Analysing Long-Term Dynamics of Zooplankton Abundance in
Karakalpakstan Lakes
Gulistаn Ismаilоvnа Turemurаtоvа
, Hаmid Sаlаvаt ugli Nаgmetоv
Kаrаkаlpаk Stаte University, Nukus, Uzbekistаn
Irkutsk Stаte Аgrаriаn University, Irkutsk, Russiа
Keywords: Zооplаnktоn, Reservоir, Lаke, Regime, Biоmаss Аnd Diversity, Hаbitаt, Wаter Minerаlizаtiоn.
Abstract: The аrticle presents the lоng-term dynаmics оf zооplаnktоn аbundаnce аnd the results оf hydrоbiоlоgicаl
studies оf the fоur lаrgest lаkes оf Kаrаkаlpаkstаn.
The lоng-term dynаmics оf zооplаnktоn were
аnаlyzed, аnd the results shоwed thаt the periоd оf
intense аgriculturаl wаter runоff llutiоn оf the
reservоir wаs mаrked by а greаter аmplitude оf
fluctuаtiоns in the cоmmunity's quаntitаtive
indicаtоrs аnd а significаntly higher number оf
indicаtоrs thаn the mоdern stаge. А significаnt
pоsitive cоrrelаtiоn between the аverаge аnnuаl level
оf the lаke аnd zооplаnktоn biоmаss wаs reveаled.
The selection of hydrobiological materials was
conducted from 2018 to 2022 in the waters of the
lakes of Karakalpakstan. Zooplankton sampling
occurred seasonally in spring, summer, and autumn.
Using a small Jedi net, zooplankton samples were
obtained by thoroughly fishing the water column.
Multiple net lengths were established from the bottom
to the surface at depths of less than 1.52 metres,
using mill gas No. 70. Samples were fixed in a
formalin solution containing 4%. The MBS-10
microscope was utilised in the lab to identify and
count the zooplankton samples that had been
gathered. Relevant groupings and individual genera
were determined using determinants. A portion of the
sample was used for the calculation of organisms
under a microscope, and the remaining portion was
examined to identify big and uncommon individuals.
The following groups of animals were counted and
measured separately: adult females, females with egg
sacs, males, copepodites at the 1-3 and 4-5 age stages,
nauplii, branchious females with eggs or juveniles in
a brood pouch, sterile females, males, and immature
individuals. Upon examining the complete sample,
the number of members of uncommon species and
individuals with morphological anomalies was
Equations relating to linear weight dependency
were used to determine each zooplankter's specific
weight. The quantity and mass of all developmental
stages of each variety of crustacean were totalled.
Subsequently, the numbers and weight indices for all
species in the major categories of organisms and the
community at large were totalled. For one millilitre
(m3) of the water column, the mass and number of
zooplankton were determined. The number of
dominant species (in terms of abundance and
biomass), the ratio of crustacean and rotifer biomass,
the proportion of rotifers, branchious, and copepods
in the number and biomass of zooplankton, the
proportion of cyclops in the number and biomass of
copepods, the size of mature individuals, and the sex
ratio in paddle head populations were all used to
characterise the structure of zooplankton. thoroughly
fishing the water column. Multiple net lengths were
established from the bottom to the surface at depths
of less than 1.5–2 m, using mill gas No. 70. Samples
were fixed in a formalin solution containing 4%. The
MBS-10 microscope was utilized in the lab to identify
Turemuratova, G. and Nagmetov, H.
Analysing Long-Term Dynamics of Zooplankton Abundance in Karakalpakstan Lakes.
DOI: 10.5220/0012955100003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 1144-1147
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In the period of 2018-2022, zooplankton studies were
carried out in the four largest lakes of Karateren,
Atakul, Saykul, and Akshakul in Karakalpakstan. A
total of 65 zooplankton species were identified in
these reservoirs (rotifers - 20, branchiopods - 25,
copepods - 20) (Table 1), with thicket forms
accounting for 35.0% and planktonic forms for
32.2%. Eurytopic species made up 5% of the total.
The remaining part consisted of benthic, benthic
forms, and inhabitants of shallow reservoirs. Among
the rare species, the thermophilic cyclops
Mesocyclops aequatoriales can be noted, with its
known northern border of the range being Uzbekistan
and Karakalpakstan. Of the representatives of the
order Calanoida, only one species has been found -
the thermophilic Sinodiaptomus arsi.
A significant proportion of thicket forms, especially
among rotifers, reflected the shallow status of the
reservoir. Background species included rotifers
Asplanchna priodontata, crustaceans Bosmina
longirostris, Daphnia galeata, as well as Euchlanis
phryne, Alona rectangula, Chydorus sphaericus, and
Cyclops vicinus. Quantitative indicators of
zooplankton were significantly lower, with rotifers
and branchiopods dominating. The composition of
the dominant species varied somewhat over the years
of research, with the relatively constant presence of
B. longirostris, Thermocyclops taihokuensis, and D.
galeata. The population of T. taihokuensis was
dominated by males, and Acanthocyclops trajani was
dominated by females.
Table 1: Quantitative indicators of zooplankton in the lakes
of Karakalpakstan during summer.
Lаkes Rоtiferа Clаdоcerа Cоpepоdа Tоtаl
Number, thоusаndcоpies/m3
Kаrаteren 10,9±6,4 9,6±2,6 7,4±0,8 27,8±5,6
Аtаkul 3,8±0,8 8,4±3,1 28,3±12,5 40,5±14,3
Sаykul 8,9±0,7 77,5±34,9 97,7±30,8 184,1±62,2
Аkshаkul 18,1±7,9 15,0±13,5 11,8±8,9 44,9±30,2
Biоmаss, g/m3
Kаrаteren 0,3±0,2 0,4±0,2 0,05±0,02 0,7±0,2
Аtаkul 0,06±0,02 0,5±0,2 0,3±0,1 0,8±0,2
Sаykul 0,2±0,02 0,6±0,2 0,8±0,3 1,6±0,5
Аkshаkul 0,3±0,05 0,7±0,6 0,04±0,03 1,0±0,7
Quantitative indicators of zooplankton were close
to those of the communities of the Karateren lakes
(Table 1). Copepods dominated in number, while
branchiopods dominated in biomass. The leading
species included the crustaceans Bosmina
longirostris, species of the genera Daphnia, and
Thermocyclops taihokuensis. Zooplankton were
represented by large individuals, with an average
size-mass index of 0.026± 0.004 mg. Paddlefoot
populations were dominated by females, and the
diversity of the community by biomass was at a
reduced level (1.35±0.16 bits/mg).
Widespread in the water areas of the lakes were
rotifers Polyarthra luminosa, Asplanchna priodontata,
A. sieboldi, crustaceans Moina brachiata,
Diaphanosoma lacustris, Daphnia galeata, Bosmina
longirostris, Thermocyclops taihokuensis,
Mesocyclops aequatorialis.
The diversity and abundance of zooplankton were
at a relatively high level, with a moderate amount of
biomass (Table 1). With a subdominant position of
branchiopods, paddleheads constituted the basis of
the indications. The dominant complex included the
usual lake species - B. longirostris, T. rylovi, A.
Zooplankton were developed to a moderate
degree. The basis of the number was formed by
rotifers, with branchiopods dominating in biomass.
A. priodontata and B. longirostris reached high
numbers. The structure of species dominance was
characterized by the location of the biomass curve
above the abundance curve, with their significant
Keratella quadrata, Diaphanosoma orghidani, D.
dubium, Daphnia cucullata, Leptodora kindtii,
Thermocyclops taihokuensis, Cyclops vicinus,
Sinodiaptomus sarsi were most often found in Lake
Zooplankton was the most abundant in a number
of the studied lakes, dominated by paddleheads, with
Analysing Long-Term Dynamics of Zooplankton Abundance in Karakalpakstan Lakes
a subdominant position in the biomass of
branchiopods. The dominant complex included
crustaceans D. cucullata, T. taihokuensis, T. crassus,
Acanthocyclops trajani, Leptodora kindtii.
Crustacean communities were at a relatively high
level. The dominance of crustaceans caused a high
value of the indicators of the size-mass structure - on
average 0.028 ± 0.001 mg.
Studies of zooplankton in the largest lakes of
Karakalpakstan have shown that the community of
shallow Lake Atakul was characterized by the
greatest diversity in the number of species, where a
significant proportion were thicket forms.
Zooplankton of lakes Karateren and Akshakul, with a
sharp increase in depth from the shore, consisted
mainly of pelagic species and were less diverse. The
number and biomass of zooplankton in lakes
Karateren, Akshakul, and Atakul were at a moderate
level. Zooplankton of Lakes Karateren and Akshakul
reached a relatively high abundance. The size
structure of the communities was characterized by the
predominance of large species in the summer, with an
average individual mass of 0.018± 0.028 mg. Due to
the pronounced dominance of several and a reduced
number of species that make up the community, the
diversity of zooplankton was low, especially when
calculating the index value by biomass. With the
exception of Akshakul, the predominant zooplankton
species structure of the 2019 lake was identified by
the placement of the biomass curves above the
abundance curves. In populations of cyclops from
Lake Akshakul, Thermocyclops taihokuensis T.
rylovi Acanthocyclops trajani was dominated by
males; in other cases, female dominance was noted.
The number of zooplankton in Lake Saykul is much
higher compared to the numbers of zooplankton in
other lakes.
Table 2: The number of zooplankton in lakes Karateren,
Atakul, Saykul, Akshakul by year.
Lаkes Yeаrs Number, thоusаnd cоpies/m3
Kаrаteren 2019 -
0,4±0,3 1,6±0,5 5,2±2,1
Аtаkul 2019 -
0,3±0,2 0,1±0,0
Sаykul 2019 -
Аkshаkul 2019 -
8,5±7,5 22,6±4,
Table 3: The biomass of zooplankton in lakes Karateren,
Atakul, Saykul, Akshakul by year.
Lаkes Yeаrs Biоmаss, g/m3
Kаrаteren 2019-
<0,01 0,03±0,
Аtаkul 2019-
<0,01 <0,01 <0,01 <0,01
Sаykul 2019 -
0,2±0,2 0,8±0,1 0,5±0,0
Аkshаkul 2019 -
1,0±0,9 0,3±0,1 1,4±1,1
The basis of the number was made up of
paddleheads, with branched-moustached ones
dominating in biomass. Dominant groups of
zooplankton included: Diaphanosoma lacustris,
Bosmina longirostris, Thermocyclops scrassus,
Mesocyclops leuckarti, and Asplanchna sieboldi.
Among the species were Daphnia galeata, D.
longispina, Moina brachiata, Ceriodaphnia
quadrangula, Alona rectangula, Bosmina longirostris,
Eucyclops serrulatus, Cyclops vicinus, Mesocyclops
leuckarti, Thermocyclops crassus. Previously, the
lake was dominated by the cyclops Acanthocyclops
vernalis. Currently, it turns out that A. traiani lives in
Lake Saykul, and in Lake Karat A. salinus. Compared
with the 80s of the XX century, the number of
zooplankton in Lake Karateren was higher orders of
magnitude, with a smaller amount of biomass.
Currently, the dominant of the past years is
Diaphanosoma lacustris (previously identified as D.
brachyurum), retaining its leading position. At the
same time, the dominant complex included the
previously small Bosmina and Thermocyclops.
Under conditions of unstable water mineralization
(3.0-6.5 g/dm3), quantitative indicators of planktonic
invertebrates varied from 234.5 thousand ex/m3 and
4.1 g/m3 in 2019 to 38.3 thousand ex/m3 and 1.1
g/m3 in 2020. This year, paddleheads attached great
importance, in particular, the joint use of the species
T. crassus, T. vermifer, D. orghidani, D. cucullata, A.
sieboldi in 2019 on A. salinus, C. vicinus, K. squares.
The variety of zooplankton dramatically declined as
lake water mineralization increased. The average size
of individuals increased from 0.0140±0.0020 to
0.0230±0.005 mg. When using T. vermifer, females
dominated, T. crassus and C. Vicinus had large
females. The number of zooplankton reached a high
level, with a moderate intensity of biomass (Tables 2,
3). The paddle-legged, dominant complex included
rotifers B. calyciflorus, A. sieboldi, crustacean
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Thermocyclops taihokuensis, T. vermifer. Thus,
studies have shown that in the summer period, the
abundance of zooplankton in shallow and small lakes
of Karakalpakstan by area was most often at a low
level, which may be closely related both to their
strong overgrowth (up to 40-55%), as well as to high
water temperatures. Zooplankton were developed to a
greater extent in mineralized lakes Atakul, as well as
deeper and larger lakes Karateren, Saykul, Akshakul.
Thicket species of rotifers and crustaceans formed the
communities' backdrop. Some of the Thermocyclops
genus's two-component combination ozeravid
species, occasionally in conjunction with
diaphanosoma. When there is a shift in the
mineralization of the water, as was observed in the
Atakul lakes, the composition of the dominating
species completely changed. The analysis of
zooplankton diversity in general for all lakes showed
that with an increase in the total, average number of
species per sample and the number of dominant
species (P=0.50-0.60, P<0.05), the average individual
weight of zooplankton (g=-0.20) decreased
unreliably. In shallow overgrown lakes, adult
individuals of paddleheads were absent. In the larger
Karateren Lake, mature cyclops were recorded in
single specimens. Suicidal behavior of males was
observed in Thermocyclops crassus (Lake Akakul),
etc. chervets (Lake Saykul) when dominating females
or with moderately active absorption of irrigation in
the population of paddleheads from other reservoirs.
Thus, studies have shown that in the summer period,
the abundance of zooplankton in shallow and small
lakes of Karakalpakstan by area was most often at a
low level, which may be due to both their strong
overgrowth (up to 40-55%) and high-water
temperatures. A tendency to increase the number of
planktonic animals during the high-water phase of the
hydrological cycle, accompanied by irregular
changes in biomass, was found in the long-term
dynamics of the number of zooplankton in the lakes
of Karakalpakstan. There were changes in the
structure of the lake ecosystem, including the value of
an individual's average mass and taxonomic
relationships, as well as an increase in the amplitude
of fluctuations in quantitative indicators and
instability in the composition of dominant species
during this period of increased anthropogenic impact.
Turemuratova, G. I., & Nagmetov, H. S. (2020). The
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Analysing Long-Term Dynamics of Zooplankton Abundance in Karakalpakstan Lakes