SC "effectiveness of action" (to grow up, to
mature, to sleep out, to run out, to finish reading, to
finish reading, to wake up, to wait for, to salt, to talk
out, etc.).
SC "temporally limited action" (to flirt, to laugh,
to shriek, to rejoice, to talk, to sit, etc.).
SC "multiplicity of action" (scare, scold, shug,
jump, dare; hobble, shiban, chuban, rub, quilt, tell,
cut, push; try, etc.).
SC "intensity of action" (to amuse, to press on, to
lay on, to push on, to read, to forget; to smoke, to read,
to dance, to brood, to cheer up, etc.).
SC "behaviour, occupation" (naive, sassy,
monkeying around, frank, pajasnicki, etc.).
SC "becoming a sign" (to orphan, to grow old, to
grow rusty, to grow glassy, to grow dilapidated, to
grow strong, to grow wild, to grow expensive; to
grow deaf, to grow blind, to grow dry, etc.).
SC "manifestation of a feature" (whiteness,
blackness, redness, etc.); SC "causation of action"
(salt, pepper, sugar, mothball, wax, ochre,
powder, etc.).
SC "turning the action towards the subject" (to
make up, to comb, to whiten, to blush, to defend, to
anger, to restrain, etc.).
SC "reciprocity" ("comitativity") of action (to
scold, to shoot, to get acquainted, to shake hands, etc).
It is shown that only two SCs coincide in the verb
subsystems of the Russian and Uzbek languages:
"becoming a feature" (derevenet, firm, shallow
- kizarmok, kuyuklamok) and "giving a feature
(causation)" (yellow, dirty, reveal, exhaust, orphan -
yangilamok, yakhishlamok). At the same time,
morphological transformations of derivatives in
Uzbek can be no less significant than in Russian: cf.
sariq - sargaimok. It is significant that in Russian the
technique of attaching verbal suffixes to the bases is
close to agglutinative: dirty-i-t, bel-i-t. Verbal
suffixes are more easily distinguished than most
nominal suffixes, however, we cannot speak of the
full agglutinativity of such suffixes, since they
express not only derivational but also species
In Russian, the SC "becoming of a feature" is an
integral, compact, and largely agglutinative category,
while the SC "causation" is a more complicated
complex phenomenon. As A. A. Azizov notes, "in
Russian there are only vestigial phenomena of
causative (to drink - to drink, to fester - to fester), so
this collateral meaning is dead in Russian and is not
expressed by grammatical means" [2. P. 164]. [2. С.
164]. In this case, indeed, we can see that there is no
such a regular grammatical category in Russian as the
prepositional voice in Uzbek. Meanwhile, one can by
no means agree that the meaning of causation is a relic
From the author's point of view, the productivity
of the verb SC "causation of a feature", which is
paradigmatically related to SC "becoming of a
feature" and at the same time opposed to it, in Russian
partially compensates for the weak "drawing" of the
grammatical category of pledge.
The correlation of verb grammatical categories
(GC) proper (kind, pledge, inflection, tense, person)
is complex and is determined by their contribution to
the category of meanings (CM) of proceduralism, the
general meaning of all words belonging to the class
of verbs. According to A. M. Peshkovsky, the kind of
a verb generalises the time of a process or its
distribution in time. In contrast to the category of verb
tense, species is not related to the deictic temporal
(time) localisation of an action, but to its internal
"temporal structure", to the way it is interpreted by
the speaker. In different languages, the category of
kind differs both in the variety of its forms of
expression (synthetic or analytic) and in its content.
The numerous oppositions of reaching / not
reaching the inner limit of the state and the achieved
state, with the notions of repetition, ordinariness, etc.,
noted in the languages of the world, are characteristic
as a kind, acquiring the status of GC in the language.
As I. I. Meshchaninov notes, otherwise it will act as a
semantic (conceptual) category, i.e., as an opposition
of "aspectual classes" (dynamic/static, limit/non-limit
verbs) and their subclasses, the so-called modes of
action within the functional-semantic field of
aspectuality. This means a set of grammatical, word-
formation, lexical and many other means serving to
convey their meanings.
It is not unknown that the categories of kind and
pledge in Russian, relative to the categories of
inclination, time, and person, are word-forming
categories that contribute to the replenishment of the
verb lexicon. Their realisation ensures word-
formation derivation rather than morphological
derivation. Due to this, the form and pledge status of
grammatical categories do not disappear, but their
specificity as categories of classifying character is
emphasised. For example, A. N. Tikhonov, one of the
most convinced supporters of representing the
members of the species pair as forms of one verb and
the presence of pure species prefixes in the Russian
language, held the opposite point of view. In his
Dictionary of the Russian Language, each prefixal
verb takes the place of a full-fledged member of
word-formation chains and paradigms.
These verbs in comparison with the verbs of
becoming in Uzbek are described by I. R. Hakimova,