Moreover, a nuanced analysis of semantic
transformations in active proverbs unveils their
remarkable adaptability to shifting societal norms and
cultural contexts. Take, for instance, the proverb "It's
good to visit, but better at home," which undergoes
structural-semantic modifications, mirroring
contemporary sociolinguistic dynamics and attesting
to its enduring relevance.
As lexicographic endeavours endeavour to
encapsulate these dynamic shifts, forthcoming
alphabetical-core dictionaries are poised to document
the intricate interplay between tradition and
innovation in paremiological discourse. By
juxtaposing traditional proverbs with their
transformed counterparts, these dictionaries offer a
holistic portrayal of contemporary paremiology,
facilitating a nuanced understanding of cultural
In summation, proverbs serve as conduits of
cultural heritage and societal values, transcending
temporal boundaries to impart timeless wisdom. As
the linguistic landscape continues to evolve, these
age-old adages persist as invaluable repositories of
collective wisdom, reflecting the dynamic tapestry of
human experience and cultural evolution.
In conclusion, the conceptual framework for
linguistic-axiological representation of proverbs in
alphabetical and thematic dictionaries integrates the
rich heritage of domestic lexicography with
contemporary shifts in the paremiological landscape
of the Russian language. This model not only
explicates the evaluative nature of proverbs but also
meticulously analyses their structural-semantic
transformations and axiological dimensions. By
categorising transforms according to their models and
embedding them within thematic sections,
dictionaries offer a nuanced portrayal of the evolution
of cultural values and linguistic creativity.
Furthermore, the inclusion of emotive-evaluative
markers and comments in the thematic dictionary
underscores the emergence of new axiological themes
in proverbial material. Neoparemi and transformed
proverbs, while often adopting a humorous-ironic
tone towards traditional values, serve to reflect the
linguistic-creative tendencies of contemporary
Russian language. Thus, these dictionaries not only
serve as repositories of cultural heritage but also as
mirrors reflecting the dynamic interplay between
tradition and innovation in linguistic expression.
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