Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in
Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers
Iskandar Shernazarov
, Lobarkhan Karakhanova
, Dilrabo Elmuratova
Maksudjon Tilyabov
and Nazokat Saidkhanova
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Uzbekistan
Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Qori Niyozi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Finland Pedagogical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: OECD, Context, OUCEA, PISA, Competence Model, Natural-Scientific Literacy: Research, Practical,
Scientific-Practical, Basic and Science-Related Competencies, Intellectual Potential, Creative Thinking
Abstract: The article is based on the development of the methodology for the development of natural-scientific literacy
of future students studying in the field of natural science, the problems and solutions for the development of
natural-scientific literacy of students in their continuing education institutions in the future, changes in the
educational system of developed countries and our republic. and their efforts to achieve good. results in
international evaluation studies, finally, the scientific-methodical foundations of the methodology of
developing natural-scientific literacy in our teachers have been explained step by step. Competencies of
natural and scientific literacy, scientific explanation of phenomena, design and evaluation of scientific
research, scientific interpretation of data and evidence are explained on the basis of examples. Opinions and
comments, conclusions and recommendations are given about the development of contextual assignments and
the provision of didactic materials for the development of natural-scientific literacy among teachers.
The global socio-economic changes in the world,
including the changes in the education system, have
focused on the practice of training intellectually
competent, talented, creative thinking specialists, on
increasing the ability of teachers to participate in
international evaluation studies, and on natural-
scientific literacy. In this way, an integrative activity
is carried out, which brings together various modern
approaches to the organization of the educational
process of teachers, and therefore directs the natural-
scientific literacy and creative thinking of students to
practice, and allows the formation of functional
literacy for students in the educational system. In
particular, in the international evaluation programs
implemented by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), the need to
make extensive use of the achievements of science
and innovation activity in the education system and to
introduce changes in the education system was
emphasized (Ergashovich 2023).
Be advised that papers in a technically unsuitable
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May 11, 2022 "On approval of the national program
for the development of public education in 2022-
2026", which was adopted in order to develop the
quality of education in our country, participate in
international evaluation research programs and take
Shernazarov, I., Karakhanova, L., Elmuratova, D., Tilyabov, M. and Saidkhanova, N.
Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012933500003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 908-916
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
its rightful place Decree No. PQ-289 of June 21, 2022
"On measures to improve the quality of pedagogical
education and further develop the activities of higher
educational institutions for the training of
pedagogical personnel" on the rating of the PISA
international assessment program in the country by
2030 made it a priority to become one of the first 30
advanced countries of the world.
In order to ensure the performance of the specified
tasks, scientific research is being conducted to
develop and implement innovative methods of
assessment and development of students' reading,
mathematical and natural-scientific literacy, creative
thinking of the International Assessment Research
PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS programs (Ergashovich 2023).
Creating a scientific context. The activities of a
large number of scientific institutions that carry out
pedagogical scientific research in developed
countries are aimed at improving and improving
educational programs. Effective research is being
carried out to ensure that the quality changes in the
field of education correspond to international
educational requirements, to develop students'
reading, mathematical, natural-scientific literacy and
creative thinking, to participate in international
assessment programs and achieve positive results.
Therefore, it is recommended to carry out research
aimed at implementing an educational environment
that provides conditions for students to use their
competencies, realize their abilities, creativity, and
initiatives (Shernazarov et al 2023).
No. PF-5538 of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan dated September 5, 2018 "On additional
measures to improve the public education
management system", "Republic of Uzbekistan"
dated April 29, 2019 Decree No. PF-5712 "On
approving the concept of development of the public
education system until 2030", Decree of the Cabinet
of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated
December 8, 2018 "Organization of international
studies in the field of education quality assessment in
the public education system" - activities" This
research work serves to a great extent to fulfill the
tasks defined in the decision No. 997 and other
regulatory and legal documents related to this field.
The Oxford University Center for Educational
Assessment (OUCEA) and the Organization for Co-
operation and Development (OECD) operate as a
national center for assessing students' knowledge and
skills in reading, mathematics and science in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland. Since 1997, through the
international evaluation program, he has conducted
research on the assessment of students' ability to
reason and effectively apply their knowledge based
on the acquired knowledge in school education
systems around the world (Bektosheva 2022).
According to these international evaluation studies,
research related to the development of students'
reading, mathematics, science literacy and creative
thinking is carried out by the world's leading
scientific centers, such as Shanghai and Xi'an
Universities (Xitou), East China University (Xitou),
Purdue, West Lafayette, Kentucky. , Lexington
University (USA), Utara University (Malaysia), Kent
University (UK), Singapore National University
(Singapore), Hokkaido University (Japan), Bashkir
State University (Russia), Belarus State University
(Republic of Belarus) along with educational
institutions, it is also conducted in several higher
educational institutions in Uzbekistan (Ergashovich
2.1 Level of Study of the Problem.
In the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent
States, scientists G.S. Kovaleva, L.O. Roslova, G.A.
Sidorova, A. Ue. Pentin on the assessment and
development of creative thinking in the context of the
international study PISA, B.Ue. Mikhaulovich,
Ue.M. Bugakova, L.S. Bautimerova, V.M.
Grebennikova, K.B. Belikov "the concept of creative
activity of learners", its formation and development,
the basic content of the formation of creative and
creative abilities, T.P. Pouudis, E.V. Sivak,
D.M.Mirzanurova, T.S.Skilevaua, A.Uu.Pentin,
G.Uu.Semuonova, Ue.A.Nikishovalar, K.P.
Vergeles, N.A. Zagranichnaua, G.G. Nikiforov, A.A.
Kozlova, Ue.S. Korolkova, A.A. Bochikhina, A.V.
Polovnikova, N.V. Shtilmans on the formation of
functional natural-scientific and financial literacy of
students and teachers, O.A. Rudze, Ue.S. Kvitko,
K.A. Krasnuanskaua, L.O. Roslova, L.O. Denisheva,
I.I. Karamova on the formation of mathematical
literacy, S.Ue. Duukova, T.V. Koval and others
conducted scientific research on global competencies
In order to develop scientific literacy by the 21st
century, priority is being given to innovative
technologies, conceptual concepts and methods of
increasing their significance in teaching subjects. It is
explained to the learners the historical, modernity,
value compatibility of ideas and concepts about
Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers
scientific literacy and their relevance to the reform of
science and education.
In developed countries, scientific research works
on the formation of students' reading, mathematics,
natural sciences and creative thinking have been
carried out. In our republic, there is also a
methodology for the formation of skills in order to
prepare students for international assessment studies.
However, developed countries and our republic have
not developed methods for developing teachers'
natural-scientific literacy (Shernazarov and
Xodjabayeva 2022).
The study is aimed at development of a
methodology for the development of natural-
scientific literacy of teachers working in the field of
natural science.
Improving the scientific-methodical content of
teaching teachers to international evaluation studies
based on the analysis of international research results
in the continuous education system;
Developing a system of tasks that develop
teachers' natural-scientific literacy based on
international evaluation studies;
Development of a methodical system of training
teachers for professional activity based on the
principles of adaptive and practicality, which
stabilizes the adaptability of education to the
interactive environment;
Improvement of the methodology of transfer to
international evaluation programs on the basis of
international cooperation;
Implementation of the scientific-methodological
support of the development of natural-scientific
literacy of teachers based on international evaluation
studies by using graphic-design tasks that teach how
to create creative tasks
The scientific-methodological support of teaching
teachers to international assessment studies has been
improved based on the integration of individual
complexity into the content of graphic problems
aimed at the formation of literacy in international
assessment PISA research (creative active, natural-
scientific). For example, since creative thinking is an
emerging field, a number of strong studies have been
conducted on the broad spectrum of creativity.
Plucker, Begetto, and Dau explained that creativity,
based on its versatility and social characteristics, is
"the interrelationship between adaptation, process,
and environment, in which a group or human social
context produces a unique and effective result." In
order for teachers to teach students to think creatively,
they first need to develop the ability to achieve
creative results in themselves, as well as broader and
specialized characteristics and skills, such as talent,
knowledge, or artistic ability. requires.
Interdependence of creativity emphasizes the
importance of various internal resources for
successful engagement in creative work, as well as
the importance of the environment in which creative
work is carried out. These comparisons serve as an
important framework for assessing creative thinking
within the framework of PISA studies.
It reflects the unique aspects of the observation of
creative thinking in the educational process and its
constituent aspects. This model was developed on the
basis of the 5-dimensional model of creative thinking
proposed by the Advisory Group of Experts on
Creative Thinking (OECD). Social factors, means,
achievement and development are expressed in it.
Naming tasks from one subject area in the
summation system, legend (triggering event), 3-5
tasks defining the specific aspects of the competency
model, assessment for each task is clearly defined.
Components: promotion of various ideas,
selection and evaluation of ideas, improvement of
Assignment examples: verbal expression.
Pictured is the book cover. Check out the book
cover. What do you think this book is about? Suggest
a few ideas and describe them.
Sample tasks: solving scientific problems
For the purity of the water, the water pipe network
of the village houses receives water from under the
water. In August, clean and clear water was taken
from the tap. By the end of September, the owner
noticed that the cold water was still very clean, and
the heated water had a smell. When he gave the water
for analysis, the analysis showed that the water
contained hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas
that comes from the active process of bacteria in
various organic residues. How are you going to
explain the causes of water pollution and the solution
to this problem to the
owners? Use your imagination
and express your opinion in the following line.
The effectiveness of the method of developing
natural-scientific literacy of teachers on the basis of
international evaluation studies is determined by
methodological conditions such as the
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
comprehensive formation of natural-scientific
literacy competencies (scientific explanation of
phenomena, scientific interpretation of data and
evidence, organization and evaluation of scientific
research) and cognitive levels of tasks. improved by
providing uicha correluatsiua.
The development of competencies required by the
standards of international assessment programs in
future biology teachers is being studied as an urgent
pedagogical problem. Ball and Hill (2008) classify
the content of pedagogical knowledge required of
future teachers as follows:
- Content knowledge or subject knowledge: this
summarizes the structure of the teacher's teaching
material, including the basic concepts of the subject
- General pedagogical knowledge: It represents
the basic principles that ensure the process of
teaching, for example, based on the principles of
classroom management, teaching skills, learning
time, waiting time, individual and group interactions
in the classroom.
- Curriculum knowledge: shows the teacher's
knowledge of the curriculum and its main elements,
theories, assessment methods, organization of
experiences and activities, lesson planning, exam
preparation in addition to the use of teaching
materials and guides.
- Pedagogical content knowledge: includes
content-related knowledge that allows the teacher to
teach in real classroom conditions.
- Learners' knowledge and characteristics: This
means identifying learners' interests, learning needs,
individual differences, prior experiences and
understandings, alternative understandings, and
appropriate application of knowledge.
- knowledge of educational content: it is related to
classroom management, school knowledge, respect
for cultural and social diversity among students.
- knowledge of educational goals and values:
includes knowledge of the philosophical and
historical foundations of education, as well as the
professional ethics of teaching.
The cycle of natural sciences includes subjects
of nature, biology, geography, physics, and
chemistry. Currently, a National curriculum designed
to implement didactic support of Science education
for integrative education has been developed. Based
on the purpose of each subject, integrative points in
the study of natural-scientific phenomena are
determined. Also, in the section of subjects,
experimental work was carried out on the formation
of the following special competencies.
From the subject of mathematics: imagining and
understanding mathematical concepts, performing
operations on real and complex numbers, applying
mathematical knowledge in practice, logical analysis.
From physics: observing, understanding and
explaining physical processes and phenomena,
measuring and determining physical quantities,
conducting experiments and drawing conclusions,
being able to use physical knowledge and tools in
In informatics: Competence of collecting
information on electronic means, processing of
information on electronic means, competence of
transmitting information through electronic means,
application of informatics knowledge in practice;
From chemistry: to explain chemical processes
and phenomena, to be able to express elements and
formulas chemically, to be able to work with the
necessary equipment for conducting experiments, to
apply the knowledge gained from chemistry in
From the science of geography: observing,
understanding and explaining natural processes and
phenomena, observing economic and social
processes, being able to use ecological culture,
geographical atlases and maps, applying geographical
knowledge in practice;
From the science of biology: biological process,
understanding and explanation of phenomena,
environmental culture, working with necessary
equipment for conducting experiments, practical
application of knowledge gained in biology. In order
to realize the above-mentioned goals in the field of
natural and concrete sciences, the system of
knowledge to be mastered should be delivered to
students on the basis of psychological, pedagogical
and didactic laws, that is, the process of knowing
should be carried out by moving from live
observation to abstract thinking and from it to
In fact, the biology teacher has sufficient
knowledge of the system of the above subjects, the
availability of resources, the understanding and
understanding of the tasks required by the
International Evaluation Research Program, and the
effective methods to convey them to the student.
The methodical system of training teachers for
professional activity has been improved based on the
introduction of the principles of adaptive and
practicality, which stabilize the adaptability of
education to the interactive environment, into the
content of independent activity of students in a
productive manner. At the same time, the method of
introducing teachers to international evaluation
Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers
research is the intensive stability of the mechanism of
development of non-traditional approach to
international evaluation programs and scientific
competence (knowledge, understanding, practical
application, conducting research and experiments,
analysis, creative thinking, application in personal
and professional activity). improved based on
provision. For example, science is divided into types
under the category of knowledge:
Knowledge of the content of science is divided
into basic concepts, theories, laws (Ergashovich
2022). Methodological knowledge is divided into
scientific research methods and research procedures.
Epistemic knowledge is divided into the possibilities
of scientific research methods and the importance of
research. Knowledge of the content of science -
physical systems: motion and force (for example,
speed, friction) and influence at a distance (magnetic
forces, gravitational force and electrostatic forces),
structure of matter (particle model, bonds), physical
properties of matter (change in state of aggregate,
heat and electrical conductivity);
chemical properties of matter (chemical reactions,
change of energy, oxide, acid, bases, salts), energy
and its transformation (energy conservation,
distribution, chemical reactions), interaction of
energy and matter (energy and radio waves) , sound
and seismic waves, vibrations) (Ergashovich 2022).
Knowledge of living systems: cells (structure and
function, DNA, plant and animal cells), structure of
organisms (unicellular and multicellular);
people (organ systems such as health, food,
digestion, respiration, blood circulation, circulation,
reproduction and the relationship between them);
populations (species, evolution, biodiversity,
genetic changes), ecosystems (food chain, exchange
of matter and energy), biosphere (activity of
ecosystems, stability).
Knowledge of earth and space system: structure
of earth layer (lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere),
changes in earth (movement of tectonic layers,
geochemical cycles, constructive and destructive
forces), energy (resources, global climate), history of
earth (e.g. fossil boules, formation and evolution), the
movement of matter in the universe (gravitational
force, the quantum system, galaxies), the scale of the
universe and its history (the universe, the big bang
Methodological knowledge. Knowing about
scientific research methods used by scientists for the
purpose of forming scientific knowledge is called
"methodological knowledge" (Norboboeva 2023).
Includes methodological knowledge:
measurement concepts, such as quantity
(measurements), quality (observations), scaling,
continuous variables, methods for reducing and
estimating uncertainties such as determining
repetition and averaging;
mechanisms for ensuring repeatability (the lack of
differences in them when measuring certain
quantities) and accuracy of measurement, general
methods of abstracting and expressing data in the
form of tables, graphs, diagrams and their appropriate
Epistemic knowledge. Determining the
importance and basic aspects of various structures
necessary for the formation of scientific knowledge in
science is called "epistemic knowledge".
Epistemic knowledge covers the following:
understanding the meaning of ideas, theories,
observations, problems, evidence in science,
recognizing various forms of scientific research, the
importance of "expert assessment" in the formation of
reliable knowledge.
In order to form the necessary competences in the
formation of natural-scientific literacy in future
teachers, it is necessary to study the composition
ofassignments and form the skills and abilities of their
implementation (Karakhonova 2020).
Literacy in natural sciences is the ability to
identify problems that can be solved scientifically in
natural phenomena, draw conclusions based on
observations and experiments. These conclusions are
the main goal of this department to understand the
world around us and to realize the changes that are
taking place in it as a result of human activity, to
develop the ability to make the necessary decisions
Competence to explain phenomena scientifically
- to know, propose and evaluate explanations of
technologies, natural phenomena and processes. The
following skills are demonstrated.
Competency of organization and evaluation of
scientific researches - to describe and evaluate
scientific researches and to propose ways to solve
problems based on science. The following
capabilities are demonstrated.
Competence of scientific interpretation of data
and evidence - analysis and evaluation of various
forms of scientific data, evidence, and drawing
appropriate conclusions. The following skills are
The didactic system of the scientific-methodical
support for the development of students' natural-
scientific literacy based on international assessment
studies was determined based on the optimization of
the teaching methods for creating creative tasks in
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
optimal combinations with professionally used
graphic-design tasks.
We use the methods of "Heuristic education" and
"Problematic situation" in the formation of
mathematical literacy.
Heuristic learning method. The meaning of the
word "heuristic" is to "find" based on the answer to
the question. In order for classes to be interesting,
each problem or task in these classes should be of a
character that activates their higher activities and not
for rote learning. American scientist D. Poua said the
following about the heuristic education method. The
purpose of heuristics is to find methods and rules that
lead to success. He recommends implementing the
heuristic method through a consistent plan as follows:
understanding the issue, making a plan to solve
the problem, implementing the plan, looking back
(checking the solution). In the process of
implementing this plan, teachers will find answers to
the following questions:
What is unknown in the matter? What is known
about the matter? What are the terms of the matter?
Have similar issues been resolved before? If such
issues have been resolved, will the issue be resolved?
Of course, the above scheme forms the students'
creative and thinking activities, but this scheme
cannot be the only one that forms the students'
creative abilities.(Мусахоновна 2022, Shruthi &
Aravind 2024).
"Analysis of concepts" method.
The purpose of the method: this method is used in
order to determine the level of mastery of important
concepts by students or participants, to independently
check and evaluate their knowledge, as well as to
diagnose the level of preliminary knowledge on the
subject. Procedure for implementing the method:
participants are introduced to the training rules;
students are given handouts with the names of
words and concepts related to the topic or chapter (in
individual or group order);
students provide detailed information about what
these concepts mean, when and in what situations
they are used;
after the specified time, the teacher reads out the
correct and complete explanation of the given
concepts or demonstrates it on the slide;
each participant compares his personality and
attitude with the given correct answers, identifies the
differences and checks and evaluates his level of
Students learn to think independently, analyze the
causes and consequences of a problem, and find a
solution based on the methods of problem solving.
Steps of the "Problem Situation" method:
Future kimuo teachers will be divided into 2
groups. Each group determines the causes of the
problem, and each group offers its own solutions.
After all groups have proposed their solutions, the
same opinions are collected (Мусахоновна 2022).
They discuss and analyze different possibilities of
solving the problem. They develop solutions to the
problem situation.
Small groups make a presentation about the
solution to the problematic situation and offer their
We can use T-table technology to work out the
T-table technology is a technology that is
convenient to use in the current part of lectures and
practical training. In this case, one problem is
considered from different opposite points of view
(positive and negative, advantage and disadvantage,
advantage and disadvantage, right and wrong).
In this case, one problem is considered from
different opposite points of view (positive and
negative, advantage and disadvantage, advantage and
disadvantage, right and wrong). For example, future
kimuo teachers present their thoughts on correct and
incorrect answers while working on a problem. After
the work is completed, a table with correct and
incorrect answers will be displayed on the screen.
Future kimuo teachers compare their answers with the
table on the screen, come to appropriate conclusions
and determine the correct answer (Musakhonovna
Future teachers should have the ability to fully
analyze the issues involved in the formation of
reading literacy using the "Dialogue training"
Forms of verbal communication, "Scarabeu",
"Discussion", "Research", "Synectics" and "Why?"
We learn from schematic technologies and natural
phenomena. We can do this by completing the tasks
given in the formation of natural-scientific literacy in
future teachers. When completing tasks in
international evaluation studies, information about
the tasks is givenbefore. Based on this information, it
is possible to form natural-scientific literacy in future
teachers to fulfill the task given by the law.
"Concept analysis", "Problematic education",
"Discussion", "Louiha", "Independent work", "Work
in pairs", "Blitz-so" We use the methods of "rows",
"Venn diagram", "Fish skeleton", "Cluster".
The content of the discussion consists of the
developed a methodology for developing natural-
science literacy of teachers. It is the development of
natural-scientific literacy of teachers that was carried
Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers
out on the basis of the tasks of the research, and they
are as follows:
a system of problem-research-creative
assignments aimed at developing students' creative
activity has been developed;
The training manuals "PISA context task set for
teachers" and "Task set for improving natural
literacy" were created and put into practice;
The textbook "Fundamentals of International
Evaluation" and the "Research of International
Evaluation" textbooks for teachers have been created
and are being used in practice;
A methodology for developing teachers' creative
activity has been developed on the basis of problem-
based communication, and a system of
methodological instructions and recommendations
has been developed for the development of natural-
scientific literacy of teachers based on international
evaluation studies.
The reliability of the research results is based on
methodological principles and principles, it is based
on the logical foundations of research and sciences,
the validity of research methods, the identity of the
purpose, tasks and results of the research is ensured,
the proposals and recommendations developed within
the framework of the research have been approved,
experimental works, lectures, practical and carried
out in laboratory training, the level of significance of
the obtained results is qualitatively analyzed,
provided by the approval of the obtained results by
the competent authorities.
The scientific significance of the results of the
research reveals the educational possibilities of
systematized domestic and foreign experiences on the
problem of developing mathematical, natural-
scientific literacy and creative activity of students and
future teachers. Based on asynchronous and
synchronous assignments, the didactic, methodical
and ergonomic requirements for the organization of
an integrated educational environment are the basis
for the development of competences of learners [6].
The practical significance of the results of the
research is that tasks for the intensive use of problem-
research-creative situations have been developed, the
organizational-methodical environment of modern
educational technology, diagnostic systems of
evaluation have been improved, and the natural-
scientific literacy of teachers has been developed.
Implementation of research results. On the basis
of the scientific results obtained on the method of
developing natural-scientific literacy of teachers on
the basis of international evaluation studies:
The scientific-methodological support of teaching
teachers to international assessment studies was
based on the proposals of the international assessment
PISA study (creative active, natural-scientific) to
inculcate individual complexity in the content of
graphic problems aimed at the formation of literacy.
As a result, the functional and natural-scientific
literacy of future teachers and students was formed
based on the program and model.
The effectiveness of the method of developing
natural-scientific literacy of teachers on the basis of
international assessment studies is determined by
methodological conditions such as the
comprehensive formation of natural-scientific
literacy competencies (scientific explanation of
phenomena, scientific interpretation of data and
evidence, organization and evaluation of scientific
research) and cognitive levels of tasks. The practical
suggestions and recommendations for ensuring the
correlation of these were used in the organization of
the work activity of the organization A&A
Ausbildung und Arbeit Plus GmbH in Bremen in
Germany. As a result, in the future professional
activity of teachers, it has been achieved to increase
the effectiveness of teaching in terms of tasks based
on asynchronous integration of sciences in solving
epistemological problems of natural science literacy
in the scientific interpretation of natural phenomena
(Ergashovich 2022).
The methodical system of training teachers for
professional activity is the introduction of adaptive
and practical principles that stabilize the flexibility of
the interactive environment of education into the
content of independent activity of students in a
productive and stable manner, and the methodology
of training teachers for international evaluation
studies is the non-traditional orientation and scientific
competence of training for international evaluation
programs (knowledge, understanding, from
recommendations on ensuring the intensive stability
of the mechanism of development (practice,
conducting research and experiments, analysis,
creative thinking, personal and professional activity).
As a result, the scientific-practical competence,
natural-scientific literacy of students in the model
school was developed;
The didactic system of the scientific-methodical
support for the development of students' natural-
scientific literacy based on international assessment
studies was developed in the development of the
National curriculum based on the proposal to
optimize the methods of teaching creative tasks in
optimal combinations with professional graphic-
design tasks. As a result, the formation of scientific
and practical competencies and creative activity of
students was achieved (Musakhonovna 2022).
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
It has been determined that it is necessary to develop
scientific-methodical support for the formation of
natural-scientific, mathematical and reading literacy
in the training of future teachers for international
studies in the continuing education system.
2. During the professional activity of future teachers,
a mechanism for improving the didactic content of the
development of natural-scientific, mathematical and
reading literacy of students of general secondary
schools has been developed.
3. The development of scientific and practical
competence of students is improved through
integrative learning and its criteria (knowledge,
understanding, practical application, conducting
research and experiments, analysis, creative thinking,
application in personal and professional activity).
4. In the professional activity of future teachers, the
need to adapt the assignments to the educational
process, aimed at developing students' natural-
scientific literacy, creative thinking skills, was
5. Based on the development of the didactic system
of scientific-methodical support for the development
of students' natural-scientific literacy based on
international assessment studies, students of
secondary education and specialized schools were
trained in international assessment studies and
students' creative thinking and natural-scientific
literacy were formed.
6. Competence (cognitive, motivational, creative,
person-oriented and practical) and levels (creative,
productive, reproductive) of effective teaching of
natural-scientific literacy of future teachers are
7. International evaluation studies, which include
evaluation criteria (factors), indicators (levels),
assessment tools (questionnaires, tests, tasks that
form natural-science literacy, etc.) Contextual tasks
are developed that allow the formation of translation.
The following suggestions and recommendations
were developed based on the results of the scientific
research on the methodology of developing the
natural-scientific literacy of future teachers based on
international evaluation studies:
1. Pedagogical diagnostics (initial, intermediate,
advanced) aimed at obtaining information about the
stages of formation of students' skills for working on
international assessment research tasks and
improving the quality of communication in the
formation of natural-scientific literacy are proposed.
2. To increase the quality of teaching of teachers by
using the information and tasks of international
evaluation studies in the teaching process of Kimuo
and systematically applying them to the teaching
process in accordance with the requirements of the
3. Development of high-quality electronic didactic
materials, textbooks and training manuals aimed at
the development of natural-scientific literacy of
future teachers and their wide application in the
educational process.
4. Implementation of the context tasks related to the
literacy of creative thinking, obtained as a result of
the collaborative activity of international evaluation
research experts, to educational processes.
5. Development of reading, mathematical, financial,
computer, global and natural-science literacy of
teachers in the training courses of chemical science
pedagogues, extensive use of qualification
requirements and programs in the educational
6. Wide implementation of international evaluation
studies of future teachers based on tasks that develop
creative thinking, natural-science, mathematics,
reading, learning, and functional literacy.
In accordance with the conclusions and
recommendations presented above, the training of
future teachers in international evaluation studies will
develop their professional competence and ensure
that in the future general and secondary school
students will have good results in international
evaluation studies.
In a word, the future natural science direction will
enable teachers to use innovative and integrative
methods to use modern teaching methods to develop
students' mathematical, natural scientific and reading
literacy and creative thinking, to solve problems
together, based on the requirements of international
assessment studies. preparation is an important urgent
task today.
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