research is the intensive stability of the mechanism of
development of non-traditional approach to
international evaluation programs and scientific
competence (knowledge, understanding, practical
application, conducting research and experiments,
analysis, creative thinking, application in personal
and professional activity). improved based on
provision. For example, science is divided into types
under the category of knowledge:
Knowledge of the content of science is divided
into basic concepts, theories, laws (Ergashovich
2022). Methodological knowledge is divided into
scientific research methods and research procedures.
Epistemic knowledge is divided into the possibilities
of scientific research methods and the importance of
research. Knowledge of the content of science -
physical systems: motion and force (for example,
speed, friction) and influence at a distance (magnetic
forces, gravitational force and electrostatic forces),
structure of matter (particle model, bonds), physical
properties of matter (change in state of aggregate,
heat and electrical conductivity);
chemical properties of matter (chemical reactions,
change of energy, oxide, acid, bases, salts), energy
and its transformation (energy conservation,
distribution, chemical reactions), interaction of
energy and matter (energy and radio waves) , sound
and seismic waves, vibrations) (Ergashovich 2022).
Knowledge of living systems: cells (structure and
function, DNA, plant and animal cells), structure of
organisms (unicellular and multicellular);
people (organ systems such as health, food,
digestion, respiration, blood circulation, circulation,
reproduction and the relationship between them);
populations (species, evolution, biodiversity,
genetic changes), ecosystems (food chain, exchange
of matter and energy), biosphere (activity of
ecosystems, stability).
Knowledge of earth and space system: structure
of earth layer (lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere),
changes in earth (movement of tectonic layers,
geochemical cycles, constructive and destructive
forces), energy (resources, global climate), history of
earth (e.g. fossil boules, formation and evolution), the
movement of matter in the universe (gravitational
force, the quantum system, galaxies), the scale of the
universe and its history (the universe, the big bang
Methodological knowledge. Knowing about
scientific research methods used by scientists for the
purpose of forming scientific knowledge is called
"methodological knowledge" (Norboboeva 2023).
Includes methodological knowledge:
measurement concepts, such as quantity
(measurements), quality (observations), scaling,
continuous variables, methods for reducing and
estimating uncertainties such as determining
repetition and averaging;
mechanisms for ensuring repeatability (the lack of
differences in them when measuring certain
quantities) and accuracy of measurement, general
methods of abstracting and expressing data in the
form of tables, graphs, diagrams and their appropriate
Epistemic knowledge. Determining the
importance and basic aspects of various structures
necessary for the formation of scientific knowledge in
science is called "epistemic knowledge".
Epistemic knowledge covers the following:
understanding the meaning of ideas, theories,
observations, problems, evidence in science,
recognizing various forms of scientific research, the
importance of "expert assessment" in the formation of
reliable knowledge.
In order to form the necessary competences in the
formation of natural-scientific literacy in future
teachers, it is necessary to study the composition
ofassignments and form the skills and abilities of their
implementation (Karakhonova 2020).
Literacy in natural sciences is the ability to
identify problems that can be solved scientifically in
natural phenomena, draw conclusions based on
observations and experiments. These conclusions are
the main goal of this department to understand the
world around us and to realize the changes that are
taking place in it as a result of human activity, to
develop the ability to make the necessary decisions
Competence to explain phenomena scientifically
- to know, propose and evaluate explanations of
technologies, natural phenomena and processes. The
following skills are demonstrated.
Competency of organization and evaluation of
scientific researches - to describe and evaluate
scientific researches and to propose ways to solve
problems based on science. The following
capabilities are demonstrated.
Competence of scientific interpretation of data
and evidence - analysis and evaluation of various
forms of scientific data, evidence, and drawing
appropriate conclusions. The following skills are
The didactic system of the scientific-methodical
support for the development of students' natural-
scientific literacy based on international assessment
studies was determined based on the optimization of
the teaching methods for creating creative tasks in