He wrote about the title of the work: “Bu kitābgä
“Nahju-l-farādis” at berdük” (NFİ.1b,16)”. “We
named this book “Nahj-ul-faradis””.
The author also said about the benefits and
wisdom of this book to people: “Bu kitābnï oqïğanlar
bolğay-kim, bu kitāb sözläri birlä ’amal qïlğanlar, taqï
bu kitāb anlarqa Ḥaq ta’alānïŋ uštmahlarïnğa yolčï
bolğay. Ol ’amal qïlğanlar barākatïnda bolğay-kim,
Ḥaq ta’alā bu kitābnï jam’ qïlğan āsî-jāfî qulïnï
yarlïqağay (NFİ.1b,17–2а,1).” “Let those who read
this book know that those who follow the words of
this book and this book will be welcome to the
paradise of Allah. May those who do well be blessed,
and may God bless the slave who wrote this book.”.
The writing history: In the copy of "Nahju-l-farodis"
in Istanbul New Jame says about the date of writing
of the work: “Bü kїtāb tamām boldї tärix yetї yüz
āltmїš birdä šahrullāhi-l-mubārak jumādi-l-ulä āyїnїŋ
āltїnč künїndä erdї-kim, kїtābnї qošlüq vaxtїndä
tamām boldї. Taqї bü kitābnїŋ muṣannїfї maδkür
yakšanba kün däru-l-fanādїn däru-l-baqāğa riḥlat
qїldї” (NFİ.222a,15-17) “This book was written and
completed on the 6th day of the month of Jumadil-
Awwal in the year 761. The author of this book died
this Sunday.”
According to our calculations, this date is April 5,
1359 AD, Friday, and the day of Musannif's death is
March 31, Sunday, the 1st day of Jumadul Ula.
Ahmad Zaki Walidy turns this date into AD and
says that the writing date of the work corresponds to
Wednesday, March 25, 1360, and the death of the
author corresponds to March 22, 1360. However,
according to our calculations, Ahmad Zaki Walidi's
birthday coincides with Jumodul Ula month of 762
The Kazan copy of the work and Shahabuddin
Marjani's copy tell the history of writing the book,
“Ikkinčї yїlqa yettї yüz ellik toqüzda Sarāy šahrїnda
The language of the work: Many people recognize
that the work "Nahju-l-farodis" was written in the
Chigatoy Turkic language. Sharafuddin Marjani in
"Mustafadul Akhbar" about the language of "Nahju-
l-farodis", “Bü kitāb lisānї Usmānlї va Čiğatāy va
Turkmān va Qāzāqїstān lisānlarїna mābayandїr”,
“The language of this book is very similar to
Ottoman, Chigatai, Turkmen and Kazakh languages.”
that is, it is close to these languages.
Ahmed Zaki Walidiy writes in the article
"Turkish works written in Khorezm": “Bu kitābnїŋ
lisānї eski adabiy türk dїlї olmāğla Xārazm türk
lahjasїndä yāzїlmišdir” “The language of this book is
the old literary Turkish language, written in Khorezm
Turkish dialect.”
The language of "Nahju-l-farodis" is the Khorezm
Turkic language, developed from the Karakhanli
language under the influence of the Oghuz and partly
Kipchak local dialects in the lower part of Khorezm
and Syrdarya from the 13th-14th centuries.
The reason for writing the work: About the
reason for writing the book, the author cites a hadith
narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased
with him, and then writes: “Bu ḥadisgä tamassuk
qïlïp, qïrq ḥadis jam’ qïlduq” (NFİ.1b,9) “Following
this hadith, we made forty hadiths”.
From his words, it is understood that this hadith
was the reason for writing the work.
Then he mentions the sources that are the basis of
the book and informs about the scientific value of the
work saying:“Payğambar ’alayhi-s-salām
ḥadisläridin mu’tamad kitāblardїn yana bu ḥadislärgä
munāsib ḥikāyatlar Payğambar ’alayhi-s-salām
aḥvālidin, taqї xulafā‘-i rāšidīn af’ālidin, taqї ’ulamā
va mašāix aqvālidin ḍam qїlduq”, (NFİ.1b,9-1)
“Books on the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad,
may God bless him and grant him peace, and stories
worthy of the hadiths, the condition of the Prophet,
peace be upon him, the deeds of Khulafai Rashidin,
and the words of scholars and sheikhs were also
The structure of the work: After that, he
mentions the approximate structure of the work, that
is, how many chapters and chapters of the book and
how they are named, and says: “Taqї bu kitābnї tört
bāb üzä qїlduq. Taqї tekmä bir bābїnї on fasl üzä
qїlduq. Taqї tekmä bir fasl avvalїnda bir ḥadis
keltürdük. Payğambar ’alayhi-s-salām ḥadisläridin-
kim majmu’ї qїrq ḥadis bolur”, (NFİ.1b,11-13). “We
divided this book into four sections and each section
has ten chapters. There are forty hadiths from the
hadiths of the Prophet, peace be upon him.”
From this, it becomes clear that the work consists
of four chapters and each chapter consists of ten
seasons. Another hadith is given at the beginning of
each season. There will be forty hadiths in total. After
that, he begins to list the common names of each
chapter: “Avval bābї Payğambar ’alayhi-s-salāmnuŋ
faḍā‘ilїnїŋ bayānї ičindä turur. İkinči bābї xulafā‘-i
rāšidin, taqї ahl-i bayt, taqї tört imām faḍā‘iliniŋ
bayānї ičindä turur. Üčünči bābї Ḥaq ta’ālā
ḥaḍratїnğa yawunğu eδgü ’amallar bayānї ičindä
turur. Törtinči bābї Ḥaq ta’ālānїŋ ḥaḍratїdїn yїratğu
yawuz ’amallar bayānї ičindä turur”. (NFİ.1b,13-16).
“The first chapter describes the virtues of the Prophet,
the second chapter describes the virtues of Khulafai
Rashid, the third chapter describes the good deeds
that please God and the fourth chapter describes the
evil deeds that cause the wrath of God.” This quote