Component and Quality of Pedagogical Skills
Umida U. Sayfullaeva
, Nasiba B. Zaynieva
, Dildora Sh. Ibragimova
Feruza E. Kultaeva
Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Pedagogy, Pedagogical Technique, Speech, Mime and Pantomimic Expression, Methodical Skills.
Abstract: This article notes that the role of pedagogical technique in the pedagogical skill system of modern pedagogy
is incomparable. Because it helps the teacher to control his body (mimicry, pantomime), to control his feelings
(emotions), to acquire enthusiasm, skills, speech techniques and to use them in educational activities and
extracurricular activities, serves as a program in explaining the ways.
Thus, pedagogical technique is a set of professional
and personal skills that serves as the main factor in
establishing the teacher’s pedagogical activity,
influencing, organizing and managing students and
young people. Well! What is meant by teacher’s
pedagogical technique? What are the qualifications of
a teacher's pedagogical technique? What role does it
play in the organization, implementation and
educational impact of the teacher? Observing the
work experiences of advanced and innovative
pedagogues and studying the activities of schools of
advanced practice shows that the full mastery of
pedagogical techniques, the formation of its skills,
increases the effectiveness of education and
upbringing, and improves the education of students
and young people and on this basis it causes the rise
to the ladder of pedagogical skills. In the system of
the teacher’s pedagogical activity culture, it is
recognized that the components of pedagogical skills
are pedagogical techniques, pedagogical etiquette,
and the role of pedagogical communication culture.
Yu.P. Gonobolin, N.V. Kuzmina, A.N. Sherbakov,
V.A. Selastenin, L.I. Ruvinsky, V.N. Kukharev, I.A.
Zyazyun N.N., who researched this problem both
pedagogically and psychologically from a scientific-
theoretical, methodological-organizational and
practical point of view. Tarasevich, M.G.Davletshin,
K.Zaripov, S.Rajabova, B.Khojaev and others pay
special attention to the importance of pedagogical
techniques in the professional training of teachers. L.I.
Ruvinsky, noting that pedagogical technique is of
particular importance in the system of pedagogical
skills of a teacher, writes: “Teacher’s pedagogical
technique is a set of skills that allows the pedagogue
to teach the students through what they see and hear.
It allows you to convey your thoughts and feelings”
and N.N. Tarasevich, in his pamphlet “Pedagogical
technique - kak element”, thinking about pedagogical
technique, says: a skill consisting of a sum of
emotions and mental states is a pedagogical
technique”. In fact, observation of the activities of
pedagogues who perform master pedagogical tasks at
a high-level show that pedagogical techniques play an
important role in organizing students’ cognitive
activities and having an educational effect on them.
Because it teaches the teacher how to control his
feelings (emotions), acquire enthusiasm, abilities,
speech techniques and use them in educational
activities and work. Thus, pedagogical technique is a
set of certain professional and personal skills, which
serves as a leading factor in influencing the teacher’s
pedagogical activity, organizing and managing
educational work.
Sayfullaeva, U., Zaynieva, N., Ibragimova, D. and Kultaeva, F.
Component and Quality of Pedagogical Skills.
DOI: 10.5220/0012932500003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 900-904
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
According to the scientists who study and apply the
theory of pedagogical skills (N.N. Tarasevich, N.V.
Kukharev), pedagogical technique skills are divided
into two groups: The skills of the first group include
the speech technique of the pedagogue, control of his
movements, mime and pantomimic expressions, his
emotions and mood management, acting and
directing skills. The qualifications of the second
group of pedagogical techniques consist of
professional qualifications, which include gnostic
qualifications, designing qualifications, constructive
(the ability to organize creative work of the team,
education of pupils and students, professionalism in
teaching). This, It can be seen in Table 1: Table 1.
Pedagogical technical skills Personal and
professional skills of a teacher Professional skills of a
teacher 1, Speech technique of a teacher 2, Mimic and
pantomime expressions in a teacher’s work 3. Skills
of acting and directing of a teacher 4, Ability of a
teacher to control his emotions 1, Gnostic skills: - to
distinguish between important and basic issues; -
systematization of educational material; - clearly
defining the additional source; - to be able to choose
didactic material on the topic; - be able to give
evidence. 2. Designing skills: - ability to plan a clear
presentation of educational information; - being able
to make question-and-answer tasks correctly; - to be
able to formulate and observe a problem of research
character, to be able to make hypotheses. 3.
Constructive skills: - ability to teach independent
expression of thoughts; - being able to learn to justify
and prove the answer; - being able to teach how to
connect theoretical and practical information. The
skills of the pedagogical technique presented in the
table are the ability to clearly direct students to the
organization of educational activities and the
acquisition of information, the ability to accurately
apply and control tasks, to be able to work in a
working relationship with the team and some
individuals, ask questions it shows that it provides
practical help in the appropriate use of methods such
as knowing, being able to control one’s own mood,
behaviour, and emotions. Pedagogical technique is a
set of educational and training methods of teaching
reading, influencing, learning, reacting, just as the
technique is a set of methods. Now, let’s get
acquainted with a brief description of the
qualifications of the teacher’s pedagogical technique.
I. One of the important skills of a teacher’s
pedagogical technique is his speech technique.
(Speech pace, diction, (high, medium, low pitch) is
the tone of speech. It is known that speech is of great
importance in human life. Everyone knows this and
everyone needs it for communication. Speech, as a
powerful means of influencing one another, can
convince a person, call him to work and win, turn him
away from a bad path, make him happy or anger him,
and even kill him. Speech is very important in the
work of a teacher, and it performs educational and
educational functions. Students gain knowledge,
ideas, and confidence through the teacher’s speech.
They understand certain emotions and organize their
activities based on what they have described in this
speech. Because the physiological foundations of
speech were explained by I.P. Pavlov, we consider
our sensations, perception and imagination to be the
first signals of the external world around us; speech
and thinking constitute the second signal system. The
word is a signal of direct signals, which consists in
perceiving things and events in reality, creating ideas
about them. “In man,” writes I.P. Pavlov, “secondary
signals appeared, developed and improved in the
form of spoken, audible and visible words. This new
system of signals gradually became the one that
people receive directly from the external and internal
world, determining all the impressions...” We know
that the speech addressed to others can be oral and
written. These two forms of speech are inextricably
linked, one complements the other. Sometimes a
person who can master oral speech well can express
his thoughts poorly in written speech, or on the
contrary, a person who has mastered written speech
well cannot express his thoughts clearly in oral
speech. A teacher’s speech is characterized by the
way in which information is taught to students, so it
is not structured like other speeches. However, only
the speech characteristic of a pedagogue can have
certain characteristics. That is why every person’s
speech has its own characteristics. The following
features can be shown depending on how teachers
explain educational materials to students and conduct
conversations with them: Experience shows that the
teacher’s speech plays a key role in understanding
educational materials. According to scientists, 1/2
percent of the educational material is perceived and
mastered through the correct pronunciation of the
teacher’s speech. Pupils observe the teacher's
thoughts and speech very observantly. If the teacher
mispronounces the words, the students laugh at him
and make fun of him. However, the lesson of the
teacher who speaks in a low tone is always boring for
the students. Finally, speaking loudly, shouting
during a simple conversation, will tire and annoy the
students. Students are relieved by such a teacher’s
education. Therefore, a teacher should be able to
speak literately, express his speech in a beautiful and
Component and Quality of Pedagogical Skills
understandable, impressive way, and have the skills
to clearly express his thoughts and feelings in his
words. Thoughts of beautiful, well-educated,
impressive speaking teachers quickly reach the minds
of students and create a great opportunity to learn
educational materials, students impatiently wait for
the lessons of such teachers. In fact, this is the reason
why singers Kadir Mahsumov, Mirzohid Rahimov,
Oktam Jobirov, N. Qambarova, Sh. Qayumov, T.
Israilov, V. A. Kirilov, and V. Levitan have taken a
place in the hearts of the people. That’s why teachers
should constantly work on their speech, train their
words to be beautiful, meaningful, and impressive,
and constantly train their voice range, strength, timbre,
mobility, and diction. When we say sound range, we
mean sound volume. His threshold is high or low, his
speech is determined by the speed or slowness of the
sound. A reduction in the range leads to a lower pitch
of the sound. Speaking in a low tone relaxes and
weakens perception. The timbre is the beauty, clarity
and beauty of the sound. If the teacher uses the range
of sound in connection with its timbre, the words will
be beautiful, clear, soft, attractive, attract the listeners,
and as a result, the educational materials will be well
understood by the students. The voice diction of the
teacher is expressed by the clear, correct, audible and
understandable presentation of the words in the
speech. A teacher with the correct voice diction will
express words clearly, correctly and expressively.
Expressive speech involves the tongue, lips, small
tongue, and lower jaw. In order for the teacher to
speak expressively and pronounce words, he should
always exercise the above organs. Since the teacher’s
speech has a certain content, it not only arouses
children's emotions, but also becomes effective with
its correct expression, clear and burro pronunciation
of words. But the most important thing is that the
teacher should be interested in the information to be
presented and should have a sincere feeling in him.
An experienced school leader told young teachers:
“Tell students about historical events in such a way
that it is known that you are deeply moved. It was not
for nothing that he said about the first trip with such
a mood that it seems that you yourself participated in
this trip. In some teachers, the speech is rather soft,
ineffective, less expressive, without strict consistency,
without evidence and illogical”. The educational
information presented in such a speech is poorly and
loosely absorbed by students, and its educational
effect is also weak. Voice rhythm also plays an
important role in the clear, correct, understandable
and expressive presentation of materials to the student.
Our observations show that the Russians pronounce
120 words per minute, the English 120 to 150, the
French 110. On average, in order for everyone to
understand and fully absorb the information, the
teacher should pronounce 60 words in grades 5-6, and
75-80 words in grades 8-9. If the teacher presents his
speech clearly, accurately, carefully, beautifully, it
will be more understandable to the listeners and will
remain in their memory for a long time. Thus, as
speech skills become important in pedagogical
technique, it is appropriate for the teacher to always
practice speaking tempo, rhythm, diction, voice
power, range, mobility.
2.1 Mimic and Pantomimic Expression
of the Teacher
Mimic and pantomimic expressions also play an
important role in the teacher’s system of pedagogical
techniques. Mimic and pantomimic expression of the
teacher is manifested in the teacher’s gestures,
meaningful views, encouraging or sarcastic smile,
and they are reflected in the pedagogical influence of
the teacher-educator on the students, prepares a
thorough ground for effective, interesting, effective
and meaningful training. Mimicry is the art of moving
face, eyebrow, and eye muscles in order to express
one's thoughts, mood, state, and feelings in order to
express approval or displeasure with the work done
by the students. Sometimes the expression of the face
and gaze has a great educational effect on students.
Mimic actions and expressions increase the emotional
value of information and make it possible for them to
be deeply assimilated. Pupils - students can “read” his
mood and attitude by looking at the teacher. That’s
why some unpleasantness at home affects educational
activities. Mimic expressions should not have a
negative effect on the learning mood of students. It is
required to be able to show in facial expressions and
facial expressions only the effects specific to the
lessons. Solving these educational and educational
tasks should express the views that can give a positive
direction to the education and training of students.
Facial expression, in turn, should match the character
of speech and attitude. It can be expressed in such
features as trust, approval, prohibition, dissatisfaction,
joy, pride, curiosity, indifference, hesitation. As
mentioned, the eyebrows, eyes, facial expression and
muscles are involved as the main details of facial
expressions. Eyes, eyebrows, face, students - express
satisfaction, joy, pride or recognition, displeasure,
dissatisfaction, sadness and other signs from the
student’s answer, without giving, educational work
will be successful. It is also worth noting that the
teacher's gaze should be focused on the students, or
some students, during the demonstration of facial
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
expressions. It is necessary to avoid showing facial
expressions by looking at the blackboard, door,
window, visual aids or wall.
Pantomimic is body, hand, leg movements. When the
teacher describes the educational information in the
lesson, he draws the image of the information through
the posture of the body, the students enjoy it, their
inner feelings, combined with their external feelings,
the whole existence information focuses on mastering
the content. Being able to keep a straight voice, to
express one's thoughts clearly and fully, and to make
different movements with the hands and head means
the teacher’s confidence in his knowledge and
strength. It should not be forgotten that the
educational process will be effective if the teacher can
control himself in front of the students and organize
his actions. In the lecture, the legs are 12-15 cm.
standing with one foot slightly forward in the interval
is a sign that the teacher is perfect in his science and
can explain it. If the teacher's speech is poor, the
ability to pronounce words is low, aesthetically poor,
if he gives free rein to his emotions, even if he is
angry, it will have a negative effect on the beliefs and
intelligence of the students. So, the teacher has to re-
educate these defects. This is the fourth way of
mastering pedagogical techniques. Thus, ignorance
or neglect of pedagogical technique, its personal-
professional, professional skills, ways of acquiring it,
as well as insufficient assessment of their position in
the course of pedagogical activity, as well as
criticality of pedagogical technique skills, taking into
account the individual characteristics of each
pedagogue improper work has a negative effect on the
acquisition of pedagogical skills and leads to an
increase in defects in educational work. The main
ways to acquire pedagogical techniques are training
under the guidance of a specialist (learning
pedagogical techniques) and independent work
(professional self-education). Taking into account the
fact that pedagogical technique skills are
individualized, professional self-education in
mastering and improving pedagogical technique, that
is, activities aimed at forming the personal qualities
and professional skills of a skilled pedagogue in the
future teacher student, are the leading it can be said
that it plays a role. Acquiring pedagogical techniques
remains an important factor for every teacher-
educator striving towards a professional ideal.
Pedagogical technique acquisition training organized
in organizational and methodological terms can be
conducted individually, in groups or in sequence. For
example, the necessary knowledge is acquired in
lectures or by independent reading of relevant
literature (in particular, a specific manual). Some
simple movements for automation (different
articulations, phonetic breathing methods, relaxation
methods, etc.) should be shown sequentially. The
formation of relevant skills is carried out through
individual work - first under the supervision and
guidance of the teacher, and then through
independent work. Group work is of particular
importance in the formation of pedagogical technical
skills. It is expedient to reveal this form of training for
the acquisition of pedagogical techniques in more
detail, because it has not been adequately shown in
the educational and methodical literature intended for
teachers. In the same way, in the process of activity,
the pedagogue must see himself through the eyes of
other people, find and try new forms of behaviour and
behaviour, understand the characteristics of the
activities he performs together with his colleagues,
and pedagogy there is an opportunity to consciously
form an individual style of work. In group activities,
conditions are created for a laboratory of self-
knowledge and self-education of an individual, an
experimental field where new methods of solving
pedagogical tasks are tested, and theoretical issues are
discussed. Psychologists emphasize that the most
convenient number of such groups should be 10-14
people in the teaching of pedagogical techniques in
groups, in the experimental work of leaders. The
same number of participants allows each of them to
fully identify and solve individual psychological
problems of working with other people, to seriously
increase the level of reflection and empathy, to
develop pedagogical understanding, and to expand
the means of influencing others. It is important that
the participants of the group, future pedagogues,
should actively strive to acquire the skills of working
together professionally, be psychologically ready to
perform excellent work on self-knowledge and
professional self-education. In all cases, it is
advisable to draw up an individual program for
mastering pedagogical techniques before the start of
such individual and group training. To create such a
program, first of all, it is necessary to determine the
initial level of formation of pedagogical technical
skills. However, experience shows that, as a rule, at
this stage it is necessary to think not only about skills,
but also about automated (by the time of starting
education) skills.
These can be, for example, natural breathing and
voice, correct pronunciation, literate, expressive
speech, mimic and pantomimic accuracy, etc. The
Component and Quality of Pedagogical Skills
presence of such skills makes it much easier to form
pedagogical technical skills. Nevertheless, in all cases,
it will be appropriate if certain work is carried out to
include these skills in the relevant qualifications. In
this case, depending on the initial level of the
formation of pedagogical technical skills, it will be
possible to develop some exercises aimed at the
formation of skills that are lacking in the individual
program of its acquisition or a complete set of them.
Ignoring the mentioned points about the formation
and improvement of pedagogical technique, as well
as insufficient assessment of their content in
pedagogical activity, makes it difficult to master
pedagogical technique, and as a result, critical
analysis of individual pedagogical technique is a way
of work aimed at a specific goal in terms of its
improvement indicates that Mastering pedagogical
techniques in the process of professional training at a
higher educational institution will help the future
teacher to avoid many mistakes at the very beginning
of his career, and to achieve high efficiency in
teaching students.
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