consideration of the psychological aspects crucial for
shaping the "ideal" pedagogical model of personality.
Crucial aspects for enhancing the creativity of
teacher-student interactions, aligning with the needs
of young people post-graduation, include fostering
business interaction, public engagement,
independence, autonomy, leadership, pragmatic
problem-solving, self-development in diverse
economic areas, and familiarity with market
interaction models. Additionally, cultivating contact
skills with a balance of social freedom and
responsibility, employing psychological tools for
individual mastery, promoting tolerance, and
fostering a general psychological culture are essential
elements in this pursuit.
The essence of the mechanism underlying a teacher's
choice of influence and interaction methods lies in the
unconsciousness during the decision-making
moment, the automatic execution of established
chains of actions (including techniques, intonations,
and body signals), a shortage of mental energy to shift
pedagogical thinking, and the inadequacy of
alternative automated pathways for influencing
actions. This psychological inertia is further
compounded by the resistance within the teacher's
personality's functional systems, forming a complex
web of associated elements. Consequently, the
foundation for enhancing the creative nature of
teacher-student interactions through specialized
psychological training should involve a continual
process of reconstructing and modifying the
configuration of influence methods available to
This training aims to heighten teachers' awareness
at the critical juncture of choosing influence methods
during an "information occasion." It involves
cultivating a profound understanding of existing
high-frequency individual pedagogical influence
strategies, typically implemented automatically. To
foster creative interaction with students, there's a need
to transform these strategies and redirect influences
from surface-level manifestations to deep personal
connections. This approach opposes contemporary
frontal techniques, which tend to hinder activity and
cultivate traits that limit students' initiative, hindering
the development of skills essential for an active,
independent, and autonomous future life.
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