Thermocyclops taihokuensis, T. vermifer. Thus,
studies have shown that in the summer period, the
abundance of zooplankton in shallow and small lakes
of Karakalpakstan by area was most often at a low
level, which may be closely related both to their
strong overgrowth (up to 40-55%), as well as to high
water temperatures. Zooplankton were developed to a
greater extent in mineralized lakes Atakul, as well as
deeper and larger lakes Karateren, Saykul, Akshakul.
Thicket species of rotifers and crustaceans formed the
communities' backdrop. Some of the Thermocyclops
genus's two-component combination ozeravid
species, occasionally in conjunction with
diaphanosoma. When there is a shift in the
mineralization of the water, as was observed in the
Atakul lakes, the composition of the dominating
species completely changed. The analysis of
zooplankton diversity in general for all lakes showed
that with an increase in the total, average number of
species per sample and the number of dominant
species (P=0.50-0.60, P<0.05), the average individual
weight of zooplankton (g=-0.20) decreased
unreliably. In shallow overgrown lakes, adult
individuals of paddleheads were absent. In the larger
Karateren Lake, mature cyclops were recorded in
single specimens. Suicidal behavior of males was
observed in Thermocyclops crassus (Lake Akakul),
etc. chervets (Lake Saykul) when dominating females
or with moderately active absorption of irrigation in
the population of paddleheads from other reservoirs.
Thus, studies have shown that in the summer period,
the abundance of zooplankton in shallow and small
lakes of Karakalpakstan by area was most often at a
low level, which may be due to both their strong
overgrowth (up to 40-55%) and high-water
temperatures. A tendency to increase the number of
planktonic animals during the high-water phase of the
hydrological cycle, accompanied by irregular
changes in biomass, was found in the long-term
dynamics of the number of zooplankton in the lakes
of Karakalpakstan. There were changes in the
structure of the lake ecosystem, including the value of
an individual's average mass and taxonomic
relationships, as well as an increase in the amplitude
of fluctuations in quantitative indicators and
instability in the composition of dominant species
during this period of increased anthropogenic impact.
Turemuratova, G. I., & Nagmetov, H. S. (2020). The
current state of studying the ecology of Karakalpakstan.
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