L with an ugly feud.
Slay four of these forces.
In their primitive nature -
And you're like Gafiza,
And you're immortal in the people.
Classical Persian poetry gave the world not only an
epic masterpiece - Firdowsi's «Shahname», not only
the remarkable cycles of poems by Nizami, Dehlevi,
Jami, but also created great examples of a small
genre. She discovered unknown levels of knowledge
of a particular human soul, depicting the complex
world of the personal in its multifaceted and dramatic
battles with the surrounding life. Abu Abdullo Rudaki
(c. 860-941) - «Adam of Persian Poets», and although
his vast poetic heritage has come to us a little, he
rightly considers himself the ancestor of the classical
lyrics of the Persians, who discovered the main
features of its style, which outlined the circle of its
most important genres and leading themes. He wrote
about love, about the purpose of the man, about the
thirst for happiness, about the beneficial power of the
poetic layer. The call to help the weak and fallen,
rather than to suppress and humiliate them, sounded
in Rudaki's poems a thousand-plus years ago and to
this day echoes strongly in world literature.
The century with little separates Rudaki from
Omar Khayam (c. 1048 - c. 1123), one of the largest
scientists of his time, philosopher and mathematician,
astronomer and polyglot. But the truly worldwide
fame of Hayam brought a few hundred quadruples
(rubay), each of which - a strikingly harmonious
synthesis of bold thought and high feeling. A
humanist and a true-loving, life-loving sceptic and a
mockery of the rationalist, Hayam does not turn away
from the tragic mysteries - the mysteries of existence
and death. He knows how to see the bitterness of life
without giving up its joys. He mocks the lyceums,
saints, prudes, affirms the free self-disclosure of the
human personality, preaches the courage of the spirit,
refuses to worship the conventional dogmas and auto-
rites. Jamaluddin Rumi (1207 -1273) is widely
revered on Vo-Stoke as an activist of Sufism - a
mystical current in Islam, preaching an ascetic way of
life and intuitive knowledge of God. In his poems,
Rumi managed to give mystic love for God, the most
important postulate of Sufism, a universal spiritual
stimulus, a «source of life». The poet vividly
expressed himself in poetic parables, where
traditional, often folkloric subjects are understood by
them in the spirit of empathy for the oppressed and
the poor, contain a satirical rebuke of tyranny, self-
interest, hypocrisy. Rumi's time - the 13th century - is
marked in Persian poetry by the work of the great
native of the Iranian city of Shiraz Abu Abdullah
Mushrifaddin ibn Muslimhiddin, known to the world
under the name Saadi (1210-1292). Previous says that
Saadi studied for thirty years, traveled for thirty years
and wrote for thirty years. A mature husband who had
gone most of his life's journey, he began to create
«Gulistan». «The Garden of Roses» and «Bustan»
«The Garden of Fruits» - the chapters of his works,
containing the result of a large and easy life. A variety
of wealth of wise thoughts, generously scattered
Saadi. But the main thing in his work - faith in the
future of mankind, that the day will come when the
whole world will be like a fruit garden, blooming and
good-eared. The poet believed in man, in his best
qualities - thirst for good and truth, joy and beauty.
Life is given, he said, not for collecting wealth.
What's it for? What's the point? Asking himself this
question, Saadi answered - in love for people,
expressed not in words, but in deeds.
The poet's life experience was imprinted on the
great horror of the Mongolian invasion and the
spiritual dictatorship of fanatical saints. The poet had
to have rare courage and independence of the spirit in
order, like Saadi, to defend his ideal of life in these
conditions. He had the courage, wisdom, and talent.
Saadi's poems have circled the world, the lines of
many of them have become winged. After more than
seven centuries, we continue to read with excitement,
«Of all the gifts of the world, only a good name
remains, and one who will not leave even this is
unhappy». The 14th century in Persian poetry was the
heyday of love lyricism. Both its centre and pinnacle
are rightfully recognized lines of countryman Saadi,
born in the same Shiraz, Shamseddin Hafiz (1325 -
1389). His name has long become a household name
- hafiz in the East is called a natural poet, singer of
love and spiritual freedom. Hafiz perfected the genre
of a small lyrical poem - gazelle, gave aphoristic
slenderness to each of its double-truth-bait, enriched
the poems with a generous call-copy. But most
importantly, he wrote uniquely about love in this
genre - not mystical, but human-real, sensual-bright,
opposing all the bad in the world. Inner integrity, self-
forgetful selflessness, cordiality and sincereness of
spiritual impulses - the features of the lyrical hero of
Gazelles Hafiz. The poet elevated to the level of the
most important events the joy of possession and the
intolerable separation. Here is a new frontier of world
lyricism, an important step towards the realization of
the depths of the human heart. Earthly love acts in
Hafiz as the greatest value of being, as a force equal
in its undoability to the natural elements. The triumph
of love, according to Hafiz, is a verdict on the forces
of evil, lies and violence, and from the hot gazelles of
the shiraz stretches through the centuries of poetic