him.
An experienced school leader told young teachers:
“Tell students about historical events in such a way
that it is known that you are deeply moved. It was not
for nothing that he said about the first trip with such
a mood that it seems that you yourself participated in
this trip. In some teachers, the speech is rather soft,
ineffective, less expressive, without strict consistency,
without evidence and illogical”. The educational
information presented in such a speech is poorly and
loosely absorbed by students, and its educational
effect is also weak. Voice rhythm also plays an
important role in the clear, correct, understandable
and expressive presentation of materials to the student.
Our observations show that the Russians pronounce
120 words per minute, the English 120 to 150, the
French 110. On average, in order for everyone to
understand and fully absorb the information, the
teacher should pronounce 60 words in grades 5-6, and
75-80 words in grades 8-9. If the teacher presents his
speech clearly, accurately, carefully, beautifully, it
will be more understandable to the listeners and will
remain in their memory for a long time. Thus, as
speech skills become important in pedagogical
technique, it is appropriate for the teacher to always
practice speaking tempo, rhythm, diction, voice
power, range, mobility.
2.1 Mimic and Pantomimic Expression
of the Teacher
Mimic and pantomimic expressions also play an
important role in the teacher’s system of pedagogical
techniques. Mimic and pantomimic expression of the
teacher is manifested in the teacher’s gestures,
meaningful views, encouraging or sarcastic smile,
and they are reflected in the pedagogical influence of
the teacher-educator on the students, prepares a
thorough ground for effective, interesting, effective
and meaningful training. Mimicry is the art of moving
face, eyebrow, and eye muscles in order to express
one's thoughts, mood, state, and feelings in order to
express approval or displeasure with the work done
by the students. Sometimes the expression of the face
and gaze has a great educational effect on students.
Mimic actions and expressions increase the emotional
value of information and make it possible for them to
be deeply assimilated. Pupils - students can “read” his
mood and attitude by looking at the teacher. That’s
why some unpleasantness at home affects educational
activities. Mimic expressions should not have a
negative effect on the learning mood of students. It is
required to be able to show in facial expressions and
facial expressions only the effects specific to the
lessons. Solving these educational and educational
tasks should express the views that can give a positive
direction to the education and training of students.
Facial expression, in turn, should match the character
of speech and attitude. It can be expressed in such
features as trust, approval, prohibition, dissatisfaction,
joy, pride, curiosity, indifference, hesitation. As
mentioned, the eyebrows, eyes, facial expression and
muscles are involved as the main details of facial
expressions. Eyes, eyebrows, face, students - express
satisfaction, joy, pride or recognition, displeasure,
dissatisfaction, sadness and other signs from the
student’s answer, without giving, educational work
will be successful. It is also worth noting that the
teacher's gaze should be focused on the students, or
some students, during the demonstration of facial