Psycholinguistic Terms: Anglicisms in the Speech of Russian Learners
Boymurodova Maftuna Klichevna
Navoi Innovations University, Navoi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Anglicisms, Borrowings, Transliteration, Techniques, Hybrid Words.
Abstract: This article explores the emergence of Anglicisms and their significance in shaping the contemporary
landscape of the Russian language, particularly within the context of professionally oriented vocabulary
across different societal strata. It delves into the factors influencing the infiltration of Anglicisms into Russian,
examining their impact on foreign language students through the lens of current fields of activity and societal
development. Additionally, it scrutinises the various modes of borrowing transition, their prevalence, and the
adaptation process within the Russian language. Through this investigation, the article aims to shed light on
the evolving linguistic dynamics influenced by the influx of Anglicisms, highlighting their multifaceted roles
and implications in the broader spectrum of language acquisition and usage in contemporary Russian society.
In an era of rapid societal development, language
assumes a distinctive sociological significance.
Today, proficiency in a second language has become
a hallmark of modernity for every conscious and
educated individual. This cultural and sociological
transformation permeates all strata of society. The
proliferation of Anglicisms within the Russian
language family marks a significant shift in societal
language dynamics, reshaping the linguistic
landscape of the public sphere and fostering diversity
in national mentality. This linguistic phenomenon
necessitates corrections and adaptations within the
Russian language framework, particularly evident in
both oral and written domains of Russian linguistics.
The pervasive use of Anglicisms in Russian discourse
finds its roots in various spheres including politics,
science, business, culture, and global interactions,
thereby influencing multiple branches of linguistics
such as Lexicology, Stylistics, Epistemology,
Hermeneutics, and Culture (Avilova 1967, et al.).
Modern linguists assert that borrowing from other
languages, especially Anglicisms, is ubiquitous
across all languages worldwide. Over the past decade,
the popularization of English vocabulary and ethics
has enriched the lexicon of the Russian language with
numerous new lexical units. This enrichment
primarily occurs through two significant means:
borrowing from other languages and the formation of
new words. Language, as a dynamic system,
continually evolves, with vocabulary being
particularly susceptible to change. Such changes
reflect societal developments and enhance language
functionality. Foreign lexical elements, particularly
from English, have permeated all facets of Russian
life due to various reasons including the necessity to
label new concepts, differentiate between similar
concepts, and socio-psychological factors such as the
perceived prestige associated with foreign words
(Verbitskaya 1993, et al.).
The interrelation between language and culture
underscores the significance of linguistic connections
among peoples, fostering equality in linguistic
communication across ethnic, political, and other
realms. This linguistic interplay often manifests as
Americanization in contemporary times, as the
Anglo-American way of life and values become
globally familiar. Such linguistic manifestations,
evident in the adoption of Anglicisms, result in lexical
shifts and semantic nuances within the Russian
language, sometimes at the expense of its traditional
concepts. Despite these changes, the Russian
language retains its prominence on the global stage,
ranking among the top ten world languages and
holding a significant position in international
organisations such as the UN, where it is recognised
as one of the six main international languages,
solidifying its status as a major global language
alongside English and Chinese.
The influx of foreign words into the Russian
language, particularly from English, has significantly
increased. According to I.O. Ozhegova's definition,
anglicisms encompass words or expressions
Klichevna, B.
Psycholinguistic Terms: Anglicisms in the Speech of Russian Learners.
DOI: 10.5220/0012941000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 991-994
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
borrowed from English or constructed in a manner
similar to English. These borrowings swiftly integrate
into the systematic structure and usage of Russian,
becoming commonplace in both spoken and written
communication. The rapid advancement of science
and technology underscores the necessity for
comprehensive study and analysis of new
terminological vocabulary. In modern society,
terminology holds a crucial position across various
spheres, serving as a vital source of information, a
tool for specialisation, and a catalyst for scientific
In recent years, there has been a heightened
interest in psychological sciences, prompting a surge
in psychological terminology. Despite the significant
progress made by lexicologists in developing
psychological terminology, there remains a need for
linguistic exploration in this domain. The study aims
to identify the functional and structural attributes of
English-language elements within the terminological
system of psychology, alongside exploring the
methods and processes of its formation. This
endeavour acknowledges the importance of a unified
scientific terminology system to facilitate
comprehension and accessibility for all individuals,
regardless of their background or beliefs.
Moreover, the study of Russian as a foreign
language not only broadens horizons but also
cultivates mental processes such as thinking,
memory, and imagination. The active enrichment of
the Russian terminological vocabulary inevitably
leads to the emergence of new challenges,
particularly concerning terminological concepts.
Furthermore, as the importance of the Russian
language extends beyond borders, its knowledge
facilitates diverse opportunities, including higher
education, scientific endeavours, ethical business
communication, and personal branding on a global
scale. In today's digital economy, a basic
understanding of the Russian language is increasingly
indispensable for individuals seeking to navigate the
interconnected world.
The research methodology employed in this article on
"Russian as a Foreign Language" encompasses a
multifaceted approach aimed at equipping students
with the necessary skills for independent professional
engagement, both within Uzbekistan and
internationally. Central to this methodology is the
integration of linguistic, communicative, and
interdisciplinary strategies to foster comprehensive
development. The article prioritizes the enhancement
of fundamental linguistic knowledge alongside the
exploration of diverse disciplines and
interdisciplinary fields. Moreover, it emphasizes the
importance of strengthening religious faith,
particularly within the context of Islamic religion, to
provide students with a well-rounded education. By
elucidating the specificity of the Russian language,
systematizing communicative approaches, and
comparing speech activity theory with
communication psychology, the methodology seeks
to provide a robust foundation for language learning
and cultural understanding.
Furthermore, the methodology delves into the
ideological and aesthetic analysis of artistic works,
serving to introduce key historical and literary
concepts while honing students' analytical skills and
abstract thinking abilities. Each topic within the
curriculum is accompanied by methodological
instructions designed to aid students in understanding
their tasks and navigating the complexities of
teaching practice. Through this structured approach,
the methodology aims to facilitate not only language
proficiency but also intellectual growth and critical
engagement with diverse subject matter, preparing
students for the demands of independent professional
endeavours in an increasingly interconnected world.
In the exploration of a specific topic within the realm
of literary studies, researchers are tasked with delving
into the foundational methodologies of the literary
process. This entails grasping the intricacies of
writers' creativity, their works, and their interplay
with artistic methods, directions, and historical
contexts. A solid grasp of ideological and theoretical
frameworks is pivotal, with the quality of work
contingent upon the student's ability to creatively
engage with the material. Drawing from lecture notes,
textbooks, and teaching aids on 19th-century world
literature, students are guided by the current program
in the discipline, with preliminary studies
emphasizing an understanding of introductory
sections and chapters related to the designated writer.
Attention is directed towards the ideological,
aesthetic, and social underpinnings of key artistic
movements, as tasks often involve discerning the
nuances of romantic or realistic portrayals by
prominent foreign writers of the era.
Preparatory phases are marked by the update and
consolidation of theoretical and literary knowledge,
aligning with the requirements of the chosen topic.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Familiarity with foundational texts like "Introduction
to Literary Studies" or articles from the "Dictionary
of Literary Terms" aids in systematizing artistic and
critical materials. Mastery of methodology hinges on
a comprehensive understanding of linguistic
processes, reader psychology, and the ability to
effectively utilize linguistic techniques. In practical
classes for Russian as a foreign language, emphasis is
placed on cultivating conscious learning, search
skills, critical analysis, and synthesis, fostering
independent engagement with linguistic studies while
integrating content and form.
The structure of instructional materials marries
national-chronological and theoretical principles,
with particular focus on practical application within
contemporary contexts. Proficiency in Russian is
bolstered by the professional factor, especially for
those pursuing specialized fields. The textbook serves
as a conduit for independent study, allowing for group
work and tailored approaches to communicative
tasks. Through the study of Russian, students
cultivate an appreciation for linguistic aesthetics,
contributing to the ethical and aesthetic image of the
language and enhancing its practical utility in
teaching and learning contexts. The manual addresses
methodological, linguo-aesthetic, and
neuropsychological challenges, though the latter
remains an area ripe for further exploration and
In contemporary society, the proliferation of
Anglicisms across various domains has become a
prevalent trend in the language of modern citizens.
These borrowed English terms infiltrate official,
aesthetic, stylistic, and culinary realms, reflecting
interconnectedness in global communication,
economic markets, and tourism. While broadening
linguistic horizons, this phenomenon risks diluting
the essence of native language vocabulary. English,
as a dominant international language, exerts
significant influence on others, shaping lexicons
Scholars delineate distinct characteristics of
borrowed words, including assimilation, selective
lexical borrowing, and their necessity in transient
linguistic interactions. Despite their integration,
Anglicisms undergo phonetic and graphical
adaptation, often deviating from native pronunciation
norms. In Russian linguistic discourse, the study and
categorization of Anglicisms represent an imperative,
given their dynamic nature and limited exploration.
This process introduces novel terminologies such as
"partial borrowing" and "cluster borrowing,"
highlighting diverse pathways of linguistic
The augmentation of foreign vocabulary,
particularly evident online, fosters the emergence of
neologisms and expands linguistic landscapes.
Within the realm of Russian literature, Anglicisms
permeate psychological spheres, enriching
expression but also challenging traditional language
boundaries. Over years, foreign language borrowings
have remained a focal point for academic inquiry,
accentuating their relevance in contemporary societal
contexts. Linguistic analyses illuminate the intricate
dynamics of English-Russian lexical exchange,
shedding light on functional nuances and semantic
transformations inherent in Anglicism assimilation.
Table 1: The Fabric of Society: Insights from Fashion to
Social Media.
Area of use Percentage Percentage
Area of fashion and aesthetics 27
Area of financial and economic situations 15
Area of everyday communication 12
Science and Technology Field 11
Area of Ethical Relations and Art 11
The field of communication in social media.
networks and online communities
Area of socio-political relations 8
Area of healthy lifestyle and sports sections 6
The prevalence of Anglicisms is most notable in
fashion and aesthetics due to the prominence of
English-speaking cosmetic companies. This trend
extends to procedures and care products, shaping
everyday communication and particularly evident
among the youth, influenced by modern trends
pervasive in daily life.
In economics, both domestic and international
markets are impacted by Anglicisms, reflecting
global interconnectedness. This enriches
communication channels, affecting discourse across
science, social networks, and online communities.
Anglicisms permeate modern life, from everyday
speech to media consumption, demonstrating their
ubiquity and influence.
In the exploration of 19th-century world literature,
scholars navigate a rich tapestry of ideological,
aesthetic, and social underpinnings. Through
Psycholinguistic Terms: Anglicisms in the Speech of Russian Learners
foundational methodologies and theoretical
frameworks, students engage with the complexities of
artistic movements and historical contexts. Mastery
of linguistic processes and reader psychology
enhances critical analysis, facilitating a deeper
understanding of literary creativity. Russian language
studies, with a focus on practical application,
contribute to linguistic aesthetics and cultural
appreciation. However, the proliferation of
Anglicisms poses challenges to native language
integrity, necessitating rigorous examination and
categorization within linguistic discourse.
The prevalence of Anglicisms reflects global
interconnectedness, particularly prominent in
fashion, economics, and everyday communication.
Their influence extends to social media and online
communities, shaping discourse across various
domains. While enriching linguistic landscapes,
Anglicisms also highlight the dynamic nature of
language assimilation. Continued scholarly inquiry
into their semantic transformations and functional
nuances is vital for understanding contemporary
societal contexts. Thus, amidst the ever-evolving
linguistic exchange, maintaining the essence of native
language vocabulary remains imperative for
preserving cultural identity and linguistic diversity.
Avilova, N. S. (1967). Words of international origin in the
Russian literary language of modern times (verbs with
a foreign language basis). Moscow: Nauka. (pp. 171)
Aristova, V. M. (2012). English words in Russian:
Textbook. allowance. Kaliningrad: KSU.
Vasiliev, A. D. (1998). On the study of exoticisms in the
linguocultural aspect. In A. V. Pavlovskaya (Ed.),
Moscow, (pp. 137-146).
Verbitskaya, L. A. (1993). Let's speak correctly. Moscow.
Zemskaya, E. A. (1996). Newspeak clichés and citation in
the language of post-Soviet society. Questions of
linguistics, (3), 23-31.
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